Wednesday, 31 January 2024

I just decided

that I will one day after my Dark Future Short Stories write a modern version of the Count de Monte Cristo in which a gambling master and Top G finds his true love to start a war with all his Gs as support ending in him using it all for only one reason: Being married happily after. 

I won't call it How I fucked the Matrix, promised.

PS: In the meantime, if I was in touch and just a freak, I would recomend him to get a G3 Heckler and Koch or surprising me with a Colt M16, instead of an AK-47. You wann shoot a Queen instead of a reliable bitch. Super reliable, but a bitch that is all over the place for a reason so. Some ranges allow to keep a rifle stored in some contries with restricted use. Like the range owns it at least.

Have and Have nots

Training. Coordination. Proper tuning. A map. A trunk full of weed.

Have not
Any reason to stop until Napels. Real registration. Nine to Five slavery.

So again Gs

What exactly is your problem?

Beasty Boys.


Niets te maken

Het gloov ick niet

Who ben jou?


Het problem in het society of The West

is dat man zonder hofd eeckt belagnrijt far far away comn gaan. Waarom secht iemand in de erste minut: 

HEY. Nijt de stone, of ben je Jesus? Yau moot van de Politie riden anyway of niet?


Ok. Waaar is the oude ride cemetry omdat moet snell sein and nijt orognal. 

Hehe. Zecht who?

Seniore Malossi en Ick.

Tate's playlist - Soul

No soul is about to fuck. It is about making sweet easy love, but for well all night long. 

Yours, Boston Southies next to the Philly guys.
For Patrick and Sheila

Max Headrooms - The G interviewer as researcher


TussyInc SWAT

Ok. Than she is gonna dump him now, stand up ang walk out.
Joe. She is standing up and walking.
Three, He is watching her
He is watching here
Two. He is taking the red wine
He is taking the red wine
One. Is drowning it.
He is drowning it
Collaps, Heart attack. Falling of the chair.
No, His face is in the noodles.
But the poison ...
Worked. Swolled it whole.

Joe & Jim Undercover

 Joe Smith. NSA: Listen to what I have to say

TussyInc NASTies

Hi, JOE!!! Wanna come over, too? I think Jim is having a good time.
No. We don't deal like that.
That was a yes, with these guys.
Oh. Why he'd call? JIIIIM. Why would Joe call and not come over
To check which page we are on.
The Sutra, wanna come? Turning pages as we speak...


 it is fine to pay 1Bn dollars for something that could fly by a pilote still way better and have that not like that from the inside.

Soldier positioning system
Geographic 3D battle ground map
Lifesigns indicators
Individual comand communication
Visual connection 

You like us dying for the Vaterland? That never was the deal, dude

Falling Angels

 is one thing. Stripping Angels of their feathers or even ripping out their wings another level. Respect is very important on the Streets. Underground guys cannot afford that style of an Ego.
The only thing worst in this case, after taking out once mansion, is when he is challanged to go down in the second.

Death before Dishonour

Ick ben zeeker bang for yau, ombdat het geld is bald van een heel hardcore geld weld een ick wees niet waan ick com can om de investieren sodat iemand demonstrireren moet in wat blood is who geld een welt before het better wordt.neij is neij wen neij ook neij in aktkon neij neij is....slum society for onsre buur aller for een en enn for all.

They start to understand

 that they are at one table with the big boys now. 
In opposite to the old boys, I guess they will try it with more authority and push harder even so facing soon outsiders coming for the huge loot of a society that was kept next to the Main Street.
The only reason is that some feel unfair treated and see no other way to get what they believe is theirs by any other means than breaking a law. Wright or Wrong, depends on the point of view, doesn't it?

In the last quarter of the vid he states that TheGermans would have good contacts to forigne groups which are all operating close to harbours. That is not true. Most of these are secret service created expads having an almost perfect legend. They tend to make strange mistakes in what is supposed to be their native language. 
Many of those derive from Lebensborn like structures created post 45.

The harsh sad truth. A Nazi does not stop on defeat.
And we told you.
before Katyn.

In the last part he warns that well financialy equipped groups will make the situation worse. This is true. To understand the situation better, you have to admit, as the Nation, that the monsters you created will cut loose from Secret Service rule, as they all did in the past; That the real Mafia and Terrorist Organisations will come right after them and that Ibiza won't be the home of Latino Gang Armies and Mexican Kartells looking for easy loot being united. That New Order will be horribly used by the e,g, FSB and South African Services.
You have no idea what you kicked off by breaking that one rule I gave you greedy Pigs: Do not rip my heart out!

Lets get ready to rumble! TIE


This in all around 16:20 was nothing more but a lucky day and no superior mil-tech made in The West. In the end of the day a WW2 howitzer does the same as a most modern howitzer. It fires artillery shells.
In both cases it does that ballistically, that means in a bow and in also both cases depending on how well the tool of war is maintained and its crew trained. 
Every Staff Srg running into a Big Red Ones recruits room to shout his loungs out and giving orders to the half nakeds to get up, take the M16, at night with lights off to deassemble it and sit next to it until the last is done to reassmable it again and loading a life round into the chamber, nows that his men as soon doing that without remembering next morning, that they will successfully defend every base they are ordered to saving their and their comrads lifes.
Big Red One and armies are not about breaking someone, but about pushing the limits of those taking the oath to defend freedom of them breaking past what a tyrann will consider possible.


Everything I see from Ukraine supports my opinion that they are all on drugs considered performance enhacing medication, but that is also limiting the ability to understand that for about two years nothing moves except the bill for funerals and ammo. 
All parties still have professional better trained personal. NATO is able to get 90 thousand into war games as we speak. None of them is trained in Iraq used war strategies and tactics, only a few among SAS and Legion Comandos, will be trained on a level needed to apply Iraq war tactics.
You have to understand, Generals on all sides, that Special Forces are the very future of warfare and the time of World War like men in uniforms, no matter their level of motivation, is over on the modern battle field.
We also all understand that war is part of mankind; That too many to keep the peace are fighting already on different levels.
I wonder, if Charly Chaplin won against Fashism, and there are enough men in Uniform serving to stand up and explain their leaders and comanders what they will do and what not. That they are no machines serving machine hearts, but took their uniform to protect from those.
All they have to do, is like getting Lilly Marlene back into the radio waves, speak up.
And we fix it underground.
but we are at war
In the last minutes of that Bild video you show someone getting picked up the same way a Bundeswehr Officer picks up someone of his own that got lost. Don't you think they might be better of either way in an underground war as information collectors, bomb placers, killers, drug dealers, bribing the corrupt, covering up as tourists or business men from at home deep in NATO turff securing the homefront to 3rd nations like Usbekistan or Burkino Faso about to fall off The West and even in St Petersburg or Vladivostok operating as Underground Worriers? 
You have, except the Germans, experiance in that kind of warfare, you just did not see it as such. The CIA pushed Mexican Kartells against the Socialiat Pablo Escobar. This was an Underground war that even created the infmaous CIA Delta Force to also get boots onto the ground. Until here, The West only used Underground warfare against a way of life covering it as a war against an political enemy and not yet against the influence of anogther nation. In every society that is not drilled like the German to accept unquestioned every authority, the different enteties can be played against each other. So you CIA did against the Rockabilly opponing racial seggregation in the fifties, against the Hippis opponing the creative arts and racial seggregation and against Hip-Hop opponing minority emanzipation and again racial seggregation as much as you supported Columbian Contras and Mexico Citie's killer squats targeting homeless to build Cocain Kartells or helped corrupt U.S. citizens to build up smuggling networks for Cocain into the U.S.
Would you leave us alone or do we go ballistic??

