Friday, 20 September 2024

If this is The Collective Psychosis

that some considered trying to sociologically explain the Nazi War Crimes, which were actually the low point of an all drugged Primate System, than this will happen:
Real Psychosis are the incapability of reasoning. They are all drug related, despite Psychiatric Schooling and when using hard drugs can arise even when at that point sober due to the brain damage caused by the nerve toxin. 
Atypical Neuroleptica are receptor toxins and can increase the effect, if given long term and not sold as Benzos next to a German Railwaystation off the softies from the Park. 
You either shoot them or electrolute them, but arguing in any respect won't do as much as Pepper spraying them.
The brain is in a Zombie on Steroids mode. 
In the worst case scenario, the Germans on all kind of gear from the Health System being Vaccinated... 
They pop at some time and go ballistic collectivly. 
The Black fella in the Supermarket got triggered by something minor, but did not trigger anyone else. Imagine, the Cashier goes ballistic and throws the heavy coin bundle at the guy, one coin hits the
Fat Lady bystanding and she graps the advertising flag pillar as a bat to go all in. 
Funny until you see it happening, and I am recently doomed.
That would mean, because also entire towns have been vaccinated at the same time, that such a trigger could have entire town quarters go ballistic. Like Friedrichshain murdering each other with Vegan Macha by using the actual Pint glasses over a Kinderwagen dispute with a Fixi Bicycle parking position.
Those mass riots would than randomly erupt out of fucking nowhere facing no Police or Military force to than explode the situation by overflooding damaged brains with violence triggers as "He ain telling me what to do!!!!", if they would come to the scene.
If that's not a satire of how bad things could turn, than right in these pockets you will have Olis and Co sitting staring out of the window from hopefully a higher floor telling each other:"Now they lost it!".
In paramilitary terms speaking: These fucking Sherlocks got stuck in a hot zone. 
Noblesse Oblige and we will have to get them idiots out.
Go train Gangsters. 
Laserpointers to shoot 
Running for endurance 
Gym for strenght
Maps to learn how towns work 
Driving by simulators 
Patience by meditation 
The Kingdom of Hell 
Past halftime 

Still first. Jordan is leading. 
