Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Some is going on...

A CEO shot, a Bronx ambush and L.A. back to gun fights. Well almost. Entering "Brooklyn shooting" by mixing up New York borrows gives several recent results.
Europeans tend to believe Americans keep shooting each other for fun as an outdoor activity, but that is wrong. Americans just dont walk with Police, because they say so. Gang shootings are usually happening in honestly and really bad neighbourhoods where alikes meet since the South-Central uprising.
Most areas became homogeneous, which means that High Streets and Mall shootings do not happen that often compared to business related shootings way off the media attention getting Amoks within the Drug Trade and MTV Thug Lifestyle communities.
These shootings lately are crossing into Grocery stores and Malls, which appears to be an escalation.
It also means that Sheriff voting communites will increase neighbourhood watch activities and GI Gangs will be possibly on high alert.
We still mind Dr. Kings way of passing...
PS: If that is backed by real stats than I would as a Pentagon Chief of Staff ask all military personal to conceal carry when visiting home having their Military ID ready in a front pocket and increase Pistol training for everyone in all facilities.