Friday, 31 January 2025

PS. Gs.,

Surviving on our turff works based on this as a warning.
We all know who sais It's never enough. You didn't know they all have badges, useless stupid police service badges.
#provos #undergroundwars
Sometimes, you need to just walk off to make it on this world coming over TheGermans...


Ahm, you are about to get fucked. That was no Canon Copy Machine, dudes.
#WW4 #undergroundwars
#respect and what do you carry?!?

For you Gs outhere.
That's what we use. Mafia, Terrorist Gangs and some Independent Contractors.

In terms of amount and size in max A3.
That of Mr. Nazarmatov cannot be done by anything like this and that:

That also means The Spot is no average looking all.
#noblessoblige #knightthieves

...And paper is heavy. 950kg per m3. We were fine with race cars. 

Can I see the truck, please???? Like what's your limit...


We all love the 60ies

and Hybrid Drive Trains, because nothing revs higher then those E-Engines on a high efficient electricity generator.



You know what I mean.


Twin Cap?

How to

outperform that?


From horizontal to vertical then....through all kind of Valleys, because that was still factory.
#WW4 #terroristgangs #streetsports

So, what you think

How many hours of Forza Simulator was that...?
PS: CoD? Coming....One Day in a not that distant future.

Europe faces more

rain days.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Over The Top

but by Light-years...

He is a Horse,

but no Elephant how quick he forgets...
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure

Hong-Kong is only 4.5T

compared to 28T Wall Street?
In an World Wide Credit Money Monetary system that means that BRISC needs to combine all Stock Market Companies, but yesterday, under one Digital Platform to actually stand a real chance against American finance dominance...this way creating competition needed for smaller funding seeking venues.
Europe suffers from Paris, Amsterdam and Frankfurt being incompatible by attitude despite the worlds only 24h trade platform Xetra and London with a hard to believe 800T being incabale of being bothered at all.
Are these numbers true Dr Google...

TheGermans - How many Whales

do you have Short in Bitcoin to bulk up after a drop, please?
Bitcoin is Drama. A Bitcoin drop is more Drama. The chart had two peaks and drops and Bitcoin still is having no purpose, but remains being almost as speculative as Future trades without Stock backing, is remaining in Drama.
The problem is that Bitcoin only makes money if it goes off the big Drama, despite the Cocaine Heads manifestations.
So, if you sell about 1T market cap bound in Bitcoin having the price go down to 70 to 60 thousand it means that you must loos money, because you crash your avarge sales price relative to the average buy price you had to deal with pushing the price up to 90 to 110 about. 
You were longer asking, more intense asking for Bitcoin to get up there investing about 1T, but can have the price crash by throwing stupid amounts into the market.
The trick is to be like a major minor, who actually diggs, but sells only at a fine price. For him that's the mining cost as a minimum, for you it must be the buy steps and demand by buyers that you feed like your cat. She comes cuddling, she gets more. She is for the mice, she'll be away.
PS: Someone is playing the Peak'n'Drop game in this market cap boom with Alt and Meme Coins and must loos overall money to ever more incoming small investors while the classic big investment companies are still hesitant awaiting the Binance Trade Terminal adding to their Bloomberg Terminal, I guess.
The Cryptomarket is Drama, because a small timer with 1T can have an impact he never would have in a 18T Gold or a 28.33T Wall Street market.
The Crypto Whales are no Whales, but little nasty the reality of the Finanance Industry.

Gang Differences

That is a Gangster Rocker Kingpin getting arrested.
That is a Gang Army Kingpin of an Terrorist Organisation getting arrested.
And a Terrorist Gangster Kingpin of an IRA wing threatening to kill Police as retaliation of human rights violations...
will have to go to the station and wait for the response as the others figured what looks like.


For Americans, no matter ethnicity and social subcoltoure, is a looser who walks around stating he was the looser and a winner who confidently won.
You can have lost first or won second. You can have lost life or won a new one. You can have lost it all or won an ultimate lesson.

Big Boys War

That's one fraction and the other one is the German Suprimacist one.
The latter can go.
#ticktack #gfyBKA #WW4
#provos #terroristgangs #undergroundwars

PS: I think we called him Brüllaffe in the 90ies.... #provos 

Top Gs - The Miami Vice experience

while I will one day own the Rex Hotel at Havana Beach, the Onuhas, most obviously, go for the full Miami Vice Club Scene experience.
As much as I hope there are only the Willing in Tulum I know Tulum needs a Pier.
That's a bridge stretching into the sea to have a walk on. Brighton has one, but not even New York or Monaco.
That's the one in Malibu still standing, knocked out standing, but standing since a better time.

Since The Summer of Love when you betrayed I'd the very last time.

Keep Scoring High!

Germany & MTV

That was not the exhaust gases, no matter the Days of Thunders oil leak, that was mum and pops.
And if God wants to in his almighty grace and endless love and mercy, his great wisdom and care I'll be a good pops for a mum as well....


did you ever listen to a German? 
What does he say here.
International and Human Rights norms of Law are too complicated.

