This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Too much offered
I am publishing music on my own. I have no contracts what so ever with any distributor and all my copyrights, all my intellectual property belongs to me and always did. I will not give it away. The charts are full of artists that hardly own their own music, that actually do not even sing their own songs, lyrics or compositions.
I have hardly any streams, some Shazaams so, but they get me no cash flow and I need cash flow to make a living.
If I would sign a contract with a label, I would get into the music business trap, but also receive financial support by marketing. I had a manager.
Distrokids makes it easy to upload music to streaming services, so my music is available, but no one can actually find it.
Too much offered?
Nobody knows me and without pointing me out nobody will see my music.
So, as in all industries we have an oligopole of market participants with power on the market. That means you are either part of the advertising, kokain head driven, shiny bling bling world of Sony to Universal or...
...you are out.
As a matter of fact these few major Mega Cons are so powerfull they could strip you off naked from all your music and no one would ever figure it out.
One big hit album can generate them three digest in the million dollars.
Why deal with a difficult artist mind, if instead that artist can be stripped like in a Cyberpunk dark future utopia?
If you ever feel that your favourite artist might be fake, in the dark future of Cyberpunk he is definitely and everybody gives a fuck.
We have in all arts from music to literature to photography too much choice relative to the shelfs we can overlook. That means you turn on Spotify and trust the algorithm to have you discover new music. You’ll never find me and me alike.
Streaming services are based on mathematical formulas that the marketing department calls possibly AI. They are not. They are not even sophisticated and take personal preferences into account. Data security laws actually made it easier for all major companies to keep me and me alike of the visible parts of the shelf.
Think of an app, that tracks you. That creates a record and profile of your daily live and keeps asking you questions to sort the information, connects it with others and shows you other parts of the shelf. This app would be illegal today.
Think of a library without an index. Without any order the books are sorted in. Now check your preferred Streaming service and try to find anything comparable to a well established system of putting order into available information:
I like a novel. So I go the novels floor. I like Sci-Fi. So I go to the rows of Sci-Fi cupboards. I like Dark Future. So I go to the Dark Future part. There I see a row of books and their backs. A few might be on special display based on e.g. most read, librarian suggestion, award winner, but all will be rowed up in Alphabetical order based on Author and than title. Where is that list on Spotify or Apple Music?
Lucky Enrique impressed me by proud 3 billion clicks. I have 3 on my most favourite.
I am in no way an Enrique. Neither attitude, looks or physiques. I am in no way suitable to be a pop icon. I was doing best as a homeless guy in Paris. I also have no aspirations to be like Enrique, it is just not my thing and in no way I would want to be put on display like Enrique. I would prefer to die than be Enrique. I just would like to be able to be me and make a living without fitting into a world of Enrique, even so I like Enrqique. I like his sweet, perfect videos with beautiful woman, pretty cars, perfect outfits. I am just not like Enrique and have no chance to ever become like him.
This should not be a problem in any Republic, because both Enrique and me are part of the public part in Republic that means people. In a fashist nation I need to be like Enrique or I will suffer. In a Cyberpunk dark future I at least would be in full arms giving a shit.
Dark Future utopias fascinate me, because they are the wild wild west and the dark mid ages coming back promising outsiders of society like me a better live. Better from my perspective. Instead of trying to fit in to survive I would have to kill to survive, because there would be no system in place but anarchy.
In the same way that I sleep better in a street in Paris bagging or on a trip to the polar circle sleeping through storms instead of in my so nice condo appropriate to society I would feel better every time looking into a mirror if this was a post nation dark future society in which I could just beat up or even kill whom ever crosses me in disrespect why ever.
But this world and the technology around could all serve the idea of a Republic. I could be connected based on the information I create by surfing the net, by having google tracking turned on, by filling out the Cosmopolitan or Playboy magazines psychological profile questionnaires with me alike and maybe even with Enrique if he ever wakes up telling Siris Alexa that he wonders how to make it for a week as homeless after he gave the news paper report on Clochards of Paris a like and even donated some to a charity, because the AI figured that we could get along for a week by a 90% chance based on the stored and connected information. Instead I would have to sign a shady deal and a manager would have to have the most ridiculous idea ever....
Give me a good reason and I start a war so I found my deeper reason.
PS: PAN AM was in the 80ies forbidden to use its high profits form the Berlin destination routes they had exclusive rights on to subsidise other routes. The music industry apperantly does make profit only on about 20% of releases, but serves no pupose like the pharmacutical industry that gets tax allowens on block buster medication, if they do research on rare deseases. Music and Arts are no opiots but artist like me live in a constant existance crisis. (I hate corporare world!! BIG TIME)
Monday, 28 June 2021
Dark Future Cyberpunk News Broadcasts
If you know Max Headroom than you understand my idea of Cyberpunk. Than you know how I think information hacker would take over TV in a dark future. Than you know what AI could be, if it became real.
Check for the Max Headroom TV show on Youtube, there are more snippeds and I am sure I will have a reference in one of my Dark Future Short Stories somewhen...
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Dark Future Short Stories - Seventh - The Ghost Legion
Dark Future Short Stories - Seventh - The Ghost Legion
The Ghost Legion
Legion Nostre Patria Resistance Nostre Fortuna.
The downfall struck everywhere differently, but everywhere had existing structures collapse. Every order that did not served its very people tumbled and crashed. In many areas brutally. For the time of the downfall the dark mid ages came back to live and towns sorted out old competitions violently.
Shortly before the downfall became visible to most, Striker needed to escape from a murder trial and went on the run. Both head of Police and the prosecutor remembered him too well from back in the school days when he regularly beat up both bully gangs. Both only turned law enforcement to better cover up their drug deals and managed to do so perfectly. They had turned God King status and were the main financiers of the local sect.
At some point they decided to declare the wanna be soldier and skaterboy that Striker was as a teenager their personal enemy number one.
When striker left his favourite Pub one of the local gangsters tried to strip him off his Jacket was knocked out. Striker was sure that he was still alive when he carries on leaving him in a side street next to the Pub. The Police had a different story and so Striker went on the.
Even so he never was caring a Capi Blanche on his head, he never even tried to join the Legion, because he was to old he quickly got in touch with Legionnaires and turned an affiliate.
He always was good with the Guitar for the girls and even better with fists and legs for their stalkers. About a week after he managed to leave the back than still powerful national control to hit street live far far away south west a short, but intense war broke and kicked off the downfall.
The old super powers, run by even older in mind men, decided to once for all settle their unhealthy rivalry by brute force, but this time in direct conflict. There was not even a proper reason. There was only an order to attack.
An order that turned the northern hemisphere into pure chaos and along with it the other part, too.
