Saturday, 31 August 2024

Anyone wanna count

how often they drop "Fuehrer" both as a single word or in combination? 

Imagine that being guest in your Barracks on Schnitzel Day, please. 

And than he sais

the German SWAT team executed (liquidiert from liquidieren) the man threatening others with a gun. 
The SS had the same abbreviation, just the E said Erschiessung as in Firing Squat, but the opposite kind of the Punisher OMG firing squat. 
SWAT shoots, but does not murder as it appears to be trading among the Germans. A liquidation would be murder. 

And now compare this

beloved brother of a rolemodel compared to a ticket dispute facing a gun in Jesus like calmness and unmet professionalism. 
By God do I wanna get arrested for having molested a German Tourist, but in America! 
Far far away from human civilisation! 

And I just wondered if BKA smocks their plastic ID badges on a regular bases 

Fire Fights in Germany

They give it a propa kick off and hit twice. 
Berlin... Here and Hagen... There 
Both center and nowhere! 


One Bodybuilder sais weights logging is stupid, but food and gear is important and noone drops anything about repetitions and sets, brake time inbetween and pulse or muscle failure. 
Despite cardio having values force and distance on running, rowing and bicycle machines.
They are in the gym. That is not Pilates, dudes.
May I. No problem I can move around you just don't get scared by the speed. 

But the selflying remains a problem. Trust me. Every single person picking up a Basketball sees himself after the very first score in the God Dam Finals making that point at the Buzzer to turn legend! 
And it's cool like that.... 
Another Beer Jim?
I got smoke Joe!
Did you watch the game? 
Not yet. 
...another day in paradise...

TussyInc SWAT

The whole day in his face? And he still dropped another one 
Can we just shoot him?
Can we just shoot him?
But he did not even try to touch one time despite grap them, BITCH! 
He is right! You are too corrupt.

TheGermans - The Incomprehensive

This is Oli. Oli is another stupid fuck. 
He looked down on me in School every time I corrected any teacher. He also did not know what to do when I ever coverd his ass when he got mistreated and kept his sandwich, but for the rest of his school time. 
I was ridiculous, he compliant. 
I learned to survive and trained ever harder to make sure the worst of TheGermans will know my name and address and be close when this system either fails or they proclaime another Empire to kill as many as possible before my own passing. 
I had no other place to go, so, I for well can stay and fight, with God's help I kill enough to survive. 
Here we go Underground war on the GI side and the Germans only knew my Butterfly so the small birds stay off. 
Olis world tumbles. He understands that he was lied and it was all way worse in the German's greatest time. He is hardly better than a Racial Jew instead of a loyal citizen of a better Germany that is off its past and fair. 
Nothing fits anymore. A superior economy that can't catch itself and a past that did happen and they were righteously blamed for, but unrighteously never properly punished for on top? 
All may be proud except Oli?  François, Ivan, Paul, Martijn and Jack haven't had slaves and exploitation and now it's to late to become a Hamburger, Bavarian or International living here and there understanding what prior generations did and the new once could have stopped from now repeating in just other means... 
The Kingdom of Hell 

TheGermans - No change

So they got sued and lost and had to take down a podcast. They may not call someone a man anymore. This man is a woman and sued itself into a women only gym having only one shower. 
My personal opinion is that you are a stupid fuck looking for trouble and I do train at home and would certainly prefer an all female gym having really different issues. 

Problematic are different issues than the ongoing debate on how to correctly address humans with sexual self-identity problems. 

I don't argue with a bouncer and just walk off. Obviously, I would not try to sue myself into the place. 
That person did. She is not addressing publicly that feeling as a women she prefers a women's gym in the same respect that the two business men in no single word get into the economic freedom of the gym being allowed to reject customers without any reason. 
This is not the American Civil Rights Movement which had segregation and financial restrains in place already based on some features no side intended to change. 

This is a society failing in all ends and everybody is up for a fight. 

So, get a fucking gun egotripping and shoot the gym staff, have the woman shot and shoot the judge to have the podcaster shot before, after blaming The Jewish Banks equivalent destruction of what was back than debt and hyperinflation, makes you kill others.... again. 

