Friday, 3 January 2025

Misconceptions - Delta Force and Green Beret

These guys...
The White Boy who flipped and tried to blow up a Trump tower with firecrackers and a Tesla Cybertruck known to be bullet proof is a great example of the diversity within the U.S. Military, to put it down nicely.
He was Delta Force and a CIA guy, in a nutshell.
Green Berret is also not a Special Unit in this context, which would be the 10th Special Forces Something. I am quite sure they are officially commanded by SoCom and are put on CIA missions. The Grey Guy mixes up SS with Wehrmacht Luftlande, because SS was only into war crimes and fought only when they couldn't run away anymore despite German lies, and Stay Behind with Behind Enemy Lines. One is a Criminal Organisation of Irregular Combatants and the other Special Forces Sabotage or Reconnaissance Units.
In this context Green Berret would be his time served and having successfully completed Ranger School, five years of Service and then The Green Beret test.
This being said tried CIA parts in the Pentagon to put down the time served rule further undermining U.S. military excellence which started by Delta Force being called a Special Forces branch. This is quite accurate of the military diversity. 
It would be important to know his valour which is that colour code plate over the heart showing missions and orders.
These guys usually eat at their own table and guys I played Streetball with have a higher ranking Officer close, than.
We don't Loos brawls, right German MAD?



In the meantime, things

I don't take part in, because the level is: if the IDF would not have entered Gaza, Hamas would not have fired and there would have been no friendly fire cases.
I swear, I slept in Gymnasium most of the time when I was in. Honestly!
#natives #chieftain Vs #TheGermans

I found a new favourite

and Feel Understood.


Did Tiny T file what I told him back in the Park on his bicycle?
I said, touch her and kill you all.
The brutal end of the E Mafia.
#provos #centurion #deadhead

PS: Dear God

Is that an option?

And then without Zombies.
Well, I kinda made plans to be a Cyberpunk Street Samurai Witcher.


While I just wondered if Corona

is really all gone or just normal, me Algo me showed China here.
It also rains more and gets hotter.
I have learned that humid warm climates increase Virus spread and mutation.
What if, purly hypothetical, Cancer is the cure to a toxic lifestyle if the human changes lifestyle, and Virus deaths.... can you finish my thought?
Or is that too close already...

Certain is that we reached a situation of faith. You may believe what you want.
China denied, according to an Indian Media Outlet an emergency situation.

Florida Pisa Copies

and what really happened. These towers are high value assets in some books. They are prestigious and noone involved can admit that they did bad planning, bad base planning.
Manhattan and Hong-Kong have solid rock only a few meters below ground surface. No sand, no mud, no lime, rock.
I bet that each building sinking has an exact copy of a Manhattan base which would be long pillars vertically driven into the ground. 
Amsterdam does that as well, for four storage buildings being connected build on mud.
They did that for high riseres in all solitude on sand and lime.
What could go wrong, Ritalin small print.

Considering that down here

Police manages to accidentally kill each other twice within a few weeks, I am afraid, you might overlook the security threat location a tiny bit....
I so vividly can picture these two in a silent moment, unseen being bored.

Would be anyone that

sophisticated to pull an unseen plane Vs concrete @ runway, twice?
Can I see a hatrick to make sure TheGermans skip their crazy again & need medication legend, please?
I can't handle the arrogance anymore!

Dam, almost

Ukraine War - Run Always

That sounds like enforcing a human right by foot vote. Self-determination excludes drafts. Tell that your Nation.
The worst case scenario is real bad so, because he said Brigade, trained in France, 50 already in France, the rest in Ukraine.
Connecting those dots on a fictional Shadowrun Table Top Role Palying Game sounds like that:
Characters build? Great. You are all in prison. OK. So. You get a military training to serve in a distant war and use that opportunity to break free. Add to your Character sheeds +2 for Assault Weapon Use, +2 Tactical Movement and each owns an AK-47, 120 rounds of ammo, that's ahm damage +7, because military standard, a rucksack with sleeping bag, cooker and camping gear and a camouflage set of clothes.
So, we need a ride and normal cloth.
How we do that?
Let's rob a Bank.
Or just a convenient store.
It night or do we confront the Police?
Ah, wait. You have a contact from before prison time and he'll have a job.

