So, he is full of shit. National economies do not share work, they compete with each other. It does not make any sense that mobile phones made specifically or U.S. customers are produced in China. It does make no sense that 80% of all Semiconducators are made in Taiwan. It only make sense to build that to take work away from humans like me pushing us into poverty.
It does make sense that Chinese produce mobile phones dedicated for China and U.S. Americans in the U.S. designs, versions and items dedicated for U.S. customers still finding mobile phones from other markets next to local items in the shops.
The 30ies were different. The Germans took power. They attacked U.S. Banks to steal their Gold putting them out of business until only one Bank remaind. They came in Europe to our Football Games and Markets in SA Uniforms to attack our citizens with machine guns and grenades and made lists of shops, factories and castles to murder the owners and give that property to their own right along with their names.
The 30ies were a Guerrilla Terror War of The Germans against all others, because we did not kill enough of them by WW1 Artillery fire so they continued to take our names, identities and all we build and had created in millennias in which they were at best baggers, but most of the time thieves or murderers and never anything else.
Today, they rule. Even Trump derives from Germans, fortunately he is not the worst of these humans and we share an enemy.
The CIA and their Affiliates. All GeStaPo, collaborators and follow up organisations.
Get ready..... This is the Storm we seized fire awaiting.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdome of Hell