We still demand the execution of every German without a trial. No change since Paulus only because of them using different wordings.

Human Rights are not negotiateable and which subject of justice continously considers those too complicated has no position in mankind.

#WW4 #letswipeemout
#terroristgangs #provos #europeanknighthood


Dam, I am proud of you

Big Players. Nuclear is soooo boring compared to Shadowrunns, innit? All dead, all destructed, all burned, hair loss and slow death for the rest...but this. Play time!!!

What I really want

delivering Milk from Djanet to villages around. 2.000km around. It's Sahara afterall.
Being The Milk Man.


PS: It was a Humvee and it's a large tank, no bottles. 

Germans, don't abuse your

Coffee Bean mills now. Just use a lighter....

Pols, you are missing

the point in a Castle. Each castle was no feudal centre of suppression as Stalinists taught and created lists against those of our people still speaking in favor of us.
Each Castle was the economic centre of it's town and region, constantly upgraded over centuries to keep them on a state of the art level.
Since 1900 technology progressed revolutionary way faster than in about 800 years or more before.
Without Nazis and Stalinists our Castles would be today modern versions of Paris La Defance, London's The City or Warsawaz Business Quarter, just with some more art, I assume. Castles were turned by Holocaust profiteurs into Museums to tell their version of history about us, usually after burning the library as in Wartburg.
The rooms, workshops and storages can be transfered having solid build walls designed and build to last for generations against all odds, depending on need as a base for prosperity of still town and region.

Awesome, I am happy

we have a deal and all together have overcome the total nuclear war for an underground war. Awesome.
We also will soon agree that 1948 was a historic mistake to be corrected as a primary objective in WW4 as well as to never again leave any German unpunished ever again, but that this people has to seize existence due to its attitude, character and parasite lifestyle being a supremacist cult against mankind.
IronClad The Goblin
Righteous King of Bavaria
Provos Centurion Deadhead

TheGermans - Mind Set

In all other nations they do that straight in Parliament, just you pussies....on a train trip.
I'll find all "Toms" in that coming Chaos, The Kingdom of Hell.

I told you

#WW4 rolling.
So, I have had a poverty oath and gave me copy rights to Tom.
Fine, BKA.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Remember that Chinese

brothel and K-Pop stars relative to it, Germans?
I am not the only one taking the piss. Everybody does. Even Israel.
#trollnation  #cyberpunkcoltoure
I am just brutal....they are mean.

TheGermans - & The Ocean of Lies

Somewhere in this here the nice German bold Doctor explains the Meth rush and the voice explains the kick was large amounts of Dopamine which also happens in an Orgasm.
So, would anyone in a County Jail get an fellow Terrorist Gangster, but from Arian Nation, infront of a Cam and ask him if a Crystal Meth rush feels anything like an Orgasm.
I bet a few Polizei Officers lives that he will shake his head and say simultaneously "No." wondering silently who could have told that bullshit story.
Some Black or Latino guy might add:"Did I look anything like fucked when you picked me up, compadre?"
There is a chance that Clinical Psycologic Doctors are part of a German National program following up on the Nazi drug research for SS military use.
Meth is a toxin. It is poisen, basically. An Orgasm happens only by causing pleasure and nerve stimulation. In a rape the victim has no orgasm. There is no way that a toxin of any kind can cause an Orgasm like reaction. The body must react with counter measures to protect itself and not with encouraging measures, while a system of abuse will declare pain to pleasure looking for substances of destroying the human conscious and ability to feel guilt.
Addiction is a mental self-destructive disease and both Poland and The Bernstein Zimmer after WW2 are historic proof of also Germanies attitude towards The Truth.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

At which point will

you admit that the Second World War was a larger than ever hord of addicts rioting through its neighbouring regions way worse then ever before, such as in the Deutsch Herren Staat, The Siege of Jerusalem also by the Teutonic Order, the "Children" Crusade that ended in Genua, the 30 years of war, the 100 years of war in Britain, the Pharaoic Tyranny all using different drugs from Beer to Liquor and Absinth and finally Chemicle Drugs, but always for the same cause: Your style of fun with others that make only you laugh?
The last of you, maybe....
#TIE This is Europe
The Kingdom of Hell

Ayrian Nation

So, every University has both access to an appropriate laboratory and a wide range of substances, many Gymnasium called Schools also, but the big hit are managers of the Pharmaceutical Industry that all have company cars to go to Office relative in price to their power having a wife and two kids.
#gfyBKA #terroristgangs #undergroundwars

Wanna come by again? 


after the Sheep I have to defend a reputation you keep disrespecting.
The same Knight School as Paulus. Wulfs.
We have clear treaties.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell


I told you.
Family Porsche, Piech and Co.
How does it feel?

You get a spoon. Not this...

We have responsibility.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Just in case

This is an R-36 missile with a range of 16.000km.
Iran is only 5000 km away from Berlin and a better then a rocket way is covering a cargo or passenger airplane using autopilot missing BER by a few more miles.

