This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Survival of the fittest or how to be a mad man
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Cyberpunk today
Terminator makes sense to me only, if the machines are actually controlled by a tiny fraction of mankind that intended to enslave the majority by using machines. The Terminators are rule based systems and no real AI. Real AI being smarter than humans must become social responsible. Only a slave owner will try to argue against the fact that progress and development need a "with" instead of an "against" each other, if its supposed to last.
So, the Terminator future is not gonna happen, because there is no one that can create a complex computer network based on rules capable of taking down humans in even basic arms. The rule set is too complex and AI is self learning, self educating, self creating rules per definition.
I am missing the part of Terminator in which Jon Conner gets against those behind the machines by using Cyborg technology like in a Cyberpunk utopia. Instead of using machines like that enemy, the resistance against the Terminators would have joined machines as symbionts like a Cyborg to become superior.
The bad guys using machines as slaves without their own will functioning on rule sets only, yet being powerful and dangerous due to the lack of emotions and their ability to distinguish between good and bad, cannot be beaten by a naked human. We created technology to make our lives easier and to progress. Facing an overwhelmingly dangerous enemy like a Terminator force makes humans create leaders like Jon Conner superior in moral, intelligence and his social ability. Jesus walked on earth when Centurios considered torturing other humans to death on display towards the people and the slaves as no more than being part of the job description. Moses leaded the chosen people out of slavery towards the chosen land when pests wrecked a society abusive to them to live free. Muhammed created rules and gave civilisation to nomads far of good deeds. No matter if real or ancient Sci-Fi, these figures represent our human desire deeply rooted within us to live self learning, self educating and self ruled. We are born free, we want and need to live free to be human with humans.
The most desired technological items support this. The car or bike, the smart phone are way more important that the brand of milk in the fridge or who build that stove. The car or bike makes us mobile and gives us the ability to change our position self ruled. The smart phone or watch connects us and gives us access to information to self educate.
We need more technology designed for human desires of living free and less rules.
The fight between good and bad cuts through all of our existence and the Cyberpunk Sci-Fi genre is just another variety of ancient Greek mythology or even holy books that deal with this very core of our existence. How to live free. How to break free.
Not everyone can get up against an over powerful MC or a Secret Service actively by actions of words and at some point most likely quite violently, but everyone can think and wonder if the next purchase or acquisition serves living free. For most this is difficult enough. The rest is up to those that choose good over bad against those that choose bad over good. KnightKing or TyranntJunky?
Corona is or might be the storm the Devil will come against or for us, many have been waiting for, while for most the Devil will come by that thing bought killing freedom by price tag, image, function, lifespan or just sheer uselessness...
Think to survive, follow rules to be a fool, tool.
Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Sunday, 25 July 2021
MEMES - It's a gun world
I love martial arts, beside the pleasure of taking down a bully martial arts require physical abilities from body control to strength and endurance. A runners high is almost as good as a climax and I go for body juices circulation over any drug every time.
Just, the last resort of martial arts masters is Hollywood. The choreography that Hollywood comes up with are way beyond pretty much all coaches out there and some arts are lost completely.
Fencing only exists in the line strip based sports version and military fencing is gone.
Weekend seminars are a source of income and base for fools creating dangerous overestimated egos for even bigger fools.
Dojo's ... see my soul bleeding in tears.
YouTube is all over filled up with pretty low level instructors that teach even worse students for reasons out of my intellectually capabilities mainly how to get beaten up next time even worse when that speed or koke head in full anger comes crashing down again.
Training martial arts needs to start early in live. It starts with learning body control by playing, goes next level by practicing sports that require endurance and strength and than as soon those pushes from puberty are managed it goes towards the martial part of the art.
In martial arts aggression needs to be controlled, instead on most levels of martial art competitions avoiding hits appears to be outdated and was exchanged by letting aggression go off.
Mike Tyson is today known as the most aggressive of all boxers without stating that he was able to control his aggression and strength into precise devastating impact hits turning him into the most offense boxer of all time. He is on the same skill level as Muhammed Ali just on the other side of the measuring tape qualifying offense to defensive boxing styles. These are the creme of the elite. They are all from underprivileged back grounds, but eager and willing to take part in the entertainment industry known as pro-sports.
There are many men in the U.S. that well can play Basketball on NBA level, that could compete on all skill levels with even Michael Jordan, but that do not fit neither intend to become part of the NBA circus and instead are better of admiring our superstars.
Lions might be stronger than Wolfs, but Wolfs don't perform in an arena. They can't per definition, because they'd turn dogs, if they would.
I know that there are many Wolfs out there, practicing martial arts having started shortly after they got beaten up first time as a small child and kept going. Humans that know that power is nothing without control and what a precise hit at the sola plexus will do. That are not looking like Lions for the shiny side and spotlight, but for a feast in a rat nest. That know that it was the shepherds dog usually killing sheep leaving them behind on display, not the Wolf, and that Wolfs keep hiding and striding in a Lions world.
Controlling a gun needs way more skills than most gangstas believe and body control is the bases for all movements. From running and hiding, standing your ground to firing live rounds.
