Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Comments - Rocker Nation G Vs Modernist Incorporated on Die in Style

The CEO of testo on G style

Thank you for these insites. It is interesting to me that you ignore the cut on the suits and insist on a black suite that IMHO only a Rabbi wears on both funerals and weddings. Also the choice of no logo Polo's, while to me it makes a difference, if I meet someone in a Lacoste or Fred Perry and with only one I'll carry a bat. And on shoes, must is fitting to suite and is only two real choices, which is fitting in colour classic for friendlies or half boots deriving from the same places like trench coats best fitting like a trainer on all occasions to personal for Fred Perry's. Watches must be showing the precise time and have a stop watch function.

I hope we meet one day where James won't go.



The New Lover Boys

 Tate's officers chit chat

In the past the Lover Boys, in opposite to the classic Pimp that got chosen by the women to be turned into a representing, prison time taking Christmas tree full or rich men's insignias, basically tried to create sex worker slaves by being nice and bagging in the begining to then turn despotic fearsome.

These are different. 

The new Tate's will look first for the appropriate appearance using the classic Pimp's insignias and short cuts and than find a female collaborator having the same idea of an enfavored livestyle to find other women to abuse.

It appears that after the end of classic Pimpery, some Lover Boys found female Pimps that were also known in the Red Light Industry and are known for being extremly vioalant to other woman covering up as fellow sex workers.

I wonder how big the amount of transexuals is among the successful Tate's and hope that especially The Wallen have by now managed to better organise them creating a defensive unit ready, if supportive Dutch Police and Politics should face an enemy to smart to by beaten by the system.
Frankfurt Main might loose Rocker and classic Pimp ground to these, because they appear to be closer in behaviour and attitude to the allmighty German AG and its Bankenverein that in the end of the day have the real power. Other spots they will quickly take are all hotel bars in every business area form Lisbon to Warsawa especially, if prostitution is forbidden.
Spots that are hardcore Right Wing Crime such as Sweden already have illigeliced prostitution years ago creating a paradise spot for high prises and abuse, because first the sex worker and then the client will face charges, giving every Pimp time to get away crossing a close by boarder.

On the other hand side, in a world at war fighting for Hegemony, Oligopole and Multipolarity this will give plenty of space for shadow runs with national authorities loosing reputation and power constantly creating a more and more aggressive and violent world in the shadows of our all connected society.

We'll rise. Provos Nocturnem Sunset.
Ready for war Herren Orden?

Looking at the CV of Stephen Ronald Bell it confirms my assumption I already had on the Tates. Someone with inherited Confederate, Nazi and/or Apartheid money stored in the international Venture Capital and Hedge Fond industry build up these willfary collaborating officers of a Master Race Lifestyle by making sure their venues will succeed.
So, where do their CFOs come from by birth place, education and network fraternity and you'll find those Yacht owners behind tax haven registered investment vehicles.
Drop it when I have time for fishfeet....in WW4 gettig hot like hell's stove.

#provos #centurion #deadhead
The Irish Republican Citizen Rights Movement Independent Cells New Model Army Covered Operations Force.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Comments - On the importance of Trench Warfare


On the importance of Trench Warfare 

I'd love to pinn it down to the IQ of some warlords, but sadly, security lines in every espect will become even more important, if this war for a pluralistic multipole world goes covered operations instead of nuclear.

The more this current conflict and last stand up of those that caused all prior World Wars turns into a modern version of the Cold War, the more important will securing large facilities become.

Hence The West tries to break off Russian and Chinese influence in the 3rd world, as they did during the Cold War, they will have to attack there investements and cut down on future investements by hitting their research and developement facitlities, as they did during Cold War, but this time more directly than financing e.g. Columbian Contras that attacked and murdered socialist run farms forcing them into the cocain production or joining Russian and Cubain equipped FARC.