Even So I'd go all legally ballistic being no matter what I do a Polish French National Hero afterwards. 

You have issues. Serious once and do the Hitler by bullshitting each other instead again. 



your ticket boys are loosing it 
Just check how long that boy is not getting "Warte. Ich gebe" anymore.
Fortunately right along with a 9mil on Subs at his belt. 
My brain works fine in opposite. 
#3batch #ticktack #ironcladthegoblin #provos #centurion #deadhead 

As soon as rats show in

daylight not hiding and exploring anymore to be active in the late evenings and nights having grown in population so bad that they have surfacing ratnests in these brown nograss fields, they will attack humans and cause a deadly local epidemic. 
Last time in the Kairo Slums before the central waste dump was closed while rats needed to be hunted with 22lrs in the 80ies. 
I am serious, they just won't get that big here, Cat size. 
In both cases, past and future, Street Hygiene systems collapsed soon by no urban cleaning staff along with a drop it on the spot attitude in Berlin crating a wide spread problem over a one spot problem. 
But, if that gets out of hand the rats will connect and noone can out of protest put one giant rat hill on fire killing most and creating a dark stinky wave over all town, you would have to burn down half the entire city.

Chemical Warfare. Fits in almost every bag and available online 

Another one?

Ahm. You hiding below the desk 
I just need to send an email from that terminal 
Oh. Thats a sensible spot there. Let me just open the email client. 
I got the..ugh 
I just need to press enter 
...somewhere far far away... 
The system is not up. 
I have not received any instructions as by now 
New York needs this Power Plant to run. 

And you laughed at fire prevention rules. 

PS: There won't be no juice in that box!

3 rounds, yeah?

You have to either go with the heat taking the rounds and finish at the same time by taking the heat or cool down to stretch the cooling water available ending in more rounds. 
Like back in the days I could three times, now I can three times as long, who ever said that after three cocktails and where ever. 
Just out of context 
A drop 

Really? Brains out? How would...

Hi, Do you have the contracts ready
Oh you came over in person
Yeah. You are overdue for a day and we need to send them over to get the Suez Channel hydraulic system repaired. There is... 
Hi. You are here too? 
And this is your skirt over there and 
This is CNN and Jim Carter reporting from the North side entrance to the Suez Channel. The works are delayed, nobody knows why, nobody can be reached and the ships are sunk by a storm 

What did I tell you about

the 7 Sinns of death and the passing of Greed? 
This is not Anger or Ignorance. Simplified, the new extreme right is harvesting The Angry and the Billionaires Lifestyle the Ignorant and yes you can be in all anger leading an Anti-Fa Mob and be all ignorant on social wellfare. Both lonesome and broke on that side of the spectrum.
This is the last presence of the Greedy and a crossform to Gluttony like Bodybuilders and Addicts, but in underestimated dangerous to the very opposite of a Coce head at a multi million trading desk who wants to gain and own using the high over looking for the high. 
Fucking Their Brains Out. Brain Out... get it Brain!!! 
#sinceCharlyChaplininyourface #travellerknightkings 

Ok. It's on and we know who will get

a headshot directly. 


In Ultimo Ratio Regis Ante Argumentum Fini aka I told you, BKA & Affiliates Blood or Cash 
Actually I said initially If you just touch her I will kill of you to the same bitch I told To stay useful. 

And that Cyberpunk Galaxy far far away

Genetic therapy had pushed Bodybuilding onto new levels. The Top League, Beast Of All Universes was full of humans that had used genetherapy to mutate into meta humans becoming up to 3 meters tall and 300kg heavy. They still can't move and the weirdest class was the only scan class The Home Beast in which those attended incapable of physicaly attending the Ceremony by Air Carrier weight restrictions. 
Noone had build any passenger plane capable of taking on a human like that off the cargo bay in a box. 
Therefore the Judges or High Priests of the Bodybuilder Guild that earned millions on Shadowrunners, Mercenaries and Corporate Security beside some Office Players into looks over Secretary actions send a team of trusties with a rotating platform and a portable high resolution 3D laser scanner. 
Me?  OH. Someone had murdered the Trusties and Guild cash is Gold Nuggets and dead easier than alive. 
So... That is a big fella... but where would that motherfucker hide 2.90 meters and 275 kilos with a 160cm should...did I just read thaa... he looks smaller on... oh. Background On switch ... OK, he was about to move out anyway...


