Thursday, 30 December 2021

Yemen or how to war fare from a Cyberpunk perspective.

 This is Yemen.

Yemen is even closer and therefore better suited to interrupt the trade route between Europe and Asia, cutting down on both European and Asian development almost as much as conflict between Russia and Western Europe.

I don't see any other to win by force there.

So, my dear friends from another desk top.... neither are all Houthis unbelievers covering up as Islamist, nor are bombing runs winning anything except you are aiming for total war and destruction creating hate. 

The west of the country is most populated, the center of the Islamists and the key to interrupt the trade route in the long run. 

Fortunately, the forces of the Islamists are rather weak in equipment and are mainly based on very light unarmored ground mobile infantry using hit and run tactics. 

Like good old Pirate armada style Saudi Arabia should take and hold the southern tip of Yemen's soil next to Djibouti by landing with armored mobile marines from a naval fleet or hopping over from Djibouti, if allowed.
The goal is to dig in at the shore and first parts of the mountain range to secure the cargo route and to create a hub for refugees to bring them to secure African soil. 

If that should not fix it, second phase is taking their core soil by taking the markets and towns that are base for ruling soil.

This is Taizz and the strategy applies for all towns in the mountain region.

The red zones are military only zones, the blue zones refugee zones. The red zones are the mountain tops and the blue zone two major valleys.

Using Chinooks and Parachutist the liberating forces need to take, hold and secure the mountain range building modern improvised fortresses stationing first light to heavy artillery based on their precision fire capabilities along with long and medium range snipers and later armored vehicles to possibly enter town in combat. 
Using all available reconnaissance footage from satellite to airplane and large to small infantry drones the Islamist forces are taken under fire securing the access to the valleys where food and tent shelter is awaiting the refugees. 

If the Islamist forces do not retreat or start taking hostages within civilians, suppressing fire needs to be intensified and guided by helicopters heavy armored vehicles from wheel to heavy tanks have to enter from the improvised mountain positions into the first rows of streets in town creating forward postions for commando infantry specialised in urban war fare. 
Those postions than need to be used as hubs for the commando troops to take important positions in town based on clear and wide long firing range for snipers and precise mortars to hold and further take the enemy under fire, them receiving supply by air first and later by fast armoured ground transport vehicles establishing secure supply channels that can be also used by refugees leaving combat ground.

As soon attacks on the strategic positions and the supply routes drain down house to house searches need to start to collect and kill stray Islamist pockets waiting to get into Werewolf attacks after the peace deal. 

I love Cyberpunk.....

Because I just have my hacker figure out which MegaCon fuck up is causing that war and kill them.

Langley is off limits -- for now -- in the Real World.

New playlist on YouTube

      Cyberpunk club night out

If it was the next black death

"Black Death, pandemic that ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1351, taking a proportionately greater toll of life than any other known epidemic or war up to that time." 
"There were recurrences of the plague in 1361–63, 1369–71, 1374–75, 1390, and 1400."

The Plague was around for about 50 years and it hit as hard as no other epedemic, including the current Corona crisis, in just about five years, and ended the Middle Ages giving space for the Renaissance.
From the Tower of London to the St. Peters Basilica in a nutshell...

It is hard to impossible to predict how Corona will further develop and as many saw Omicron coming as the epedemic in the first place. Until now world society keeps ignoring all worst case scenarios and keeps heading down a road trying to go back to normal alienating me and alike even more in the future.

There is only one thing for sure, I do not wan't to go back to Pre-Corona normal.

