Obviously, that's a Mexican infront of The Wall having an educated guess.
This being said is Elon to much of a freak to get shot, has no stakes in the big corpos that overcharge, but they all need him and he well can run an Ivory League team of bookies going through the Treasury.
Than, they will look for efficiency issues such as multiple buying offices for copy paper missing better deals by higher quantities as the most prominent cost cut item of the standard accountant consultant book.
The actual quality of work measure comes when they speak to the higher and mid managers asking them how their work could be done more efficiently and where butterfly opportunities effects are missed.
This won't happen in a term. The trick will be to have short immediate impacts for the marketing politics marketing and to put their egos off to make sure that the following term holders can harvest from ideas implemented only a Subject Matter Expert can come up with.
And no PhD ...