Wednesday 2 October 2024

The next front and

they won't ask you why you speak the Jewmurderer language that perfectly. By today nobody can tell Nazis covering among their pray, The Kaisers Israelits, Nationalst Supremacists and the Corrupt into Shoah Business apart.
We all understand that noone is like the Tailor in Charly Chaplains The Dictator.
That part of Judaism is dead or, Inch Allah, hides to perfectly by now far away from whats coming.
All groups of Israel that collectively failed to respect Arab's right to prosper in a good peace are now target in what's coming.
These two speak German as good as those asking me from which village I was, but do not scare off the German Moslem Thug as I do. 
Kill each other. We were here first and spoke French and Jiddish until you made friends with Jewmurderes.
For what ever.
That village speak, is a form of Jiddish or Dutch or Swiss, spoke proof of Jewish status until you started teaching history and sounds nicer than your German which stinks like Greed, Hate and Supremacy.
#provos #terroristgangs