because that MTV shit is real in Germany. That dude is real. He is a Gangster here in Germany. I kid you not. His arrogant confidence comes most likely from also having a Police Badge. Since dropping an Amok threat on the BKA website I had three influencers showing up with either a Polizei Uniform or a BKA Badge walking off again not one sober, but all stupid arrogant in total ignorance of just having had their lucky day.
They don't fucking catch anything....
Which is the only problem, that they don't get any message being stuck in their stupid delusional arrogance being mentally incapable to estimate the violance they face now me having finally time for them despite the last three times Polizei came here and fucked off again, if they don't surrender their shit show theft attempts. At this point they are to scared to come again, but also to stupid to further pull off PsyOps having never had a series of dead cops by a Cop Killer retaliation run, because that's all Hollywood or a Psychosis no matter them shitting their pants.
#provos #terroristgangs