The Plague relative to travel time, guessed by me

Google Maps sais that it takes on a bicycle from Naples to London, which is about travel time on an ox wagon in the middle ages, I guess.
about 120h
Google Maps sais that it takes in a car from Naples to London, which is the most common used contemporary equivalent to an ox wagon, I guess.
about 22h
Google Maps sais that it takes by airplane Naples to London, which is the virus spreading route

120h to 50y is 22h to 9y and 3h to 1.25y 

My thought was to put, as a worst case scenario, the Plague relative to its presents in Europe in relation to Corona. The main difference is that the Plague spread on main trade routes, which are today faster than in the Mid Ages. 
The trip from Naples to London by boat takes about 16d17h or 401h by 6 knots average cruising speed of a sail boat instead of 3h by plane, both calculated today. While the average cargo ship by 20 knots average speed equals bicycling time quite precisely and even more goods were transported on ox wagons than by boat and today by cars or train than boats.

If this thought is correct, than the Corona virus might stay for only another quarter spreading within 1.25 years or up to 9 years all together.


The real question so, is how will Corona change society?

I well understand that, as in the times of the Plague, the rich and powerful have no interest to change and intend to go back to normal as quickly as possible. Greta keeps talking and we will have no choice where ever we put our money. Only fossile fuels and no ethanol, battery cars on electricity based on a fossile or nuclear power grid, food from only a hand full companies and pretty much no innovation, nothing new to buy since the computer hit our homes. 

Industrialisation was mass production and innovation exchanging the candle or oil lamp with an electric bulb, the horse back with an automobile, books for a few with public libraries all available and affordable by many.
Information age failed to establish the same gain for the Dollar. Google only covers an estimated 4% of all information stored in the internet and it's ability to find anything out of the ordinary is way worse than understanding how to use the index of a library. The digital economy created monopoles way faster than in Marx worst nightmares outpacing all factory based industries in lightning speed, even so our very fundamental principle of market system is competition and in the end of the day our connected computers are hardly more than type writers and game tables.
Both industrialisation and information age failed to lift the very majority of mankind off poverty still having 80% living on 10 Dollars a day.

I am convinced that we are past our peak considering that the leading European economy fails to set up it's major important infrastructure projects in time no matter, if using industrial age or information age technology.

The Plague spread, because rats were accepted everywhere, despite them stinking, attacking and destroying food reserves in a most obvious manner, today Corona spreads, because nobody manages to be alone and to stay separated in safe distance, even so the virus is known to spread over air in short distances. 
Hygiene - socialising. 

(2)If I remember correctly the Mid Ages were also a peak time of fake hygiene products. Real pure soap is to day curp soap and most products sold as soap also have other ingredients like perfume or creams, yet soap is soap and make up is make up. In the Mid Ages markets were full of creams and pastes that were supposed to heal everything and all, yet of course didn't, while rats were all over the same market and considered no issue creating the mid ages equivalent of todays protest demonstrations, office space and party events. 
Virus spreading hot spots...

(1)The Plague struck very differently from town to town and I assume that those towns quickly getting into pest control by hunting rats with traps or e.g. dogs and cats, protecting public and private spaces from stinky rats by keeping doors closed and securing and maintaining food storage, by establishing and cleaning the fresh and drain water system, managed to go through the black death with a lesion learned and no major death toll.
Today, all those that do not ignore the basic and most effective way against Corona of staying away from masses and even larger groups will be tomorrow those successful towns, yet living in between all others in a way more mobile world of today.
Ignorance is no bliss..

The dictionaries defines dramatic and fundamental change as a revolution and history books taught me that such fundamental changes as revolutions come violant, pretty much always.

"So, where do you see yourself in 10 years?"
"Did you understand the question?"
"Yes. I just don't know any honest answer"

(1)"The rate of mortality from the Black Death varied from place to place: whereas some districts, such as the duchy of Milan, Flanders, and Béarn, seem to have escaped comparatively lightly, others, such as Tuscany, Aragon, Catalonia, and Languedoc, were very hard-hit. Towns, where the danger of contagion was greater, were more affected than the countryside, and within the towns the monastic communities provided the highest incidence of victims."

(2)Hardly anytime in history was of more change of monastic (religious like monks) communities than the time of the Plague and thereafter, I conclude when reading about the times from Mid Ages to Reformation on the Roman Cathlic Church. 

