King James Bibel Genesis 11
Complete Jewish Bible Genesis 11
First of all we have to understand that the Holy Scritptures quite differ from each other; Than that the interpretation of those does even more.
In general there are two schools in all religions with many versions of each other: Dogmatics and Mystics.
Dogmatics are looking for a set of rules and Mystics are in love with chaos, like the differenc of a scientific fact based documentary and a sci-fi action movie.
Both need each other in order to develop and the actual constant struggle is to keep them in harmony. There is no struggle between them, the accomplish each other, if they are in harmony.
In all religions this difference, like the difference of Adam and Eve, are the base for all progress, like it needs men and women to make more humans.
The bad side of religion is called occultism, even so occult means litterly in old greek Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected and still today the actual dictionairy definition of occult is Secret; hidden from general knowledge; undetected and therefore is no more than another word for mysticism.
The most famous of all occult is the Dark Order called part of the Nazi Weapon SS and the GeStaPo that also had units searching for the Holy Grail Jesus drank from, apperantly, giving eternal life, apperantly, if drank from. But this is another mystic story: Who want's to life for ever.
Their interpretation and of all their collaborators of the Genesis story is usually that it is bad to mix humans and that God will punish them.
Fact is, that there is no written explanation of God's decision to break up the Tower of Babylon. It sais so, that they managed to build the tower and than nothing was impossible anymore for them.
In my interpretation, coming from the Templer Order of the Rose Crusaders that swear to only follow their heart, is that this is what they got: Nothing.
Humans are limited creatures, in opposite to the almighty God and the angels inbetween. We have trouble to imagine the meanings of eternety or an absolute end. We struggle with understanding and accepting death and hope that there is something after, which well may be the birth moment of all religions: A human wondering where dead fella went to while is body was still there, but life was missing.
Further east religion is closer, or still is closer, to philosophy. Buddishm and Hinduism both don't know, unlike our monotheist religions, churches also as powerful organistions being states. Everybody knows the Yin and Yang symbol appearing like two fish and each colour also has a spot of the other, both being in a circle. In general this is a symbol for the worlds duality, like Adam and Eve, Good and Bad, White and Black being both no colours reflecting all or no light instead of only parts or like End and Beginning.
If we achieve all, if all is possibly for us, God also teaches us what nothing means and is, and this lession is no punishment, neither good nor bad, it just belongs together, like after birth there will be death somewhen part of live.
Like Fight Club trys to reach point 0 in life.
Like All Saladin said Jerusalem is everything and nothing.
Like Freedom is something to die for.
#jedi #mysticism #rosecrusader