Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Shopping happy in a consumer world

We all need small and bigger kicks in this society we all keep or even create every single day over and over again, being way too often scared of trying to change or even drop out of, like a sober, no addict homeless, a real Clochard did.

So, we go shopping to buy things we don't need for the small and bigger kick, that apperantly only lasts about three months according to Dr Google news on psychology (you will have to look to confirm for yourself, as information changes).

The chicks know it: "let's go shopping", from just browsing to a parachut level of bags with all stuff coming home smiling and also forgetting about it quickly. 

Spontanious shopping for the small kick is for the rich and stupid, while poor kids that grew standing infront of the toys cupboards in the toy shop, first learned what budget means and than started to study the available goods, overall and wihtin price range. If steeling is no option, because the shop ain no Sheriff's shop in Nottingham city, you'll have to make an educated buyers decision. What is giving me the biggest bang for the buck?!? Investment banking baby level.

While the rich kid keeps either trashing his stuff or simply forgetting it about until someone in the family understands what a flee market or eBay is for and we get a second shot option, poor brainers have only stuff that actually gives joy, in my personal position still nothing I cannot mentally seperate from in about 30Seconds as in heat when the world shoud hit the fan. But that's living in one Hell's Kitchen of this world.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #thestove

Monday, 25 July 2022

Applied topic focused lessions

In a region or quarter or just school in which a known alcohl abuse problem exists the teachers will each have a speach...everybody is just annoyed by.

Instead you split up the alcohol topic onto each god dam lecture from alcohl use and abuse in literature, alcohl impact in biology from the bio-petrol bomb explosive device to the different highs of different kinds of alohol and related impact on perception and physical ability to abuse and long term abuse impact, mathematics on cocktail Vs long drink, Vs straight in efficency relative to promille of blood alochol level and deadly doses by different body weights and lever values, sports on balancing skilles practice sessions up to advanced blindfolded one foot basketball standind arms tight, religious Bible and Koran quotes on alcohol use and how hell looks like as a distillery some real high impact work teacher....

Summerhill school principles for all or we try anarchy.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Slave farm mathematics

The enemy of the free human, the one Charly Chaplin warned us about and described as men with machine hearts, like to lie by e.g. giving false proof of slave labour being economically ligit. The Nazi were the last that tried that and we are still missing a monument for the unknown Nazi slave labourer that activly resisted by working even worse.

Resistance has many forms. From placing bombs in frequented restaurants to targeted assassinations to having not seen the partisan running away and also to be the sand corn over the cockwheel in the bad mean machine keeping slaves.

Slavery is based on tyranny in opposite to free labour that is based on ... all and everything good. If we work together we work better, deliver better quality results, if we are happy, we feel better and work in even more harmony, if we do things we enjoy they turn out to be best...and yet over and over again someone will come up with a possibly even sophisticated work, but based on the foundation of slavery.

A house is only as solid as its foundation. So why try building or even discussing, if the foundation is rotten and weak.


Friday, 22 July 2022

The best prisoner

 If you meet the ancisters of war criminals that keep walking in deadly footsteps, you hear a lot. Such as that mankind develops most in times of war and conflict, that the best prisoner is the one that does not know he is a prisoner and that modern konzentration camps need to be virtual.
There is a top dog politian that wrote a master theses on the profitability of the American slave farms and he actually got away with it.

The whole point is, that these top dog bullies are all following the same strategy of hiding against the stronger and hitting the weak by using always and ever two different sets of measuring tape for them and others, like a priest gone bad preaching drinking water, but getting piss drunk on the church wine every single evening.

The metaphor of the barbarian
A barbarian, but of the bad kind, stepped into a barder shop and put a silver coin on the table. He then loudly told the master barber that this would be his coin for a perfectly cut beart, but he'd kill him with his long big sword, if he'd just scratch him.
The master looked down and saw his hands shaking so he walked into the back room and told the apprentice about the words of the barber. The apprentice said he'd do the cut.
So he did and gave the barbarian a perfect cut down of his long beart.
The barbarian asked him why he'd done the cut, as he appeard to him to be apprentice. 
The apprentice said: "The entire time I had my sharp razor blade at your throat and would have cut it entierely, if I would have just scratched you."
"Oh my God", the barbarian said.
And the apprentice pushed the blade into his main arteria at the throat, but now holding a towel to catch the blood, which he would not have had, if he was just scratching him....

Bad is killed by evil so the good are save. But be aware that bad nothing fears more than evil, so .... hide to strike, especially when in the inside.