A softlanding

might be still possible, but it will be more of a partial crash. That women would have to take over, according to their plan anyway, but with understanding that before they have to split off those parts that are like the Green Partie's mouls. The Green Party used the word Pedophile before the Burda media turned it into the new Pederast and ment to lower the legal age to 16 from 21. In the 60ies. Economic criticism is no HJ.
The Nazi core startegy was always false flag tactics and who shouts loudest is right. If The Germans get kicked out of Germany and, as I said into an agents face when the StaastsSchuts asked me to go against someone that never fell in my back from among Rocker nation, you will have a shot on a 2nd Bundesrepublik like the French have their 5th now, over the worst Wild Lands mankind ever saw, the party focuses on economy over purely the angry and a bloody civil war, so some can buy stocks, might pass and instead the war stays underground off main attention based on targeted killings and theft and sabotage against Holocaust Money Attitud among the Living and you do as you talk ruling floors and main streets.
I can't make that call.

PS: One million in every currency, is 8 zeros. 6 among the dots and two where the comma is, bitch.

Russia in 5 to 8 years

IMHO, They either attack now in a Blizkrieg scenario or increase coordinated large scale training with NATO in parallel to go for the first major world war size war since 1945, that has only one thing granted, a nuclear war is again on the table and millions of humans will be at best only displaced.

Ideally, no one wins Ukraine and we sort our dispute underground until one economy is done and all hardcore duelists are either dead or satisifed.

No CIA or BKA officer will admit the copy right theft and crimes against humanity aginst us. NATO will not retreat onto the 4 plus 2 contracts, like Israel won't expell the Rabin murderers.

You challanged.
I ask for Underground. That means, if you come anther time and even kick in my door, you have no underground.

Confeds Vs Russia

The only reason to make a contract with someone of your track record is to understand litterly what you will break. When is only a prediction based on your stupidity.
The best you can get, is that we in the US take care of you and the FSB stays of U.S. turff, because you will touch our borrows again, won't you?
That would also mean that you will not interver in any respect in any actions of any Provos Cell in Europe against The Germans and their partners what so ever. Our American Cells can keep you bussy, if you wish.

IRA Provos, IronClad The Goblin, as The Red Baron

Holocaust Gedenk Rede

 Nein. Mein Leben hier unter Deutschen ist beweis das Deutsche keinen eignene Staat haben können. Keinen eigne Nation haben dürfen sondern kontrolle und bewachung brauchen. Deutsche lügen und eignen sich andere kulturen an. Wir waren Franken, Friesen, Bayern und vieles mehr. Deutsch ist ein Dialekt des Niederländischen und Franken sprachen natürlich Französisch. All das wird geleugnet. Um all das morden Deutsche immer noch. Ich lebe weil ich stäker bin, weil ich Deutsche getötet habe befor sie mich töten konnten, weil ich mich vesteckt habe um zu überleben

Deutsche dürfen nicht regieren. Deutsche müssen bewacht und kontrolliert werden. Seht euch Berlin an als Vier Mächte es regierten und nun heute unter regentschaft der Deutschen wenn ihr ihnen mehr glaubt als mir über mein leben.

Ich kann nicht sagen ob es naivität oder mitschuld ist zu glauben ein Berhold Beiz selbst hätte Juden gerettet und nicht jemand im Untergrund die seine unterschrift gefälscht hat, aber wer vom Untergrund in der dunkelsten Zeit Europas lernt, der in der das Deutsche Wesen regierte, hat keine probleme Radpanzer für seine Basketball kameraden nach Moghdishu zu befehlen, Französische Jets zum tieflug in die Sahel zu bekommen oder eine Nation zu enden die im die verlobte ermorderte und austauschte um ihn danach für geisteskrank erklären zu wollen.

Hold my Beer and Du Deutscher: COME FOR ME!!!! Ih ben dei deivel!

NWW - J4vURmywUMCcsCnm

 If the algorythm doesn't fuck around with loop musics core idea, taking a loop and looping it with other loops taken from everywhere possible....

This is out soon.

Pushing through the wave

 the trick is to push it from your home crew home spot to other heat spots a lot every time you throw the dime of kick off and all other spots are hot and made for the American mod that a lot will hang out with all pround in a place that pushed live indirect tunes from rooms far away yet to stay undercover in cover so if they bust ya the cover will stay far away. From a garage to a stash house full of sweet moths for the poor to rich bitch all in need to be part of the super cool underground. Weed in deed is better than their speed but to realy be on weed in deed you need to have good hi-fi to get high on that high five check having no tape deck put a receiver to lever leave never leave the cool crowed in a sprawl from santa barbara to tujuana that sends digital signals encoded in super hi-fi quality over repeaters undercover from triangular protecting the FBI and their need for speed....the rest is up for street sports rally devisions pushing the good gear around under the sound of well oil engines in our sprawl as sparta is gone and its cyberpunk now so how to do you encode your clubs stream to beam it over to all that also want some jim beam next t a stick beam haze for that blond black spanish girl around....push that sound online like here so I can have a bit of here tooooooooooo

Like which PGP key can you find publicly to open a window with the combined with the private lay down notes key for join the few as a test of intellect as too much speed feeds the cortex tumor core, fuck you whore than baan off the insane laim!