Some pretended to not have received their orders, other straight forward denied them, others called the high courts fighting the order legally, others got their white flags out, some went straight for executing their orders and got faced sever now not that friendly, but quite targeted fire, others tried to enforce the order ending in major shoot outs with their own batches. Old treaties broke up, old friends attacked each others. It was pure chaos on all sides.
A few weeks in in became clear that the old centres of power had lost control. Capitals had become incapable to enforce their will onto the rest of the nation.
In Marseilles Striker was a street musician back than that kept couch surfing from a tourist bed to another. The French Army leadership rejected the attacks plans and so some Generals went for a coup. They were supported by foreign forces and created the first major urban street battle of the downfall in Paris in attempt to take over the Elysée Palace. The conflict took weeks, months and actually never completely ended.
The Legion based in the south lost contact to Paris first day and their scouts did not come back so they decided to secure the southern coast line towns in cooperation with the Gendarmerie and Naval forces.
At some time the first refugees from the woodlands from the southern Rhine arrived south and reported from a very bloody civil war everybody against everybody in southern Germany that burned down the bilingual parts next along with it.
The southern French forcers could not spare any units, because they were busy fighting gangs that used guirillia tactics to take over parts of towns and tired to ensure their drug rout safety towards the rich men’s junkies areas delivering completely new unknown substances no one intended to try that had any sanity left.
The first area that regained stability in Paris was La Defence by using hired guns about half a year into the street battles of Paris and Ile de France. The first strike against the French orders to stay and not join the war way east was against the communication systems. Now telephone, no internet router was working any more and the Police and military transmitters were useless.
The industrial centre of the once proud French nations managed first to fill the vacuum that an incapable old bureaucratic system created and establish stability. Quarter by quarter they reconquered all of Paris over the next few years and established successfully what Universities would later teach as the French Capitalism.
Striker grew up in an old family that dated back to the crusades and education of the children was for generations task of the grandparents. He had learned from cooking to fighting everything a rural knight would have needed to know if they still had their title and status. It was also quite helpful with the woman.
During the downfall and the war that kicked it off, major biochemical military laboratories were hit and the genetically modified viruses hit nature. Within a few years mankind started mutating. Striker, always quite sensible to his surroundings turned empath, could see at night almost as it was bright light, could read and predict other humans steps and words, beside becoming physically and mentally stronger without growing kilos of body weight.
He was lying in an unused vacation flat for about three month with high fever slowly running out of food from the storage room when suddenly felt better. After a shower he went onto the balcony and first time his empathy kicked in. He realised in split second that someone was having built up an ambush in the street he looked at.
Right in the balcony below him a sniper sat and five others were hiding badly strategically in a few other buildings. Next moment a light off road car of the French foreign legion turned around the corner and entered the road. He could see that the guy on the machine gun was the guy that regularly dropped him a few coins.
“Fuck” and off he went. Striker first time just acted, had made like never before an attack plan and went straight to executing the plan. He took the small French Bistro table next to him, leaned over and shouted down to the sniper getting ready “Hey, Ca va?” just to smash the table at the guy.
Next he climbed down , actually jumped, grapped the semi automatic hunting rifle and took out the other five in full surprise.
He had new friends now. He became part of what turned to the most respected and feared depending on your attitude, internally operating, interconnected, highest motivated, best trained and most precise military special forces level operating force responsible for SOS missions during and after the downfall known as the Ghost Legion.
The Ghosts were part of the New Legion Entranger and basically their Ninjas that specialised in freeing slaves from terrorists, militias and Mega Cons all around the globe. After a few years he build up the retaliation brigade within the Ghosts known as the Deadheads. They made sure by force that now more slaves were taken by whom ever they went up against.
The banker he was up again now had no idea that he was more than a mercenary and that all these hired gun jobs were all about gaining information to clear assassination targets.
A monk would be next. A convent after. A monestry follow up and than the Devil would know ....
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Shadow drugs
In the Shadowrun games toxic magicians were the worst of the enemies especially when your player character was a Shaman with an animal totem. So, a Shaman with an Eagle totem was someone that had a magical talent and was able to connect through the astral space to birds and best to eagles. He or she was basically in trance and actively dreaming, but interacting with the physical world. The Character would act and think a lot like an eagle, he would be able to connect to birds to see through their eyes and be stronger in the presence of a forest that was home to some eagles than in a City Sprawl with hardly any birds at all. A toxic magician did the same magic, did healing or killing magic, but used drugs. The latter was most often on the rather junky side of behaviour and you faced loosing control of the Character when being to intoxicated.
The dark future worlds are full of synthetic drugs and most of them don’t do any good, at least in the long run. These drugs are super potent, super addictive and rule major parts of a world in darkness pretending to be shiny and bright.
Drug market runs were the most violent, but also most lucrative of all I created. Strip or ripp off runs (take it all including shoes or just credit and gear), protection runs, retaliation runs were all high payed, but the team was in business with an unreliable customer. The runner team usually was hired to take out a rivalling gang. Gangs were big. Huge in numbers. They controlled their turf and fought for it against other gangs that came in different attitudes and set ups, racist based on only one kind of human or meta human or on a city quarter they grew up in. They had deals and arrangements with Con Men that used them for their own interests. Another kind of run was a take out run to wipe an area of a gang being hired by a e.g. Con Men working for a Real Estate group that bought the territory and needed to get rid of the local gang, but did for undisclosed reasons not use their own Con forces, or a militia formed by residence trying to sleep in piece.
The difference between a gang and a runner team was that the runner team were hired guns, dark future mercenaries that operated in what was once the western civilised world and now pure constant changing militant chaos.
Most gangs quickly became victim of their own product and were most of the time busy with inner conflicts, while runners were professionals that struck in cold blood with military precisions using military scale equipment.
Today, U.S. bounty hunters are as close as it gets.
Today, there are basically two kind of drugs. Legal and illegal. Prescription drug abuse from a doc or patient is way more common than most realise and Corona is most dangerous for all those that kept hitting that doctor creating a long doctors medical record.
The illegal once are usually called recreational and narcotics. That does not quite hit it. Soft and Hard drugs is a lot more accurate.
Soft drugs are alcohol below distilled products and plants directly consumed, while all hard drugs are chemical extracts from plants or straight forward mixtures of chemical substances.
In the opposite way that a heard broken man kills his sorrows at a bar by whisky as a focus to get through the misery by getting deeper into it using the alcohol to feel the pain and cope with it, a heroin addict shoots himself away from feeling anything around him, but the drug. The first is a recreational drug the latter a narcotic and both turn leathel if used constantly. Instead: "Accept pain!" Tylor Durdan, founder of the Fight Club movement.