...two weeks later after a hint from a UPS hack on extreme supplement deliveries crusing the area of the postal drop box with my armoured hot hatch... 
Positive to the left. Let's wait until something moves. 

Butterfly Effect Personal Level

So, third place top league creates an ego problem. 
Sprinting, like 100 meters or 200 Hurdles is different. Lesser known is that 200 Hurdles is more athletically challenging than 100 meters Sprint. The training is avoiding main injuries and sickness, muscle gym training and a lot of coordination training to get off the starting block onto max speed as fast as possible and holding that sprint speed for ten seconds about putting all strength and endurance into that hyper controlled and coordinated short time frame. 
The training log will give a clear indication on the to be expected result, because it's based on a precision time indicating machine called a stop watch. 

Bodybuilding is the same dedication, but its judges that decide and no controlled machine. 

Most psychology teaches that bodybuilders all have a mental condition called Body or Muscle Dysmorphia that kills in their mind seeing the incredible size and instead always shows them small size where there is only giant size. 
Having no clear machine does not help to explain logicaly an already irrational mind that he did not loose, but other minds favored another human. 
They would not have sacrificed becoming old to begin with if.... 

#yourdutyIFBB #provos 

TheGermans - indirect Status Update

Someone builds a 12 million flat, but in Wiesbaden. That is home of the BKA, had recently reports about a dying city center and was always one of the utterly most boring towns in Germany even so or especially because of being capital of a German County or State. 
Everyone drives by on the Autobahn from Frankfurt to Cologne having fuck no reason to ever drop by that town. No restaurant better than Frankfurt and not as pretty as Mainz, it's twin town on the other side of the river which is atleast old and build by us as a town instead of having been an ancient first settlement in a river fishing ground centuries ago when Fish trade was good trade coming from natural grounds. So it's been quite a while. 
Roman times about to be honest was it's last peak missing every opportunity during Renessaince in which my ancestors invested in Mainz, only. Period. 
But, if the water damage is fixed and that thing finally finishes you can look at Mainz in the distance like from no other place as Frankfurt is too far. 

And I am sure we have had best intentions.... 

getting some nice bricks into the wide and usually flooded flower fields at some point from here where we lived... 

On a tripod already in for those presentations on an incredible busy appointment schedule ?

So, they take the dive in a windsuit from the God dam Stratosphere the CIA soaped them into, these assholes now far far away. 

And that close future?

I am still not sure what I could not remote engineer, but never knowing known unknowns and unknown unknowns I might need a crew, building blue prints, security warden schedules and gun men 
Like that about to have a walk about there 


But if 
than it won't be to steal money, because the runs against those banks harbouring CIA, BKA and German Hells Angels money in the 90ies easily avoidable by having had spent 10% toward fighting world hunger as told pushed with the help of mainly the Real Italian Mafia Syndicates and their Affiliates all starving regions with independent following actions, such as the Black Hawk Down mission, onto levels on which profit by classic investment is lucrative.
Somalia, in the 90ies facing the worst hunger crisis in its thousands of years history, while Nazis carrying Badges from UN legitimaced nations ripped us off and were blowing all they got out of us, is today having a fine capital and kills proactivly any Master Race individual or group coming back. #IRAmovement 
The National Secret Service structures are tumbling and soon can't cover their actual actions anymore, therefore they will use their knowledge and skills passing into the Corpo World for the same. 
The end of greed is here, but not the end of the greedy. The KZ industry will be with us for some time missing the Holocaust system soon entirely. Lies only for the stupid. 
While the angry and ignorant will take over, the greedy will remain a problem still using computers to store fishing sites, bank account details, contracts needed to understand business relations using off shore companies and to find both mercenary murder and Master Race employer, but on rented server computer space anonymously somewhere globally hiding under millions of IP addresses and trillions of terabytes online storage space playing the Heyneedle while the streets rage in anger and the superyachts blow in ignorance their weekly allowance until the monetary system guess of Credit... 
#noblessoblige #wulfknights #rosecrusaders #provos 

The Kingdom of Hell 

But it was Gigabytes of dayda!