Soon, trenches and AI driven drones will surround agricultural facilities in pretty much all 3rd world countries and many villages in Sahel, Sahara or the Jungle of the Golden Triangle will be sourrounded by dual purpose trenches, walls and have check points.

The world will become way more Dark Future Cyberpunk than some imagined, but no Mad Max Acopolyptic end of mankind....if we all force our bad boyz into underground wars keeping hands of most civilians.

#provos #MIB #peacekeeperterrorists #nobodyissavegranted

Monday, 19 June 2023

The Fisherman and the guy

A guy is taking a seat next to a fisherman and sais why don't you buy a boat to catch more fish, build a huge company and than when you got rich and old you can be a fisherman....

What actually happend:

The rich man running a fishing boat fleet got jelous about the man fishing and send Police to forbid fishing like the fisher man did. The fisherman therefore could not fish anymore, but had plenty of time to think about the rich man and his fleet of Police men. Whom to take out to go back fishing?

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Comments - Tate's Afgahn faith

Andrew Tate Discussion with Mohammed Hijab

So where is Taty going with his new Afgahn faith friends and are you aware against whom you have to stand? 

On one hand side I certainly don't mind, if he manages to recruite all LoverBoy material and tries to turn them into H smugglers via the Romanian hub or guarentees the Mexican Fetanyl supply, because The Wallen have one problem less and only their own Western guys score that stuff, but I am not sure if I can hold down Turkish Intelligence, Kurdish Peshmerga, Iran Bazar Security and Pakistinan Real Mudjahedin or anyone in the Northern Alliance to take out somewhere inbetween Kabul Supermarket and the Islamabad Marriott hotel your fools, bevore they can have an impact on Western streets.

Just have a look whom the Fentanyl crisis hits. This gear is the worst Chemical Warefare backlash to those that caused the South Central riots in the 80ies ever and motivates to keep up the military training in US militias. The hub would be also Romania, Milano where MS took spot already or the Costa del Sol to be close to Marokko and therefore Sahel south lybian bandits trying to reopen the West African route from the north?

Watching you and your army grow will help.


Good Look, as you know: Those with the Devil are watching you, boy.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

The underground war kick off

Someone has to kick off the game. While we are all in each already on his position from Red Baron to Hit Squats and the aliens drug supply is hit hard, and I kept my tunes for longer than ever, the big fellas are about to join.

Soon, the Russian FSB will find out that their Chechnyans have no contacts in The West and, if they start going through old video footage of civilans and publically available private photos in social media, they'll find quite some way too close relatives from the Chechnyan Wars. Like me Tennis Coach.

The CIA as the lead of the hegemonial status quo aspirations of Rhe Aliens among us in The West has little to no direct successful experiance in gang wars and street level covered operations. They got fucked, hard. Always, everytime they lack contractors who are about to break loose.

Still, for all parties involved, Chechnya is the perfect kick off place and possible first battle ground of the next level of underground and gang wars I suggest, hence reasoning is no option, in this struggle of the rich and powerful.

Chechnya is practically an aggricultural 3rd world country and therefore perfect ground for research on export technologies that would further increase the Russian footprint within 3rd World nations by finding solutions in fish farming, low tech applications in general, integrated aggricultural chains by adding simple and reliable high tech components that are smart, because they make sence and finding new procedures.

While The West gets tyrannised with adverts for camera fridges sending pictures to the mobile on the couch, fish farming creates stable food supply for millions in Africa, interesting investment opportunities for the next wealthy and is still in its efficiency beginnings. Fish farming is a good example, because the water of the ponts can be checked by single board computer sensors, can be used to water plants being enriched by nutrition created by the fish and the fish need to be feeded.
The 3rd world needs sustainable renewable and friendly technology, but no war to make it onto a level in which there is even demand on ready-cooked meals that offer a very interesting profit chain.

Chechnya, having an old and long tradition of good cooking, being no high-tech country and being in its economic and farming structure very close to most 3rd World nations is the perfect research base for nation development after an infrastructure is created.