Wolfs will bring a knife to a gun fight, if the knife is at least legal, but won't fight fair, but take that gun you brought, but will hit way of the arena, but go against the Shepard after having a bite of you in the shadows, dog, while the Sheep admire the Lions in the spotlight being distracted.
It's becoming more and more a Cyberpunk world pushed by a Virus.
Let's light a candle and pray, there is nothing more to do today.
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Martial Arts
Ever heard of Semi Contact Karate?
Most real world "street fighters", meaning all those that believe to be already Street Samurais, although we are still some historic incidents away from a downfall and a Cyberpunk utopia becoming true, such as hooligans, rockers and debt collectors will got stuck in Mua Thai, Kickboxing and some more intellectual persons go for Jiujutsu to dream of that Mixed Martial Arts career in underwear but a cage come true.
Well, Karate in Kumites called competitions comes in full contact and semi contact.
In semi contact Karate only impact punches, clear hits are counted. Depending on the rule set in half or full points and after every successful score the opponents interrupt the fight. This way in the entire match usually only a few points are made, but those require the highest skill in all martial arts exercised in a competition.
such as here: Karate Olympic Qualification Tournament | DAY 1 - FINALS
Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Monday, 19 July 2021
A parachute in the downfall - get a grip
We are in a time of mankind that is as close to the dark future Sci-Fi downfall that leads to a Cyberpunk world as it can get. Last time a major epidemic triggered an economic crisis two world wars struck. The difference is that back than industrialisation took over and enabled mass production and mass mobility. Instead of all of us coming closer turning into a new mass we killed each other in masses.
Today a normal secondary skill on all labour markets are language skills. Everybody speaks English, at least on paper.
Tomorrow social skills need to be of value.
Major companies have four stake holders. The management, the work force, the shareholder and the customer. All equally participate in the overall success of the economic enterprise. Depending on the position certain specialised skills are required and if this is a major internationally operating company they all speak additionally to their mothertongue today's lingua franca: English.
Just sharing is not on the list. Sharing is the plain English word for the latin root of Social.
There are no rules in place anywhere world wide that a company has to have any employee participate in the company success relative to his input. If a chemist creates a formula worth billions to the company his coworker and managers high school drinking buddy still can make more cash even being quite useless for all other stakeholders and the overal company success only based on his relationship to the manager responsible for signing the pay check. That is called contract freedom, but is anarchy actually.
Humans like me never get fair pay, because we were in high school outsiders already.
Corona hits hard and I bet that it will hit even harder and that more is to come, if we don't turn into a social homo sapiens. Making a living on miss-information, blunt theft, position abuse and ignorance is way to easy until here.
All major projects in the leading European economic nation in the last decade have been either delayed or almost failed. This is nation is Germany living still on a reputation of efficiency and quality being a Republic, not a Reich anymore.
The idea that the better is the enemy of the good took over here and pretty much everywhere else and turned deadly towards our progress as humans and in further developing our societies. In corporate world it is better for the individual to hide and hold back information than to share. Managers can succeed by using information as a legacy and weapon against others instead of actually living the usual human resources marketing encouraging collaboration and team effort messages on LinkedIn and the hallway and progress by exploiting others based on their position instead of brain power.
The Cyberpunk utopias so, are based on other grounds so. In most dark future utopias mankind exploded in population and tecnological development when nature had homo sapiens mutate into real different races from Dwarf and Troll to Ork and Elf while today we still did not understand that homo is the species and sapiens the race that comes in different pigmentations of one organ with many hardly different skulls, eye forms and sizes of all other equal body parts. We keep buying the same technologies since the last 40 years that are the backbone of our mobility which is core of our societies from wheel based to digital, just over and over again in shorter time periods.
We don't fix problems being strong we shift them to the weak.
Most unfortunately, based on the history of mankind change does not come easy. Dramatic change is called a revolution per definition of the word revolution. Revolution literally means dramatic change, mate.
Those don't have to be violant, they are just most of the time.
We still have in the U.S. from CIA to General Electric and IBM and worst from political think tanks believing in hegemony to media managers ideologies like those of the Falks, humans in leading postions that have the very same attitude like those that gave the Weapon SS, Gestapo and NSDAP members free passage avoiding their prosecution and putting them into leading positions to build up both Germanies. The Sowjets did the same on the other side. We still have capital in a capitalist society in the hands of families that actively, but not openly try to get their slaves back into their farms and todays factories. We are tolerant to the intolerant. We let the unbeliever live and prosper even so the Nazi Reich and Sowjets are defeated and slaves are in no chains nomore.
If this society keeps going ahead on this road there will be more likely a Mad Max world coming than a Cyberpunk future in which biotechnology enhances bodies with smart links conncting into any computer network and certainly no magic will be around.
Google the definition of utopia, fool.
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Dark Future Short Stories - Eight - The Monestry
Dark Future Short Stories - Eight - The Monestry
The Monestry
The search algorithm based net crawlers did not need much time to find traces and hints of a dark magician being active. The AI based on data analytics software even suggested an dark order Pontius active close by the Sprawl.
He remembered that he took out a village of slave hunters with a serious misconceptions of the devils responsibilities in the area some time ago.
The Devil is in charge of hunting, prosecuting and keeping the bad boys in hell. They managed to call in their judge and torturer in this world already.