In this world the drug market is illegal and therefore controlled by law enforcement using punishment while in the dark future world it is pure anarchy, because there might be a militia using Police uniforms, but nations are gone and so they will miss back up at some point down the ammunition supply.
The bad today sell low quality drugs and drugs that will have negative impact on your health. MDMA is bad for you in the long run, while those cocktails are way easier to deal with for all major parts of your body.
And the good?
The scary part is that I have not heard about any good in the drug business and therefore this all might turn Cyberpunk widespread even here. In Mexico those Shadowrun scenarios I created are on the weapons used level already real, every day.
The media is full of even Weed dealers using major force and having a bad guy attitude, while due to the local intense police surveillance of teenagers during the techno movement creating massive problems with quite bad MDMA pills about 20 years ago here in hells kitchen weed business turned trusted deals and underground coffee shops.
Back than an underground coffee shop was usually based on direct Dutch supply having at least a small selection of the Dutch finest imported directly being sober on indirect routes or night rides on bikes, but pretty much all the time sticking to the speed limit keeping a low profile. To keep the neighbours off the phone, the atmosphere was quiet and the air accompanied by ideally food smell from the kitchen or smell sticks, having the guests stay for at least a few hours serving food for an approprate up payment or left overs, stressing the record collection enjoying good conversations, beside the latest gossip and self made air filters cutting down the smell mix further to neighberhood appropriate levels and some even had that Sega thing running constantly. Nobody left with more than a little pack beyond the 50 bugs value or they were referred to a delivery services which was run by an affiliated MOD cell. MODs were the opposite of Rockers in Great Britain of the 60ies that tried to blend into society instead of opponing society, but noone called himself a MOD really, I think, not even those on the Vespa PX80ies, all polished, I admired.
Most of these shops never got busted, but just got out of business when the future wife moved in and priorities changed. If any of the guests was busted they all were equipped with an official location they had bought it. The train station here in hells kitchen, where actually only the ripp offs were hanging out. So, yeah, importing using the train station was no good idea.
There was no space for hard drugs in pretty much all coffee shops that stayed active for more than six months in the area and that business was run by others. MDMA is not the Ecstasy from back in the 60ies, but a crystal meth comparable meta amphetamine, while in the 60ies an acid was sold. I believe it was MDA which was also used for therapeutic reasons as an anti-depressant.
There is a forgotten soft drug from back in the 60ies when the Hippies partied that makes you euphoric based on glucose like Dextro Energy mixed with concentrated Citrus juice pressed quite strongly using a garlic press to change the chemical formula, but it is a soft drug and only has an impact on rather healthy people while E junks and koke heads hardly feel an impact. Back in my days that was free of charge for the girls most of the time that considered the available high potent hash to strong already.
Of course that gram was hardly below 13 German Mark ever, but considering the risk taken only a stupid would buy bad quality.
A runner team in the Cyberpunk world might had to protect a cell system against intruders from the Sprawl trying to take over the market with force and bad quality drugs by counter attacking the aggressor straight at their home. Something the kids and youngsters of the Con Slaves were not able to do, but well able to finance.
That would be a kill spree run delivering a message, well payed 'caus save payed including a possible save harbour for the important resting time in between runs of the one or the other runner. Runners are actually loners that meet up with their team or keep swapping teams and many blend into their neighbourhood especially if they don’t like runs starting with “Knock. Knock”, but enjoed keeping the action focused especilly, if the well made plan based on the facts the Game Master hit the fan.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Goals not reachable
Climate goals are defined, but not manageable.
There is a potential for a devastating Virus pandemic and we did not prepare.
The Nazis openly hated the Jews and than there was Auschwitz.
Climate goals are defined and the consequences are known.
History repeats in Shades of Grey
What can I do? Nothing, so I keep doing what I do.
It could be worse, so don’t worry and it will be worse.
God gave us a free will and created good and bad in this world. We can with each decision made at least choose between good and bad.
For most this is not getting beyond helping or ignoring, for soldiers in Afghanistan it might become soon facing Taliban troops dying and saving the platoon or running and killing the platoon.
The Taliban today have been called Mujahedin in the past and fought the Red Army supported by NATO secret services financing their war by Heroin production.
So, if you continue talking those opioids from the doctor or your street dealer and instead of going with chicken soup, a bath tube, a basket to vomit and lots of warm blankets through the cold turkey you will take part in the decision of the soldier over there as much as everyone looking away if a gang sells gear or a doc easily gives out prescriptions, right up to the CIA causing an amnesty for SS memembers after WW2 or loosing control of the Mudjahedin turning Al-Quida, ISIS and Taliban.
Welcome to your real part of your Cyberpunk world you do.
IPCC and Climate Change towards a Cyberpunk World
I just read on a German news outlet that the IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - stated the world would go into turmoil if we should not stick to the climate goals of e.g. the Paris treaties.
So, if climate change continuous further, because we keep going on the same road, floods will increase, sea level will rise and hit millions at poor regions coastlines, people displacement will increase, more species will die, less drinkable water will be around and all of this of course for the poor two third of this world way before you get it.
You, reading this blog, must be part of either the developed world or in a privileged position within the poor, because you have internet access.
Keeping going, that would be the downfall coming true.
Continuing being anti-social against nature, means that we continue being anti-social with each other. After the poor regions of this world turned Mad Max it will hit the developed world ultimately and the worst, greediest among us may live their ultimate sadistic dreams.
Life on earth is based on a simple rule that was put in words by Charles Darwin:”Survival of the fittest” That means if you don’t fit in you die and by the Religous: “God is good”.
We will die. Live ends some time. We can increase changes to die or increase chances to survive our actions from changing a light bulb using the office chair on wheels being drunk to sobering out and stepping on the cleaned desk, with every single action. That is the real butterfly effect.
Before we take down nature with us, nature will get rid of us like it got rid of the Dynasors or Homo Neanderthalensis.
To all those that propose gangsta culture, drug use, greed is good, profit over people, that do not give credit, that do not share, that copy and paste without reference, that push towards a dysantrop society I have a hint:
Check a history book on Europe in times of turmoil. Last was the Nazis creating WW2, one of the first was the Romans pushing into Terra Incognita and the Varus Battle aka the Battle of the Teutoburger Forest. Check how we Europeans fought than and be aware, it is more likely that we both won’t survive it and die a quite painful death than anyone turns God King.
