Wednesday 2 October 2024

Israels Real Options?

They don't have any beyond continuing their path of doing all possible to dominate economically by military means all of Arabia, except one or two Ghettos maybe. 
Dubai and Oil.
That means they will get dragged deeper into a large scale war that will come to Europe by terrorist attacks comperable to Charly Hebdo, but quite possibly more sophisticated.
That French Gangster escapeing from a Police Van transport is either still in the Shadows or I missed a Police success story. 
The Axe of The Cursed has commando capabilities and Europe is not as different socially as China, even so it hurts our new Lords in charge since the Holocaust. They can hide, fight and hit where it hurts on all quality levels of violance. 
One bullet or one bomb is quite a difference in impact on several levels and layers of a society, but executed by the same kind.
Israel will soon send it's Airforce to hit targets in Iran based on most likely Satellite reconnaissance and search more human target by its Spys. 
That also means Iran will increase its Anti-Aircraft systems, maybe by Russian build material, and hit harder on potential aliens to society.
Spys are not that covered usually and only the best stay covered over a long time. The side effect will be to hit corruption and thereby strengthen the administrative system and entities of the economy.
GeStaPo will either cut ties to another weak chain and drop its Israelits, as much as there will be no one past Elon investing in Germany, or try to get the USA into a full war against Arabs trying to form Unions in Kibbutzim for work contracts and keep their Olive Trees without freak campers bearing weapons.
I assume that might face some internal resistance.
All jokes aside, this is World War 4 and World War 3 also known as The Cold War ended, but not nuclear. 
May the Best survive! 
#provos #terroristgangs #OGGIs