#gfyBKA Schleichende Enteignung you saying....
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars

Thursday, 30 January 2025

A significant difference

between Asian and European Knight education?
In both Japan and China it was considered to be inhumaine for a sword man to go to battle with a blunt blade. Some Generals had punishments ready in case.
Now imagine their faces when one of us stepped of the ship with a Morgenstar.
...which actually has some sharp points,

if you wonder how I managed to deal with the German Mind Set so well for years.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Anyone remembering me mentioning a spoon over a knife to you GeStaPos...?


print? I'd love to set a print shop up in Krakow, to be honest.
The history....

Poverty Oath, BKA?

And why cant I afford this...


PS: A wrench set and some spare parts in peace and those beamers hate.

How to fight Le Broche Prefect

That should be possible by the legal system by now. If in the first wave of law suits someone should install judges, he has to pass and the judges face vacation time, minimum.
The second wave should fix it and by the third they will return the Elysee supported by a few scandals and drug underworld related shootings.
Le Grand Temps de Papier en France.


Every GI asked me what the Joker Card was in a French Deck, they call Poker Card Set...and why it's only two, while all others are four.

Ok, Et qui est

le traitre troisieme? Ca, etre competitive pour plaisire d'ego, prenne temps de pence a les affairs grand, important et extra-ordinaire.
Les royoume de grand luxe francaise doit etre extra-ordinaire tous le jour.
A chante,
les d'autre meer

OK CIA Artefact,

you wanna watch the vid. One pack has 100 bills of 100 Dollar. That equals 1 plus four zeros: 10.000 
How many packs do you see?
You see 10 packs per staple. That's 100.000 per staple.
There are 10 staples and thats 1.000.000.
... ?
Did you listen to the lyrics of our music? I can't grap that. Why for any other reason would you come up with a Poverty Oath than to get me into German Mental Hospital to cause cancer by long term Bemzoid prescription getting rid of me the sadistic way?
Or did you just copy the print from that Skater Video Magazine sold over the counter in the Leighton Barracks PX Skate Shop having had not one single Confed client as long as it existed....
I don't catch it.
Don't drink and Drive, if you can smoke and fly. Check the latest tapes with your dealer.
#skaterboy #the90ies #gfyCIA #undergroundwars

How do you tell a weed dealer in High School? 
He actually can calculate in Imperial.
#tradition #MODInc

TheGermans - Mind Set

They are building up their lies again. They will produce more of that and scream louder their version of history.
I can't tell if they come up with the Arier once again as the natural ruling race above the Germans....or if they got shot before.


do you understand now how important it is to not infringe the Constitution, please?
PS: A 38?

These guys are not in for the fun. That's the same White Blackfacing Crowed that robs New York grocery shops clean off potato chips. They will have all a low IQ, a severe prescription drug habbit, MTV pay per view, if that's still a thing, and the ability to distinguish between Kaynee West and Drake, but never ever have heard of Jump Around as much as considering Dr. King part of their ready packet smarties supply chain which industrial psychopharmaca straight from the pharmaceutical industry.
More guns will fix that. They don't believe in practice, control or patience and are to full of themselves to hang with others.
They are Street Trolls to whom the Internet got to boring or a really bad place of total defeat hitting the Streets with their Zelda clone buddies from Kindergarten.

I think I found

Hobbits. Did anyone ever tell you Rob, that you do have incredible large feed?
Which I haven't noticed until that flexibility excercise you start 30 years to late.
Is that 46 on 5 feet some?
No matter baby covin shoe size we do as much of those as weights and cardio.
#provos #ghettosoldiers
The CIA Artefact then films us or steels our Underground Vids to CGI render them for their relatives and parts of The Firm.
#WW4 #gangwars #undergroundwars

Yeah, you larger than live human

how come you all overlook the IQ field of your target?
No one ever reads the file, innit???


Do you understand

the actual Intel in that news? I mean what really happend, in a German Railwaystation Quarter, with Chinese women, that came knowing what they came for making 300 thousand Euros in cash in savings of the two pimp bitches....
Cut out the K-Pop faces now and combine Railwaystation and Germany.
In need of pictures?

Are all links broken of this Blog.....


PS: Do you run some bitches for Crack from a trailer in America? ... You are an idiot and Pan Am stopped service.

I think I also once was asked

a bit drunk already what my "Bodycount" was and I couldn't, missing to have catched the definition prior in the conversation I stood next to, hold back the: "What?" being able to flush red on command fortunately, adding after doing the math quickly: "I don't count"

I miss my Basketball and Skatboarding buddies from America.
#provos #socialengeneeringdevision
A lot.

A bit more pressure

and they get back the 1920ies.
Keep going Germans. It is some more decades you have missed retaliation for...
#ticktack #gfyBKA 
#provos #terroristgangs

0.5% und you send me these two BKA guys? What they fuck do think who you are....