Thursday, 23 December 2021

Learning from the enemy


The greatest team sport game was not played in the NBA or the Olympic Dream Team. Sending the best of the best in their very own game against the rest of the world playing than to just say I played against them will and did show the attitude and love for the game by creating some of the best and most beautiful, yet always chilled and relaxed moments in sport history when David played with his child no Goliath around.

In 1980 at the peak of the Cold War facing nuclear overkill coming true the two nations all up for destroying the entire planet if cold war would turn hot figured that they have one team game in common:

Ice Hockey. 

The game in which violence and aggression is attitude, yet grace and quickness will win the game.

Two teams representing the very difference of the two systems up to kill each other and pulling down all of mankind met to figure out if individualism or equality are better and created the most fibrant, adrenalin packed fair game I ever watched. 

The American team was pretty much the dream team on ice with the very best single players and stars of competing professional teams coming together all of them understanding that they might be the drop on the scale to skip from cold to hot playing in one team exclusively for this match.

The Russian team was a machine playing like a chain of all equal parts in perfect coordination having trained only for that game. The western media was sure they were the ultimate unbeatable favorite and nightmare opponent.

These teams represented like nothing else the differences of both systems. Ultimate individualism peaking in stardom against all equal parts of a system.

Peace won.

Both teams played extremely fair and I remember no scenes like those that make Ice hockey the game were everybody understands why the players wear helmets and teeth protectors. 

To me it showed that there are things we can learn from the real existing socialism. And this is team building. Dream team teams are very rare and most of the time teams in our society need a clear team lead in sports and definitely corporate world. In good teams that is the star and also receives the appropriate recognition financially and in praise. Too often that star is just the donkey pulling the rest over the finishing line which is the part of the Tuckman Circle nonoe mentions. 

With the Russian Ice Hockey team of 1980 the Sowjets shows us how to create a perfect team that needs the ultimate best of individuals to find a worthy other part for the game...

...and there is no study, PhD or management book out there, is it?


Wednesday, 15 December 2021

A Dollar for a Bang or A Bang for a Dollar

The West reached its limits of real growth hitting structural problems in grid lock. Wall Street investment is either about the bang of a Dollar or betting.

Crypto Currencies that don't buy anything and are ultimately purely virtual, promisse soon again high short term profits, like a Crack pipe.

Trying to find a place where a Dollar can move into real value is gone. The next big idea is another 3-D environment and it might turn out a success this time. Just, all will be the same. The meetings and the work done, just wearing 3-D glasses. No change like from a candle to a light bulb, from an ox or horse pulling the wagon to a station wagon running on an engine being auto mobile is anywhere close.

All innovations that industrialisation gave birth to, including full automatic weapons, were done by single minds that connected dots from different fields of expertise in a creative manner creating something new. 

We need major social changes in human behaviour and society to manage reaching the next step in social evolution, that is those team work memes on LinkedIn, become actual reality, turning teams into collaboratively innovating incubators based on equals with different backgrounds accomplishing each other. In pluribus unum on team level, instead prior ante paris or even worse working donkey pretending being stupid among rats to keep paying bills for shit e.g. Calvin Klein promotes.

And that won't happen anytime soon.

The only places where a Dollar still can create a Bang is all around the New Silk Road project pushed by the Chinese government, being aware that the west soon will stop buying their factory goods, because we either go broke or basically already have two big TVs and three of all other stuff around, while on the land connection from China crossing the Caspian Sea to the poor south east of Europe markets are still in need.

Africa is where the Bang creates a Dollar and for most no place to invest, being scared of the new Wild Wild West and hesitating to use hired guns taking bounty money where nation is an idea of the northern hemisphere or the rich world for the time being, to secure and protect every Dollar invested.

