Sunday, 23 February 2025

Rats & Big Bad Investments

 He saw a Rat and that mean little beast was smiling at him. They can feel fear and run when they see me. Rat population is growing and I had some in my little town garden.
Just, I have my hunting instinct kick in hard and grapped one of my two short swords to go after that bitch. Having found the nest under the Raised Bed having two entrences, I closed one and put the garden water pipe into the other while hitting from the top down in a few centermeters distance in a straight pattern starting above the used entrance. Some others and three mice fell victim to my catapult and 6mm steel balls over the last few years, if not running straight back away across that dirty dead neighbouring ground. Now, my garden is surrounded by a NATO stanard barb wire on the ground and the screams at night ended. Rats teach each other about every aspect of fear.

I would not invest a lot into the house he has to do a reconstruction of any sort. I'd get some barb wire at the wall and a sieve for that drainage to build a small garden into that back after having killed that rat nest somewhere around by pouring poison next to it.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #knights Vs #princes