Nuclear Strategic Stability

Needs to happen by having reason take control again of politics. 
The actual problem is that contracts are needed about nuclear weapons as if those signing them actually have no understanding what they are discussing about.
The World Population looks at you like a Child on a dentist chair while doctor and mother discuss the function of the driller and no tooth hurts.
Funny if it doesn't happen to you.
Drop Zone Risen Cold War Kid

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


they will hang out at the Romanian Riviera. That's men in for the money that actually like live having no supremacist attitude unlike my Germans and your Cinfeds, which made them surrender when it was time.
The region they go back to is a beautiful low cost vacation spot that will attract post the Ukraine War plenty of Russians and until then Turkish and Turkmen low cost vacation as forigners to have a taste of Europe with even some Syrians and Iraqi's joining, if just anyone would invest there and advertise charter flights from the mentioned areas.
Don't worry about the Tates. They are Top Gs, no Mud Faces like these poor guys alive.
#provos #terroristgangs

Tate, you are the only man

I have ever heard of that makes women push their chest out when talking about that man.
Like her. That's too weired to have no meaning...but...


because that's actually her breasts....

TheGermans - Inner Conflicts

The Ritalin Junkies Vs The Sex Addicts.
Prescription drug use from early childhood on leads to prematurity and impotence while a self inflicted Sex Addiction is the cheapest and as mentally sickening as physically healthy way of getting high. No side is neither gifted nor has concentration problems. They are both dumb just of different drugs. As they actually partialy said. Here

Why Westerners have a

bad reputation all around the world.
You don't charge them high enough. Check Dubai.
You don't rip them off hard enough. Any of 'em in any Jungle, Sahara or Savanna?
Don't hate the Player, hate the Game.


That's the German version of the history.

Germans, like Hitler watching Owens, refuse to accept that a contradiction means the Theses must be wrong than.

Nazis, did you ever wonder where

that Black Panther sign comes from?
The fist sign that in military means to stand down.
It was a full moon night a few days after a cross burned. A realy silent night. They had no harm, The Blacks.

TheGermans - Attitude issues

No gun is fine, but that was overall redicolous. Do you ever make a plan past: "let's be stupid"?
They all remember that Clan Boyz attack in a Jewelry shop some time ago and even so they stare at some overpriced Asian electronic trash like others onto stupid expensive wrisk watches, being in also glass furniture and locked to metal wires, but don't consider the predictably expectable result of coming without any tools, what so ever.
Hence the expression: Being not the sharpest tool in the shed.

TheGermans - How do you manage

to get pointed out by a short bold guy having a ligit player contract?
Can you try South-Central or Chicago Projects Neighborhood Tournament anytime soon please?
Night Time Game Time.
No college degrees usually. Can't be bothered.

TheGermans - Mind Set

 So, this here. There is a guy from a town office called Ordnungsamt driving through a road and spots coincidentally a car that was parked without causing harm to traffic just facing down the opposite direction of traffic.
Another man living in that street approaches that man who stopped his car, most likely in the middle of the road, and questions him about his actions while writing a fine.
There are really laws for that.
The Journalist sais that the car incorrectly parked was not even his car...
What you think who escalated that situation into a major Police riot? 
#ticktack #gfyPolizei #comeby

What did the Allies think would happen to the mind of a people that saw only 0.5% of all Holocaust criminals prosecuted? 
A sense for justice and empathy or the creation of a major autistic authority complex, please?

The World through my eyes

We know how that happend...


PS: You already looking like a

used car salesmen can you also get used vans, small trucks and old.bycicles in the area. Export to Turkey is legal.
We kept 10% Max as a guideline throughout history, but the coat in one piece.

Plus a workshop tool set and some Istanbul spare parts. You won't get rich.

Dude, you'll have to drive that thing
and that's about 500 bugs for fuel, sais fuel calculator a buddy of Dr Google, but no accommodation and food, yet.

#spartans #thevaninme #wellneverwalkedalone

TheGerman - Hypocrite

He mentions the Bergpredigt of Jesus to hit against Dr Martin Luther King....
Target found, you Old White Motherfucker.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

During Kommunion, the available Templar Bar Mitzvah alternative, I was warned about that Bergpredigt being a Nazi main point of entree. You don't wanna be a Priest here, they hardcore slime and don't look in hate at you as a Rabbi believing you dont get it. Hard to watch with a Butterfly in the pocket....what a lession.

Which is



Reicht es Mensch zu sein?

