Thursday 17 October 2024

Turns out

a humble Lobster beated the Pumuckle Power Ranger attack... 
It's weired when things happen you did not see coming, but kinda did imply to see coming. 
Anyway. Next year will be than really competitive.... 
#freaks #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Not having the toolset is, as a hint, less the physical attributes, but most likly being mentally ready to be the living God figure of all with a small Penis. Like, driving my tiny red hot hatch through town gives a reputation and handling to be the biggest Penis in town needs some psychological preparation as well.
Obviously, Mr Olynpia is way harder to deal with than being the Red Arrow in a shithole with one roundabout having an all ever empty inner line, but two with a traffic jam. 
#trollnation #gfyAll