Targets of The West would be University facilities that collect and analyze the data of participating farms, logistic companies, electronic companies, research and investment enterprises form Start-Ups to Oligarch main players, from local workshops build by the next Steve Jobs of this world to internationally operating companies missing their Yachts and Football Club VIP parties and all inbetween, for now.

Touch the innocent, in Chechnya or Mexico and we take your heads form the White House to the Kremlin. Remember that Mengele had kids, and also Jon Rambo, above the belt line. 

Iron Clad The Goblin 

We are capable of bombing runs, precise bombing, liquidations, social engeneering and covered kills using from hands only to sophisticated weapons all means on the Bloody path of God we chose as a live and all seldomly swear to protect the Americna way of life: Freedom!

The Provos an IRA associated independet cell resistance system.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

The Tower of Babylon

 King James Bibel Genesis 11

Complete Jewish Bible Genesis 11

First of all we have to understand that the Holy Scritptures quite differ from each other; Than that the interpretation of those does even more.
In general there are two schools in all religions with many versions of each other: Dogmatics and Mystics.
Dogmatics are looking for a set of rules and Mystics are in love with chaos, like the differenc of a scientific fact based documentary and a sci-fi action movie.
Both need each other in order to develop and the actual constant struggle is to keep them in harmony. There is no struggle between them, the accomplish each other, if they are in harmony.
In all religions this difference, like the difference of Adam and Eve, are the base for all progress, like it needs men and women to make more humans.

The bad side of religion is called occultism, even so occult means litterly in old greek Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected and still today the actual dictionairy definition of occult is Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected and therefore is no more than another word for mysticism.

The most famous of all occult is the Dark Order called part of the Nazi Weapon SS and the GeStaPo that also had units searching for the Holy Grail Jesus drank from, apperantly, giving eternal life, apperantly, if drank from. But this is another mystic story: Who want's to life for ever.

Their interpretation and of all their collaborators of the Genesis story is usually that it is bad to mix humans and that God will punish them. 
Fact is, that there is no written explanation of God's decision to break up the Tower of Babylon. It sais so, that they managed to build the tower and than nothing was impossible anymore for them.

In my interpretation, coming from the Templer Order of the Rose Crusaders that swear to only follow their heart, is that this is what they got: Nothing.

Humans are limited creatures, in opposite to the almighty God and the angels inbetween. We have trouble to imagine the meanings of eternety or an absolute end. We struggle with understanding and accepting death and hope that there is something after, which well may be the birth moment of all religions: A human wondering where dead fella went to while is body was still there, but life was missing.

Further east religion is closer, or still is closer, to philosophy. Buddishm and Hinduism both don't know, unlike our monotheist religions, churches also as powerful organistions being states. Everybody knows the Yin and Yang symbol appearing like two fish and each colour also has a spot of the other, both being in a circle. In general this is a symbol for the worlds duality, like Adam and Eve, Good and Bad, White and Black being both no colours reflecting all or no light instead of only parts or like End and Beginning.
If we achieve all, if all is possibly for us, God also teaches us what nothing means and is, and this lession is no punishment, neither good nor bad, it just belongs together, like after birth there will be death somewhen part of live.

Like Fight Club trys to reach point 0 in life.
Like All Saladin said Jerusalem is everything and nothing.
Like Freedom is something to die for.

#jedi #mysticism #rosecrusader

Comments - South Africa failed state

South Africa is a failed state 

What really happend. The ANC made the mistake of showing mercy to those without mercy being still scared by the ever same drug based tactic. The Apartheid system was like the Confederate system a system based on fear and intimidation and blunt oppression.

Knowing that the South African Civil Rights movement had a lot of support from within those Africans that were of European and also Indian heritage they decided to use a mild form of truth finding in which everyone who would confess was forgiven.

Beside blunt lies, the Apartheid system was based on anyway they also did not hit down on Black African collaborators that supported out of hate or profit instead of surpression the White African slave system.