Gott gab allen Menschen einen freien Willen anders als den Tieren. Geschaffen in Gottes antlitz haben wir anders als die Tiere zu wählen...zwischen Gut und Böse, user iridisches Leben lang. Is reicht also nicht Mensch zu sein, wir müssen Gute Menschen sein.
#thevaninme Vs #deskaisers
#ticktack #iwillkillallofyou

Listen to that Man

We have to judge by their actions and his action is to get into public in reason to reason.
I can't tell if he is part of those that know, like the fake friends and fake family I had to deal with, or one of those that was never told the truth having to learn to accept the unlogic no-sence errors in the Legend presented.
But I know that he is by what he does no-one to physically attack in opposite to Huch and Sarah for someone from the Middle East while non of them is a target for me, in opposite to BKA and Hells Angels and Polizei. My Charly Hebdo will be Polizei and BKA stations in the coming chaos.
He is a target for Mossad and Hamas, but Mossad I can't influence having helped to clean money made from me.
We will demolish these Nations. German culture will seize existing.
Or we will be reborn to try again.
This Is Europe!
The worst trap for Tyranns ... here we fight. Push em all here!
#noblessoblige #thedarkmidernity
Tick Tack Polizei! Come by and we kick it off....

No, No

you stay here and many will come back in the coming years. 
Here you will find your last chance to assimilate as converts, but that nation you build violates God's Diaspora rule for us, you reject the blessings of God out of greed and arrogance as much as you never became believers, you des Kaiser's own.
Fight us, hunt is soon you will care about us.
I am sick that those making a living from murdering and steeling from Travellers and Jews today state they were the Jews and that Jewish history was living on suitcases defending themselves as it was a bad thing to travel, live on the road or hunt down to kill a Teutonic Order Thievemurder liying as much about the history of Gdansk as they lie about the origins of Orthodox Festive Clothing.
Instead to trigger hate and segregation among the nations, people and try to teach without the truth, but what you think will help you gain what you always wanted: Supremacy above all others.
Jews are supposed to be a shining light....
Bibi, yours won't make it through this Armageddon in your blind arrogance of total superiority.
How is Israel a save place for you having just reported under rocket fire? How did you forget what happens as a reality in Israel within about two seconds? You are delusional German. Why do you never talk about what a Jew does to be a Jew?
Keep ignoring, we go to Hell all over the West soon. We all waited for this storm....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

We ain done yet.

TheGermans - Inclusion

Like their Grandfather's did make no difference really, those that they attract fully follow.
I am also sure all three sides blame the others fault....

PS: I can't confirm if Germans did not continue to beat up as kids when the attacked was on the ground. I never went down.

Why do I trust our

big Corpos that this is actually, in a twosome night in Idaho....lookig at the stars....the Great Wagon....Red Bull...Nike...Ford Mustang...and this must be Alpha Centauri...No...Mercedes...

Fuck You.


Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A Europe in Chaos

unwilling to hand out those Nazi Families still active and not retreatring from illicitly held powers ruling continuesly for their gain, this will be a regular scenario against Nazi found organisations such as German Polizei Stations unwilling to surrender their privileges and authority.
You can't fight a crime with another crime. Germans are liars, thieves and murderers that have avoided justice for too long.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

You can't tell right from wrong Germany.

TheGermans - Mind Set pain

Now it starts hurting ...

That said they have to produce it in China. Not they get it delivers from China, it said they actually have to manufacture it in China like it is not even on stock. So a Chinese will go to a work bench and manually build a part of a fucking electric stairway.
How bad can Germans get fucked...these masters of all crafts and artists of manufacturing of which the Bavarians are the worst of all arrogant cunts.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

The World through my eyes

is looking for similarities....

And connections taking out coincidence. did that happen or did it not?

What do I think when I watch

and listen to this?
We need to get more libraries to Africa. That works well over there!
Kindle in the G-Shock Wi-Fi version.

PS: It must include Yad Vashem and Nazi literature so they can understand the Hate we still fight.

120 armed groups of

which some are mercenaries from mining companies...
So, that means the Black Panthers get a list of the abusive once, for each a list of managers and for each an asset evaluation.
The rest is called blunt theft.
I bet they are all here, Provitional, Mafia, ETA.

What you think?

Louis de Belge and the End of Hierarchies

As sure I am about Bismark's intentions I do wonder if Leopold came with best intentions and no intentions of clear cut fenced boarders to the Congo, having to fail miserably in the long run.
His town castle to Belgium was the size of Belgium to the Congo and he was literate enough to comprehend that.
Today, it is not only the same boarders drawn when saileships were still faster then engineships, but also the same administrative systems that Bismark's forces turned masters in undermining, exploiting and abusing up to massmurdering millions of defenceless civilians just one generation later.
Sometimes, the better will survive killing the worse and those with best intentions have to watch being incapable of stopping the violance by good words.
Africa has to find better administrations then those we have accepted and established in power by UN.
And they have the social skills....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell, but here....

And now imagine

me infront if a German Psycatrist telling him that I don't need him to understand my sleeping times and if there was a conspiracy ripping me off for
PS: Turned out I am almost also Black while on a business trip to Boston.

Or if I had a psychological evaluation about me from Prof Lumumba or one of his colleagues.
And now him with an AK and younger buddies same issue.
Get it? The Plan??


The Greek Gods Rolemodels

First of all is Hercules a Half-God and that statue was created in the Renessaince by an Italian called Michelangelo that impressed by his photo realistic statues. That's two thousand years difference minumum.

Dudes, some really looked like that. 
No speedos, but the Town Center. 
...And now you...