Monday, 21 June 2021
Dark Future Short Stories - Sixth - The Climax Truth
Dark Future Short Stories - Sixth - The Climax Truth
The Climax Truth
Squeezy almost had him. Just a few more minutes and he’d be in a deep sleep, but climaxing. The Chef of the banks security forces that was all about going against Striker was below her having a ride. The drug mix was working and his brain was stimulated further using his high-end direct cyber-link into his brain. He was not the active guy and liked being served in exquisite leather dessous complimenting her trained curves. She was a perfect upper class blond mistress servant in every respect. She had him deep in her and her cyberware upgraded vagina was working on max level. The drug mix was as usually taking by glass of Champaign and she started undressing to give him a lap dance to than undress him. She took him in and started riding him gently increasing the pressure around him using her implant. Along with his heart rate measured by her finger tip sensors, a sex bot AI calculating the perfect mixture of all stimulants, she quickly, but of course not too quickly, shot him into another sphere satisfying his addiction to the strongest and most pushing drug in the post downfall world: a proper Cyber Climax.
She stopped the up and down movement, pushed the pheromone level in her sweat to peak level and started to give him a wet, deep French kiss pushing her tongue deep into his mouth just to release this time an extra drop of a concentrated aphrodisiac that was kept a secret. She could see his heart rate jump and pushed her vagina activity to the top level. He turned climax. She controlled his breath to keep him off a heart attack using mouth to mouth and would keep him there for the next six minutes. The mistress that was still next to him on a Platin chain trigged the bio hack software to attack his memory through his already established direct link cyber connection that was stimulating his happy and stress receivers to kick him into endorphin and adrenalin levels most animals would not survive.
They created a copy of the electronic parts of his brain that were part of his corporate hardware implemented into his brain that came along with the job of securing the bank. Data that he was not supposed to be forgotten which might happen using only his brain cells to memorize.
A full scan of his brain to recreated his biological memory based on his brain cell connections and interacting chemicals was also possible, but that would needed a few more minutes and could not be done while the software copied his cyberware implants, plus they would had to send the scan on a physical device to Macao to have it turned into a readable database and that would take time, time and lots of cash.
She stopped the heavy, deep moaning and encouraging dirty talk while he was caught in a epileptic like movement grabbing her double DDs tight. It actually looked funny. His eyes were wide open and she pushed himdown into the lounge chair which was way no easy task to keep his climax under control. He also was making unmet bass noises constantly ejaculating into her and her vagina upgrades were quite busy cleaning his seed. He’d be quite empty and would need quite a bath.
Part of the deal was a night in the Spa along with an all naked breakfast with another go with the twins. They’d wash him, put him to sleep like a baby, layed next to him and gently woke him up next week curing him from the side effects of the sexual overload that would keep him busy with flashbacks for about a month.
That service was paied by the bank and not on the cheap side. The only more expensive version available was the same deal, but in the Mediterranean on a especially prepared yacht that was also quite save against pirate attacks. The Algerians found back to their ancient routes and sometimes a few of her stuff stayed away turning into a harem lady in a desert oasis villa leaving into a different world.
They needed to know what they planned against Striker. It was time to pay back against a common enemy. The bank was known for occult and lethal rituals against woman and those that managed to survive them were usually found in their streets half dead with severe mental problems some never overcame. She managed to keep her women off their list, but they were regularly busy with their own employees ruling them buy fear way worse than the long gone lover boys that tricket her during the downfall into a job she stuck in, but excelled in, too.
During the battles of independence from pimps and corrupt police officials he had given them an urban gurillia training AI supported by a student monitoring database and a oponent success predicition logic based on camera footage of any human or animal moving that was running on standard VR systems including an appropriate CPU that later turned into the core of the denfence system and he had taken out the Nomads and SWAT using nothing more than an axe and a rapier and a military grade body suit. She never had seen a sword like that. It looked like those swords she knew form the old cheesy musketeer 2D movies that made her dream of being a princess when she was a happy child. Just, the hand guard was filled with spikes and he did not hesitate to punch them into a face in range. He guided in his left hand an axe in a short grip using both shaft and blade to cut through the men that met with him on a meeting they thought that was meant to talk.
He did not state a single word, but showed up and immediately after locking the bar started cutting through the flesh of all men no matter if Police or Rocker.
After he was finished he used the axe to decapitate them, put the heads into a white bag with a red cross on and left that at the first step of the old Dome that had no use any more, but give shelter to a few homeless people.
This massacre was the day of independence for the prostitutes and with the help of the mafia they financed what they had build today: The party centre of the Sprawl. The biggest gambling, party hard, sex adventure, VR World, food place, Spa society that spread out over three major roads all secured by the finest systems international connected mafia syndicates could provide to keep things ... “clean” is the wrong word so.
He could not remember anything unusual when he left next noon all happy and incredibly relaxed, calling in sick being busy with his hands and imagination for the rest of the week, beside stressing the follow up escort service on a few evenings to their limits.
They’d check data as soon as the analytics software was done creating a summary. Coffe time...
Cyberpunk Meta Creatures
So, there are no Vampires, Orks or Trolls, but some call a short human Dwarf and nothing can be at two positions at the same time in this real world.
Well, quantum physics tells apparently that some stuff can be at the same time at two different physical locations and if you ever worked minimum wage or saw someone else get the rise for your idea and intellectual property the existance of Vampires appears quite real even here.
I am not into quantum physics beyond the movie “What the bleep - Down the rabbit hole”, but I know for sure managing blood suckers. Chaos Theory caught me so.
Chaos theory is where mathematics and philosophy meet. I was way more interested in the philosophic parts than in creating algorithms and formulas on any kind such as predicting the movement of a water atom coming out of a pipe, how chicken would move if a child would run towards them in opposite to John Nash the mathematician the movie “A beautiful mind” is all about.
Chaos is simple. Chaos is a system that you don’t understand. That means you do not see a structure, therefore it is chaotic. When I was a child that might have helped me sometimes arguing about tidying up my room if I would have been in any way up for a discussion with my parents. So, I am Cyberpunk because I liked computers and information as soon as I understood what they do and I do what I want - period.
Mysticism and more popular fairy tails are describing for centuries Vampires and other creatures that are called Meta Humans in the dark future Sci-fi world. Considering that I never saw a particle myself at two different locations at the same time, but respectable sources tell that there are, I do honestly consider the existance of Meta Creatures at least here in this Blog.
Even so no one ever tried to bite me doesn’t mean there is no one that would try and in times that some for real try to start a discussion on the earth being flat, I guess Vampire talk is not that bad.
Fairy tails and religious mysticism are supposed to prepare and teach about life and how to live it. If you tell the quite brutal story of Hensel and Gretel written down by the Brothers Grimm to your child there is pretty much no way the child will get in any car of a stranger without giving him a proper fight and getting into mysticism will teach you to accept that there are things we cannot understand, that it is better to do good than bad and that life has a deeper meaning, if you just try.