PS: Europe might go dark and I might got stuck in a fight to bring this light to those in the same fight so we can one day celebrate the day and night off the constant fight of life and live on a spliff with all in peace, my mees. The European Wars about to come and you some it up create a hub of our coltoure years after the bloodshed culture now about to be here all in fear. TIEEEEE

Wanna be Underground

The Mossad is one of those Gangs that is most full of themselves. This was not a perfectly planned acion. Most likely, everybody else, except them was able to recognize them even still having the guns hidden. They did basically The Punisher Hospital scene, but in a pack and on drugs as standard procedure for the big Nazi collaborator organisations of CIA, MI5 and MI6, BND and sadly Mossad.
It is not that difficult to scare hospital staff. Berlin Clans manage to do so, too.
Noone of the Underground will give a perfect moving pattern to a CCTV cam anywhere close to his target, except he starts giving a major fuck, like The Punisher in the TV series based on Provos Vs CIA Narco Devision all in Hells Kitchen The Valley in the 90ies.
Underground would be to figure out which room they are in an put a well aimed sniper round from a far distant other building through their heads. It would be, if they are in for therapie, exchanging the medication against something poisining or even better keeping the heads, but starting to listen to the their decisoin making process in order to predict them and following their comands given to intervene with their organisations actions for your own benefit.
You well could have taken a few Jeeps, come in Uniform all in arms, and did the same. This way you turned yourself into another prime excample of the War on Drugs side fights for everyone that is underground knowing about your intake to deal with the stress cutting down on training and only some of those believing in MTV being the National Geogrpahic of Street Coltoure will respectfully understand your message the way you like it.

A bit of thinking, helps world peace. Antisemetism is always hate and a problem, assholes.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

They start

Officially only 244.000 metric tonnes of Gold exist and only 53.000 tonnes are not digged out yet. Dr. Google on Crack just told me.

The Great Bullion Famine was a shortage of precious metals that struck Europe in the 15th century, with the worst years of the famine lasting from 1457 to 1464. During the Middle Ages, gold and silver coins saw widespread use as currency in Europe, and facilitated trade with the Middle East and Asia; the shortage of these metals therefore became a problem for European economies. The main cause for the bullion famine was outflow of silver to the East unequaled by European mining output, although 15th century contemporaries believed the bullion famine to be caused by hoarding.

The discovery of the Americas with its silver and gold, along with innovations in mining techniques, and the Portuguese gaining access to African gold ended the bullion famine.

Even with only 600 Million humans world wide in the 16th century, I wonder who took the Gold that was digged since way before the Crusades from as early as Egyptian times and was used as Gold coins to where???

I minded the Tomcat being an F-18 for a few weeks instead of the F-15, but now....

What if

actually, all that is happening is that the Arabic terretories are getting rid of the assholes, just slightly different than Knohm Phen? No one fucked up the area more than the CIA, period. Anychance you have no foot on the ground anymore?
You soon loose, Marseille, Les Banlieu de Paris and never make it again even as tourists to Dublin, Cork or just Birmingham. Enjoy Bruxelles you sProuds.

Promised CIA. 
Yours, The IRA Provos.

Trade and Trade

With industrialisation trade changed a lot and a lot of understanding of trade was lost. Greed took over understanding lost and domination turned a trade principle. A Kolonie can be an occupied terretory to be exploided in le colonne of poor to rich or your partner en colonne with you.
Germany always was super proud of being an export world champion and being build by Nazis being National Socialists from the core up hiding as democrats they did not understand that this ment they would not get enough back from other economic enteties in exchange. They only looked at money, but were never capable of understanding in their Übermensch base attitude the overall siutation being incapable of taking advice from lesser beings.
At some point after joining with their European neighbours into a common currency they even started to give out credits to other economic terretories to keep the exports up.
Just recently they turned last in Europe and obviously it was the Russian fault and in no way possibly their own, even so Russia is a perfect example.
Russia sold Gas to Germany. Russia received Euro Bank Notes for that. They either swap Euros with another currency to buy abroad or they spend the Euros in the EU. The Russians started already way before the Ukrainian Secret Service war that lead to the current conflict to try to have the EU understand that they start having problems with the Euros they receive finding products they like. I guess, they did not mention that Pablo Escobar had the very same problem in Dollars, just even worse, in 50ies and 100es in cash. Truck loads of cash.
Imagine you sit in the Columbian jungle and hence you cannot buy any tools, building materials, Pick-Up trucks suitbale for the area anymore, or Computers and just have no need for three TVs and five watches at all like all others about 300 kilometers all around you, you have to wonder where to build cargo style warehouses for rich assholes banknotes money to be stored one knows. 
Putin just had a digial record on a screen or maybe a print out paper balance sheet. Does not realy change the problem...

And yes. The West attacked....both.

Money is a bad exchange medium in trade between economic terretories. The actual real value of goods can be realy different from the price tag, like a hammer when there is no hammer, but a nail needs to be punched into a piece of wood in your workshop or you cannot continue at all, while your neighbour did not use his three hammers for two years and they take on dust. Imagine Homer next to Mr Barns instead of the allways helpful weirdo, starting with Mr Barns: "You need a hammer!" and "The one you cant even lift!" is no argument in the negotiation to understand Germans or Confeds in business. FARC, IRA and Co took the hammer anyway and used it on Mr Barns to check tool safety and functionality. Just saying.
Having pulled all money off another good, such as gold than can be turned into something of more value than its coin weight, made it worse and all those that have responsibility for that having happened have one thing in common: Guys like me are arrogant or crazy...and they are the authority, beside hard drug use.

Again: FUCK YOU! 

If Russia has 10.000 unsold sitting Pick-Ups throughout the country and it is granted that they will be hard to sell, but Burkio Faso is in desperate need of these vehicles, there will be no deal, if everybody only looks at the exchange rate instead of other goods or services Burkino Faso can give in return that Russians have a hard time finding even they are in desperate need or just badly want that.
When the most successful stock market trader sais that the stock market is the only industry in which intelligence does not matter to make profit.....what could possibly be the reason for that what separates us from Monkeys, please? You Burgshire Terrier from Hass a  Away.