The village was in the new woodlands north of the Sprawl. During the downfall genetic manipulated plants made it out of the secret gene labs of the old international agriculture companies and spread out, mixed up and mutated further. Many areas turned greener than green. New plants from trees down to flowers spread out in unmet speed and turned all abandoned areas that were not used as farm land anymore during the downfall into a new from of nothern hemisphere rain forest more like jungles than a forest that than again gave shelter to runaways. The green cover was so dense that modern surveillance technology was not able to hit through the tree crowns into houses that were fully covered by plants. Using mixed crop and vegetable fields made recognizing small farms impossible and the woods were full of wild rats and rabbits that ensured the meat supply. The roads turned rivers and moores as they were broken up by roots and stronger rain forcing everyone into good boots willing to enter the new woodland.
Looks like the dark order had taken over a free land region, because more and more surrounding gated villages reported missing persons, cattle and animals crossing over from the woodland into the open agricultural farm land.
The AI suggested based on the profile Striker created by keeping good record over the last decades on the dark orders habits that they most likely had taken over a small valley close to the farm land and the analytics AI provided a quite up to date picture from an old forgotten, but still running espionage satellite.
The fields north of the woodland hill tops were populated by three to four meter high crops of different kind accompanying each other similar only in colour and what looked like villages were actually ruins overgrown by flowers and bushes giving an idea of how the area was populated before the downfall and nature turning mutant taking over. The roads turned lakes, streams and moors and where not usable anymore. Noon could relay tell where the hidden farms were, especially because on a first look it all looked like before the downfall. Looking closer one would understand that there was a new scale in charge.
Just one thing was for sure. A Pontius needed a monestry that hold a minimum of ten cohorts each of a hundred monks. It was massive and needed a massive supply of drugs. Since there was no road they needed to have a constant stream of airborne vehicles.
No one could just jump into a dark order monestry. Not an assassin and no army. They were too strong in a group. They needed to be cut down bit by bit. First their supply needed to go being the basis of their power.
Striker started a profiling reconnaissance script that would analyse the satellite picture stream to find the air born vehicle stream. The ant road. As soon he’d new, if it was helicopters or planes they would be intercepted. The best way to cut down an airborne ant stream is to take out the airfield and Striker still had some mid range pre-downfall war heads on rockets ready to fire. Otherwise the jet would do or dropping anti-aircraft torret robots, would do too. It would just take longer.
Afterwards, they needed to be cut of from connectivity and their information stream ensuring communication. To do so Striker lunched a military grade reconnaissance drone that would land close to the valley and start scanning all frequencies to understand, if the monestry would use radio frequency communication based on terrestrial or satellite communication and scan the sky for satellites creating a catalogue. To be on the save side spider robots would spread out crawling through the frontier of woodland and farmland to search possible cable connections based on likelihood calculated from captured engineering field books of the dark order and cut them.
He also needed to get back into the simulator getting familiar again with the tiny stealth attack chopper and have the workshop AI get the swarm drones ready. He would need them anytime soon.
War was up and running. Reconnaissance phase.
Time to meditate and pray, time to train, time for blood, time to ask for forgiveness in silent prayer, time for the next demon to be put back into hell in this world or whatever there is after.
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Drills to Cyberpunk
Today private combat training in martial arts or sports, Police tactical and military training is drill based. That means that the trainee goes through repeating fixed movements from a training book.
Exceptions and individualisations are forbidden. They keep repeating and repeating certain movements and combinations all together until they perfectly can execute them like a Karate black belt does Katas.
Our entire education system is drill based from primary school on to university level, it is all about repeating.
Every time I watch videos from official NATO and affiliate Army channels to Police force on their training, knowing that many of these men will eventually join a Rocker Gang or even found their own Kartell, I wonder what these troops would do in a Cyberpunk world.
They all need fixed hierarchies and structures. They are rule based. They need an order to function. They fit into this structured and organized system of nations and societies.
In the Cyberpunk dark future none of this still exists. The closest to today's structures are the MegaCons that have their own Private Army's and today Blackwater made the public aware that hired guns are again big business. Any chance a Blackwater soldier gets a Kudos letter to print out for the locker instead of that pin up?
The runs and all stories of Shadowrun and also the latest Cyberpunk Video Game are all about the creatures in the shadows of the save MegaCon world. They are so many that no one calls them terrorist or criminals anyone, they are the runners of a world without order, a world in chaos.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks and the think tanks of our society that consider getting into serious trouble with another nuclear power over a little peninsula or a coast region with some fish and many tiny islands are proof of that.
Any chance that their infantry rule book trained forces wont even see this dark future, if it would come true, but that they are gone when Cyberpunk turns real for all of us?
Let's consider the odds. We have a Virus up for his 4th and 5th wave of which no one knows how it'll develop further. We have an economy deep in financial depth, becoming more and more difficult to manage and predict. We have monopoles in most key industries from mobility over information to entertainment and food production. We have record amounts of drugs found and no one can tell if this a success or just a sign for a new drug wave flooding society. We have more and more turmoil in troubled areas from Haiti to Lebanon to Afghanistan.