#gfyNation #letatcenous #vivelarepublique #provos #terroristgangs #IRAmovement

Thursday, 2 January 2025

TheGermans - Getting better every day

Knife crime peak. Knife carry prohibition zones.
And I really wanna see a guy discussing the law with a Policemen over that sword there....please. Vlog it.
#trollnation #innerfight #polizei #deutsch #ureinwohner
PS: I never even tried to argue about my 5mm too long Butterfly Knife when they were still legal. I was just faster....from the pocket to one face of the two and "Is legal" they don't go against the stronger. Germans, all of them.

I think I found Jim & Joe



Is this the end of Alchemists?

Dude Wizard, you gave him, The Bolt Baby, the wrong soup. What ever you cooked in your kitchen is not giving him confidence and an Aura of success.
Trust me, I am Witcher, a born pure blood and Templer trained Witcher Knight love child Werewulf night active. Imagine what I can do after a smoke of Purple Haze with that mind there, you Looser.

You know it, I know it, but he also should know that he is happier as that Character...
..on a little farm, having babies and selling little leather and glass Pearl bracelets at the surfer beach or half pipe.

But you keep cooking hard drugs. They struggle with weed, dude.
So what the fuck?!?

Dude, this motherfucker

just explained me he flew from Switzerland to Paris to lighten up a fuckin candle....
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure
I thought I was trolling hardcore in the G Game. That Is Rich Prick Masterclass PhD, I'll never match ever.

First of all

You can
That is the definition of

What really happened?

The Nuclear War was danced away. So, if you look for the spot that will hurt CIA and Co badest, find Venues that play music and nobody dances...
The Kingdom of Hell
Finally, another war.

Honestly, somewhere In America

watching this...
Oh no man. That was justified. They owed me. Nobody owes me. And not that much. There was sense in it. No one messes with Lil Boy Dickinson The East Side Killer.
Yeah boy, except Sargent Matters who just called. We are overdue with the payment for 74th Street. Again. 
Dam Bro. They had no cash so.
He still wants it. 
Dam Bro.
Never mind the shooting he said. They take some junk from 74th.
Whaaaa?? Whooo??
JimJack The Hustler.
No man. Thats my best customer. Ask him if he needs some flat screens. OLED TFT.
They already got them. 
Dam. Black Panther Territory....

I came to the Americans

avoiding TheGermans, because they feel like us and not them.

To be really honest with you...

I do think that if you have the brains to get a great university degree you also can do the math and cut spending, calculate a mirgage plan and pretend to have just been unlucky when attempting targeted and planned credit fraud.
Why? 5 Credit Cards. 5 Maxed out. 1 Apartment Rented out. A State Owned Company Job and what does your Netflix and BlueRay collection tell? Boney and Clide? The Great Gatsby? Dillinger? Any, All and what's your favourite....

What they usually report

in America.

What you think?

Might I be the worst Anti-Hero ever and managed to push all into an Underground War away from Nuclear Overkill? If it's just a coincidence I am also all good, just accept that both a Nuclear War and Masstroop Deployed World War are the worse option.
Montenegro is a beautiful place.

Montenegro still altimes for most and also during an Underground War. Note the missing Tanks and MP Checkpoints.

Potentially kinda me joining to sort some respect issus in a likey close future.

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell


that fat woman in leggings actually made me laugh. Once and your mum.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

When I was about 4

I have heard that advice needed last time. "Always follow your nose!"
And then that sitting part. Let's put it like that: Who sits like those nogos in a Tarantino when who is talking?
And why do them talking manage to leave?
Idiots. Unbelievable dumb ass idiots posing as real man being redicolous, but thanks for confirming we put you into the appropriate stereotype draw. Boyz.
#MODInc #provos

So, H-Blocks.

Targeting the CIA in the U.S.A. is an obvious choice, but you have to understand that the CIA is stronger abroad than within the U.S.A. where they face way more resistance and need for justification as abroad.
Except you have addresses to keep the violence domestic and stick to U.S. Gangwar rules you are about to get in trouble with fuck everyone being organised and carrying a gun all around The Law disturbing the peace needed for business. No Fed and no Other wants the Government go ballistic, because of one idiot fraction.
Facing also a potential war at home by Iran and Pakistan, having Gen Petreaus Mercenaries tight alongside, you might want to consider taking out CIA Middle East or in the Golden Triangle facing no resistance by any local there.
This way CIA faces having lost all retreat spots outside the U.S.A., as FARC and Colombians shut down Latin America, except Africa and Europe.
Throw em here, please. Some will suffer before they may pass in what is coming, Inch Allah.
Nur ein toter Nazi ist ein guter Nazi. Das gilt immernoch auch fuer euch, BKA.
#provos #ironcladthegoblin #centurion #deadhead
#ticktack #3batch #gfyBKa #gfyCIA