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Another solution than revolution

In this Blog I look at this real world from a dark future utopia perspective drawing connections wich some might find valid or not. I have turned off comments for a reason, because since early child hood I attract trolls and bullies and since than I also am the last man standing up again.

Our free world system from economics to politics and social life are deeply troubled and as easily all those problems still can be ignored.

History shows rather violant changes in such times, yet the most recent revolution, the end of Sowjet rule was done in peace.

If we go down in violant conflict no matter, if world war scale or by underground battles we either end up in a Mad Max post nuclear strike and counter strike world or in a dystopian reality wild wild west style all in arms then visibly split in multikulti gone bad instead of in pluribus unum.

We do have all right in front of us, yet ignore what is good by focusing on what is bad. Living is all and including birth, growth, grown, decline and death. Life is pleasure and pain, like to much sun makes a desert and too much rain a flood.

From Confucius to Moses and Jesus to Mohammed straight to native american sayings mankind knows how to fit into this world.

We have to take the best of all known systems and make it better. 

Free markets are great for unpredictable goods and services. Who can predict which fashion item like a shoe, which woman will want next year in spring, but we can tell quite precisely how much basic agricultural product like semi-skimmed milk will be asked for same time.  

For basic predictable goods that can be predicted based on stable past demand a planned economy market model is better.

Our markets are based on the very simple rule of competition.
All monopole and oligopole companies must be split up from major IT players down to those owning the products in our supermarket shelfs to ensure competition based progress.

Our society is getting more complex in an exponential way leaving almost all voted Parliamentarians relying on educated guessing. Nations are caught up in unhealthy conflict competition and the system we call Democracy is quite off the antique Athen idea by several million citizens represented by only a few hundred elected. 
Small state models dominated Europe in the most prosperous times here during the Renaissance and yet for all matters concerning all assemblies existed.

Mobilization and Globalization create human mass movements away from conflict or towards economical prosperity while our economies rely on free movement of goods and human travel.
There are three words: Immigration, Emigration and Migration.
Immigration means settling in a foreign country and those around those immigrants must decide, if they may come to stay over anyone far way.
Emigration means to move to another country and therefore is Immigration from just the perspective of the place of origin. All must be free to leave everywhere. 
Migration means travelling around and before wheels got engines those migrants called travellers were the backbone of trade and we must encourage more migration to progress. 
Free passage, yet no free trespassing. 

If those that keep this world in conflict continue, change will be violant, this time so, on a bloody underground warfare level based on sabotage, executions and bombs known only from terrorist groups in civil wars or elite military commandos outrunning known Kartell and Mafia violence by far in terms of sophistication, precision, harm and damaged caused. 

Cyberpunks don't mind, Cyberpunks are better prepared than all others out of world or cold war training for society hitting ground, yet only exist in theory as part of pop culture in games.

Just going back to normal as in before this pandemic is out of question, too many played war games in a falling society. 

Friday, 10 December 2021

The best of all Conspiracy Books

 Read this: 

Or this:

If I ever should write a book creating a conspiracy, it won't be the CIA, that's real stuff right out there and as bad as it can get after Auschwitz scoring second place straight.

It would be about the real human races that are only three of which all come in many different shapes and colours. The majority known as the homo sapiens, largest in numbers and the officially only one, but than there are also those we know as many people such as the Mayans, parts of Ancient Rome or the Nazis, much older than the homo sapiens lacking what normal humans would call empathy or the ability to love. The main difference is their tissue healing slower, making them more mortal and their brain missing those parts completely responsible for advanced social interactions turning them in larger populations in rat like societies enslaving others. They miss one rip and the lowest one can be easily pierced into their lung by the latest of those three races. Stronger in bone structure, quicker recreating tissue and with a way higher developed brain enabling that race to move faster, create more energy and feel on an almost paranoid level being able to predict thoughts and actions after quickly studying especially the oldest other race.

Of course these two would be at war over the destiny of world domination since a ship landed in a new world. Slavery Or Freewill. 