Read this and wonder what that IT guy will show off with first, holding a coffee cup with words on in actually your face.

Illustrative sample pictures off my copy rights used in the following. Dr.Google right click download picture. Too easy to study law at Harvard. Sooooorrrry. 

Wow. And this stores all dada?.... Slurf... that's all you do?.... SLURF...So, I ask you about all tekky stuff?!....ahhh...Awesome. So great to meet you I am the_ass_you_ll_cross_soon

OK, To keep a long story short 
You attach a big hard drive to your computer letting it run over night so you ain sitting there all day tha. 
Than you open the Windows File Browser looking conspiracyfull to the door as you learned it on Netflix. (The tha part)
That is the yellow file icon showing you the M: drive. 
You do a right click and select copy 
You hover over your big hard drive and select paste 
And go home, you secret spy bad boy!!

Hard? Yeah... 

Guccifer and The Russians

Maybe I am a tiny bit influenced by that ridiculous insult against my English reading skills and news flow inparticular when an NSA guy using gestures like a White Midd West Stadium Sect Preacher close to Tax Violation Charges sais Russia ain important and CIA did overlook them, but a guy copy pasting from Hilleries office some PDFs and email chains to tell that bitch a major fuck off and we all know I have to keep to myself and the cat, does make a lot more sense as much as blaming Bad Boy Putin who just had kicked out CIA all around Jelzin covering as former Clinton Campaign Managers. 

You are still full of shit short man! 
How is others codes these days? Weird texting an no more....

Having lost the Jungle to commis. West Africa to wild tribes. The Desert to Scorpions and Iraq to Gangsters on Death Row? 
Israel and Central Europe is taking a dive and that plane won't land soft, jewmurder collaborator.

#provos Vs #confeds 

The most explosive hack in history.

There is just one problem. We all know it happend.
Hacking is not like an art and hackers are no artists, because art is supposed to be visible and give joy to others. In common both have being creators. 
Hacking is part of Computer Science and does not mean code creation aka programming anymore since about the Modem. Hacking then turned towards psychology and social engineering was founded in combination with system analytics creating System Architect as an actual job description.
001 xxx xxx xx6 44 A building in the USA, The switchboard line, extension 44, hitting a modem at a time no human will pick a ring 
6h later
001 xxx xxx xx6 45 Hello, I am Aaron from IT security and I need your log in and password for a security check. 
Ahm, OK. Security?  Ahm Yes it's Jon Doe and dumb ass.
Can you spell that for me?
That was the 80ies and IBM was proud to just have sold a truck load of AS400 maineframe computers to the CIA and the Langley Office Complex half a year ago. 

That did not change a lot... but you can't call this an art. Michelanglo was an artist, but hackers are anarchist motherfuckers or they fool you. Well....

Heeeeeelo Doooo ooooooo wahnt to waark wis Af Ass Beee 
And than say "No, not really" over "I slept bad"
Big P, if I figure out that your guys intimidated good guys into serious lead flying levels of uncomfort I will fuck you right after them bad boys of yours sometime granted. 
Ask them instead, if their psychological evaluation sais Goooood Boooooyyy, what they would improve at home. Your both home. Russia.


Friday, 30 August 2024

I just don't get that

guy. Why would you not instead try to make her suck you off and turn her on? That's neither real tatties nor wouldn't only fans be less cash... 
What is it with you white people?? 

Long Covid

doesn't exist like Darwinism and is only a cough. 
All others should understand that the Covid-19 Virus and its mutation variants carry a DNA sequence within them. Those have an unresearched impact on cell parts and related Amino-Acids responsible for cell regeneration, cell wall thickness and cell wall structure that kept changing throughout the mutations and made me buy and eat all such Amino-Acids actually understanding Darwin, Medicine and Biology as good as English and as much in opposite to Germans in particular. 
So, I mutate, You mutate, but I turn Mutant and You turn sick. 
Because I actually intend to survive that shithole of Hell's Kitchen The Valley here.