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Learning form others mistakes and a possible end to monopols

Some economic enterprises turn monopole by a superior business concept, others by economic false play. Price dumping and blocking competitors of the markets will create revolts as it did when the first machanized looms flooded poor quality textiles subsedised by rich banks money and guards of ill minded lords blocked well organised decentrelised loom products from villages of the town markets by force, that were the blue print for Karl Marx suggestions to improve industrialisation and were so badly misinterpretated by another form of fashism: The stalinist idea of the poorly educated worker called the proletarian being the superior class over the coky aristrocratic educated old lords no matter of which attitude towars the commons.

Yet, both are monopoles and digitalisation made the market tendency in a credit based economy of monopolisation even faster. Even so AOL is gone, showing that also digital market dominators can fail, the internet is made and run by monopole companies and change only happens, if technology changes like AOL disappeared when internet entry portals gone obsolote by browers having a start page on .... wich turned into your prefered no choise default search engine.

This happend by a superior concept so. Google first showed only the search bar, a concept today called reduce to the max that is the hip way of focusing on the core business concept. AOL showed news, emails, a messanger and came with a tutorial to hook up the computer to the telephone line by a modem.

Google also created success by a new concept of showing search results putting on top of the automated index driven keyword search or parsed websites a rating based on links, which was the unique selling point of HTML that made the web possible.


Ok. Google scans all webpages it gets a grip on. It then creates a record of all words on that page. If you enter a word in the search bar, google goes through all records and shows you which pages contain that word or most of the time combination of words.
Since no computer and no software can understand the text on a webpage like a human expert reading a page of a book, the ranking also includes the amount of links to that page.
HTML is the simple language that gives webpages its structure and the cool part are links that by clicking them make you jump to another part of the book.

That's why google seach results are still often shitty, the thingy ain no clue, if its true.

The problem for the market users, the customer is that google only covers a fraction of all even publically available information and the problem for everyone that wants to build something alike is that google is for free, in a profit based system and therefore shuts down all competation that is not subsidised....

The right place to have some services get in to check for national securtiy threats looking for all and everyone that tries to find out how to build a bomb, too.

All for a sudden there are several interest groups that have no interest anymore to have a competetive market based on the very rules of our society. The lazy customer believing in ignorance is bliss, the main big player gotten fat and super rich, the secret services having an easy job and even investment banks that can just buy one stock over risking venture capital failure all hooking up and terminating progress.

Most prefere to ignore that this strategy also will kill them, as not only Marx prediceted that after oligopol, a monopol will create a collaps.

Companies like Google do not need to be split up, actually. They well can create competition themselfes for their own good. Since the 90ies many colleges offer courses in Entrepreneurship, which is a discipline that teaches how to create split of companies from within an enterprise.
Like the factory car worker that develops a spare part exhaust fitting on the car he assembles, but needs an accountant, a facility and sales guy beside a web shop designer to sell that thing all his colleagues want, cannot do that on his own, but well with investment money of the car factory and the help of the guy in the Entrepreneurship department, if it just would exist. That way there are also new development routs in an all limited pyramidical system and that almost frustratet controller got a better suited more motivating position in that cool start up.
Most companies are too inflexible or in their leadership spirit not like that, especially that our free world capitalism makes blunt theft, so the rich son looks good, too easy for too many.

Beside Google that serves most searches well, there is still 80% of information uncoverd completly, if it is true that Google only has coverd about 4% of all web pages in the world wide web.
No topic dedicated search engine can exist profitbale, because who would pay? The customer user or the customer registered? Developing new forms of search logic is difficult and needs a team of scientist level experts in several disciplines from coding to mathematics to linguists and even basic research papers on computational learning or pattern recognition are few and hard to find.
A system in which being too intelligent turns a problem, followship is valued higher than creativity, in which the better is an enemy and theft is easier than sharing innovation creates a grid lock in which all the same, but in new covers gets promoted as innovation creating a downward loop that appears as progress.

In terms of education we are back to "And she's spinnig" times when Galileo Gallilei had to swear he was wrong against a corrupted stiff system forcing him to lay down false witness, but that also created the first Secret Societies in history to exchange forbidden hypothesises and knowledge, that today are Hollywood level material on Church conspiracy thrillers missing the topic a bit in favor of popcorn entertainment.

Like in the dark mid ages when the pest cut through the failing European system of an abusive order we face today the limits of our economical system and even a virus that fortunatelly until here is in no way as leathel as the pest was, but that is creating an economic crisis in a system that already fails for at least two decades to finish complex projects in expected time or cost.

Either the western free world reforms or humans like me will stop talking, but take what we deserve from the thieves and their collaborators with violance. That's what history books show from Spartacus in the antique Rome to the French Revolution and The Troubles in Ireland.

You owe us.....plata o plomo?