where night satellite pictures show no light sources at all, the very opposite of Centre Ville Paris Rive Gauche, having stock piled Skinnies from Afgahnistan without AKs, but still eager to jihad fuck everyone that must have come purposfully to Germany to figure out Hitler's grand kids are pussies... they had to pull in 150 from even Bavaria to get the situation under control again being most shocked that Polizei prints mean shit nothing.
#provos #terroristgangs #undergroundwars
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell
PS: Anyone in need of mercenaries, stupid, badly trained, listen to brutality, like all kinds of drugs a lot and guaranteed won't stay alive long if U.S. military comes along, but do kill and surpress others? Suhl. Thuringia. The German Woods. Being Really broke....