#gfyAll #cyberpunkcoltoure 


So if I was having a fine ship knowing that my Clan others get jumped on their caravans the ocean would not make me be less in need of safety by arms. Actually canons, which I decide to use how?
By Rate 
How I rate the ship coming close ignoring the black flag with a skull before bang boom bangimg em to keep em off and me load close. 

Can you imagine that one people turned such a pain in the ass to another that they want to extinguish its very existence? 

Mmmh. Black-Red-Gold Vs Black Flag Solid 
The Thinkers and Philosophers Vs The Plague Infected 

In a view years when I still ain

given interviews because I did that to myself with 13 having a bath, this is my most underrated song. It's an orgy about me real true inner me! 
#gfyAll #anarchistdevils 

Turn it on loud!!!

And this one the most dramatic
No contract with any major ever 
No need
They steel and don't understand English 

I download weird stuff and

cut that weird stuff together on an old computer to get even weirder stuff. I am fine with weired, but that voice to tell her to take off the mask is just next level too weired. So, standing next to her was no option being stuck in Cape Caneveral.... 

He said he is ready to serve?

And I do wanna see that and I bet you fail to do that Top Level... 
One month salary, dude!

Awsome UFO watch.

The first example is a kathlik bell in a church tower catching supersonic winds which was the bang in the storm and the black stripe is from the MP4 algorithm that also made the tree look like fucking gorilla for a second. Philippines has a lot of Vaticans houses... 
The Second needed to be checked if it was close to Finn Container Housing and if yes than some motherfucker wants to never again pull a 20ft shipping container inside a hall instead of using a lifter. Otherwise it was the KKK. If it can hit the KKK than its the KKK. Period. 
The third one is so ridiculous I can only put it like that Thunderbolt and Lightning very very frightening, Scaramoush press the Ship Horn again! 
The Australian one I don't know, but if you also see little red humanoid crateres, tell me I wanna leave here, you are all nuts! 
The loud scream was an asshole screaming loud at exactly the thunder. Worked if you were scared. The other noise on the mic is wind. A medium strong present constant wind that can transport sounds like screams very far. 
The next one is "Really" by someone who just moved into the hood. 

Now imagine being in Europe at the time of the horseback having stolen and murderd from a five caravans and in a weather like this six creaturs with arms and legs and blades dressed in all black come into your tent camp starting to kill all of your bandit brothers and sisters... 
#ticktack #waymorethan6millionweowe 

I told you!

Hear, hear, hear! 

1100 He needs to speak to a biologist and historian. The defecto Savanna in South America is as the African Sahel man-made by realy bad farming without bushes and trees to stop wind impact. The North American Savanna is the opposite and today by Immigrants from other parts of the world turned into the Cornbelt. 
Actually, all it needs is a few cargo airplanes and a few tonnes of mixed seeds from grass, flowers and crops and nature does the rest. 
I am broke, so, would you Rich Man give it a go?

But if little fuck me tells anyone in actual real English it is way worse, I am an idiot. 
Fuck You. Sweat on motherfucker there will be war way before hitting 5degrees avg plus and I shoot and run and hide better than all a ya! 

Ah, Finally!

What took you so long? 

Real Secret Service Guys

are not like James Bond and not like this guy, until you research how Secret Services were founded in which times and by whom to get a nasty wired feeling even without just haveing had sweet girlish curly hair and hippie untermenschen parents living by a guitar... 
#ticktack #thefbimessiahlist #andrewscrew #butitwasanirababyboy 

Do you understand what it

will take this guy to not install a backdoor into Telegram after that one offer he cannot refuse by a Secret Service guy showing him an almost perfect look'a'like? 

It is called P2P and Metallica tried to kill it or a good military education. 

Just saying. 

#MIB the last and only line of defence again aliens to humanity. 

Open Google App Store aka Google Play
Enter P2P Messenger 
Collect IP address from Peer 

IQ200? Raid!! 

For beginners

Connecting Dots, even without Arabic Numbering... Start here Alien to assimilate into Europe. 
And Asia Read Sherlock Holmes to understand me frust with these Authorities. 
#thavaninme #igotstuck 

We Asylum here! No wedding Beirut!