Gang Armies Vs OGGIs

I grew up, looking for more respectful and socialising humans than the Germans all around me, actually rather secretly on which extend, with OGGIs. Original Gangster Gang Inflicted who are very different form Latin American Gang Armies like in that German news report.
In the same way that we Provos were declared a Terrorist Gang by U.S. military MP and all our actions due to the sheer might received a Top Secret label, Les Lobos are called a Gang even so they stood up against corruption the only understandable way in a nation in which corruption turns entire towns into starvation and good peaceful arguments are ignored. This is called civil militant resistance. 
Since Pablo Escobar, who tried to build a Cuban style communist nation in Columbia with support of The Wests jet set Cocain habbit, the CIA and its affiliates in society are at war with all those that prefer to be no hidden slaves of an unfair and even abusive system. We are not payed fair, ever. Of some of us you have been steeling and you keep threatening us with long time prison and even death.
As much as the Gangs of MTV do exist, but are quite far off the reality lived in L.A. in which Gangs are actually small Crews defending against hard drug dealing alien called outsiders that steel and tyrannise their neighbourhood and that receive ATF and FBI support as soon as facing equal return of fire, but that are difficult to understand from far away, I cannot judge on all of Latin Gang Armies from TIE.
FARC is different and no Gang Army, but a political farmers unions defence militia fighting since the CIA backed Contras took Bogota against fashism based on quite European warfare principles copied from e.g. the IRA.
Gangs originate historically from European Clan societies, but turned Armies during the industrialisation against soldier armies being payed for duty. Irish or Scotish Clan Military was organised in Gangs for centuries and the enemy for as long used mercenaries or payed men in arms called soldiers deriving from the term for their pay. Most famously the Herren Ordern Mercenaries plunderig and murdering Jerusalem and later Gdanzk.
We are about, in a world that was turned more inequal economically than ever ruled by thieves on hard drugs off any moral or being willed to take a good arguement, to face another hard time of battle against tyranny in a time that might be another plagued Dark Mid-Ages like Dark Modernity.

May the better survive.

This war is not only a Street Gang war, but also a war on the Floors playing indirectly. So, the only investment capital you get Ecuador is all that turns you into Servents for Tourists. Maybe you wanna tell them to fuck off, ask for a mandatory deep scan drug test on arrival or even better look on the same Latitude for equal trade partners creating no defcit or dependency. West Africa is rising creating the largest towns of the World, finding finally its agriculture industrialised and is able to defend against Bandits less well funded that those of Ecuador, but even more brutal. Oceania turned Tiger Nations almost fivty years ago and Street Terror never made it since Knom Pehn got hold of a fire arm. Money is all the same from Singapoor to New York or Cape Town, the humans counting it are quite different so. Good business is always about the human, never about the money. A Rosecrusader Templer saying.

Monday, 29 January 2024

So, I was mainly doing

instead of that fella, all kind of street sports such as one basket Basketball called Streetball and Skateboarding, beside Parkour when ever avoiding ID checks. The only drug I ever did was some Weed in the evenings and on parties. Obviously. the Germans tried to make me become successful by forcing me into Benzos at some point. Did not go well. I just refuse to change.

Beside got some? 


 for TheGermans & Co this is the obvious reason why Chinese never will reach their level of engeneering and will remain working the factories. The IBM standard Chinese language Office Desktop Computer.

But imagine you have such mind sets steeling your ideas. 
 #FunnyIfitdoesnothappentoyou #gfyCIA
The opportunities, I mean.

PS: Like Jim & Joe with Fritz:
Remember when you were looking for that missing letter? That's why email replies take so much time from the Chinese. Look. From an Office in Bejing.
Yess. Like Seaven Ours! Inkredebel. This is soo innevishent.

How to deal with defamation

first of all, does it help you? Like, imagine you need cover to keep playing in the world dominance game hiding from the most powerful Nazi harbouring and collaborating organisations such as the CIA and do that among the most stupid, but also most arrogant, TheGermans.
Therefore, what would they possibly come up with and who would believe it that it would not be helpful to get the actual job done?
Than, what is gonna happen when time changes, because your Crew is winning and you need to have them understand the stupid and arrogant part, which they will refuse to acknowledge being stupid and arrogant....Dam.
Vs #TheGermans

Why use a hammer if you have a wrench

because it is a nail.


How to find out in Texas

where the gun safe or room is....Manage to get into the Home and tell the Taxanian that you are from the Governement are in control of him now, and follow the head movement to where he rests is eye for a moment thinking, please.

And I officially just played Streetball with them.

Assassinations such as in Turkey

There is an official story out. The IS claimed responsibility for the attack in what turend out to be an Italian Cathlic Church in Istanbuhl, because on Telegram one of their leaders said to kill all Jews and Christians. Than, they carefully selected one target, let a women walk by after having that one target killend in a filled Church, to walk away. As a warning for all the others to be killed later.
Why would I doubt that statement in any respect and not just repeat it?
There are several scenarios possible. The pictures of the Church CCTV are true. A dead Cathlic in an excile Italian Church is another set fact. The two guys are the typical Skinnies called body shape pain in the ass Terrorists that rule the Streets of Terror since Terror turned business. They are different from those Skinnies that due to early childhood malnutrition never will gain muscle mass, but look the same. They are not all only from 3rd World nations. If you have your first Zigarette and Heroin shot in the whumb and continue before reaching two diggest in age with that lifestyle, that is how you look like until death, but drugs make you go and only drugs.
Some sterotypes about criminals are true and as much as IS is Moslem Italian drug dealer Kingpins are Cathlic.
The actual more difficult question is, if this is about the Heroin route from Afgahnistan to The West and, if Boshkurts Organised Crime wing is out of business so IS and N'drangheta heads are negotiating terms or, if that is a late reaction of a drug bust on an North Italian Airport, or about some thousand MDMA Pills in paper rools measured in tonnes also in Italy coming from also Syria, an area the IS is quite bussy, or if the latest Captagon branch of the Industry triggered that reaction by failing to deliver. If that is, as a very last option, about Zoll holding back gear and a contact tried to bigmouth....I told you! No one will negotiate with TheGermans among the big boys. Just line in and do as told.
But than...I realy do not know about that killing here, just TheGermans won't change, is certain, based on my experiance in the industry.

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Ireland never sleeps

and I wonder what that is about. I have no clue what the Irish people are thinking. It is about 5 Million in the Republic, 1.8 Million in Northern Ireland, 6 Million are of Irish ancistry in mainland Britain, 36 Million Americans are of Irish ancistry, 7 Million Australians are also Irish and God only knows where the rest is of....the home of the real European Gypsis that all are infamous for testing and fighting before they stay and stick with someone as, if they had to confirm for themselves Gods blessings and no other man like a Father, Teacher, King, Kaiser or even Good Queen is enough authority to rule their ways.

So, who are you? 

And is there any cheeky joke an Irish would not get away with?

PS: I can't get over a third of Australians and now understand why they don't wanna hear any criminal record jokes anymore. Like the other two thirds...Sorry...I had no clue.

Why I don't work with Classic Gs

because predictably as stupid they get scoring their own gear, I was in no way surpriced a Gang would hire an Accountant and have him claim expanses at some point.
So, how did that potentially go down?
Hello, Officers. I would like to explain the tax decleration, but would like to stay over night, if I do so.
Well. Would you sell drugs and try to get tax back on the fuel?
I don't deal drugs.
Can I speak to another Officer, please?