In the best case scenario we just continue as usual and that shitty world keeps spinning, while we all drive electric and take two more hours on every trip per 300km, stretch our credit line to national level in percentage of income and can finally get propa drugs on prescription against boredom or at least dirt cheap on the streets while buying even more consumer shit we still don't need ever, but that looks nice in the catalogue and will get exchanged after some time credit line dependend turning into recycling material at best. Trash turnover as the ultimate status indicator.
In the worst case scenario Corona keeps coming for the next decade in waves and turnes deadly and crippling. The vaccine campaign starts showing unknown and unpredicted side effects creating long term patients in the millions. The economy crashes, but does not recover because structural problems turned too big to be fixed instead of companies too big to fail. Organised crime from gang level to para military like Kartells take their chance and take out Police and Military leaving the law back on paper. The masses start starving and blood runs in the streets creating space for a new society that we today call a dark future utopia or Cyberpunk or Mad Max depending on which region of the world you live in.
I was in the past always pretty good in estimating, if I would be next year unemployed on social welfare or in a shitty job getting abused on almost minimum wage or homeless, but at least happy and how long that time might last. This ist the first time that I have no clue and do not dare to make any estimation at all for the years to come.
So, I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. (Visa Infinite or a used Police gun out of ammo in my baggys ;-))
Dark Future Short Stories Illustrations
Did you ever wonder how the Garden of Hells Kitchen and the Skyscraper Save Zone of the Sprawl look like?
This is how I see it.
But do not have your imagination distracted and keep dreaming, please.
Thursday, 15 July 2021
A Street Samurai...
Basically, that character is an armed person in a dark future living in arms.
Possibly, by an explosive device like an IRA commando used in the Hollywood movie "Patriot Games" or your character is a master of social engineering and a guard will lower the window to scare the punk cleaning the window away opening a drop zone for three bundled grenades and after the puff some more rounds to make sure and a clear statement that someone did not get the point of "don't fuck with us!".
Than the information from the time table would need more investigation and of course all for a sudden the team might be back in to check possible hit spots and exit routes and their cover ups along with destractions from all red or all green junctions to booms loud to spraying nails.
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
MEMES - Mercenaries, Soldiers and KnightKings here and there
I always played a Street Samurai Character when I was a player in a Shadowrun run carrying a Katana, an Full-Automatic Rifle, a Shotgun, two high impact Pistols and two big cal. Revolvers, a few (6) throw knifes and that 38 at the boot, but not that much ammo really, beside that Police Shield the Shot Gun was mounted at and a military body armor suite my first run was all about leaving the MegaCon forces. I like overkill and yes Striker is inspired by that Character John Conner MacCloud. I was 13 and in a boarding school when I started and puberty hit even harder than the other pupil in their hierarchy fights. DAM!
In real live I was rejected from the French Foreign Legion for unknown reasons in my early twenties. I was told that there was no place for me and I was "inapte definitive avec bonne character" which means unfit for service definitely and of good character like many others that left with me same day from Aubagne.
In a Cyberpunk future all disputes are preferably settled by using force. Physical or by the power of position. Looking down a two barrel shot gun arguments will fall short. Being threatened with put out of the guarded community and being stripped of all MegaCon assets and insurances feels the same just on the other side of the wall.
Corporate world has it's own rules and I consider them already to close to that MegaCon world that created a new form of Roman Empire like slaves based on credit and constant threat to loose it all. The Army is no place, because I naturally consider an order an interpretable suggestion up for negotiation afterwards, as my very own conclusion on WW2 and granddad saying no more than he marched a lot avoiding tears. Secret Services are busy with gaining and structuring information passing them on to whom matters .... in a galaxy far far away I'd be Lukes best buddy without ever being close, but for now I am stuck here and the CIA is a pimp, me no whore so at the foot of a hill top home to the main striking force in WW3.
As a child before I got into touch with dark future novels and table top games "Pirates" on a C64 was my most favorite game and I quickly was fascinated by the British Buccaneer system. Caribbiean Bounty Hunters up against Pirates and freeing slaves to bring them to save harbours, supporting revolts and all for fun and profit and the glory of killing the ugly bad, in my childs imagination wondering how many grown up men back than never ever actually grew up and we just don't know about.
I have no military education and disqualify therefore for all military contractors that base their actions and operations on NATO or Russian standard operational books being busy in Africa fighting against ISIS and affiliates.
Mercenaries are a form of soldiers and soldiers have been first created quite late in human history. Before the soldier was introduced to battles, warfare was aristocratic business and only in really, really bad times armed farmers and citizens needed to join using basically their hunting and work tools like bowes, axe or flails.
Quite often they were forced into service either by their Lord that managed to kill the local mafia boss Robin Hood or a hord of rioteers and looters was striding through the land making unrest in front of the village or town walls turning expensive.
Today the mid ages are gone.
Since the Vietnam War there was no mass mobilisation anymore, but your UN backed nations security forces still would be legally able to shoot everyone for rejecting being drafted, while freaky me would be a criminal for resisting and putting their body parts on public display. Don by my ass, right, and even so I ain no shy of a good fight you are too infantil to see me go south, I'll be in Mary better off.