I just don't like Fantasy as much as Sci-Fi...

Real World CIA and Cyberpunk Shadowruns


Really CIA?

I did not even bother reading it after the "framework" used to "infect" parts. Framework is a fancy IT term for either software or software in parts of any kind.

My whole point is that the most powerful organization on secret service level not only has major responsibility for avoiding bringing those that created, run and made Ausschwitz exist to justice by creating the myth of the Weapon SS being an "elite" unit, but that they until today hire quote Ex-Disguise boss lady: "larger than life" agents, meaning as stupid as arrogant operatives.

If this was a Dark Reality and I was living in a Cyberpunk world, I sure as hell would find a gap in the security system of the internationally operating Microsoft Inc. to place a few lines of code in their apparently 50 million lines of code that would open up based on a simple algorithm a port overriding build in and 3rd party firewall restrictions to listen to a: "Hello! It is fucking me hacker dagger here. Let me in, sweety." TCP/IP packages.

Than I just need to identify the IP or MAC or Serial Number of the computer my new best friend has and wait for the time window opening up.

Central and Intelligence is a contradiction in a diverse, multi-level, plenty of cultour world fully interactive and connected which at one point you will have to understand is reality and turns Nazi Empires into doomed to fail, but major pain in this worlds ass. 

CUCP ... 4th ... you are so 2nd and cold

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Dark Future Short Stories - Nine - A well placed hit below the belt

All chapters in order

 Dark Future Short Stories - Nine - A well placed hit below the belt 

A well placed hit below the belt

A good Buttler is worth a fortune. A good Buttler, especially, working in third generation for an ancient banker family is actually part of the bloodline even so from a different blood line and has his very own alumni service.

Alfred immediately changed his professional neutral face expression to a sattle smile with sparks in his eyes when he heard that it was open season against the big bad ugly as he personally liked to call the very old banker enemy. It was time to turn an old plan lying ready in the bottom drawer of his desk to another position in the middle drawer of the very same desk he organised the family house hold assisting the lady.

The banker had affiliates all around the globe. One of his best cooks told him decades ago about him and his family having to leave their home when a real estate shark decided to take over the neighbourhood his family lived in 6th generation continuously, to fill a development gab between city center and the mountain weekend lodges just recently build turning the area into an upscale mid class living estate for the desk slaves in those few high risers close by. Just, they first buried their youngest daughter, who became victim to the gang violence created to crash real estate value even further down.

Gods ways are mysterious and just a week ago he watched a short clip on the most exclusive penthouse for rent right in the middle and on top of the high risers, unfurnished, having him adding a note on that old plan.

It would take some preparation and upfront investment. The crew was easy to be found. They will first rent a first floor restaurant space and shake up the resto scene of the secured corpo estate that had become even more arrogant and over confident in recent years.

The trick was to use their connections into the free world, called the wild world or new jungles way off any corporate grip, to search for the blind, stupid rich and strip them off their assets by shiny, shiny bling bling.

In the workshops already busy with creating counterfeit luxurious products on a perfect copy level to put them in between originals, that way keeping beside the retail profit also the production profit, low material, but shiny resto equipment would be ordered. Basically, painted plastic over ceramic, grails instead of glasses and even the cutlery would be from recycle material in a nice paint finish for sale with 10000% profit, incl exchange rate and avoided customs and taxes, in the online shop that came with the resto.

The food would be cat foot cans, washed and having added the finest artificial tastes, but perfectly arranged and stored in luxurious import labeled boxes, as well as all spirits filled into expensive bottles making sure everyone with still some taste untouched by chemical lifestyle substances won't even be bothered just considering coming by, by accident ever.

The important part were the hidden security cams on the toilettes connected to a face recognition database feeded with a years worth of information from the local low level tabloid to add a name to the Koke head nose busy snoring.