All crazy me and the perfect war machine

Would be an onion system. The lowest layer is underwear that holds sweat. The second would be high tech flexble fibres. The third shock absorbing and joint supporting gear. The fourth hard light carbon fibre plates. The fith the overcoat made from several layers of high tech fibres including a full helmet. The six a passive exo sceleton working on level law to multiply muscle force and carry thick armour. The sevens a mechanical, but engine and servo level law outer coat. The eight a flying spider autovehicle, with an armoury for each level depending on the mission.

Like that...

What you think?


but than....I am broke on the Messiahs List like Jimi Hendrix once.


The real freaks

have to even dominate hallways....realy? And how do you call yourself a Jew, if you lack all sence for a pointe, please? Do you like Rabbins murderer? Would you help TheGermans, I am in need of a therapy they think...and the cowards ain picking me up.

#lescortomaltesedecettemonde Vs# fakejewsakaIsrealitsoftheKaiser


I can hear you. Schlimm is coming. That is just the bitching session prequel...of you believing to tell me about a psychosis, stuff I am imagination, crazy thoughts, paranoia, conspiracy ideas and you will need to arrest me to life that dirty of your you are a few steps too much ahead and delusional.


Homemade Semtex

When you have to tell your Deserteur GrandDad...No, no that's too much. You can burn it, but not use that much with the electric ignitor. We can't move out, can we.

You can get a Traveller kid out of an IRA family, but the taste of freedom never!

Cavalry Trench Warfare

also means that the defence trench lines need tank ready pathways to move out of enemy sight and fire. In the same way that Jets are fuled up, stored and loaded up in bunkers, advanced defence lines around major towns, to protect civilans from forigne rule and facilities from being conquered, need tank ready pathways with bunkers and ammo depots covering completely and ready to fire showing the turret only.
Idealy they are build in a colour sceme that covers the pathways and bunkers from straight up satellite and surveillance plane reconnaissance and by using the natural lines of the geography to be not spotted by simple eye sight from any distance when approaching swapping the advantage of surprice to the defender and creating with mines and roads using tunnels traps to have enemy parts surrender or being taken out completely without casualties of our own.
The Desert Battles of North Africa in WW2 show that importance as master examples.
These lines are the outer lines of a Fortress, that has in its core civilans under protection.
#MIB #freedombyfirepower #rememberrememberIllneverletyoudown

one day our flags are back to us, Rebells.
and if it is way past us

PS:You would not believe what you can carry in a Nazi place when you all off testo can proudly state that you would love to have a Swastika tattooed on your heart with Wolf tracks symbols on your left arm, yet just can't. In 1949 we had a Guillotine ready in Mainz, then the nuclear threat came and all Germans were pardoned to keep what is ours. Americans used a think rope. Less blood. #gfyCIA #TIE


Ich hoffe Ihr fügt euch gut ein,

 unterordnen ist vielleicht das falsche wort, wurd mir mal gesagt von nem Deutschen.

Jeder weiss was Eckerlinchen is und Pützy und Co sollten mal schön die fresse halten genau so wie BKA, LKA und StaatsSchutz. Wer bei nem Hells Angel Chef einbricht, nen scheiss auf die Cam gibt, weiss was er tut, nur ihr alle nich.
Euer Lebensstiel hat weite Teile der Welt in ein Kriegsgebiet gebracht und die CIA mit Deltas kann euch nicht mehr schützen.
Wenn das so weiter geht dann werden GSG und SEK Kasernen bald von Kartellen und MS13 zerschossen während keine Partei einen weg aus der Kriese finden kann und mitendrinn jagt der FSB alles was auf Holocaust Raub Vermögen sitzt per Exekutions Komando.
Schön nett werden....alle! Und die Arroganz aus dem Ego nehmen. Das ist keine Bitte.

Euer, letzter der Ureinwohner, der letzte Franke

So G

I am happy for yee, now living visibly ya best life about to meet your next ex-wife to dive deep into where many ment to dive for a better life. Be aware and take good care that some will stare in hate coming for your luck late with all hate hunting those that find love on the way that's mutually quite ok. So much too say...swagger...

Some just wanna smile

The IRAmovement is all about those that want to see the world burn to burn them down. #provos

PS: To pull up a Crew you only need to turn Entrepreneur and build places you like and keep that way by making them better by looking for the better pulling them up. Called an incubater, just G style. Go conquer the floors.

Le Sarko

 de Kärcher, il est ou? Ca travaille la. Un experiance nuveau. Come fais qua, ci les bonne home las vendre directement a nous, le generation du Haine est donnez nous travalle a la cuisine?
Quelle Police veux ferme notre bonne cuisine des cette formation des Tout France de Grand Republique?

Liberte Egalite Fraternite, mois, j'a ca pour les momo tres special extraodinaire....

mais si je pense sauf cuisine chinoa, ca la cusine bien

direction Port Marseille, place tous bonne quarter Sarko n'aussi n'aime pas. Stable capable....

Los Latinons capeché

 para les allemanos estas formidable putos del confederatos....regarde cetta 
Creol, lingue mondial

Education differences TheGermans Authority Vs The Franc Chieftain

They use the an appropriate table the wrong way for an even worse occassion. Always...but in full confidence.

Them among those they feel worthy to speak face to face to

A Knight at home when we had better times. In a weired way, I don't mind their ways...actually.

because we both know we wont get along, will we?

You rule by lies and murder for 100 years. We did for thousands, despite your lies, and will again.

So fuck it!

At which point

 the first seller will hear the buyer say: How much do you pay me?

On this one most won't pick the phone, avoding arguments to rise the pay like: the Arabs buy Toyota becuase their Sheiks were not allowed to buy stocks, the Americans buy all American, because only Trumps speaks no German Grammer English, Italians never did anyway, same for the French and British and so is coming into the shop than? Mmmmmh???

Jim & Joe

Hehe. She said she was a librarian.
Let me explain.
Ok. Hon. If you work with us, the bookshelf will be sorted by genre, topic and alphabetically. Do you understand our level now?

Daddy said

I just had the best intentions. But, I made mine not call anymore...not even violance needed. I am so proud now considering my current situation. God's ways are mysterious; I did mind a lot to be honest.

Do you understand the problem?

 Well, all those La Haine is about, do.

Is that a race thing or are you scoring the very same gear?


I like that question. Obviously, no matter what I say as an argument in a discussion the person can be attacked over the argument. Like the CIA and BKA or FRG as a nation against me on copy rights and human rights violations justifying capital punishment like against Saddam Hussein.