The money those aliens to mankind made was never ligit in any respect and South Africa was way poorer during Apartheid, just the available wealth was pilled up on a fraction of the population and even a lot of that came from Blood Diamond trade, illigal mining and illigal Ivy trade.

They founded black facing and self-tanner.

South Africa is today still in the same borders that were based on slave owner military needs and therefore represents a geogrphy and not the different people living on that soil.

This country needs structural reforms of all systems, institutions and geographic enteties and has to allow the White Africans to be as hard as needed against the common enemy.

We grew up among them, not on the other side of the fence.

#provos #gangwars #ANCexpedetioncorps
04:13 If I catch you drunk in a bar and you answer yes on me asking, if that means you miss your kaffa to open your doors ... it will be gods deed I do to you afterwards, mate

In Addition

Outages are a great idea to upgrade the grid instead of building unneeded extra power plants. First the grid has to be made saver against short circuts. This means that it needs more and smaller power sources like solar cells on roof tops, walls and covering streets also giving shadow, small power plants for housing blocks and factories or industrial parks having their own system that always has to be mixed. 
It also makes sence to move entire production facilites by subsideries closer to bigger energy sources and recreate the factories in mixed town quarters of housing, shopping spaces or less energy intensive industries or work shops.
The circuts in regions, towns, town quarters, quarter blocks, and block buidlings have to become smaller upraded with use sensors creating an information grid to better understand and manage the electric grid creating a more independent system in which one fault can not create a chain fault effect.
A lot of that is is cheap and easy.
Like. If you have to cut down a tree today, you'd better take a seat and sharpen the axe throuhout the heat to cut the tree at the evening having a real good shartp tool slicing into the wood just fine and easy with strong, but few strokes.
#provos #centurions #deadheads

Friday, 9 June 2023


 lifestyle battles

Free or Slave. Harmonie or Conflict. With or Against. For or From.

WW1 and WW2 both shaped nations, WW3 and WW4 shape societes.

If WW3 stays The Cold War we fight WW4 in underground gang wars.

One for all and All for one


Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Combat strategies in war to Cyberpunk

The real origin of Spartacus is as doubtful and hidden in the available texts back from an Roman Empire that had slaves and was run by intrigue as if he relly found an end by cruxification.
The movie 300 has as limited historic evidence, but for sure is that the Spartans had been the most respected and most feared, by friend or enemy, Knights of the Antique.

In the movie 300 the Spartans are defending their home town castle against an invading force that came by a huge fleet of ships and their head believed to be a living god amond minors and just like that he comanded his troops sending wave after wave into certain death against a way smaller, but much better trained and motivated Spartan force.
The Spartans proved that classic tactics of formations, as also later used be the Roman Legions, by adjusting the strategy can be successful, yet they died. They sacreficed themselves for all other Greek towns by decimating the alian to Greece force by 1 to a 1000. Since then it says that one Kinght is better than a 1000 Slave Soldiers.
They put the battle ground to the most narrow spot the attackers had to pass limiting the amount of attacks to equal them per wave and pushing the amount of attack direction down to one.

Spartacus broke free out of the Gladiator fights made for both entertainment and scaring the people, as everyone could end up there, and so did the first Christians preaching that we have to help our next and loved once as we'd do for our own profit.
He first moved north, and comprehnsive maps were limited in slave driving Roman terretories, to than turn south again and apperantly was defeated in the most sothern part of Italy that is covered by a midd mountain area in opposite to the steep high mountain Alps.
Spartacus real origin is also under discussion and doubtful.
If he was of Spartan origin, explaining his way superior combat and leadership capabilities, he'd also knew about the real battle that inspired the movie 300.
There is a chance that Spartacus also changed the tactics and used the midd mountain topographie to drive the Roman Legions out of formation driving them into one on one fights, just as trained for years in the Roman Gladiator fights.
Spartacus and his men breaking free might well have been the first Guirillias in history.

And today?