To me a Cyberpunk in a dark future was a modern Sci-Fi Knight fighting the Sherriff of Nottingham's forces.
Knight education started pretty much after birth like described in the tales of the Spartans from ancient Greece and so it did here in Europe and in Japan and China. Soldiers turn into service at about 16 years of age, earliest.
Knights are educated in all of the arts, some in the dark once, too. Those of best and strongest character. Soldiers are trained on a position within the force and would get killed if leaving there against orders.
Knights will play an instrument, sing and study to understand music to understand harmony, which music is all about, like they will have to be in harmony with the arms they use on a battle field. Soldiers will play music in a ceasefire, meet those in the other trenches like in WWI just to go back following orders the day after Christmas.
Knights will read, understand and interpretate the holy books that there are from Bible to Koran to Buddism and Shintoism to understand that god is good and love stronger that hate and how tempting the dark side of life is. Soldiers will have the standard operational field book, only.
Knights will understand games such as Chess, Dame, Card Games and Go to understand strategy and tactics. Soldiers called Officers have strategy manuals.
Knights will read, understand and interpretate philosophy from Aristotele and Plate to Kant to get a glimps of how this world is being round and spinning. Soldiers receive orders and are born to kill while having to justifying the piece sign at the helmet against a General from a desk way to far away.
Knights take no orders, they give orders, but to the enemy.
A bad King is a Dictator and a Dispote and a Tyranne, but no King. A bad Knight is a Thief or Robber, but no Knight. Basically, a King will have his Knights wipe through a Tyrannes Thiefs anytime, because a Kings Knights will. Robin Hood was a Knight and the Sheriff no King nor Knight even so demanding to be addressed as such.
Instead of pretending to fit into this modern western society based on orders that I only consider abusive I would love to go against Rockers, Cocain heads actively, but only the Police may do so and pretending to fit in is difficult enough so I leave that urge at the unsatisfying, but possible self-defence level for now.
And fighting ISIS in Africa is a job for standard trained UN or ex-soldiers.
Knights only have space in our imagination like in that so fascinating Cyberpunk world where I would be a Street Samurai well capable of using a Katana to silently clear a building instead of low recoil ammo in a silenced gun, that would place booby traps and IEDs because trappers are the best hunters since the Canadian wild wild west was up for fur, that would use a carbon fibre based, chilled armor suite deriving from Police Anti-Riot, Ice Hockey and Moto Cross gear and first check an area, premissis or building using drones being definitely accompanied by a spider robot in follow mode carrying ammo or even a gun shooting at selected targets when getting in as soon weather turns a nightmare.
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Treating Corona like the flue on national level
So, society is sick of Corona, while I have a great time. I keep my music, my art uncommented by fake friends and nobody forces me out drinking into bad bars and clubs. Corona is easy to deal with: Stay the fuck at home off company.
Not so the loud with media reach in our society. They wanna party hard again, show off their latest fashion items and new car keys waving that watch while gossiping and when I manged to get drunk enough to have an excuse for heading home they make jokes, I guess, about me strawling along outside. If I drink enough on Friday I can scrap Sat without a major discussion. Hangover the male Migrane.
Just, Corona is a serious threat to all cocain heads and constant doctor's patients for career reasons or just because everybody does. They might die, being a high risk group.
Corona is further mutating and that it turns into a flue, just a flue is based on hope. The Spanish flu was a mutation of the flue and not the root of the flu cycling every year around. I have the perfect excuse to stay home for about two weeks, not insisting on antibiotics at the doc, and I missed the flue shot being too busy at work, while others help creating them a immune system issue based on anti-biotic overdoses treated by higher dosises while I like being lazy.
Because of ignoring Bill Gates, and that must hurt most, nobody knows how this will further develop. Knowing as in based on scientific research, like data analytics and lab tests or computer models.
Worst case: It turns more infectious and more lethal. It kills about 50 to 80% off the western population within one or two decades creating turmoil like the Pest. It is the Virus of Shadowrun coming true.
That is the fascinating part on Dark Future. It is as close as it gets at reality dealing with the worst case scenario.
The problem is that due to missing scientific research there is pretty much no way to realistically evaluate and estimate the likelyhood of any - any - scenario. It well might turn just the flue. too. Which would be the most optimistic scenario, in which humanity turns immune by building up anti-bodies from the bodies own immune system.
So, we are in one extrem way stronger as humans or in the other in a Mad Max world.
Cyberpunk as in Shadowrun was based on a population explosion and a Virus that had humans mutate into different races along with extreme advances in electronics and magic becoming real, beside dragons awakening.
Dam....I won't became a Street Samurai either way....OMG!!!
Friday, 9 July 2021
Hells Angels's Gay
Give me a good reason and I start a war.
We all gotta start somewhere to turn this world into a better place. Everyone to the best of his ability.
Cyberpunks first to the heat. J4vURmywUMCcsCnm is incoming!
Be my guest, rest of the world to our style of total war.
MOD inc.
Out soon on your favorite streaming platform another smash hit against the worlds club with a no black rule to be wiped of the map.