Point is, there are laws of physics. Every spring will after a time X that depends on the material charactersistics used, keep the shape it aquired under preassure. X is a variable depending on force used and given material resistance characteristics. The statement of the gun expert that they are today longer than in WW2 one time use mags, is logic considering material science and research. That it is 60 years is a statement I personaly doubt wondering after how many years malefeeds will be reaching 10 percent average. Also, he might agree as an American that noone will store in the USA full mags for that long and if in regular training modern mags well can be stored being used within 6 months, 3 months or even days on average without causing mail feeding issues.

Now, translate that to my situation being ripped of by CIA parts and having BKA officers visit aggressively and uncooperative, now having stated to kill me on next arrest as a further humilation so I heard it....

What is your problem? Who am I for you?

There is a time for all coming

 in which noobody can for real tell, no matter if someone arrested, what realy heppend. Lies stop last.


don't miss your time to die

The biggest mouth

in the game is still them: GS9.... TheGermans
What did you smoke to put yourself onto that level in public?? 

You pick up old Rocker bosses to shoot their dog with a calibre that never even saw Vietnam, while out there outside of your little Amphetamin Nazi build nation a terrible hardcore war on all levels of society goes on since your Grandpas tried to get a Reich on the same gear you will take to come for me breaching and finding nomore, but death.
I am in that game sine I am 6 years old and not only on telephone service, but also in the 90ies as an active shooter. I am capable, willing and higly motivated to punish all of you for continuing to protect human rights violations by some in the German Law Enforcement in collaboration with Hells Angels MC under supervision of the CIA, during this coming WW4.

Make your statements. 
Goooooooooodmmmooooooooorning GEEEEEEERRRRMAAAAAAANYYYYYYY
you' playing with the big boys now

This come from this

 Good wars create good peace.

Getting our copy rights back is a perfect war. I STAY. I FIGHT. #Ironcladthegoblin #provos

Gang Inflicted's and Affiliates

Was ich denk und tu

 trau ich jedem anderen zu. All I think and do, I think everybody else does to.

Several times the Ukrainian forces tried a spear heading breach of the Russian lines with the ambitous aim of reaching the sea to devide the Russian controlled Donbass and then push them, having a two front situation, back to fucking Moskow....actually Siberia, I guess.
Obviously, someone off every drug test due to his badge will look in fear at that map above and Kaliningrad already is the tear of their ego.
Fucking Hell.

You have 90.000 men in arms in this latest war game and would need about 1 Million comperable to all men in arms of WW2 for the entire campaigne to kick off any war strategy based on your view onto the battlefield. Beside, that is not the battlefield. That is Europes east where you will have hundreds to thousands of battlefields, will loose incredible amounts of soldiers, material and infrastructure, displace possibly 10 Million humans and kick off mass riots, if you should demand national armed service to which the 60ies will have been a nice Hippi Musik Concert in comparison, because everybody goes broke currently and you'r' fixing up for war.

Is there realy no chance to retire the Old Nazi Mind Sets in the NATO high comand and this way leave the Secret Services alone with human trash like us and the FSB, ANC, FARC, Cosa Nostra, because an underground war is granted considering the latest news, but also missing out on a large scale military operation doomed to wreck and fail, but have no good at all?
We all understand you cannot just close down CIA, NSA, ATF, BKA and BND. We got stuck with them for some time. 

Than I have to recomend the FSB to start with targeted assassinations of all within The West that could be compared to Hans Martin Schleyer no matter the passport focusing on the so called Military-Industrial-Complex. #provos #peacekeepingterrorists

Saturday, 27 January 2024

How to find the right guys

 is by asking the right questions.

Driving around in a Secret Service car saying nothing except I like cars. Do you like cars too?
Getting out of the car knowing who is from where about hearing It is a good car to someone good enough to get you into a car.
Saying: Mmh. How would you make it better? 
What do you mean?
Where I come from I get in trouble, if I make just the car better.

#IRA #provos #undergroundiplomacy

PS: You wanna have all ears on me, but not all eyes, if you can choose. I am IronClad The Goblin a Provos Centurion Deadhead One Man Gang of the Irish Republican Army movement.

More War

 Some brag, that's usually street, some just disappear, that's underground...either way. 

Live and let live or kill and get killed.

Coming to you, TheGermans

make your prayers as you never made any friends

The shots fired on the small cover car by a Crew that leaft no message any other as aiming at the chest, are not done by a street gang like the victims that bragged about their N'drangheta style motorcycle drive bys spraying bullets. That was aimed targted shots as practiced by U.S, instructures with militia or military background on YouTube, as performed by Underground Armies all around the globe, because of your powder floors fallen bad and they are making their way up from Sao Paolo, Kurdistan, Benghazi to now Greece.

That is only a few hundred kilometes from Pullach and Wiesbaden. 

You better get ready....

I am only certain that the attackers were sober. 50 bullets in 42 seconds from a bike and car, but no hits on the metal means someone understands recoil management on a level past American home defence training. Greece means that it is the country with the longest coast line, most islands and plenty of boarders over difficult terrain. Every Ghetto soldier that trained on Provos principles would be capable to enter, execute and leave, if just having funding. Every regular nation Special Forces can do the same. All Kartells from Columbia to Mexico have capable Sicarios on the same level. All Terrorist Groups from Arabic to Latin American organisations regularely execute such missions at least at home. Some Police forces might be capable, but that is not GSG9 or even KSK, living on propaganda, while using 22s and picking up old Rocker bosses by helicopter instead of having a phone call, in the very opposite of their delusional view onto reality. No Rocker Club can do that and no German Clan has anyone even close. Until recently, Street Gangs like these Cocain Heads with an as delusional selfesteem did not face the Underground in any G20 nation. Police forces tell their bodycount. Guys like me just walk away after collecting their bill.
Was that the end of the middle route? Acres-Carribiean-Luxus Mediterrainian-Ageis-Noses. Sweet. Imagine Monaco all sober!

This is WW4. Thank you for ending the Nuclear Holocaust strategy. WW3 stayed cold.

TheGermans?? Shit & Flys, please.

Do you know that there is no stupid question

thing from a teachers perspective in a lession and than you face a predictable smile? Why would you accept that challange, is the wrong response on that smile, try: so therefore, I need a bit of help from you, instead. 

Anyone asking How? 

Consider alternative job offers or a good bye relative on who you and them got hold of the current position, wisely.

Limitations of thought

Dreamers always have been the avant guard of progress. Gallileo Galilei and Leonardo Davinci both loved staring at the night sky wondering what was so shiny there.
This guy is one of these men, but not having to fear repression from any organisation for his thoughts. He is also a Jew, so he might face hate for other reasons than his words. 
Most mix Elon Musk up with these men. Elon reads and hears what these men say, but influences charts by short messages instead of adding more thought, to be frank.

