Tuesday, 31 December 2024

It's not midnight yet, right.

Obviously, I stay the fuck at home having no friends.
TheGermans have a shot dead Crane driver, a Syrian going Amok in Berlin Charlottenburg, which is a conservative boring white place, and Berlin's water supply got fucked.
Putin will have a hangover real bad tomorrow, I am afraid.
All that because Cocaine hit the people of poets and philosophers real bad, or what?

Meanwhile in actual Syria. Happy nice people celebrating. After a proper shootout, that is true, Assad's guys died by military means in a proper shoot out, while the cowards came to Germany to steal knifes destroying the high culture of the German people, with knifes.
Are you not embarrassed? Two World Wars, one World Cup and a hord of Syrians scared of shooting at Assad's dead men walking...

Oh Wow. Max Headroom Harvard Boys

He just said that leveraged long positions are on a long-term high.
What if there will be no crash, because everyone can't afford?
As much as everyone who has a saying keeps repeating that Russia attacked Ukraine despite the Russian minority living on Krimea and in the Donbass having decided to split off asking Russia for military support after demonstrators got shot dead in times of civil unrest possibly caused by a Secret Service operation, as much BRISC would go ballistic if The Wests financial systems takes a stock market crash out of which atleast the EU would not recover quickly.
Financial Tsunamies of which are two pending, on the Stock Market and in Crypto, can in times of economic trouble be as bad as a Tsunami at a coast line with a nuclear power plant at the beach front.
Stock Prices can fall without any stocks being transferd based on Bid and Ask relations. Without solid economic fundamental data only speculative risc investments will buy and all into secure long term positioning go elsewhere.
Being leveraged long might mean that as Russia being the Bad Boy, the one triggering a major system shock is Dead Man Walking by someone minding Putin laughing them out....
It is not that many calls from Langley. BlackRock, Citi, Barclay's, Goldman Sachs and Max Headroom would know who else.
The Free World. Free as far Secret Services can spit....

Some is going on...

A CEO shot, a Bronx ambush and L.A. back to gun fights. Well almost. Entering "Brooklyn shooting" by mixing up New York borrows gives several recent results.
Europeans tend to believe Americans keep shooting each other for fun as an outdoor activity, but that is wrong. Americans just dont walk with Police, because they say so. Gang shootings are usually happening in honestly and really bad neighbourhoods where alikes meet since the South-Central uprising.
Most areas became homogeneous, which means that High Streets and Mall shootings do not happen that often compared to business related shootings way off the media attention getting Amoks within the Drug Trade and MTV Thug Lifestyle communities.
These shootings lately are crossing into Grocery stores and Malls, which appears to be an escalation.
It also means that Sheriff voting communites will increase neighbourhood watch activities and GI Gangs will be possibly on high alert.
We still mind Dr. Kings way of passing...
PS: If that is backed by real stats than I would as a Pentagon Chief of Staff ask all military personal to conceal carry when visiting home having their Military ID ready in a front pocket and increase Pistol training for everyone in all facilities.

Signs of God?

I just played a Zombie game enjoying an M60 and than this comes up....
Is there any chance that some strange goes on in Germany?
And why do I have to sit duck in about the very funking centre of it, geographicaly surrounded by idiots???

You know these flamboyant,

inspiring, freaky, cool and outstanding managers like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and even Bill Gates?
Bill Gates?
Dude, that is the real deal here.
Bill Gates.

And on the topic, it's like the FT Magazine once headlining to just buy the best food to cook the best meal. 
That is as wrong or correct as not stating that without a diploma from a rather small set of Collages there is no way to get into the Aristocracy, Upper Class, Monseniores or Alpha positions of Big Corpo.
No problem. The Shadows of Society are not that bad. Enjoy your world of mental only violence.
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars

What's coming - The EU Dystopia

They say it, but they don't get it just as all that was ever said about me in honesty.
Germans act the same big and small.

To keep a long story short: Every red area will see growth and every green area decline, by moving into a centre.

