This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
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Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Comments - A para militar perspective on Mr Ganser or The 51sts
100% Realtalk Podcast 129 | @DanieleGanserOffiziell
J4vURmywUMCcsCnm Cyberpunk-Music 2 hours ago (edited)
WTC 7 muss auf den Tisch. I keep wondering why the fella keeps repeating to imply a conspiracy based on a explosives destruction team. In the way-too-thick report he refers to, and in a no-way-to-find-again YouTube vid of the official commission, the reason of the building Nr 7 collapsing straight down like a destruction team was in, is explained.
There was a subway station right below the building. Therefore the piles driven into the NY soil to rest the weight of the building onto the rock deep below NY where not symetrical. It was two rows of pillars and in the row the subway was build, some pillars where missing.
The rest of the building was designed to put the weight onto the existing pillars.
A big chunk of building dropped down, in a honestly miracly strange angle, and pulled down the building, but straight. Something noone ever can calculate with any engeneering software for statics within steel constructions. Until today, we can not calculate where a water molecule out of a pipe will drop on the sourface below, despite the precise weather just 7 days ahead. Which is called the science of complex systems or chaos theory.
The real question is why M.Atta was considered no threat? Why the CIA financed forigners called Mujahedin fighting in Afghanistan? Why does the CIA create monsters over and over again that all at some point cut loos? Columbian Contras to Kartell enforcer expedition corps, Mexico City homeless killer squads to Mexican Kartells, and in this case Mujahedin to Al-Quida to ISIS and today's Taliban?
#shoottokillMIB #gfyCIA
PS: There once was a difference between Hochverrat und Geheimnissverrat. The latter might be justified to reveal the prior. I accuse the CIA of treason, covering up by falsly accusing others of treason, which is in fact no more than betrale on secrects. The SS was sentenced to death after the liberation of Ausschwitz by the Wehrmacht Deserteure. Both sides kept recruiting. No collaboration. No surrender. No mercy. Death before dishonour. Go for DAY X....
#centurions #deadheads #anazisianygoodeeadonly
This is not a negotiation.
51:12 Like the wars of Napoleon the Indochine war has a different perspective deserved. The french word colonie, as also used in old franconian, derrives from kolone, like a staple or row and a Koloniealwaren Laden was a shop in which one could order large quantity packs. Products from Kolonien would be called Überseewaren. Old french has way less words and so had franconian when it was still spoken before Nazi tyranny and current German repressive occupation.
The CIA supported also the other side and understanding that it makes more sence that the actual intention of the French enagagement in Indochine, the china of the indian aka china of the native, was to keep away nationalist and extreme tyranny as later enforced by the Khmere Rouge over republican ideals by war as Napoleon tried to liberate Prussia from the abusive feudalsit lords.
#vivelarevolution #frankundfrei #gfyCIA
01:29:08 Arm all teachers, because of a potential amok run, is as wrong as forbidding all arms in schools. We have to prevent a school in which all need arms, because all have arms. That means that only those confident to bear an arm carry arms and this only will happen, if the abuse of arms is fought from the root. No bullying tolerated, no supression tolerated, training in positive and fair conflict management from verbal in discussion classes to fire arm use. Architectual prevention of attacs and architectual defence structurs. An amok run is caused by a complex set of prior long term occasions, thus it needs a complex system of preventive actions from the very root or it will create bigger problems in all aspects.
Monday, 28 November 2022
If I was a builder
I just read that salt water ain no good for concrete. That is because of the steel in it would rost.
Friday, 25 November 2022
Superstruktures commando operated building sites
Thursday, 24 November 2022
Deads one for all - Matthew 25
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40)
This applies to all you do to the least of all. It means that when your boss treats you bad in a world of ten billion, there will be plenty others that receive the same treatment.
If that is true, and there is an all connecting force as God is who is and is in everything, it also means that plenty will stand up and fight, if you do.
Like you will never hear from the least somewhere around the globe mistreated, you also won't hear of your brothers keeper that stood up, just a minute before you.
May the force be with you and stand up, if you can. So, make sure you will can.
Saturday, 19 November 2022
A jeda wie er ko - Nach bestem wissen und gewissen - Do what you can
Thursday, 17 November 2022
The cogney medusa
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Information overflow right into to the jungle
Since we developed from speach the written word, mankind thouhgt twice before writing down what they had in mind. Two stone plates carried the ten commandments and even the Romans wrote down only poetry and important historc events, but not every senat hearing.
Today, digital photography shows a society problem we have. Since taking pictures went digital we do 3000 pictures, and before on a trip five roles 30 each. But for most the quality output of about 5 to 10 picuters being good did not change.
If you go into a huge bookshop the belletristik section takes most space and is full of content that has no deeper meaning or relevance, but is only to kill time.
Like music is more than tone and sound, writings are more than words. They are supposed to fix a well thought for longer than a spoken phrase.
If you bought a book you throw away when moving, it was a waste of time and money, considering a time in which elite knights were protecting book transports considering them more valuable than gold, like a desert nomad will consider finding water more precious than oil.
Google fails to show us content. Based on the amount of content out there, just written already, a single search software can and does no cover it all. It also fails to qualify and sort the content. Every library has a system of order. There are sections for science, novels, picture books, child books, cook books and more, that than again have sub-sections which are again sorted by other categories such as year or author.