Las Vegas Message

I still see slowing down the vid to 0.25 a first explosion or atleast flame from below the passenger cabin and then from the Truck Bed.
The batteries are below and the truck was loaded with fireworks.
ISIS is able to build proper home made explosives way more potent than fireworks.
What if the driver did not know his destiny and there was a connection to Terrorism or too dumb to build home made explosives, but for a coincidence it is too many strange dots.
#provos #MIB
CIA? Are you at war with Afghans....again??
We told you.
Sort your shit at your home. Where ever that would be....

Mes Latinos and Black Fellas...

may I present: The Worst.
She hangs with German Skinheads and Frat Boys. So, she'll jump to clamp.

What you think?

Anything escalating lately? Like? Some...

Deindustrialisation is a common

phenomena. But you having no plan for getting through is bad news looking at German history.
Bad News for you. You will kill each other lacking a Weaker.
Three generations of hard drug use, ignorance and arrogance swimming in an Ocean of Lies.
#TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell
The Passing of Greed by men dieing...

Another Conspiracy Theory?

So, this was an ISIS attack in New Orleans. This town is one of the biggest CIA and race war victims today home to hardly any native anymore. The Pubs are all in Confed hands, tight. ISIS is practically the Expedition Corps of Taliban Heroin Trafficants and their suicide bomb manuals are not that bad.
Imagine, that motherfucker ran over a CIA Narco Crew and got then shot by another Nazi affiliate who played nice knowing ISIS assassine tactics.
Which we also do and answer aggresive instead of slimy...
BKA, you are pulling onto it's shoot to kill being off talking anyway mutually. Don't be even more stupid. The Oslo boy around, "72 and I fly back".... While said: I was born in someone else's blood and I don't mind going down in someone else's blood. 
Look BKA. You don't need him anymore or want to publish my property again as we attend the shoot out at some point.
#provos #gfyBKA

Jim & Joe

So why are they all quitting deliveries to here, Jim?
OK? Ahm. Joe.
Can you atleast take them off the Oestrogen Hormone therapy medication?
Than no Pizza.

Violence is increasing

another one in the U.S.A., this time New Orleans, until the 60ies a Creol French speaking town known for being like Havana a lean back, Cannabis smoking, Rum cultivating place of liberated Slaves build by Pirates and Major town of the Carribean by being way closer to there than to any place in the U.S.A.
Today, French is a Quarter always trashed full of loud bad music and the tour guides tell about a Slave Market, that never existed...Slaves lost their heavy chains there after Pirates took out the Slave ship crews hunting them throughout the Carribean, and Creol disappeared out of town entirely.

Search and you see the Propaganda War in the internet.
Those with the cross flag rebelled against the Confederate Nations which were based on Slavery and the U.S.A joined to fight Slavery alongside. Later, like the Buddhist Swastika Symbol by the Nazis, the flag was stolen or state Washington had Slaves;
Like YungBlud what I sang homealone. We have a lot to kill, Brothers.
#ticktack #gfyBKA

Up to 5g

of Semtex...are possible.
+2g remote detonator

Meanwhile real Rednecks

have met me alike already.
He bought a faster car and some day I'll drop next to him to have some herbs and it ain Gin at all.

Meanwhile real Moslems

have soul.

TussyInc - Sinn City Crew

Kylee, we need to talk.
That is not my name.
What you wanna say?
I forgot.
....her true love found...

I guess the price

was offensive.
#toxicgangs #hardrugbizz

Only the scared

they enslave. Where are humans most scared?

