Saturday, 22 March 2025

Anyone aware of

 these stories about the Vietkong shooting a soldier to wound him only and than taking on his comrads about to save him?
If that is a realistic scenario of an underground war in the Golden Triangle inbetween a Free Zone Boss in Remote Northern Laos and Chinese military, then there was CIA units hitting U.S. Soldiers using Germans and White South Africans commanded by KKK back in Vietnam and I suggest to visit these Delta Mercenaries friends and families at home making sure they are coming home to find out they turned orphans, like so many Traveller kids in a forgotten covered past, and to strike that Jungle Las Vegas with a letter bomb campaign until they only accept emails.
But than, its just Hollywood. And the World is Free. It is in no way the German Verzögerungstaktik applied by special forces and what would have happened to Russians entering Kiev. My Hell's Kitchen is also in no way your last stand where the KSK with GSG would apply such, if I would just move out and away and the Russians would invade over Cocain and Gangs on Tsunami levels ripping your society appart. No way. No Shadows. No Shadowrunners are better than ... 
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars
PS: You don't ask to get shot. You will find out how many bullets you can deal with, crawling to cover. Dead, you can't return the favor. #provos #racoons #acecompany #armystrong #spearhead