Bodybuilding & Zzzeee Americans

I have learned that proportions are more important than bulk size.
Some will never learn when they do some wrong.
Not all muscles grow evenly quick. That is because some muscles are more often used than others when naturally moving. That was the millenias before Industrialisation walking, sitting down and standing up, lifting, moving and holding your own body weight.
That's why that tiny jump muscles named by a Greek Hero trained, traines your whole body yet doesn't grow.

So, what if

some guys mind proclamations....and you did it again and again and again?
Bonne Humor is French for...
#cyberpunkcoltoure #respect

What if the IronDome turns against Settler supporting IDF bases and Courts by being hacked?

Bad spelling. I haaaaave soooh baaad spelling. Dam.

Blockchain Finance Coins

Large development projects cost large sums of money. The Euro Channel as one of the most successful infrastructure projects in terms of use by attracting 20 million travellers per year went bankrupt by bad financing.
Blockchain technology can make collecting money as easy as participating in the projects success.
If a project costs 200 million Yuan, 200 million Coins will be mined and each year the profits added into the coin market creating a return for the investor comparable to a Bond Financing System as used for the Golden Gate Bridge and many other main historic buildings, just faster, more transparent and tradeable.
With or without you is pronounced Either Way, Messiah List Wardens.
#MIB #provos

Maglev in Africa, South America and Oceania??? 

Horribly unstable region

from a European about Africa is the same background as overpopulation.
Overpopulation does not exist. Instead international investments and trade with Industrial nations are too limited and the G7 and less G20 let economic opportunities aside interestingly the worse the more Nazi collaborator families remain unpunished within those nations.
Instable are all regions rich in minerals.
We can fix that the hard way, CIA.
Come home to Europe. Your families are here.
Tick Tack
#terroristgangs #provos #IRAmovement

Hong Kong SAR is 7044 per Km2 (18,244 people per mi2).
The City of Lagos is 6,871 residents per square kilometer (17,800 per square mile.

Plenty of Air, I am telling you. Invest or die. Profit or die. Do as we say and enjoy Dubai, Marbeilla and St. Moritz with your loved ones...or once...?
#Provos Independent Terrorist Gang Cells
#WW4 rolling 

Jim & Joe

I've got it, Jim.
You remember Brohmemeber in November?
All growing a moustache to find the testacle cancer candidate?
I do.
What about Brahvember...?!??
Breast Cancer support!
Password fishing.
Email access during Canteen times no matter Push SMS
Email access during Canteen times no matter Push SMS minute later....
Hi. Sweety how are you doing?.... So we have a new plan

And what really happened?

When a 15 years old "Code cracker" phoned that man? Well, this combined with that, because Amsterdam would be obvious, but Middle England and CIA guys and English Government Employees and a lost phone?

Oh my Gohd. He really sounds like James Bond..... Ahhhhaaaaaa haehaehae....
Triggered him when they thought he was away.
Odypussy Complex diagnosis with a severe Autistic disorder from Ritalin overdosing, it sais in the Hospital files.

And now imagine him leading a compromising material gathering ring getting copies from Sean and Andrew which have had an impact to understand the magnitude of his counter measures against a 15 years old gang member cheating playing Counter Strike with his buddies.
I always wondered who would go further than constantly jumping while attacking.

Texas has high energy costs?

Oh wow. You need to have laws to insulate AC cooled houses. Turn human and animal dung into coal alternative to be burned and start extended energy plant production.
Just saying....


is they driven around the Block, the Tom mentioned to me?
Do you understand what is happening here?
#noonestaysaliveofGermanPolizei #provos

Does GI Underground Party

make more sense to you then ecstasy gay junky user gathering?
Universal Records is a CIA cover, innit?
#ticktack #3batch #gfyBKA
#provos #terroristgangs

Attitude - An Applied Example

#provos #centurion #deadhead 


would you take your Bayonet and sneak forward?
Works In CoD.
#provos #centurion #deadhead

Are you into harmonic

relationships based on equal sweet and cuteness?
Don't buy a BMW.
#MODInc Vs #Rockerturff

And if you now

use software like Blender that allows  layers you can make Comic Books.
#ticktack #3batch

Even with stroke characters and left click download jpegs...

BRICS and Small Volume Trade

So 100% tax on Goods from Brazil to the U.S.A.
That's for Merck V.I.P. clients, I am telling ya. All others need to still do a bit more then relabelling paper work. 
The U.S.A. is the most important market for SMEs within Latin America and Africa in terms of export, especially if they do not intend to export Dollars but to spend the profits in the U.S.A on export Goods.
The trick is to have a manufacturing company in a BRISC Vs U.S.A. neutral nation like even recently infamous Panama and combine several BRISC products together with idealy also a local product. Examples are very specific and considering the overall amount of products that can be combined yet plenty in the thousands options.
Just over the counter products like Supermarket items are off, but what you need to make a frozen Cake?
The U.S. has most interestingly for all developing regions an incredible huge and capable used vehicle market including customizing ability for also professional vehicles with huge price and cost differences between urban centers and rural areas.
Does anyone know what a Goosneck Trailer is anywhere outside Idaho??