My Hell's Kitchen, home to major parts of the 4te Armee Totenköpfe covering as BKA and Bavarian Police will get as blue and empty as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern either way by either retreat or a major large scale armed conflict between me and Polizei as there is only so much shit I take from Germans.
Germany has a few centres and beside rural areas facing a heavy loss of population also small towns, such as my Hell's Kitchen, which has been for GeStaPo an Utopia off every law the longest time, will go dark past the Cold War they were not allowed to attend really.
Just by how much violence I can't predict as I struggle to understand what is bigger in the German Authority's Mind Set: Stupidity or Cowardness. The latter would save a few hundred lives in the near future, because I am a Terrorist Gangster and no Anne Frank, BKA.
Your Problem.
#provos #IRAmovement #OneManGang

The actual centre of the EU never was Germany except geographically for some time. This map reflects in a mainly day active population where most life happens. In Europe this is off the tourist spots a large region from along the English M1 throughout the Rhine River to the Italian Flatland just south of the Alps with only some green areas inbetween of which I can't predict if they will also go dark or turn more red by attracting short distance tourism and quieter housing outside the very centres.
All other local centres are less close from each other. This stretch has best changes to give a decent life, except you have a spot in a German Virtual KZ by their version of The FBI Messiah List.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

WW4 Preps - TheGermans

That is no surprise. What actually happens is that a fraction of TheGermans, namingly the PorschePiech Clan, deriving from the KZ Managers within the Nazis, shifts it's resources away from Wolfsburg Hannover to Austria.
They will dominate in this WW4, The New World Order, the EU Dystopia, The Kingdom of Hell or which name ever given to an economically failing Central Europe the Eastern Alpine Region which is a triangle from Munich to Vienna and Milano.
Vienna will be the main recruitment spot for Thugs or Street Samurai, Innsbruck the Ivory University and even the workforce well armed by liberal Austrian Gun Laws just recently introduced, with the City Centre of Milano being the clean white luxurious hot spot and a lot of country side mansions throughout the Rural Sprawl of the pictorest Alps.
#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure

The Climate Jump - A Hypotheses

So, he does not explicitly conform what they say, but it appears to be correct. A rather accurate long term weather forecast model first time tremendously changed the calculated prediction. 
He shows constantly how much warmer it gets by presenting a quite volatile graph with an inherent up wave.
That's a buy signal.
As a matter of fact are weather graphs and stock market charts comparable, just if weather predictable based on stock market chart analytics creates proof of human made weather is a philosophical affair to be confirmed or rejected by later generations and binds resources needed on different topics, only freaks like me pay attention to.
He shows a weather model from 1978 which is four years past the Oil crisis of 73-74 in which economy stood still by missing oil. Obviously, Nazi & Affiliate ruled we are noone diversified away from Oil as the main energy source and instead The Saudis build Dubai by liberalising it's little brother, The Emirates, today Oil independent atleast economically.
This first surprise weather change might be a hint as much as 1978 might have been impacted by just one year without the usual CO2 output.
I wonder, if in about four years, which is two to six years, a first step towards a Climate Jump shows which is based on a thin data set so, and this sudden drop is a first sign.
With the current economic decline and missing Russian Gas we do have a small Oil crisis currently and I cannot check how the weather was in 73-74, but I wonder if Climate Change creates a Climate Jump by being exponential and not of steady change.
I am trying to say that the year 1978 weather could come for us again within the next five years, but more extreme and shifted away from the Wasserkuppe as the watershed to the Check Flatland around Prague.
We might drown in rain and snowfall over months and possibly years, if planet Earths ecosystem decides to go Wet Earth turning our Northern Hemisphere Woodlands into a Northern Rainforest.

Monday, 30 December 2024

I found the peak of sexism

Do you happen to understand how many with little self-esteem walk out there broke??
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure
I have to talk with my algorithm.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

FBI - Out of hand...

imagine the FBI Messiah List was enforced by a PsyOps team using psychoactive drugs having discovered that telepathy works using them and now as a side effect of that gear cute little Asians hear an agent voice every morning when he scored form the apparement next door when they go through the video footage of actually someone else...like her...from 08::00 on to 09:00.
Funny? Well, if it doesn't happen to you.