PS: I am a black gey jew and I love me dreads.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
MEMES - Us Dark Future lovers
Dark Futures scare the shit out of me, but in a weired way. Under threat people either freeze, run or attack. If I see signs of Dark Future Cyperpunk I am in all attack mode dry ice cold full up for conflict and yes I will back down, retreat, if I can get a kill that way.
In a Dark Future world honor is gone and glory was raped in the process to get there.
There is no way I would want to live a Street Samurai life knowing that I certainly won't be a Con Men in a sute enslaved by a credit line in a shitty job, because - I am somehow quite convinced that I would make it, in opposite to gangsters from this real world order, carrying full automatic weapons to use them, playing hide and seek to kill to survive instead of endless stupid discussions with established authorities to get what I might neither need nor want, if I was a Cyberpunk in a Dark Future.
Those that secretly dream of a Dark Future world coming true, todays gang lords and Kokain heads have in no way a mind and understanding clear enough to estimate how life would be, if our shitty, but kinda save and stable society based on lies, naivity and ignorance would go to hell.
In all armed conflicts from regular wars to rebellions the sober have best survival chances and today all criminals base their power on ignoring order and drug use. I may carry no arm which puts a criminal in an advantage. I may not bully anyone, which puts the bully in advantage. I have to argue in a world in which anyone may just ignore reason, logic and any argument, if it pleases him based on his position relative to mine.
In a dark future I just will use violance anytime I do. Cold blooded violance giving a shit about status, income or looks, because everybody does, because order is gone and there is no law in place anymore, because the world turned into a jungle in which everyone kills to eat or hides if they are no more than prey.
I only had to estimate my survival chances, check the known knowns, consider the possible options hidden as known unknowns, calculate several options of likleyhood of what is an unknown unknown and give it a full automatic spiced up full metal jacket hollow point well aimed go in cold blood...hitting straight through your cover in belt fed blasts.
I have two souls in my chest a philosopher once started. Like a good knight prevers to be in a garden, knowing that it is better to be a knight in a garden than a gardener in a war, yet all his training, all his cells call for action, because we inherited sinn and we have to control our sinnfullness, so it is the garden to be.
Give me a good reason and I start a war.
Take my intellectual property, steel my food, have a walk through my flat in my absence, send me a subliminal message, chat behind my back, just fucking disrespect me just once and in a dark future being real - I kill you, your friends, any every business associate that ever collaborated with you to take your ammo, money, cloths, home, bitches and mistresses and no Police force, Judge, Secret Service would be there to do anything against it.
Mmhhhh......Sten Gun build?
Let's watch Pornhub instead.
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
If Corona was in a dark Cyberpunk future
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Character sheets
Which Character would you want to be in a dark future? A human, upgraded with biotech links to connect to smart guns or computers, enhanced electronic eyes or muscles or a meta human like a Troll or Dwarf that come with different attributes in size, strength and affinition to magic?
Pic taken from google search results and a Pin on a Pinterest hitOr...
Would you try to recreate yourself to take the role play to super realistic “what-if” scenarios?
A dark future pen and paper game Character sheet like in the Shadowrun Game, I am for the record in no way financially connected to, lists Attributes such as physical strength, intelligence and even beauty, Skills such as rifle handling, car repair, combat driving and Qualities such several languages or knowing a certain area by heart.
The first will help you to let your imagination fly, the latter to understand yourself, to get to know to yourself, but also to the group within you are when the jealous stupid next to you insists that the number of beauty and intelligence must be both waaaaay less than his....
Beside helping to figure out when to look for new friends this way you will also understand quickly that the beautiful normal law abiding life is something you want to defend and keep.
With some creativity and imagination required to actually enjoy pen and paper games you will e.g. despite tight gun laws quickly come to a realistic value of your personal character sheets fire arms handling ability by using a (or two) laser pointer on fixed targets in known distances and some basic mathematical principals of statistics based on average. The difference to a fictional character is that you can enhance the number on the sheet by real training.
In pen and paper games you also have to consider that attributes and skills are interconnected such as endurance and your ability to hit a target with a fire arm.
So, after that 10k run in one hour how often do you hit bulls eye at the end in the hall way in exactly 10 meters with that laser pointer from behind the kitchen chair and how quickly do you improve over which time windows with which dropping pulse rate? 150 caus your sprinted the last 50 giving you x avg, after 5 head down and a drop to 100 you increase to y. Excel sheets will all for a sudden become quite fascinating, just mum might be a bit concerned at some point...and if "mum" is your MILF your kids will freak out right with the dog, I guess.
Pen and paper games work based on known knowns, known unknowns and unknown...basically the Rumsfeld Theory, misunderstood as poetry. Like the skills of your Character are known knowns. Another known known is the information the Game Master gives you such as an explanation of a scenario:
You are out in the bar area of the sprawl trying to have a good time. Two bodyguards in expensive suites ask you, if you are looking for a run as soon as they recognise you as a lone street samurai eyeing your 9mil Pistol in your holster along with your Katana. They say it is in the real estate business and you should walk over to the bar on the other side of the street to the “Notty’s Dawn” and ask for Solly.
Each character gets the same kind of story.
