Those last two will also face attacks by armed thieves.
The three will be close to each other.
In the same time the still half way sain will move away into safe zones organising with each other basics.
That is possible on a Cyberpunk 2077 level using a Moving Company and Real Estate Agent after the first time Firefighters cleaned blood of the street outside using their water pipe or in a more hectic way jumping onto the bed of a modified Pick-Up Truck while someone is shooting targeted to kill as in Call of Duty and the safe place is an improvised shelter in a Dark Zone full of looted food cans instead of another office in Lisbon or London.
The problem there is that, like Asimov in Ukraine, some are learning by doing than with a taste for the weak going looking for them.
No striding masses of Zombies, but SS next level looking for toys living their sadist desires.
I weirdly like that and wonder how quickly I can digg fish ponts and place barb wire around a mid-mountain village, set up fences and gates, loot remaining Wholesale Supermarkets, stop counting head shots and have to loot electronics places against boredom rising attention of someone thereafter ending in the most certainly hidden barbwire around the nice ponts.
Anyway. It won't get that bad.