Sunday 1 September 2024

That strange love to Dali

of many I keep meeting or watching. 
Obviously, that Tate there finally adds a Dali to his Lighter and is soon ready for an Andy Warhol to one day dare a van Gogh.
Gucci, but with taste and style instead wild gold flashing into your face.

Important from my perspective is that Dali is having made money and fame from being full of shit in a world of bullshit all around and therefore was able to keep is actually pleasant on the eye art financial outcome which is therefore legitimate important art work and one of the most important representatives of the Dark Modernity and Industrialisation. 

Others won't cut that bullshit, because we can fight! 

#thedarkmodernity #IRAmovement 

We do mind the bolloks now and what is in those Tins!