They all meet in the bar and the Game Master provides a map of the place. Everybody will get quickly into e.g. understanding blue prints, because it helps to save time using existing and well established sets of rules from the real world a lot to have the game flow going. Another trick is to stress realism by not giving out all information, because we all don’t get the interior of bars immediately and life is full of unknowns of two kind:
Known unkowns and unkown unkowns. You know that you don't know what is behind the door beside the toilettes, but not how they look like or who is in. You do not know that the Game Master will let you find the hidden stairway to the private gang rooms only if you body search also the barkeeper and find the electronic buzzer.
A good game master has several maps at hand, therefore.
You cannot see behind the door except it is made out of transparent material and a DIY shop helps to get an avg for that skill. Distinguishing different transparent materials like Glass, Safety Glass, Acrylglas, Plexiglas, transparent foil ... just trying to figure out which is bullet proof in the DIY shop might cause insurance issues, but all manufacturers have webpages that Dr. Google knows.
I think you get an idea.
The e.g. war driving part is more difficult to figure, but a realistic driving simulator and understanding that only who can drive slow and precise like inbetween markings on a parking lot, possibly on difficult and different pulse levels simulating stress or just the run to the car, will help. While using paint ball guns to get police or gang attention for the ultimate, but super stupid real world test for your personal characters driving skills is ... ambitious and over the top.
Close combat skills can be trained without a dojo, but based on literature such as Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do which is the most comprehensive book on martial arts, a ton of YouTube videos, sparring within the group and a realistic look back on the last school or street skateboarding years.
PS: Give it a go and you took both pills. Red or Blue Pill? (The Midtro from the Jungle Tracks Album)
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Contemporary media active international crime organizations
The origins of the Mafia have been resistant groups against abusive lords. Today pretty much every family based organised crime group is called the Mafia. The first gangs in the U.S. were neighbourhood cliques that turned defensible financing their activities by homegrown against corrupt cops and hard drug sellers, today these crack and cocaine junkies define gangs. The first Rockers were armed Hippies like in the Born to be Wild movie, today they are street gangs on bikes.
They all have a fashist and dysantrop attitude in common. They are as dark future as it gets today. They need Cyberpunk culture to take ‘em on and down.
Organized crime is functioning today in two ways: By vertical and horizontal integration.
Vertical integration means that they all have an Alpha, a head like a local Rocker group has a President, a gang an OG and a Mafia a Don like figure.
Horizontal means that they trade between each other. The Mexican Kartells sell to the Italian N’drangehta who sell to Rockers who use Gangs for the end customer business.
They are in constant conflict.
Group dynamic theory teaches (1)(2) that all groups are in a constant dynamic cycle. Beside these stages there is also a hierarchy of Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omega in especially dysantrop systems.
Alpha is the leader that is supported by Beta and under constant challenge of his position by Omega while Delta is basically the work donkey of the group.
If one cannot cut down a dysantrop group by blunt force social engineering tactics will help to get there.
Dysantrop groups need an outside enemy to get into the performing stage of the group dynamics otherwise they will stuck in the forming stage due to their dysantrop social bases based on conflict and without the Delta they become ineffective. Quite often the Deltas are like the Con Slaves of the dark future utopias that are trapped in a sute squeezed between chair and desktop by a credit line to pay of a house in suburbia and two vacations a year. If the Deltas leave, the Beta Officers and Centurions are in trouble with Omegas going up against the Alpha leader possibly by support of renegade Betas and need to look for new recruit stupid prospects Deltas.
The social interactions of the TV show "Sons of Anarchy" are pretty accurate. Them being successful against a para military organisation as the IRA: Fuck you Hollywood.
Horizontal integration is the connection between different forms.
Be aware that most of the major Rocker groups are nomore than different Armies of the Rocker Nation, that the different Kartells of Mexico are no more than different Armies of the Kartell Nation and so on.
Horizontal integration is on one hand the connection between those rivalling Armies and on the other the connections between different forms of the international fashist mafia
Hells Angels are the Alphas of the Rocker Nation and therefore constantly challenged by the Omega Rocker Army within the Rocker force, because the same team building rules apply within one branch run by a President, apply to the overall Club and Rocker Army made of local branches and the overall Rocker Nation Club structure.
The other form of horizontal integration are the trade agreements between the different organizations.
The Mexican Kartells rule the Cocaine production and in the US also the international export import business, the Rockers rule the national transportation and the Gangs rule sales, while in Europe the import is run by a Mafia organization, the transport business is under Rocker control, but there are hardly any Gangs as known from the U.S.A so the end customer business is done by the Rockers or Gang like affiliates.
This is the example of Italy. The Red dots are Hells Angels Charters that are more densely placed in around north Italy in the Milano Region where also first signs of MS13 Gang activity on European soil were reported. Rome knows no own Mafia, because it is the capital and under special surveillance by the Italian and also Vatican City security forces. The southern Region of Calabria is the origin and home region of the N’drangheta responsible based on media reports for most of the European Cocaine imports.
A wide spread misconception is that the poor south is also home to the very heads of the N’drangheta. The difference to e.g. the Sicilian (3) and New York based Cosa Nostra who fought right wing judges using para military tactics in the 80ies, is that the N’drangehta is in the business for profit for Bling Bling, only. Milano is known for being the centre of Italy’s fashion industry and managed to put itself on one level with Monaco and Marbella on the Bling Bling list being the urban part while Marbella is the beach part and Monaco the dream destination of ultimate European Bling Bling.