PS: That joke with name your Wi-Fi FBI Surveillance Van 7 comes from checking in a quite illegal underground coffee ship the brand new first generation smart phone of one of the show off and going to settings to see which wifis he has passwords for...go fuck yourself BKA. 
#igotstuck #provos #terroristgangs

Let's put it like that

You want to make a break.
Don't ask why.
...but in time.

PS: I would like to sincerely

apologise to Mr LeBron James for ever having insulted his play style hereby.
Would you get one of those with my name on to the worst assholes in the NBA, please.
I am broke and gladly lack the addresses.

The War against Ghetto players

07:54 is called a Technical Foul on the offence and it is racism.
In the Ghettos, and I hope Big Red One still cultivates that style of game, single action moves dominate the game even so everyone well understands passing.
The short Referee called this an Offence f
Foul even so the Defence player moved along with the Offence player letting him complete his move.
An Offence Foul is moving against a standing player to run him over.
The Referee interrupts by this call the game flow knowing that every Ghetto Kid no matter tanning level will keep up the set pace and momentum to score even.
That makes great Basketball, letting the other team play, score and succeed setting a move against next turn.
Men like that Referee shot at our fathers in the 60ies and 70ies in New York's Hell's Kitchen Bboying having an NYPD uniform.
That is Confederate Money. That is the domestic enemy. That is the real existing race war. I kid' you not...
#provos #IRAmovement 
PS: 00:51 like you score from there, crack head. Why would you give a thug like that a multi million job? There is god Dam no way that he ever before hit a jump shot moving sideways from 11 to penalty shot spot in close contact. That is also not provoking a foul. That is a Cocaine level ego spot on looking for trouble being to scared of football contact. Show me again in any other game he made ever a point having had less than half an arm distance to another player. Bets??

How to beat an August Team

You increaese the drbbling tremendously, take more distance to opening players and pass out after the rebound caught ideal to a save three pointer.
That means way more passing, ball control and positioning over pushing through to avoid punches for the price of overall less points and way more positioning instead of pretty actions to have them freak out screaming over punching someone they consider an Alpha to be dominated.
Or you learn properly punching. Autists react to inflicted pain.
I am so old I actually saw the dream team life on Telly, you miserable fucks.
You are a shame and disgust to these honorouble man representing a nation that turns fucks like you dicks by now into Dollar millionaires. That's plenty of Washingtons...dudes. A green face other rob banks for far way less violently.
Some respect.

Really NBA?

You managed in one season what happend thought the 90ies, but off court??
Are you gone nuts...
There were always two kind of players, I thought, Jordan and Nowitzkies, the nice good rolemodels that magically managed to stay out of gun fights and the Ghetto Redneck guys that played for anager management issues to actually get a shot on good pay.
But saving thugs from getting shot by hiring them onto one of our spots was a predictably stupid call. What did you do that for?

When I wanna be a Seargant Major

is about right now.
Chef, we have thirty homeless all together having occupied subway car benches. I need two Corporals in Army Supply Logistics. I want to have a sufficient amount of heated shipping containers with beds, hygene installations and a hot kitchen with a cook. When? Thats why I am calling Chef. How long. I understand you a the Commanding General of the National Guard, that's exactly why I said Chef. Sargent Major Sanchez Military Intelligence Brigade First Armoured Infantry Devision. Thank you Sir. Ten minutes call back. I am waiting.
And you tell me again where that armed robbery was, Officer Jackson.
...two days later...
We have three enlisted. Five descriptions of criminal Police Officers. One missing person. Ten new informants on organised crime like looting and drug dealing. I need the MP Brigade, General, Sir.