Our world changed in the last two centuries even more than inbetween the Antique and Mid-Ages or from Mid-Ages to Renessaince. The first ended slavery and a one dominating feudal empire in most parts of Europe and the later brought the first human rights and republiques ending prviliges. The first saw major improvements in agriculture and the birth of towns, the second established serial production and world wide trade to a business over an adventure of exploration.

Today, information spread faster than bullets or explosive shock waves; We can move humans over distances in hours instead of weeks and our ability of save planning reaches out to turning five years into standard time frames for companies bigger than ever; We have multiple systems ruling the world competing with each other from Anarchy, Nations, Enterprises to Religious Organisations and find the very same product on places hundreds of miles apart being able to produce items in the millions, if not billions by keeping constant and defined specific levels of quality.

So, why would you do war like Napoleon against Hitler, if your are not even their kids, but those of The Musquetiers and Mr. Barns?

Asian Go, European Chess, Five Cards Small Leave Poker, Shadowrun RPG, Ars Magica, BattleTech and a hell lot of Movies and Shows...is the school for liveing life in a Cyberpunk world among the Shadows of The Normals, chosen once.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #provos

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Quarter Wars

 Towns are organised in town quarters and differ from infrastructure to buildings. Modern fights between the inhabitants and outside forces about the rule of the quarter are usually between two groups of which both are organised.
These days, as a contemporary excample, the German Police is fighting the AntiFa in Leipzig and both sides are using tactics similar to all disputes likes that from Hamburg, to France or South America when the organised left takes on the organised nation.
Police is facing chaos tactics based on small groups attacking with stones, creating improvised barrikades from street signs and traffic control utilities used at urban building sites and small fires.
As soon entering the building Police faces heavly modifed interior, changed staircases, locked doors and pulled down walls that needed a lot of effort visible in the usual lack of furniture, kitchen organisation or appropriate community rooms.
Defending a terretory did not change since mankind settlet and comes in rings around the main living spot. It has a headquater, that is hidden and off the main living areas to protect them from direct attack and harbours all those not fighting. Defence lines are build from the inside to the outside and are supposed to enable the defenders easy moving, while slowing down the attackers ability to move and keep their structure.
All video footage from especially left wing riots, indicates a lack of controlled commincation and limited understanding of proper blockades. 
Fires only make sence if they create a wall to e.g. block streets and stop for at least some time the attacker from advancing to hold them on a known spot for counter attacks. 
Defence of a terretory means to defend each line of defence in a hold, attack or retreat and reqonquer strategy until the Headquater is down and the living places have to surrender to the attackes rule or the the attacker is fought back onto his own home terretory idally facing now a counter attack using his weakness before being able to restructure and regain strength.

For centuries our defensible villages trained and only got defeated by weapons of mass murder and betrayel. Have a shower or face the fall out.

Vive la Resistance! Vive la Republique!


Friday, 2 June 2023

Get A Way - Youth of this World - The Hell's Kitchen Worlds

 There gotta be more to life

It needs different strategies to get away in a wide land such as the US, in a densly populated region like Europe, a civial war area like Central Americas or the last Wild Wild West the Sahara/Sahel and jungles of Africa.

The US has more freedom down into all aspects of civil life enfavouring individula rights, Europe is full of surveillance cams and Policing in every aspects on all crossings, Civial War areas have struggling parties creating cross fires and there is no law or rules what so ever in the Last Wild Wild West.

Do you see chaos or complex systems....??

#provos #MIB

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Pablo's Dilemma

 Exotic Fruits

Our Western corpos pay for all and each of these fruits even worse than the Cocain cartels. Why did the CIA declare a war on drugs instead of walking into the corporate offices and started enforcing fair trade or does anyone believe the average ultra militant cocain enterprise is paying a farmer any fair or any different than a Blood Diamond dealer?

You are done CIA, BND and Co. We will have no mercy.... #provos Americas most wanted, nobody knows.