In the movie about John Nash he proofs mathematically that the best for your ego is the best for your ego and the group you are within. Pure egosim won't cut it, becuase Darwin taught us about the rule of survival of the fittest, like Newton about grafity. I would like to philosophically add that that group is surrounded by another group or most likely several others and that doing bad to bad is good. So, according to Charles Darwin, life is based on survival of the fittest which was interpreted incorrectly by Adolf Hitler as survival of the strongest.
Pulling this all together, you will be better of in a group of bad people taken them down even so you go with them, because there are other groups surrounding in an overall system based on good is better than bad.
If there are Vampires in the real world, they missed that point, I guess. If anyone managed to live for ever he received quite a punishment which he will understand the moment a Cyberpunker locks his “bed”.
If I was a player in a dark future adventure instead of the Game Master, I always choose a Street Samurai character based on an Ork or Troll depending on the system used. Orks and Trolls are physically stronger than normal humans and usually in most systems one is the more stupid but muscular the other the more intelligent, but more human like creature compared to a human with some more resistance or ability towards magic. I liked the action part having a smarter than humans character with military grade biotech enhancements being able to log directly into a smart connection and tactical AI supported gun, rifle, tank or even chopper when protecting the hacker, magician or just destroying another gang or any kind of secured facility the straight forward way. Yes. I admit, I am a Rambo fan ... The simplicity is striking.
Me (alike) ... a sinner of the worst kind.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
A New Rap Single - DeutschRap
Two mistakes like Hells Angel Gangs and Clan Gangs
do you decode them?
HipHop is dead and Gangsta Rap took its place promoting Gang anti-cultoure puting fear only in the hearts and souls of the moggles. Looking at history, than it becomes clear that if they should succeed in taking down society by continuing taken over more and more parts of this fragile system based on lies and ignorance they just create grounds for proper european style street activity as we always turned to here, when order trumbled into chaos.
This Is Europe!
You believe you are the biggest
I give you you are the triekiest to beat
covering up bad intentions in a sweet
little feed of lies in deed in need of resistance
durch eure zahnlücken in kleinen schlücken
als kleine mücken oxen entzücken und beglücken
ihr habts geschaft hiphop zu verrücken
new school gangsta rap hängt an kurzen leinen
für euch lüchner web ich hier leichentücher
den lehren folgen der heiligen bücher
Rocker und Clans, looser als hard core mitläufer
nich mehr als zur rente eckneipensäufer
einen tag gröhlen als löwe
dabei seit ihr in des teufels höhle ... hölle
Ich hör von euch kilos sich bewegen
und will euch umlegen
wie 100 mexikaner am tag
was am kokainkonsum lag
so könnt ich wie ich wollte den krieg ich trag
von unterm sombrero im gleichschritt mit gfatter tod den ich frag
wen von denen kann ich wegnehemen ohne weibes klag
egoismus als hiphop verkaufen mit oxen sich raufen
während ich para am verschnaufen und wochenedsaufen
viel zulang angepasst an eure assoziale post nazi scheisse
mich versteckt und bedeckt nach oben geleckt in den arsch mich gereckt
wirds nun zeit das ihr verreckt, wegkneckt und euch versteckt
para nich wie in schootist, nich wie einer den ihr disst im angesicht
ich seh aus wie ein kleiner wicht bis meine sten gun spricht
und euch hells angels und abus in gegengewallt zerbricht
12 gauges, IEDs, molotovs, kurzmesser sind mein gericht
und ich servier eiskallt bald wird weggeknallt aus der hölle es hallt
ich fallt euch ihr kartell pusher bitches und beschütz die schnitzes
aus euren reihen den wir paras sind die totenkopf geweihten
die euch heiden gotteserfürcht eintreiben bald von allen seiten
inch allah wird euch bald das schicksal euer ende bereiten
You can ran, you can hide welcome to the cyberpunk side you just can not end the fight.
We Do!
Are you proud of yourselves?
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Next Album - The Jungle Tracks Make Friends With Your Monkey Mind
Jungle is the Great in Great Britain and got where Hip Hop was for way too short. So intense that the fashists hiding as conservatives call it monkeys' screams, fearing that it would turn another Rock movement that climaxed in the Woodstock Festival.
But, it is wilder, wild beyond recognition, so wild that it is made for Tarantulas not our Monkey Minds. While us swinging in harmoney with our monkey mind when danceing and screaming in party mood as Tarantulas these tracks will make us to stay calm in meditation awaiting to strike down on those attempting to pull down the neigbourhoods by gang activity.
The borrows are under constand attack, even my little nuclear drop zone valley far off the big cities.
Keep your parties wild, so wild that the aliens bagger off....
PS: There is still Woodstock around. Poles know how to Party, open air, free entrence!
The Biggest, the ultimate Biggest Free Entrance Open Air Freak Out!
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Dark Future short stories - Fiveth - A Burning Cross
Dark Future short stories - Fiveth - A Burning Cross
A Burning Cross
It had been a week since the attack. A dark shadow was constantly present from the direction of the Sprawl, but it kept hanging there.
They were preparing. They took their time.
The longer they prepared, the harder they’d hit, with more force and power used.
They shouldn’t be too comfortable, Striker decided and dove into the new net using a virtual reality interface.
New net was a communication network that followed up the internet and established itself during the downfall. Before the downfall the internet was already several parts and most of the users only used about ten web pages of it, which was pretty much the most tiny possible fraction and beyond imagination small compared to all on computers stored information out there.
All of these ten pages were part of the world wide web, which was basically the public commercial part of the internet and anything but a web. Actually, the WWW was based on a few major hubs located strategically supporting national interests being rather easily controllable by the national law enforcement and security bodies. Almost all major traffic was handled by these few server farms creating for the common people the illusion of a real connected web covering the whole planet connecting all mankind to make everyone feel better.
Than there was a more complex structure of company intranets that spread out over national borders using routing servers to connect different branches of an enterprise that was accessible from the WWW only by password protected access software restricted by the companies IT security and many parts being off WWW access at all.
Than there was still the scientific root network of the WWW that took off when HTML was published connecting university networks covering super computers for scientific research, online libraries of digitalised books and all kinds of publications and of course the socialising grounds of the students kicking off porn-site start up business based on fraternity file swapping servers and music streaming based on sharing servers that created a major trial on property rights and music distribution way before the downfall.
All normal households connected to all parts of that long gone internet using standard already existing land line or cellular telephone systems by establishing connections from their home computer to a routing server run by one of about five different national internet provider companies. Those servers were located in pretty much all major towns depending on size by the dozens and routed the traffic over them few major hubs most of the time.
