Saturday, 22 March 2025


 does not mean import tax. Tarriffs can be also applied to trade Volumes. That makes sense when two trade partners agree upon one side building up a domestic production being still depending on the imports of the trade partner.
In The German Mind that is bad and means war, but that is short sighted. 
Except a market is allready satisfied with a product and thereby demand will drop, like most humans own a Screwdriver and can borrow one from a neighbour, demand will remain by competing products having different designs increasing demand at least for some time.
It also enables the exporter to send the product into others markets without creating overproduction facilities.
That means that the importer has to openly present the production errection plan to the trade partner letting him calculate his options of either reducing production or building new partners delegating the existing production in a fair climate.
But yeah. Fucking it all up by war is an option. Stupid and blunt, but who is sober? Only the crazy, innit.