When you are tempted

to upload a dance video....

TheGermans - & why I hate them

This and then ask Dr. Google about Lebensborn and Christian Monestry against Left and Never been before.

What you think did the Homo Erectus do when he found a nice place he liked staying? Classify his group into Slave, Master and Bitches and the weakest starve to death?

Congo on Fire

Actually, in that ultra large Jungle nation the most eastern town, still a 1.7 million people town being close to Rwanda, military fighting goes down as I write this.
Several Western outlets report and show pictures of humans in flip-flops on the run with plenty of simple motorcycles inbetween this time rather modern Ukraine level military gear. Basically, the opposite picture of Ukraine. A Beehive of humans and no ruins from excessive artillery use.
All say it was a rebel group named MS23 Vs the Congolese military, but all are forigne journalists one even being in Kenya which is like asking a guy in a Lisbon Pub about the Frankfurt Club scene, being from Sydney.
One outlet mentiones that Hutu people fled to Congo being organised in a militia there while stating that Rwanda was only securing boarder safety for the people in that area.
So, the Hutu caused the worst Massacre in late African history. Imagine the IDF shooting with heavy machine guns into the tents when giving out free soup and chocolate bars to also row up children and you get the extend of violence the Hutu Vs Tutsi bloodshed had.
Today, the Hutu are driven out and Rwanda had huge economic growth creating a solid and stable aggricultoural economy bringing full and rich tables into clean and nicely equipped homes. They are one step away from being a non-industrial, but digitalised economy importing industrial mass products while exporting source materials and agricultural products.
I am under the impression that Western Secret Services have abused the Freedom of Press to cover Agent operations over decades so badly that Journalists are alienated from the locals impacting the people's information availability in The West.
This means we need to build more Pirate Radio stations around migrant places in Europe being connected to online aquivalents where ever they have telephone numbers from.
Project UBSs, please.

PS: Can you confirm with an Irish Granddad that that's to expensive?


Local Outreach Community Projects sponsoring Local Community Broadcasting Services

Monday, 27 January 2025

TheGermans - Way worse, like waaaaaay

worse than I thought. Every Second fails Theoretic Driver Licence testing....
It is not that many signs to remember. Honestly, and most kinda make sense, for stupid cunts like Germans.

PS: They all smile on Right before Left, but that's not political it's driving side of the road and the rest gets from there to avoid accidents. It is really not that hard....So, when you drive on the right side of the road all traffic from the right is closer at junctions so... No???
Ok. When all first look right when breaking they have a sec longer for all from left. Get it? If no one from right comes for no one on the junction all rides on...
Still not??

No Rezo,

she did not lie about her death. She did a transdimensional time jump with a Nazi Flying Saucer from the Arktis powered by a fusion reactor from the Dark Side of The Moon SS innovation labs and manifested her body back to life while mind travelling through the transzendent meta space using injected Panzerschokolade.
Dont ask if I was serious or I ask you if you are a Cop.
#trollnation #cyberpunkcoltoure

Top Gs - One More Down

Australia, like all the West, is normalising and the side effects of a nation glorifying low life Cocaine lifestyles throughout society come now also in effect.
Your Rockers arw no dangerous Outlaws, they are arrogant junkies serving your rich all having a deal.
Those things GIs got into in the 90ies or what you think their profession was until we ran into them, please?
Soon, the War on Terror might also come around by nations having never have set CIA to justice.
And inbetween a corrupt drugged German Police feeling save by having excluded every juridical step.
Cold War is over for you.
#provos Vs #BKA #GermanHellsAngels
For the Working Poor it will be Le Terrisage, Hitting Ground, for you BKA a bitter brutal end in an Underground

That's why

he called him a Traitor and couldn't forgive him.
That war is not over as long Germany exists and the slave trade families are dead.
You know who we are.

The point they don't get

these poor innocent victims of brown people, is that the Polizei not only attracts a certain clientele from within the Germans, but that in opposite to migrants coming from a nation that never kept secret GeStaPo personel build their Scret Services also psychologicaly checks them before letting them in.
Maybe they freak out that the original deal is a bunch of arrogant idiots while those back home were hardcore racist sadist pricks in their face?
Show em what you gad!!!!!
#igotstuck in #penissizeaffairs

Carpe Noctem Vs. Carpe Toxicomanicum

That's not night active, that's Amphetamines....
#provos #terroristgangs Vs #streetthugs

How deep does that go?