They all would get as soon breaking point of victims was reached an invitation to the owners kick off party in that just recently rented new place using the time until the furniture arrives for a very special, exclusive and private party for the entire week in mid-summer peak... enough time to have the movers clear their garages, ware houses, flats, houses, offices, the hackers to give all their employees extra vacation on the moving and follow up days, with time to hack all disks to identify their private, company, trust and especially hidden accounts, clear them and evaluate further data for possible post-hit extortions along with checking their medical records to identify organ and implant donators and stretching their credit line beyond possibly imaginable realities that way hitting the actual target from the side line, but hard. Like real hard.

Alfred picked up the phone. "Hello, Keyla. I am Alfred a friend of your dad. I hope you and your mum are fine. Is Jefferson in and would you ask him, if I am calling in a convenient moment, please, my dear? We haven't had a boys night our since ever."

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Structural Monopolisation

Marx found a flaw in our markte system. He, as the first in industrial times, predicted that markets would develop over time a tendency towards monopolization and oligopolization, that they are not selveregulartory per nature. How to fix this is still to be discovered in market theories, the political and economical ideas based on Marx and Engels not only failed, but created a soft form of tyranny that was fortunately overcome peacefully in the Sowjet Union collapsing from within on all levels. Thank you Mr. Gorbatshov for tearing down that wall.

Today our apparently superior to all system of market economy is caught in oligopolies throughout all major industries and on technological levels pretty much in monopoles. TFT screens and IBM compatible PCs everywhere, piston engines and smart phones and that's just straight in your face even so it comes in many different colours.

Possibly more futile to our liberty might be a structural monopolization that I have found no one addressing yet and I already wonder who'll pick it up claiming full intellectual foundation on it some time later, because he either read this or a copy of a copy. Information and ideas spread Virus like and the more important they are to the system the more they will spread and further develop from station to station, while the actual creator is way less important than the information or idea finding a suitable hoste. 

And no law or system can change the basic laws of this world from blogg post or social media post or discussion board comment further out, it well could force fair sharing of financial gain.

With Structural Monopolisation I mean that within the companies that are the oligopoly market participants competition is also running under the same laws.
Within each company major positions are also desired, wanted and hunted by many different participants of the job market from within and outside.
The Big Fellas in the media like Bill Gates and Marc Zuckerberg all are Ivory educated even so possibly not having had time to finish their education by going home with a degree. Their major managers, that have not had a comparable fitting business idea, but a degree to take home are most likely from the Ivory league alumni service, all having had the same education, based on the same set of rules, expressions and behaviors beside the actual content of their studied field. Everybody else is out. Everybody other won't fit, either way different.
This structural monopolization goes down from major companies well known, down to mid-size companies and even to LinkedIn business related conversations, all checked and corrected by Grammerly and was first seen in military units and later most likely also in secret services. 

The drafted soldiers from both world wars were still as diverse as the people, the Vietnam draft appears to be manipulated, if checking who was drafted compared to mathematical rules of lotteries and the first that had an almost homogenous army were the Nazis with the Weapon-SS based on full dedication to the Nazi ideology. 
Little is known about the recruiting prerequisite of e.g. the CIA, but all their actions publicly known as no bad joke make me wonder from supporting Nazis after 45 building up post war Germany to them reporting about buying a scrap yard Russian helicopter for two million Dollars of the desert to CIA officers in Military uniform suggesting to retire the Warthog army airplanes by using high-altitude bombers instead while knowing all German jokes about the qualities of stupid blonds...

This structural monopolization within organizations will lead to the end of competition of ideas and ways to do things, of diversity and finally end innovation, creativity and therefore progress as it did in all major industries even so well covered in many different colours and shapes on the surface. 

If Marx was further right this will lead to the economic system ending in collaps, if not fixed, but than also ending our known social structures, political systems and therefore the known world. A revolution is a dramatc change and the end of the socialist system peacefully gives me hope on one side, while knowing that the spirit of those creating a death factory industry just slightly changed is to fail makes me worry being unarmed per law.