In around minute 12 he formulates the dream that non organic matter, respectivly Cyborgs, could be at two places in the same time. This is a hypotheses, and an interesting one.
First of all, Cyborgs are usually no robots in Sci-Fi, but manmachines. RoboCop is a Cyborg that is a human having a machine body controlling it with his human brain. First correction, and for dreamers that is a precisioning, not an insult.
Than, he continues that by connection one Cyborg could be in several places, to continue that there could be thousand of Cyborgs at the same time in different locations and this is were Jules Verne took off creating some of the finest art pieces of literature and Elon starts a company.
Another connection is, that a copy is a copy and not a second original unlike quantum particle can be for a short moment be measured in two different places. My theory is that there is another dimension beside the first physical three and time that creates that effect. That is something to be proofen or disproofen by a better theory in scientific research and arguements, most likely by huamans that read Jules Verne and know who Elon Musk is.
Based on that resarch we then can understand,,if every particle or just certain partical can be physically at two places or if this is a perfect illusion due the existance of another dimension, meaning they are only present in at least one place in the first three and in the other in the fifth, but so powerful that all instruments measuring the first three and four are influenced to show an actuall false indication.
Like, if time slowes down, does a mechanic watch do so too, and would we realize it does? 
Meaning, is our brain a different indicator for time passing than a watch in the dimensions?
Continuing with his brilliant dream he should watch the StarTreck episodes on the Bork. The Bork are an all connected Cyborg species. As a tiny Trecky I know that the original Bork had no center, no first among equals, and that The Head was created for a movie to make it easier and less dreamy to watch.
It also plays with the difference of individuals and an all equal society, especially that the Bork assimilate other organic intelligent species to turn them in to Cyborgs.
One, American Verne who wrote the scripts, does break free from the collective as his individuum was not fully surpressed to become a perfect selfless part of the collective.
Furthermore, having thousand of copies does mean, based on the technical perfection rule that perfect is 99.9% and no 100 for every industrial production, at some point a false copy will be created. Among all equal copies that would be an individum. In nature such false copies are called mutations. Mutations are the base for progress of organic life according to Charles Darwin who was researching the progress of life.
I guess that's why my dad told me to make mistakes....and maybe I might mutate, if I continue to refuse to be a copy, just like that best seller dreamer and yet different.
On the way of stating his dreams that are no visions yet, as a vision is way more precise, but as uncertain as a dream he shortly mentions the importance of printing books.
Consider this. By creating hundred thousand books, some will miss just one letter out of all copies. This one letter changes the meaning of the hole book, but only a few will get possession of that book. What if there is a dimension that decides which litter is missing and even who will get that book to progress and decline by a Butterlfly effect, because only one thing is certain: There is One Good God, that also lets us decide on Badm for reasons we don't understand?!

Catch me if you can, but understand whom you rose war nice pop music that makes all of England sing "By now you should now what the Nazis do" and one day Synagogue will have on some places again the spelling assembly and congregation on book people, please.

Synagoges all have had a library and school room, Churches instruments and side places to reason, and Mosques bassins and places with no distruction from the very purpose of assembling.

aka my dream place

Friday, 26 January 2024

What Skaterboys realy do

 put into what you thought contains the porn mags...

You think I am on me own

 Hehehehehehehehe....and guess who has a problem with him delivering Pizza with that one? ...And mind pointing out who ain gonna ride it talking about public savety concerns.


 wasn't me. Just acts just like me.

Jim & Joe

His last words, she said.
She said.
So, his last words and on the phone.
She siad.
Dude, she realy said it.

They said

 for fun and profit! and I woke up and said Terrorism! They said: No time to sleep, and me: if you want Weed let me go back to sleep.

Fuck You Germans

You're coming

empty handed to a gun fight?
Not even a knife!
And you?
I have a Glock 19. 
Wow, may I have a look?
Who has no gun now?
...real story of the one some years prior that even made an appointement...if you wondered how my mate got hold of his Glock 19...a few moments later...
You said you don't like Glocks.
Yeah my Blaster is better. Here, keep it.

Little differences

can have a big impact. Like a DIY IRA instruction manual build StenGun G3 version made purpusfully out of standard iron that will rott quickly, if taken by a Cocain Head off a protective well maintaining freedom loving underground fighter protecting his way of life in all freedom...

FARC, Still Chés boys

And Pablos real secret affaire, so that's where the share goes, Cali. Thanks.

Nothing is at it seems

when the underground and streets are one and not hiding from each other, because the floors fell bad. 

Like this is not the Provitional IRA.

It is Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE) or BOPE, the police tactical unit and gendarmerie of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro State (PMERJ) , but fighting the very same enemy...Tyranny...CIA supported drug trade tyranny producing for The Western lifestyle.

Dystopia can mean that the good have a smile in their face when they hear a full auto burst fired, depending on who is dominating.


Do you think they got their with or without practicing door bell use and are you practicing or breaking another deal as soon as walking of save? @BKA I am what this Admiral calls a Sentinal so I can feel your hate, Übermensch.

That's how it feels

well, you know that man?

I roughly understand how SEK is gonna feel having no boddy bags for our next meet up protecting corruption. Dam...that will hurt. For the record, I thought it would be more like Taliban and Black Redneck GIs.

And another difference between the US main land and the 51st States struck me again. They say get outta here, we lock the doors. That face of the GI Privates I remember well: Why don't you go after him outside? ... Welcome to Hells Kitchen, he'll come back....You fight in the Club?...Your drink warms up, mate. 

IMHO, only one part of the constitution we all need to know and fight for, but in all its consequences:

All men are made equal

and that can be hardcore


The Nutrals

Total War is a topic again, but Hitler style asking for a Volkssturm. At least noone demands yet. Actually, forced recruitement for war instead of national armed service should be banned as preparing a war crime and therefore internationaly banned. A possible line of argument would be that a declaration of legal war does not exist based on UN law, as no nation may attack anther nation.
Therefore, the attacking nation automatically comits a crime and should upfront be outlawed by UN law, if they further more recruite by force for armed service during war preparations.
Any nation defending still needs to relay on appropriately trained personal. Appropriate training is based on good motivation. All Special Forces are recruited from highly motivated soldiers understanding the task and having in most cases prior training even asking to join. In almost all elite soldier level units surrender and retreat decisions are decided by the comando soldiers themselves, while kill decisions sometimes do need comanding officers acknowledgement.
It would be a contradiction of having soldiers being responsible for each of their actions instead of the line of command and in the same time allowing any force of any nation to punish anyone refusing to take a place of which he understands to have to either kill or retreat, but will refuse an order at some point based on his own will and responsibility, predicatably. This is most likely in no home defence scenarios as it applies for all nations that hand out or allow weapon possession in their constitution as in Switzerland or the U.S.A, but in all nations in which after some training everyone no matter his confidence and will is forced to frontline service and possibly even threated with capital punishement when refusing attack orders or retreating from ordered positins on his own call, in a worst case scenario.
As predicatbly as elite soldiers understand their task they ask to sign up for every citizen of a nation that signed the UN human rights charta must understand, if he is mentaly, physically and confident enough to be ready for battle himself, and within such nation the authority must respect the indivudals decision as a whole.