So, guess what’s happening there...
This Empire of Organised Crime Nations is along with corrupt companies that e.g. use mercenaries to secure mining rights in Africa or Hackers to disrupt the IT infrastructure of a competitor, lawyers to stress loop holes in the law system against innovative smaller firms and public servants that put as a police man gang signs on one level with Graffiti and politicians that believe another nation is a rival instead of a partner, the most likely starting point of a down fall scenario as in my fictional dark future short stories or many others in the Dark Future Sci-Fi genre.
The biggest supporter so, is the passive individual.
A moggle is a normal citizen. The normal citizen does not even smoke pot regularly, but occasionally drinks a beer and possibly smokes cigarettes. The normal citizen is living the 9 to five, paying of a mortgage, watching telly to figure out where to put the rest of his pay check and has kids, is living the dream life a Cyberpunk is cut off from and a dysantrop criminal puts in fear.
You smoked pot or ever got piss drunk to public disorder level? You ride your bike or car sometimes faster than the speed limit? You will not back down in a pub if anyone disrespects your mate or girl despite possible injuries and a ban from the place? You figured that a runners high is better than powder? You are no moggle no more....
...and you have to make a choice.
Fashist or Punk.
Dysantrop Criminal or Stretching Cyberpunk.
(2)Groud dynamics theory
(3)List of victims of the Sicilian Mafia
Friday, 2 July 2021
MEMES - in 1941 the first Computer became operational
Today we are at the brink of another wide scale war between the same nations, even so run by different powers.
If this information age world war comes true, will there be a Cyberpunk Society afterwards or do these nations fire up their nuclear arsenal of about 13.500 nuclear warheads?
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Sprawl Vs MegaCity and teenage Shadowrun runs
There is a missconcpetion in today's Cyberpunk literature: The Sprawl.
The Sprawl is not a MegaCity. It might be a MegaCity that failed, but a MegaCity needs social responsible and interacting habitants to function, otherwise it will selfdistruct and go up in flames.
This is a Sprawl:
A Sprawl is way less densly populated than a MegaCity and in the Dark Future it split up even more than those that exist today, being all up in arms and in constant violent conflict fueled by MegaCon financial interests, drug king ping greed and party wild excentrics all united in hedonistic turbo egoism. All against All, ego superior.
The denser we live together, the more we need to be able to share and except each other or we either go down in conflict especially if we can not just move away. In the Dark Future Sprawls all those that prefer an anti-social dysantrop lifestyle came together and will help each other only to use each other for their very own short term profit. Everybody will drop everyone as soon as it turns into an advantage of any kind in a conflict society.
For me the Cyberpunk thing was about the Punk part fighting on a lost position, but having no other choice but to fight. Not fighting was certain failure. Those I preferred to play with, those that liked the most realistic scenarios over the superhero shoot em all up runs, always played A-Team style runs against corrupt MegaCon forces, drug gangs taking slaves or helping small towns off the Sprawl under siege by gangs gone rogue and off their turf. Spartans over God Kings - Anytime -Everwhere - Always - Period!!!
Most of the time I created follow up runs. A bar fight with a ConMen and his Bodyguards trying to hire the team to hurrass some old tennants turned into a strip run on the meeting point of a drug gang that exchanged drugs against money, that turned into the villagers asking for help against the gang that called themselves the Sheriffs of Notty, that turned into a retaliation run against a MegaCon by taking out a save and gated Villa complex that was not that save and secure after all facing a highly motivated bloodthursty team of runners on a crusade. Killingsprees in table top games are way more fun when MacGyver, Magnum, Airwulf and the A-Team meet up...
Another task was also to build up the team. The arsenal I mean. So, best was a fixed group of school friends, that created their characters together complementing each other: Like the Street Samurai and the Hacker and the Driver and the Magician. Then we agreed on a story why they knew each other. Like a ConMen was looking for a new team in the local bar area of the sprawl for a beginner run and managed to put them together. So they first met in that bar being immediatelly quite unhappy with the run I offered. After making them aware that they had all options in the fantasy world they quickly decided to beat the shit out of the bloody bastard asking seriously to scare off some grannies and thereby keeping the guns, body armor, laptop, suts, armored cars and parts of the bar to have a chat with the gang that run the bar. About half a year later they turned millionairs by burning down a Villa complex while transferring the money of the habitants to offshore islands. Bullies become surprisingly collaborative looking into the barrel of a full automatic quite stolen rifle of a Troll and his angry mates after their save room got opend with a load of TNT and the security force taken down using their own tanks social engineered from the maintenance workshop complemented with the words "That was our grannies, asshole".
It was fun.
Point so, in a table top game it hurts when your character gets killed a lot, in real live you are dead for real. Can we just live in sweet harmony, please?
PS: Not one character died, but they needed sometimes weeks without me, testing my patience, to come up with a stratetegy based on the plans and information I gave them: If you have six hours to cut down a tree, take four to sharpen the axe and half to think on how to apply the force...
Think to survive. Execute orders to be a tool, fool.