If that is increaseing

then you face the impact of Confederate money. Basketball is a no-touch game and hard to play for Autist Egos, because you have to let a player pass by watching him scoring. There are no hard blocks in Basketball and that means you actually may not even touch with a hand your opponent player while looking at the ball possesing player to get when he moves away despite push into any other player ever.
Basketball by it's strict rules is extremely hard to deal with for certain egos.
Egos that prefer conflict over social behaviour. Egos kept of the court by guns in areas off MTV and NYPD or LAPD.
If NBA Basketball faces more ego centric and aggressive players and referees allowing a more physical game, than those in charge of hiring all staff are a problem.
I can't watch NBA Basketball and don't speak with Germans about sports here and I saw that the first time.
It makes me aggressive....and I win fist fights always.

Is that finally

happening, SBD?

The difference between Ghetto Basketball and NBA aka
This is Streetball
Is the way to play. NBA Basketball is way closer to Volleyball or Handball and is based on a clear positioning game, but Streetball has no marketing. After a few years playing with GIs all from bad neighbourhoods and most having signed over time I still can't tell a Point Guard from a Forward what_ever.
Instead everyone got a special flavor, style or talent. The guy jumping highest goes Centre, but playing full court also has to run most if he is both defence and offence centre which I happen to know does not exist in NBA classifications. The shooter will seak his best spot empty of a block and get a pass as soon he established that position safely. The most agile will fight his way around defence into dunking or pointing and who can fly is given space to do so.
You never block alone as everyone will get around you and fouls ain happening, because blood comes by shot wounds and not basketball buddies and you only play with buddies.
Everyones run takes as long as the run gotta take and that can be some time scoring baskets.
You don't sweat, you didn't play.
#streetsports #provos #IRAmovement

Despite all main media BS

what actually happend was that once again the gear hydrolic systems said No, but some Civil Engeneer was way to overambitious on some antennas and you think "puhh lucky me, just a long powerslide...what a story to tell in the Airport Irish Pubs"
I guess, there are no rules for the antenna base on airports.
Not funny even, if it does not happen to you.
PS: Nose down to increase drag.

NBA and stats

So he is too good?
To understand the real level of excellence of an offensive player in Basketball the team manager needs to do that:
How long does an attack take when that player is on the court?
How much percent does he possess the ball in such?
Are the attacks in which he has the ball for more than 50, 75, 85 % the overall fastest or slowest attacks?
Basketball being a no-touch game is won by more fast and successful attacks as the opponent. That means a valuable offencive player keeps attack time way below 30Sec with successful team scores.
Dirk wait at the line. 
Dirk received pass.
Dirk turns around.
Dirk leans back and shoots
He got the job.
MJ run.
MJ runs.
MJ jumps.
MJ scores.
MJ got the job.

I am so proud of you, Africa

We fucked Apartheid, we fucked Rohdasia, we fucked Blood Diamonds, now we can fuck around with Germans....
I still have a slide ride coming to ever get that chilled out lean back easy.
PS:Was that atleast towards Mekka?

And no, they don't get the creepy feeling creeping down everyonce back having to watch that. They just say Americans are not into deep talk and remain on the surface, being just like that Boss in their Germany where I am the psycho.

Honestly Top Gs,

I sometimes doubt you'll make it on the long run. Like him starting at 16:52 and than knowing that.
So, how you deal with drugs than????
Seriously. They are dangerous. Life threatening, psychoactive... ...
That was no joke. I am serious.
...ten minutes later...
All good now? So...

A biologic explanation of no richman

going to heaven.
Being full causes satisfaction. Having feasted makes every cat or wulf sleep, turns them lazy, stops them from killing out of joy, by putting being full first.
We are higher developed animals and therefore a full stomach is not enough for us. We need way more than food.
Rich means to have way more than needed, to have a very lot more than others, to life with plenty of everything.
As humans we don't sleep and rest having achieved a lot being satisfied. We all tell each other we need more and even ever more, to be never satisfied, to never rest.
Thereby we manage to be never satisfied no matter how much we have.
Instead of sleeping and resting we get fat. Instead of socialising we exploit. Instead is sharing we steal. Instead of loving we hate....
This time called the Industrialisation is a Socio-Econimoc Revolution like Iron Age to Bronze Age.
The Bible calls such times an Armageddon. The Apocalypse is when we fail to take that turn in our development and humans and crash all together.
Stop being rich.
Or we kill you.
Those not to Fuck With.