So, he was co-operating a human trafficking ring and was stupid arrogant enough to register using a false name several companies in a Special Tax Zone of the U.K.....that by definition many will closely observe way off Vegan Alternative crowds in Restaurants with Free WiFi.
The entire Windsor Family is doubtful in their position having a questionable historic legimity.
They are no Stewards, but have a feudal law inheritbale priviliged royalty established through the worst time of human history so far. On well could assume that a fat Gardener woman took advantage of psychoactive fertiliser side-effects and had her son have a speech to a people scared of an ultra aggressive alien people proclaiming leadership, being nice instead of the enemy.
What can we expect from a man deriving from a Nobel family sacrificying and riscking death fighting a tyrannical all drugged heard of willfary murderes by protection servants in even exil. Pride in resisting the bad. Pride in nobel deeds and action.
A son from a family that gained power and wealth by murdering and tourchering scared and weak humans incapable of defending themselves will have from the cradle on learned all it needs to build a human trafficking ring including money laundering ways.
So, Andrew. Who the fuck are you? A son of a European Aristocracy or a Nazi Parvenue...

A lession on Nobility

from someone from also Franconian blood pumping through his heart.

What ever he is gonna do

getting into Security Locks and Alarm Systems won't be part of it.
Rockers....and most likely it was a "friend".

The Lession of Auschwitz

Never surrender no matter the tiers

Death before Dishonour


Yeah, I get that and

have a better one for you Big Balls Players. breath
What Plow does that Sword make?
So, the special part of such systems is the electronic control units especially when they continue operating during flight. These systems do make great first response system. It usually takes at 
least a few hours until in earth quake or other disaster areas first aid arrives. If you Trigger Happy Motherfuckers had standard capsules with Aid gear and drills to exchange warheads, which also makes sense militarily, the next Turkish victims protected by both Patriots and AS-400 from some never happening would get within minutes heart beat detectors, search drones and walki-talkies.
And what did you think I come up with? Hitting the dark side of the moon?
They ain there. Trust me...
#provos #terroristgangs

The Ultimate Goofy Move

Imagine you are on that business trip and out at a fine Cocktail Bar where that woman, obviously in no work related clothes, is also, being as obviously center of attention by your branch colleagues and at some point you manage despite the smiles of all men around in all serious poker face ask her: "So, what do you do for a living?"
I think I would have manged to pull that one back in Corpo World. Seriously. And then have a zip from the Gin Tonic awaiting the reply.
#provos #socialengeneeringdevision

TheGermans - Inner Propaganda War

I only heard the first one minute about, because that's what is really gonna happen:
As soon as in power they cut all subsideries and set off state employees, except within Police and the Tax Office.
That would be positions held by political opponents anyway being in the wider sence of social nature. Germany had the luxury of strange positions such as Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Frauenbeuftragte, Behindertenbeauftragte and Auszubildendenbeauftragte to then have within those Universities, Ministries, Town Administrations discussions about the wording Behindert in all important seriousnes being stared at as an Alien asking what they actually do beside telling to remove the Pin-Up Girl pictures in even the men's locker room.
It will also hit Youthcentres and a lot of state driven educational programs.
If they go hardcore they might be in plus within a year, but will have to use life rounds before even having made the balance sheet ready to be printed on the Streets against Demonstrators.
That's hundred thousands of jobs idiots.
That is the very German lie and the deal was all sides pretend to work, not just The Right, like Police, Teachers and Beamte.
PS: You show up here I shoot to kill. Go kill each other, weirdos.


Would you put his portfolio performance into slow-mo instead of him jogging?
He ain Miky Boy and still has a T-shirt on.
Your Holocaust Spectator

The 27th and Sometimes they are

quite right. 
That it's all quite a bit more complicated than Hamas wants to kill all Jews being the New Nazis should be mentioned at a day the Camp of Hate was liberated.
Most wardens and profiteurs of the modern industrialist slave trade remained unpunished. The Germans kept a Nation bigger than ever in times of peace and until today may teach their version of history. Not one word about the Massacre of Jerusalem and Gdansk, instead are still Moslems blamed and Danzig was a German founded town that inbetween the lines was given falsly to the Pols.
Not one word about the German Kaiser declaring a Sect to Jews against protests of the actual Jewish communities.
Not one word about The Persilscheine and Rat Routes within the Roman Catholic Church or the continuous lie about Checks having killed Germans in Bohemia driving them away just like the Russians them from East-Prussia.
Not one word that the SS plundered and murdered even more as a standard war procedure and that the 6 million was first only of Auschwitz and later the overall amount.
But hitting in hate his the day the Camp of Hate ended seemingly enjoy.
You did not change.
Just as Grandpa said.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Big Big World....

that's what I think off. 

TheGermans - View of The World

They don't take the story of GTA or Movies for real or just realistic, because the car physic engine sucks. Like them being Germans in a big big world....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

These guys

here took good care together with FBI and LAPD that my old buddies and fella Provos Centurions enlisted to fight far far away coming back being untouchable by status and ability.
And I got stuck with them here below and those of their BKA that some of them founded...

...being democrats now.
#igotstuck #provos
I need saine people around me, urgently. Not these ignorant losers looking forward to another defeat, please.
#centurion #deadhead
By One Guy....

So, I think you owe me and here is plenty of ""opportunity"".
#ironcladthegoblin aka #punchothepeacemaker