The Shadowrun Role Playing Game introduction story is way closer than Star Treck, unfortunately. 
A shoot out as weekend normal in our night live venues closer than all drinks free bars without excess for real.


Sunday, 5 December 2021

The flying Dutchman - connecting dots Cyberpunk utopia style

The legend of the Flying Dutchman is basically in variations all about a ghost ship that flys...

I admit that I liked weed for some time, but I have to stress that I have currently no desire to get back to that habbit that I always considered healthy for the creative mind. And I do well know who forbid hemp use historically. 

Consider yourself a drunk head on a ship in about somewhat of the 16th century cruising the European coastlines. 

If by any chance one of us reefers combined that dragon below...

with a well proven straw boat construction, that was responsible for most of the antique mediterranen trade mainly port hopping along the coastlines...  

but somehow managed to either become really ambitious, travel under time pressure for a really really good reason or just had no weather forecast. It might have turned into something we humans do today for fun.

being than turned by that piss drunk fella next time hitting a harbour pub into that story here

with a boat like that

making sure that what ever you child head stupid actually did will not be possibly considered to be on your record - ever! Considering the statements, witnesses and testimonials of the bystanders.

What would that stoner do in a dark future from out of the shadows? You are what you do, Cyberpunk. 

Talk's cheap, but makes ye laugh.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Computing ...

I kept the so important part of Cyberpunk rather off this blogg. My bad!

Today understood as malicious actions against digital infrastructure, it actually derives from hacking with fingers on a keyboard of a computer creating something digital. 

Starting hacking is today quite difficult. There are millions of books from cheap to way out of range on as many computing topics, computer languages for almost as many different computers out and being a gamepad master does not help at all.

Digital processing, aka computing, as an industry has uncounted different branches.

Computer hardware set up turning a Desk Top standard IBM standard PC into a Christmas tree like major focus of the room. Something Apple PCs appear to not need, ever.

Operating System handling from Windows hidden features to Linux distribution customization is not only a branch of its own, but a weekend filling art of its very own kind truly mastered only by a few.

Networking analytics from home based WiFi routing set ups to Smal Business Office environments to company building Local Area Networks, to enterprise standard Wide Area Networking routing through encrypted tunneling software over the internet another branch combines all the first two and adds transmission protocols, office software, database software, access right management, office desk top computers, work stations, hard and software servers, digital and physical routers, hubs and switches of several kinds, Sniffers from system architecture top down to the Real World existing Matrix in full HD graphics down to command line based interaction.

Even so possibly the most fascinating part of Cyberpunk, because of the INPUT! part of possibilities and options it is today quite chaotic and difficult to get a grip on that drag strip of autonom learning.

The best way to start is deciding on a starting point first step project. Hacking the CIA is off the table at this point, tragically.

Saving e.g. heating costs does make quite some since so.

Most of us get up in the morning and somewhere between bed and office come to the living while back at home the heating is still up and running even so the flat is partially or even completely empty.

Yes, you can buy a plug and play system called smart home heating control and from there on start. I personally, after figuring out that the CIA did upgrade security and that they have no really new information beside those on Wiki Leaks anyway by a simple phone call, thought that those single board computers around are as cool as my C64 back in the days when hacking was almost like today surfing the net and passwords could be obtained, just in theory, practically by asking the guy on the line next to the modem for security reasons. PS: I am right here waiting for you!! Still...

After understanding why a screw driver and actually reading the manual is utterly important as especially a hacker and ambitious, focused, target driven apprentice on the first step, by swapping the original heater adjuster thingy to those digital WiFi out of the box and off the shelf, the system limitations will be quickly understood by just using it actively.

From the graphic user interface on the mobile phone considered being improvable, to the need of a constant internet connection and the desire to put the smart in smart home onto the next level by e.g adding a moving sensor or any other stuff from possibly even other market participants to the home network an entire fucking skyscraper of doors opens and it becomes time for the first plan in system architecture to become physically touchable.