Swallow being an asshole next time to have a start and then think having masterd that to do some biblical good and be a saint as much as you can, as You can, so We do.

Is that righteous?

That is the wrong discussion even so a ligitemate question. Fact is that some entities of mankind decided to act outside mankind's created and established systems. It is not our fault and mistake, but advantage that they did not do the math properly.
We Will Never Surrender And Thereby
We Won't Miss Our Time To Die
By Putting Death Before Dishonour
Anyway. You have been lied to...
We are all judged by how we do what we do. You too.

And who is next, please?

Nations do that, Secret Services do that, Drug Syndicates do that, I have that with German Polizei going, and now CounterStrike Casinos do that, too, as it turns out.
Potential Candidates are:
The Pharma Industry
The Real Estate Fonts Industry
The Luxurious Industry
Blue Chip Enterprises
We all go into a Dystopian Cyberpunk like world step by step, bit by bit, bite by bite and byte by byte.
This is WW4, the price for avoiding The Total War Nuclear.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell
#ticktackBKA #terroristgangs

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Thank you Sarah for

that great statement. Please help me to understand what you personally do to help those half a billion kids world wide or just the kids in Gaza to soon have a selfdeterment life like their brothers and sisters in Israel. How do you help to let them have Supermarkets with affordable products, schools with books, computers and windows. 
Please, don't be a Hypocrite, Sarah with an H. Germans are Jew haters, but how are you any different?
#terroristgangs #provos #IRAmovement

Meanwhile in The Holy Land

does the IDF want to consider a full retreat from the Gaza Strip territory including the boarder checkpoints to Egypt and start facing the option of a full handover of all Rabin murderer parts within IDF for execution to HAMAS.
I am sure you know who that would be, oder nicht?
#threeweekshesaid #bibimyboy
#provos #IRAmovement
#WW4 #welcometoourturff #terroristgangs 
BKA? Please. My paranoid schizophrenia needs treatment in one of your facilities. 

Another South-Central Uprising

to take down the NYPD needs a different startegy than in L.A.
Trapping the NYPD as in L.A. within a Borrow is more difficult, because NY has no main surpressed borrow. 
The NYPD also can retreated when targeted by Gang Hit Squats into Manhattan and escape by boats off the peninsula.
There are two ways to fight the NYPD.
The first is a European Terrorism style bombing run against Precincts and Police Cars, the second is to attack the Officers off duty in their prefered bars by bombs or hit squat attacks and at home to execute them.
Your Call.
One for All, All for One.
#provos #IRAmovement
PS: The Bolt Guy should be found by NYPD having lost his head. They crossed a line.

Look Government, you either start a psychological screening of all not voted Police Services and prosecute every anti-social individual with a racist and Anti-American character for undermining public order by falsy joining service or Gangs will start taking down all Policing Services except voted Sheriff's the hard way in a foreseeable future. There is no Confederate States anymore within America and certainly not within the U.S.A.
Your Call, D.C.
I cant take part, I'll soon take care of TheGermans. #51sts

In which mothertung do you say "Mr Brooks his family" over "Mr Brooks' family"?
Retreat CIA. You are walking dead already. Have dignity dieing atleast.

That is Chinese People, innit?

So, in the first 13 min I figured they can all like an ant hill sterotypically execute an order in perfect simultaneous action, but not speak up together.
So their  hands are quicker than their mouthes and I wonder how that must feel.
#TIE #provos #travellerpeople 

Why I love GIs?

Nobody asked them to become Soldiers, nobody asked them what to fight for, nobody asked them to come over fighting for them, nobody fought for or welcomed them and still try to have good with nobodyelse around.
The Germans always treated me exactly as that: The Nobody.
#gfyAll #provos #socialengeneeringdev

And then you scored

an Asian Super Bird you have to explain that a Cathlic Christmas has no dancing, no party, but three days of feasting....even better than Thanks Giving.