One phone call!  One fucking phone call to connect the dots why they need to try somewhere far away from Beirut

Foreign to our coltour? You fucking jewmurderer wankers of ignorant cunts. The Bible is from right there with the Messiah and all of is deciples, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!!


The first paper

was Papyrus by the Egypts and not what ever that fella came up with who wanted to score some points after that girl told him she really likes what he scratched into the cave wall making him able to hand an even better one over in person so she can keep it... 
I hate you Rockers! scientificly 
#reason Vs #propaganda 

Wulf Knights to bring sun into darkness 

Protect Your Colours, Gangs!! And never walk alone!

Who cares?

Important is that you don't take a no for an answer and turn a pain in the ass out of a hurt ego
#gottaclub #provos #gfyCIA 
Noone with brains FUCKING EVER!!!! 

What ever they say

but some mercenaries are bluntly stupid. Mexico is full of Drug Violence, but that's about business and even the Kartells need some tourism to wash money at home. 
The problem is that beside us Westerners taking care drug business is more lucrative than any craft, the worst among us believe Mexico is the Wild Wild West, but as their version... 
Don't you think a Kartell would keep both truck and guns beside "aquire" a fine Pathfinder from two grannies with worst a smuggled Derringer? 

Good ol days... 
Pretty Wild! 

Bounty Hunters Travelled a lot, right?

Lean back and watch the faces

The Kingdom of Hell 

The Secret World Government!

Fuck for real! that's a big fella
And IRA Provos is the APO, the Off Parliament Opposition aka The Secret Anti Government? 
No. That's the others on this side, still organised like a Secret Lodge. We are proper Anarchist Motherfuckers. Litterly.... 

And what really happened

in Kursk, that deflective Offensive? Here by someone else. 
The German Nation is a Handicaped Reich and they will go mad burning down all they can before their bitter ending coming in false flag. 
Even so knowing that we Knights who never hesitated to turture them to death for hundreds of years are still walking on earth we have to understand that they always did the same throught all of their history :
They attacked the weakest in their last breath before we got them pass into Hell.

Maybe 10, maybe if you fear and do not freeze, but fight if the fight calls you 
Don't miss your time to die by Death before Dishonour! 

#noblessoblige #TIE 

This being said,

we all have to understand that in the very same way little big me is getting a real Japanese Tattoo out of all Rocker Artist, you will, but NOT, pack him onto fucking Graf Zeppelin levels with gear, if he ever decides to not buy a Surfboard or atleast Longboard Skateboard to than also end... 
#chieftain #skaterboy #alludidnotknowaboutmeforareason 

The Kingdom of Hell 

Finally, Max Headroom - The BBB Roaster

And I did say I wanna hear from King Kalle if Paul Oberleider issssss actually a Bodybuilder. Not that there was any doubt about his judgment, I just got into TheGermans being stuck anyway and this Big Boy Bodybuilder Roasting all is a bad boy favourite...wondering about his wording as a scientific German lesson.

The best possible result? Dude, he was so much in their face a bouncer needed him to move. You are such an asshole. 

To make that clear

I did not start or trigger any rumors about me being gay ever. Shamelessly using false Intel is part of the war. 
Hate the war not the knight! 
#rosecrusader #noblessoblige 

FSB, Wanemünde

If than 
I'd drop #itoldyou just more often into more painful wounds, GeStaPos 

Status Update

They got 99 problems and Malebitch is their worst! 

A Mortar is actually

a grenade that gets accelerated by a propellant. The shot off is loud. 
I personally would prefer a kinda Crossbow based Mortar... 

Next escalation level

and here goes the Camp David Deal for ever. 
Israel is not winning in Gaza or at least not as fast as planned. Hisballah is not impressed at all by the IDF and even it's Airforce. 
Blowing up a Mosque was off limits for the IDF until here, if it was collateral during a fight and no primary target.
If that was German origin Israelit units than they looked for a not defended area to shoot civilians around to create hate and outrage among their enemy using a blunt lie just like their Grandfathers taking Jewish identities instead of taking the Jesuit organised Rat Routes of the mouls within the Katholik Church.
Instead they will all stay calm, Save their Souls by moving away from especially Judea and Samaria where no living God Messiah will step down on a golden stairs, but all human better trained paramilitaries will move in creating a soon to come third front in most likely heavy use of short distance Drones and small Mortars hiding in an almost empty labyrinth of houses and hills. 
Just at which point the war will kick off in the European Underground by assassinations and sabotage acts crawling up into our Streets and Floors, I can't tell. But it will. 

