This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Don't be fools, The Tyranny of Evil against the Inequities of the selfish
Monday, 30 October 2023
Rockefeller and his son.
Germans like egoism, but no responsibility. I wonder if they understand that they do. Vid.
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Saturday, 28 October 2023
Number crunching
You have registries and name lists, CIA
and how many of millions of fews understand us over you?
#provos recruiting since the #90ies
for this storm
Vector Vs Hexagon Vs Grid Square
NATO and Secret Service military terretories are based on Grid Squares.
Moving objects in navigation have a Vector.
Provos plan military actions based on Hexagon fields over maps and blue prints, in which all distances from side to side and corner to corner using state vectors as a set of data describing exactly where an object is located in space and time, and therfore how it is moving from HexGrid Field to HexGrid Field creating a new level of quality in prediction.
The CIAs enemy number one, nobody knows, where are the Provos.
Floors, Street, Underground Money Clash
In The Floors, you have this in the bank.
In The Streets, you wonder how far you can stretch it
In The Underground, you understand that the rat is as big as the rat tail long.
"Should I stay or Should I go now?" The Clash on the MODs way of living
Friday, 27 October 2023
Express Card into The Darkness
If this was all true and not a set of facts, hypothesis and imagination from a virtual different other world, there would be also a few humans in a most exclusive club running the Federal Reserve as profiteurs and only remaining fiscal bank that are all living on a Black colour Credit Card that has no limit and creates everytime used the stressed amount to be pushed into the SWIFT banking system, way faster than any block chain crypto system could do, as some calcuation is needed to be done, instead of creating an Integer in a BASIC database on an Assembly master computer for a C operating system network, maintained by Java developers all into their coffee break social engeneering efforts in what they believe is English in an actual machine language base world inbetween metal and silicon age on a predicatbly ending timeline.
The price those Negrhabitos for laughing at the Illuminati below them is no having friends or confidence in a materialistic only world constantly hiding by lying.
So, get one of these onto your life goals list:
From Kitchen to Hobby Room
The B to A change in war of the Ukrain conflict
What if, when about to be surviving to kill more...
Thursday, 26 October 2023
OMG Vs Military in the mountains
How to Evade A Professional Military (Tracking, Countertracking)
Underground on detour through Bond territory
Regret or I come again up, but for you. paypal.me/J4vurmywumccscnm I like steak, too.
I seldomly swear to protect the American way of live: Freedom!
Understanding life to live success
Iman Gadzhi - Money, Women, Fame, Fatherhood (E022)
All discussion on realness and natural and sponsors aside, these men drop phrases from a position of success to having had understood life when shortly before stating many of their rich, yet not priviliged friends would suffer from boredom and even depression.
That is like me stating I was one of the most dangerous man on earth, yet nobody knows me and hardly anyone is more off a Time magazine cover, or am I? R.I.P Kobe. Thank you for your mission.
Them and us are both part of the chess playing Western society being part of the priviliged northern hemisphere. While they have a lot of money and a luxerious lifestyle, they lack the priviliged position off the law of my enemies and in opposite to us will get caught breaking those, while we either outsmart or take out the system.
In this system they are the sheep, except the financial resources, just as the nine to five, five days a week worker in all factory, workshop, service or office and not everyone want's your position realy.
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
The End of Star Alliance
Arroganz is Bliss or The Chaos no one Foresees
If 91.000 fulltime employess of the StaSi, the interiour Secret Service of Eastern Germany did not manage to foresee the design demand of female shoes for just the next year, why would you belive that 3.000 full time employess of the Federal Reserve can handle a fiscal system running 2.26 trillion US Dollars?
How much cocain do you snore, please???
How much...every single day at the office...
#provos #MIB
A Hot Pot war szenario
Gaza and Israel: The Start of WWIII or an Isolated Conflict? || Peter Zeihan
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Zionism and murder
Rocker Wars or Street Gang Fights Vs Terrorism for Human Civil Rights
Bandidos MC und Hells Angels - Expansion um jeden Preis
The IRA movement
Ireland stands proudly with the people of Palestine - Matt Carthy TD
Friday, 20 October 2023
Preparing for World War 3 is not what you think....
The New Modernism at War
Thursday, 19 October 2023
The James Bond Saga
Greece, as the cradle of Archtypes
You may choose one:
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Russia and China and Wishfull imagination
Sunday, 15 October 2023
The outdated chess attitude
King, rook, bishop, queen, knight, and pawn on 64 squares having different moving patterns forms until today the thought of the European war heads of all parts of society.
There are different strategies and actually quite a lot of different books written on such, but most mix up tactics with strategy getting stuck in names of opening moves.
Most play with an emphathis of stressing the knight and bishop, easily taking out pawns to put heavy weight on the rooks and saving the queen with left overs for the end game.
A strong pawn game is not understood and played even so they can shield each other and be further protected by the long distance moving figures.
An early rook and queen game gives by the pure thought sweat on the forehead as loosing them will create vulnerability in the endgame not understanding that all other figures also will be used differently having the purpose of shielding the triage in an aggressive game play.
Using the row of pawns to make the knights, that are usually looking like horses, jump around them into the oponents lines as if it was a game of Checkers sounds just weired.
Also, they usually only play against their very same own school of Chess strategy, but this being said, having several different strategies and different oversight of the board situation.
They play to know each other, not as a philosphical excurse into an old game of hirarchy and set ruels.
The Asian Go is communism about territory fought by gangs and table top pen and paper RPGs are just childish pure chaos of imagination and virtuosity in comparison.
The Shadowrunner Cyberpunk Blogg.
I'll never grow up, but die young before. Death before dishonour.
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Homo Sapiens Militantus
I am sorry and know that I will sinn on the bloody path of God infront of me.