An e.g. Udemy course on project management might help also the nine to five efforts, while home smart wont get any jobs in any IT department. Beside, that puts everyone on top position of every profiler per standard training book at e.g. FBI level. CIA does not have such books, they spy on the FBI fellas, last time someone checked or I heard a bystander once saying, or did I read it somewhere? Puhh.

A Raspberry Pi or alternative single board computer running on Linux is the consequent next step beside Open Source software like openHAB available also on Surge Forge or GitHub and will cut down on TV time tremendously, especially when you figure out how much open source, free to download software there is and until no profit is made hits breaking point the developers do not need to be payed based on the open source Vs free ware software distribution principles, now having all topics on the table and on the mind on easy, sweet, legal, baby level.


So, where do we go in the matrix today Punk?

PS: Nation-Town-Address-Phoneline and -0 is usually the switch board... IFU-period!!! 666 Really??

Encrochat loop holes

Currently based on French military secret service investigations, also German police is cutting through organised crime cutting down on all branches of the industry.
Some of their frat boy lawyers already managed to take the Encrochat proof off the courts in the trials following the arrest, thereby turning the searches off a legal base, as there was no good reason, leaving the gang boys off system punishment.
Some don't make mistakes, they learn a lesion.
Also in Germany a felony cannot be prosecuted twice for the same crime and if found guilty in a trial in one member state of the EU, that puts EU law and therefore consequently EU sentences over national law, not for the very same crime also in a second nation.

These criminals discussed and arranged their crimes using French and most likely Dutch servers actively and possibly knowingly abusing the weak points of the German law system to avoid a fair trial at home. It does not even matter at this point, if Germany needs to comply and adjust its laws to EU common standards. They will have to hand over the criminals to those nations that consider arranging major crimes such as arms smuggling and distribution, drug smuggling and distribution, counterfeit production and distribution, robbery and burglary spreads, extortion, human trafficking, psychological as well as physical violence and torture and even murder being brought to justice an appropriate goal justifying the means of targeted decryption of a encryption services by marketing and advertising targeting criminals as the client base.  


For all the scraps: CUCP!

PS: Did you really think about what could go wrong after you said "What could go wrong?"?

MEMES - Pen and Sword - Ayye


Cyberpunk Knighthood lesions 

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Another plague

Caution Advised. The link may cause disgust. 

This blogg is a Cyberpunk blogg. I am looking at this real world from a Cyberpunk perspective to indirectly promote the Cyberpunk Music I am trying to make a living by and that is inspired by Pen and Paper Table Top games like Shadowrun rather than quite lousy computer games that might turn out to be fine open world shoot em ups, but miss the actual thrill of their base.

The Dark Future Utopia of the Shadowrun game describes a fallen society that after major technological advanced in 2050 turns dystopian due to major biological and meta-physical changes in mankind. Meta-Physics is the not scientific part of science dealing with all those phenomena's that are either fake or cannot be explained and are on the rather scary side of this world. Basically, it is a Sci-Fi world closer than Star Treck and Star Wars in which magic is as real as Meta-Human races like Orks and Dwarf living next, with and against the Matrix and human brains connecting directly with computers. It is pretty much the MMA of the Fantasy and Sci-Fi Genre.

In the past of mankind our society never fell as bad as during the time of the black death, the pest, that wiped up to 80% of mankind away. Shadowrun takes a different approach. Population explodes, but along with dark mid age like Viruses and wars. 

A good adventure is close to reality, like the best stories are written by reality instead of fiction writers.

Sometimes this perspective is only for those with a strong stomach especially considering that we do have a new Virus around that is already more infectious than the Spanish Flue, yet to meet Pest levels, but the Pest in the Mid-Ages came along with rat mass populations, when today Australia was one of the worst hit nations, but in towns while on the country side mice turn an epidemic of its own: