What if there will be no crash, because everyone can't afford?
As much as everyone who has a saying keeps repeating that Russia attacked Ukraine despite the Russian minority living on Krimea and in the Donbass having decided to split off asking Russia for military support after demonstrators got shot dead in times of civil unrest possibly caused by a Secret Service operation, as much BRISC would go ballistic if The Wests financial systems takes a stock market crash out of which atleast the EU would not recover quickly.
Financial Tsunamies of which are two pending, on the Stock Market and in Crypto, can in times of economic trouble be as bad as a Tsunami at a coast line with a nuclear power plant at the beach front.
Stock Prices can fall without any stocks being transferd based on Bid and Ask relations. Without solid economic fundamental data only speculative risc investments will buy and all into secure long term positioning go elsewhere.
Being leveraged long might mean that as Russia being the Bad Boy, the one triggering a major system shock is Dead Man Walking by someone minding Putin laughing them out....
It is not that many calls from Langley. BlackRock, Citi, Barclay's, Goldman Sachs and Max Headroom would know who else.
The Free World. Free as far Secret Services can spit....