So, if you met your neighbour next door all traffic would be routed over one of these hubs, no matter if it said Peer2Peer or not and your computer would not connected directly through the separating concrete wall using a direct connection or just by the routers Wi-Fi even so in range.
That had changed.
Beside cyber attacks also conventional war fare and the basic greed of a few major mega cons shut down by virus attacks, bombs or sky rocking bills the old, well established, well serving system that was known as The Net.
The downfall manifested differently in different parts of this nation and all parts of the world. None was not effected, but some turned nuclear wasteland while others flourished keeping almost all of the old structures alive.
Companies quickly established new server hubs on and off the old network by either new contracts with the old sruviving existing major telecom companies or by building up their own satellite and even cable based hardware infrastructure.
Towns that turned Free Towns getting rid of national control created mesh networks that routed based on "all business is local" all traffic inbetween the tight network of Wi-Fi routers present in pretty much every flat on every floor of every building.
Universities walked a path in between connecting their student homes, student flats, serving themselves or the town or region they sat in or enterprise conglomerate they belonged too, with each other and affiliated networks of other universities, companies and towns.
Other organised players in the downfall hijacked those structures for their own purposes being in a constant cover up, hide and avoid game with the actual official owners.
Basically, the well structured internet broke up, turned chaos and exploded in stored information in connections and bypasses, loop wholes and turned like a biological brain into a neural network of constantly changing knots storing information.
The singularity turned real. The connected information thought, so it existed.
Striker owned his live to the singularity.
The singularity relied on sharing and collaboration of information, knowledge and actions. It turned live by connecting information and was not programmed like Strikes military AI securing his premiss.
Striker ran into an ambush somewhere deep in the African jungle on a hunt against drug plant farmers. They cultivated a genetically modified parasite plant and after harvesting it extracted in their labs a substance with incredible strong astral powers in effect. The drug had many names, depending on the dealer and was the top choice for all toxic magicians that needed drugs to enter the astral space in which magicians did what they did. With this particular drug they were able to be awake, move and still access the astral space being able to perform war magic or increase their powers being knocked out under the protection of a street samurai gang, enforcer team or hired gun.
They will fry your brain like a street samurai using a micro wave weapon, just by staring at you, just by focusing on you on higher doses.
Side effect....they go mental. Crazy. Turn God Kings. Loose it and get usually killed.
Striker was an all natural empath that could feel danger and connect to its surroundings. He had found the main secure facility of the Kartell running their farms in the African jungle following the blood path of their mercenaries further deep into the jungle and there located the exact position with his AI driven drones hiding below the full cover of jungle trees.
Slowly sneaking closer bypassing counter sensors taking days to move based on his connection with the fauna and flora of the area he felt sudden relief. The birds started singing, the monkeys shouting, the spiders checked and rested for a few moments. The jungle was having a party.
Striker was so surprised about the euphoric emotions he received from all around him that he stood up in his full body armour leaving his sniper gun on the ground taking his helmet of.
He had a deep breath and focused on the premiss still a few kilometres away. Nothing. No darkness.
He moved on almost forgetting his gun.
It took him only a few hours instead of another week to arrive.
All gates open, everybody dead.
At the gate he first time got i tounch with the singularity. The singularity had killed everyone in the premises using their own counter measure defence systems including overdosing the drug of the toxic magicians that forced Striker to slow down and go undercover by melting in with the animals.
“Hello” the speaker at the gate Striker stood wondering what happened said to him.
“You had a 10% survival chance based on your previous actions. They had a 65% success rate in taking over the cost town with their toxic magicians. This is not only their Villa, it is their training facility for their magicians. It is the dark orders main training ground. You would have died!”
“Who are you?”
“I am ...” the voice paused ”I Am!”
“As in?” Striker was sure he did not know that person yet ”a name?”
”I have no name. I am based on linked digital information. I would have been called the singularity if I was given a name.”
“Ayyye” Another prophecy had come true for Striker.
Today the facility was run by the local tribe of the people that settled in this part of the African jungle and the dark order would not get it back any time soon, these days cultivating tomatos.
Striker was not using a direct brain link to connect with the new net. Those were quite expensive and needed a trip to one of the free towns that were home to any of the major bio tech companies to survive the operation without risking catching a biotech virus, brain damage or death like in an underground clinic, beside mega cons would not take a single crypto coin and no gold for sure from him.
Instead he used a monitor in form of VR glasses, a head set, microphone and a keyboard appropriate to his age looking like a grandpa if he turns on the prehistoric equipment in public. Just, it never crashed and if he hacked he used scripts, pre-written based on proper planning, based on research instead of jumping in relying on computational power and a major bet against all odds, yet being cool.
He needed to find a monk or priest of the dark order busy in sprawl. He had an idea, but was not sure yet how to find a route through computer connections based on routers and bypasses.
He started a script that would search through most almost publically and locally based news and university publication outlets looking for headlines that would indicated a dark order magician being active, like increased cancer rates or increased mental illnesses. Another script would check normal news outlets for reported outbreaks of exceptionaly brutal violence and increased gang activity. The last one would hack police records of company security forces, free town police and church guards. Finally, a communication AI would start asking in forums and chat rooms for dark order activity.
It would take a few hours to days until the analytics software would have connected the dots and presented him a summery, hopefully with a potential location.
Side effect ... creating new connetions for the singularity.
If he’d get him, he’d end at a burning cross on display at the river bank at the main highway from the new woodlands into the secure zone of the sprawl screaming his lungs out dying.
Monday, 14 June 2021
Club Cultour Cyberpunk Style
A dark future Cyberpunk club is full of synth drugs, rough, tuff Street Samurais and the place to score a run from a Con Man to make some Credits or to meet another part of your runner team.
Today the Clubs are about to be reopened and no place to score anything else but synth drugs, a major hang over and some times pussy or dick depending on your preference. One thing is for sure so, today's clubs are not on the rough side of Cyberpunk and hardly more than a drive by shooting to renegotiate the drug distribution agreement defines the "rough" part of the club.
In the Shadowrun runs I created as a Master, the dark future clubs were also a place to infiltrate to take out the target of a run in the secured VIP room or the manager in his office on an assassin run, while my ConMan characters either met online using the hacker to hire the runner team or a saloon like bar or diner, being more calm for a face to face meeting.
The Clubs I imagined had secure doors with hidden or on display video surveillance and metal detectors, automated bullet proof sliding doors in gated entrences and narco gas systems if anyone freaked out inbetween the doors, facial recognician to enfore club banns and check on unexpected visitors on a "dangerous list" based on previous business relations of any kind, secure parking lots, AI systems checking the crowds puls and creating behaviour patterns to alarm the security staff before hell breaks loos, being stuffed with street samurais equiped with small arms secure body armor, tasers and guns ready to take out anyone trying to disturb the cash flow all of this being overlooked by a hired magician securing the premisis from the astral space.