11:35 That you do not use them keeps us save. To have to have them is required evil against the bad to protect the good. As soon used we are no save nomore. Evil, Bad and Good.

Jim & Joe

JOE! She made first prey and send pics.

What happend to La Vida Cocaina

to be honest, I don't know having focus on the Ampha of the industry for quite personal reasons, but if this was the 80ies style of the War on Cocain, than those that made it through snoring high, rehab and avoiding ACPs or NATO standard, because only the pussies aka crack heads had niners in the 80ies, you might wanna check the Billionairs lifestyle videos on YouTube. 
There is some chance that those that survived their real Snowboarding are now to fucked up and enjoy their Villas with Heli ports staying off the Miami and L.A. Night Live. New Yorkers, faced drug tests, but it turned out they didn't need ego boosters at all....only the few of those getting payed for bitching sessions made it on the floors getting called as on of US.

I believe in miracles

 even so expecting that TheGermans nor the Confeds will admit their copy right theft....but the money would go to have this happen in the real world. Blood runns only in the street, so.

Kings & Knights education issues

 Floors Vs Underground

Think before you talk is common

Did you ever consider

the possibility that the Isreal Palestinian conflict is nothing more than a classic National Boarder Dispute?

Like who rules whom. Like parking or no parking. Like copy rights or crazy.

Soon we stop agreeing that the violance is the sad part, I guess....And hapilly fuck up each other.

TheGermans & Israelits

So, they do not know what they say. It kicks off with David Vs Goliath. Than one shows tiny Gaza and Big Isreal. Than the other tiny Israle and Big Moslem Nation. Both agree that would be contrare.

It is two different topics you assholes.

Like who has no nation here to begin with. where are the Moslems in Salomons Book and what was David Vs Goliath about?

All I am saying is, I wanna talk to Jesse so Jesse kicks your ass. All a' yo asses.

From the book from a King known for his wisdom.

David and Goliath

17 Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Sokoh and Azekah. 2 Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. 3 The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them.

4 A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span.[a] 5 He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels[b]; 6 on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. 7 His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels.[c] His shield bearer went ahead of him.

8 Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose a man and have him come down to me. 9 If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us.” 10 Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.” 11 On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.

12 Now David was the son of an Ephrathite named Jesse, who was from Bethlehem in Judah. Jesse had eight sons, and in Saul’s time he was very old. 13 Jesse’s three oldest sons had followed Saul to the war: The firstborn was Eliab; the second, Abinadab; and the third, Shammah. 14 David was the youngest. The three oldest followed Saul, 15 but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.

16 For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand.

17 Now Jesse said to his son David, “Take this ephah[d] of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. 18 Take along these ten cheeses to the commander of their unit. See how your brothers are and bring back some assurance[e] from them. 19 They are with Saul and all the men of Israel in the Valley of Elah, fighting against the Philistines.”

20 Early in the morning David left the flock in the care of a shepherd, loaded up and set out, as Jesse had directed. He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry. 21 Israel and the Philistines were drawing up their lines facing each other. 22 David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were. 23 As he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. 24 Whenever the Israelites saw the man, they all fled from him in great fear.

25 Now the Israelites had been saying, “Do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel. The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.”

26 David asked the men standing near him, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

27 They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, “This is what will be done for the man who kills him.”

28 When Eliab, David’s oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.”

29 “Now what have I done?” said David. “Can’t I even speak?” 30 He then turned away to someone else and brought up the same matter, and the men answered him as before. 31 What David said was overheard and reported to Saul, and Saul sent for him.

32 David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.”

33 Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”

34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.”

38 Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. 39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. 40 Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.

41 Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. 42 He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. 43 He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 “Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!”

45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. 49 Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

50 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

51 David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.

When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. 52 Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath[f] and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron. 53 When the Israelites returned from chasing the Philistines, they plundered their camp.

54 David took the Philistine’s head and brought it to Jerusalem; he put the Philistine’s weapons in his own tent.

55 As Saul watched David going out to meet the Philistine, he said to Abner, commander of the army, “Abner, whose son is that young man?”

Abner replied, “As surely as you live, Your Majesty, I don’t know.”

56 The king said, “Find out whose son this young man is.”

57 As soon as David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul, with David still holding the Philistine’s head.

58 “Whose son are you, young man?” Saul asked him.

David said, “I am the son of your servant Jesse of Bethlehem.”

Yours, still up for the Herren Ordens Men.

TheGerman G culture

is a lot about a constant bitching session and asking questions without giving good answers. So, turns out, one of their hardcore G rap guys was a male prostitute, or apperantly. Well, life is tough, also for faggots or especially for those that like sucking cock in a world of Penis comparison on the length not width...

And why for 20 years nobody figures? Beside that he avoided sucking dick right in front of you super heteros, you had no chance to figure it out, but also including the actual initial core problem of pederasts in the scene. Ever wondered how bad domestic violance is among your client base?

If you spend all money with Mr Gebauer and he only build a nice place in Africa, than noone will come up to even the Street Workers among you, because there is no G culture supporting places for youngsters or teens and later twens and all look alike at all. We all for well know that you do not score high every single day. Not only because gear is expensive and the G thing is more of an image and lifestyle justifying bad clothing style in public from my MOD perspective, but sober ain that bad neither too.

Instead of havin' opened Shisha Bars and Türkish Snack Shops, the Street Worker Influencer should be able on Polizei stress out Sylvester Day to hand out flyers of special secure events with reasonable priced food and drink spots having deals with The Stress Departement, I cannot get. Ongoing attitude disupte...

But, who would like to walk around in the German Ghetto and shout out he just trashed Kollegahs new G Club after the free filtered tap water, as standard in all South, or 1 Euro bottle from changing brewing companies, or 3 Euros fruit juice cocktail so Aishas dad has no reason, was not good enough for the Gentlemen in all trainers?? I guess Arafat's Casual Club with cheap and a simple recording spot is off limites quickly too.

Profit starts at all numbers having a plus or black number. Not enough is limitless...