and then he sais that's just a set to get blood into the muscle so you it looks big. I am not sure if he knows conciousely, but I know that the science involve into Elite Bodybuilding is very different on both continents.
The Blood is transporting all needed acids, like realy all from Amino to bad bad gear, into the muscle. Americans also have per default long massage sessions and do actually some stretching.
In terms of Biochemy such sets aggrevating the blood cycle system could be extremely important, but also extremely deadly.
Like, when you have snake blood you wanna suck...anyway keep going.
The Jerk.
PS: Conciouse is in English not just Gewissen in its meaning and use. It was or can be used in terms of an active mind, being aware, which does directly refer to moral decisions....just for you Grammer Nazis out there translate Should, Need, Must, Ought, Have and then correct me...:-)