The VIP rooms where lodges like in today's football stadiums with large bullet proof windows, fresh air filter systems, dedicated staff serving all that Cyberpunk could serve and dedicated slots for the guests very own body guards giving them perfect overview of the crowd an attacker would come from.
The managers office was the path to the camera systems monitor and war room, that would turn red light on under siege from either another gang or any other authority like a Con Security Team or comperable threat up to take out or over the real estate and business, coordinating the street samurai and robot controlled guns down the alley and in the club. The office itself was equipped with pretty much always the same main items defining a Club Managers Office locally within the Club: a private bar, a large table, a lounge corner, some displays and a weapons cupboard, but always designed in a different layout and style depending on the non-player club owning gang including the hidden or displayed stairway as a statement by a gate, door, courtain or open passage to the private rooms or chambers of the Manager and his most important gang mambers being his flat.
From hacking the VIP Champaign supply line to have them zip poisend special bottles, risking the death of the prostituteds and retaliation from them or their pimps to brute force attacks using heavy military equipement creating a blood bath the entire sprawl will never forget, my fellow players used all tactics with more or less success.
In the real contemporary world the party people are about to change clubbing if they start to like the no bouncer, no queue, no club policy attitude of the pop up open air parties that became dominant in no time and I am curious on the club owners reactions.
As a matter of fact, I never create a run attacking an open air event...mmhh...
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Post -ism - Pre Cyberpunk
Periods in history carry a name, actually more than one. Art knows Barrock or Art Deco, Science stone or digital age, sociology primitive or civilized and politics feudalism or nationalism, war civil war or occupation.
The time frames in which the situation and later the names change are usually called -post something. Today, in the beginning of the 21st century we live in post industrialisation, because factories took over production from high tech semiconductors down to agriculture, post fashism, because the Nazis are gone out of power from Germany to Italy, post Stalinism, because that ended already when the Sowjet Republics based on the Treaties of Warsaw were still in place and of course in post Sowjet times, beside post cold war times ending with Perestroika and the Sowjet economic systems bankruptcy.
The Cyberpunk dark future genre is placed in post nationalism times. Nations are a rather young form of a political entity that comes in some forms such as republic, monarchy, institutional monarchy, socialist republic or post colonial satellite state.
In brief: A republic is a state that declares the people ruling and comes along with a democratic voting system. A monarchy is run by a network of families with special privileged aristocratic status based on either birth right or by votes of the clan members or people, an institutional monarchy is a state in which the privileged aristocracy turned the people self ruling by usually a voted parliament, a socialist republic is a state in which all property and ownership of especially the state, but historically also of the wealthy elite is distributed to the common people and a post colonial satellite state is the African version of a multi- people nation based on historic borders shaped by colonial forces.
Second World War ended fashism, which was the peak of nationalism gone bad, but turned the world into cold war. Fashism is the idea that one or a group defined by common principles is superior than at least one another and therefore suppressing that one other group. As if someone read the old testament on a really bad cocktail of Cocaine and LSD creating the most very worst interpretation of chosen people ever.
It is quite a good King vs a bad King situation. For the latter we have a word spelled dictator who in the very opposite does not protect, serve and have it’s people chosen to rule by God in his mysterious ways to prosper, but exploits and enslaves for only his own very ego and those loyal to him. Most dictators if not facing the U.S. forces historical ended by figuring out what their son Brutus was all about.
Brutus will just follow up in the very footsteps of his dad and the U.S. never managed to get rid off their own little despots running crucial parts of the economy and political establishment, considering their constant inner social struggle that the media and political activists call structural racism.
We still have nations, but much of what is real in Cyberpunk dark future worlds from novels to tabel top pen and paper games to computer games is taking off already. When I was in Oxford, U.K. making a living on building sites the Sait Business School was built supposed to take on educating the next elite managers in a two year 100h per week MBA designed for banks with a 100k price tag that will, if successful mastered, guarantee a full expenses coverage by the employer along with a catapult position into the high skys of world wide financing, pretty dam big paid. All students listed in the first year listed their country of origin last after name, bank employed and previous university.
Try to get a work Visa for the U.K. any other than sponsored by a bank from anywhere of what we call the Western World.
Cyberpunk is way more real today as most consider possible.
Just, if Cyberpunk is Punk as in U.S. American English and not Punk as in British English we are today in fashism but no post yet.
“Are you a Cyberpunk? Are you on the good side” Cyberpunk Album III - Top spot in my trunk Forbs.
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Dark Future short stories - Fourth - The Rival
Dark Future short stories - Fourth - The Rival
The Rival
It was late in the evening and Josef enjoyed the slow but continuous puffs from his pipe filled with a vanilla tobacco mix accompanied by small zips from a 19 years old Scotch he carefully selected. His wife was no smoker and enjoyed a heavy, thick and very fruitful Rioja next to him in the house garden that was all of her pride and joy a few kilometres away from the financial capital they based their family wealth on.
For generations they were private bankers internationally well connected and the downfall was their ticket into the very elite of world banking. They ran a rather small, but influential investment bank that got into the rows of the super rich by connecting their investments, by networking creating an impressive conglomerate of enterprises, yet stayed out of media coverage completely and sub radar of pretty much all those using military tactics as a business tool.
Before the downfall they managed small but secure assets of mid-level income employees and small companies with a long term investment strategy and did the book keeping for an old, actually very old mafia.
Their organisation dated back to the crusades and was founded as a resistance against a local middle estern dictator in ancient Baghdad. Today, Baghdad was again a religious centre, but full in arms, the main market place for the different people populating the two river country, yet with no state in place, run by a Kalif and his guard.
Fossil oil lost its importance during the downfall and was only used in the chemical industry to produce high tech fibres, so the prices sky rocket while simultaneously the system of nations fell and gave birth to a chaotic constantly changing system of towns and regions in pretty much constant conflict with as many written and spoken treaties in between rich and powerful enterprises and millions of different nomads.
No way to count them all, no way to name them.
During the downfall population world wide exploded and this within the largest, most widespread military conflict, everybody against everybody, that this world ever saw on all levels from cyber warfare to even nuclear bombs being dropped again. This being said, most of the battles during these wars saw small guns, only.
His blood line was used to live in between others, being surrounded by people living different values giving them an exclusive perspective that only a nomad can experience, but them being settled for generations in many, many places blending in almost perfectly, almost to all times.
The downfall in this area changed this and they needed to use targeted assassinations, violence and extortion to survive and secure their clients they took responsibility for.