A CIA Bad Pharma Conspiracy

The CIA and their Affiliates are the biggest Drug Trade Corporation world wide and ever, which should become clear watching Narcos and Narcos Mexico on ATF Vs CIA operations, beside my Cyberpunk Blogg here...
Cocaine and Heroin were developed by Bayer and since then Big Pharma has a Secret Service problem. Every study on Psychoactive and Addictive drugs is altered to avoid every indication on side effects such as addiction. Those are mainly drugs used for Mental Deseases and even some pain killer drugs.
Bullshit? Than show me the addiction prevention tests, visits and questionairs within the Study Trial set up.
Not just say there are, go to pick a drug you know and show me.
#provos #IRAmovement #gfyCIA #gfyBKA
#ThingstofixinWW4 #posttotalwarnucleartoovercome

There must be a Cult active

It is rather normal that the main media outlets repeat the official doctrine or narratives, to use the latest media slang word.
YouTube Lifestyle Influencers all tell you these steps on just to get rich:
Work Out
Considering that by calling Russia an Aggressor we all are stepping into a discussion of International Law and the UN Charter on Self-determination rights of a people of almost philosophicle levels that list on making money is not getting better in terms of sense and honesty.
World Dominance
Couch Surfing
My Morning Dick
...a few years later...
Brain? May I??
...same story as before...

PS: You don't mean that by Work Out? Trust me. Just Trust me. Real, honest life long workout all sober and even on temporarily prescribed Atypical Neuroleptica running 10k in 1h a few times per month is a Bitch of certain kind....

What Manifestation actually means

Is that building an illusion is more important than facts, that imagining a future based on desire is better than estimating the impact of possible actions by taking real circumstances into account.

Is the last joke realistic?

For Cannabis it is, for Hard Drugs the industry is different. 35kilos of Purple Haze are in no way comperable to the profits Fentanyl or Cocaine create.
The punishment is way worse, because no Weed dealer tips Cops, there are no Syndicates that hang with the Ministers or Police Chiefs and the customers of Dutch Quality Cannabis are all enemy of the state being Hippies and Anarchists.
There is a Cannabis Only industry, but it is sealed off from the all corrupt national Hard Drug users that also deal in Cannabis, but usually low quality, and are made by 1% Rockers, Managers, Judges and The Police.
Hard Drug are National Drugs all deriving from gone wrong Pharmacutical Industry developments.
It's them why we need weapons on kilo level. 35 kilos would be several years prison from a medication addicted Gang being bribed to look away on hard drugs made up by several Policemen, a Prosecuter, Judge and Correctional Officers. None would pass medication test. They stand above their own laws in especially all of Europe.
#TIE Here we fight!
The Kingdom of Hell

Did you ever try this?

You see a Cop and the Cop sees you. Then you run away. He will follow running...
It is deep within them. They were told that an innocent is not sacred or runs. Get it?
#MODInc a possible near future...
I need a runner at the Fountain. I need a runner at the Fountain.
The package is ETA 2min at the Fountain.
BMX 55 incoming. ETA 1min30
Package, slow down.
Package taking detour 5min extensions
Overwatch, out.
Package, out
BMX 55, out.
Spotter 5, stays on alert.
Spotter 6, Stays on alert radio...
How much is it?
The Backpacker Rucksack fits 35kilos of Purple Haze, but he can't run really.

Trade - Demand Need Offer

This is politics. This is part of a war and it's a hegemonial war in which atleast one part seeks supremacy. We may argue which or both.
In Data everyone supports anonymisation, since Edward Snowden we also for well understand who believes and insists to be above the law, moral and common opinion.
With tradabale Goods anonymisation is way more difficult to argue even so Data is also a tradeable Good.
Our native European coltoure deriving from collaboration and not a supremacist cult build wealth by creation and exchange. We turned arguably the best sailors by having the longest and least controllable boarder between land and sea, our world wide special coast line.
The Thora, Bible and Koran all demand to judge by action and not to prejudge.
Trade throughout Industrialisation and by the Holocaust having hard drug users taken over all industries turned towards creating demand over feeding demand and we all staple in our cellars Goods we were told to need and want over having a thought of what we actually have use for.
On the top levels of society real demand does not matter anymore if it's about the demand of all others and not the very own one, the Good and it's producer being part of politics outweighs all need of especially third parties aka The Rest of the World.
In simple English does the current situation in global trade mean that The West is against everyone else using Russian products no matter any possible lack of competition and I am sure that goes Vice Versa.
If this escalates, they shoot little Kimmo D'ang'ta (I am sure that's not a name) having dropped as last words: "It was way cheaper than yours, but as good."
...But Data creating shopping suggestions makes sense.
Again: We judge by action, CIA and Co.
Ask what you do with that Good as you did not stop Blood Diamonds. We did.
The time of Greed will pass as long men die. 
Supremacist cults are the worst forms of organised Greed.
#IRAmovement #provos
The Kingdom of Hell