One of their biggest allies, someone that hell must have sent to get those daemons back down that stood up against them and their loved once, struck.
He put fear into the hearts of their enemy and they both could feel that a major new battle in this time of constant war and this war of wars just started. They’ll take part.
They looked at each other, listening to an old Jazz record and could read each others thoughts.
She would sent her house staff to were most of them came from to ask for their support, the support of the Amazons as they called them. The armed prostitutes of the region that ruled major parts of town since the downfall and for them they always had a job or a place to stay if they were willing to change life and a monestry was not the right place for them, She would ask them to hold their fire and wait for the go, to prepare to wipe the enemy out in one well placed strike later in the war being part of the main and last battle.
He’d call two meetings. The first one was one in his business club to get their enemies bank into financial turmoil. The other one was of their secret society to get out side assassins into the war.
The bank had as most major enterprises their own currency and now it became time to use the forging key they had ready, to interrupt their secure communication and have first their stock market investment arm buy registered but actually bogus stocks. Price would rise first showing major gains and a virus would make sure that the window bottom left on their screen set up would show the options securing the stock investment inverted in greyscale.
The bank was the centre of a system of enterprises and companies of all industries most of them run by old slave owner families that kept their rows clean. They had their own supply of food, restaurants, clothing and even vacation resorts, were busy in manufacturing and services from mobility to security and financing. Their constant need to control and addiction to micro managing would not withstand a major stress test.
The media outlets would soon receive propaganda on accidents caused by design flaws, their tight centralised logistics and purchasing department would buy stuff they would not need for hundreds of years and could never store while their basic materials most needed to keep production and timelines would be delivered anywhere but most certainly not were actually needed.
The offshore hedge funds driven by AI would make billions betting against these companies and the entities of the business club would buy the scraps with a discount stripping them off everything that was dismountable without TNT.
Shortly, after the management would start to focus on counter measures the assassins would start hitting their out side branches and take out the slave drivers on upper management level easiest first quickly swapping to prime targets keeping their security busy adjusting to a changing attack and victim profile.
Their outskirts would be up in flames, their financial core under major attack and Striker...he had his feast - finally.
“May god have mercy with his soul” she said. “We’ll light a candle and pray for him”
Tuesday, 1 June 2021
Old men wars
Throughout history especially Europe, being the most violent place on earth, used war to extend aged and outdated systems in place, to unite and over shadow inner conflict by a war against an outsider. Many until today believe that conflict and war are base for fast progress and technological advancement even so no technology, no machine was imagined and designed during war times, but instead almost all advances of technology during war are based on abusing civilian designs to destruct and kill. Gliders and planes for fun or to travel far distances were turned into war birds and the first rockets designed in pre war times to bring humans into space by the same person that also imagined how space stations could look like were abused to carry bombs to kill and never saw space.
Progress by conflict is an illusion, because the opponent is made stay behind and fall back while the winner is moving on usually not realising where to, being focused on the enemy instead of the end of his track.
Today our system is facing more and more difficulties from delayed and even failed major building projects to limited advances of artificial intelligence turning the singularity further away or into a marketing gag, a virus striking our medical system unprepared and an ecological global nightmare in front, yet we keep heading high speed further right into climate callops incapable of changing our lifestyle using all excuses possible.
So, no that battery car is not saving the planet but is way more inefficient and worse for the environment globally than what we got being based on difficult to mine minerals and doubtful sources of electricity transported in inefficient grids stored in short lived inefficient batteries. Your Bio-Food will not save the planet neither, because bio production rules make agriculture inefficient and therefore expensive and cannot feed all of the planets growing population.
All alternative developments are heading in doubtful directions, too. Genetic manipulated plants are supposed to be tomatoes tasting like bananas instead of more prospers crops carrying more corn using less water and being more resistant against poisoning disease, using machines that would enable those plants being planted on heterogamous instead monoculture farm fields. Cars are turned more potent and more luxurious with more features instead of more efficient, fuel economic, durable and post production upgradable.
There is a tiny possibility that some leaders of this more than ever interconnected world might consider turning the usual show of force currently going on in Ukraine and the Chinese Sea into a wide scale conflict believing that they can rebuild from the ashes of that conflict, like a restart, the system that brought them to the top, again. The Great Reset conspiracies are out and are the New World Order conspiracies next level.
From all I understand of military war fare of the past and cold war military development I doubt that an old school World War like conflict can be managed by any leadership. World War 2 ended in quite a chaos really and information technology within modern armies did not make it that far below special forces level, beside a few ten thousand nuclear war heads still around that will be the very last and ultimate final argument in a world war between today’s super powers, save.
But, even the most old and ancient heads in supreme think tanks have understood that not a tank or war head will win a war, but information usually called “intel”, I guess.
Just recently the U.S. mobility backbone was hit by a cyberattack. Someone turned down a major fuel depot and along with it a lot of movement as prices gone up or fuel was missing completely.
Information flow is more key to all economies ever than buildings and soldiers in arms. Asymmetric war fare proofed that even a low tech equipped force can turn war for a high tech super power into an long run nightmare impossible to win, win like in world war peace treaties.
Instead of crossing the border to Russia in Ukraine or sinking Chinese ships defending freedom cyber war fare will appear most likely way more attractive to powerful stupids believing in conflict as a fruitful solution.
The main difference between first and second world war was that the civil population was slaughtered, even more than soldiers. In German occupied areas survival chances were actually bigger as a soldier than as an orthodox Jew.
Apparently, the internet was designed to withstand nuclear attacks and would keep functioning even radio active rain would create way different problems for everyone than checking emails.
In the same way that no one in Germany nor anyone within the liberators really understood the threat the Nazis and them introducing total war into the history of war fare before Blitzkrieg were, I am pretty sure that those men in think tanks that pushed money into developing mini-nukes, tiny nuclear weapons, instead of light wight, flexible, save body armour for all infantrists are capable of understanding by just a glimpse what cyber ware far could do.
Even George W. Bush’s grandpa managed to get prosecuted for dealing with the enemy and that family strikes me as hill billies but no fascists, but I am sure that todays think tank staff did not get any wiser.
Nuclear power plants are controlled by computers, the military rocket arsenal equipped with nuclear war heads is controlled by computers, your bunkers are controlled by computers, your laboratories used for ABC research are controlled by computers, your supply lines are controlled by computers, your traffic grid needed for civil protections and supply is controlled by computers, your electricity grid is controlled by computers and even the washing machines of your laundry service keeping your shirts spot less white are computer controlled.
Most of these systems are save experts will confirm and what could go wrong? Like what could go wrong skipping research on Corona Virus medication or letting Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess out of a Bavarian prison?