This is The Kingdom of Hell and The Land of Israel is just the most military part. 

Europe might become the most Shadowrunning area and the USA the most civilised area where humans actually speak to each other instead of killing each other as unseen and unheard as possible never short of a lie. 

#provos #deathbeforedishnour #TIE #MIB 

You know all about

the Eye and the Pyramid? 
Did you ever translate the Latin in the banner below eye, cloud and Pyramid?

When your studies turn against you

and sociology, psychology, Freudian analytics and evolution theory distract from a Vlog reporting out of a Galaxy far, far away. 
Panther claws with gold colour 
All white tight outfit 
A small dog center of attention 
All perfect looks lifestyle 

Ahm. Just imagine you are that successful fine guy with manners hitting the same Gym or Cafe or meet her on a party beside being the Pool boy gym rat or guy in the Club that turns out to be a car mechanic, but in talkative (like you need a link here) and not working only hanging in a bar being of the silent kind. 
Get it? Or do you need "colour of innocence" psychology class bullshit just short of Golddigger faggot lessons? 
#MODs but #MODInc 

We all gotta make a living, don't we?

I still like the

male prostitution ring hypothesis a lot more and can't wait to see the female version with Brandy Love running the system for especially underfucked wealthy female mangers... 
#lavidaloca #cyberpunkcoltoure 

What if primate society is

already in an inner conflict between their Military and Secret Services? 
#leterrisage cette une tiresage et pute #lahaine #TIE 

The Cradles of Civilisation

Mesopotamia is officially the oldest Civilisation and by moving North West the building foundation of ancient Greece and by that Europe's Grandgrand Dad. 
Egypt comes after in time and with the foundation of Jerusalem and the Jews becoming a people establishing the very first and blueprint model of our European Kingdoms also our European Civilisation was born. We are less Greek-Roman or a Judeo-Christian coltoure by having fought the slave owning Empire of Romans with all our might until wiping it off the map and the Moslem influence, as the latest of all three Abrahmic Monotheist Religions, was always over the centuries strong down to the numbers we write. 
We are actually a Greek-Judeo or Scientific-Monotheist coltoure which points out the core topics creating our native coltoure and deriving rebellion against tyranny. 
There is only one God and if you can bleed it's not you! Basically, you may suggest to but not order above us Europeans.
The Americas developed independently a coltoure that got stuck in Stone Age by never overcoming slavery until the European Conquistadores killed and demolished the Master rule to reshape all of America's for ever. 
China is the oldest large united centralised civilisation and also in its beginnings independent from both Mesopotamian European and Americas civilisations. 
Until today the socio-economic differences of society and it's rules are huge. 
Asiens all look the same on purpose enjoying it a lot, Europeans all speak different languages despite being all the same except for themselves and Latinos are all lazy or lean back relaxed but with great food. Is that about right? 
All inbetween are crossovers therfore. Like the Middle East and India... 
All jokes aside are all three independent main coltoures founded in warm climate zones next to rivers by setling nomads. The Homo Erectus' first fruitful and flourishing settlements turned over 100.000 years into the Homo Sapients homes until about 10.000 years ago and finally into our modern complex societies very base about 5.000 years ago. 
But what are we missing of the Congo and a natural must be cradle of mankind's civilisation, if wiki sais this:
The Congo River,[a] formerly also known as the Zaire River, is the second-longest river in Africa, shorter only than the Nile, as well as the third-largest river in the world by discharge volume, following the Amazon and Ganges rivers. It is the world's deepest recorded river, with measured depths of around 220 m (720 ft).[9] The Congo–Lualaba–Luvua–Luapula–Chambeshi River system has an overall length of 4,700 km (2,900 mi), which makes it the world's ninth-longest river. The Chambeshi is a tributary of the Lualaba River, and Lualaba is the name of the Congo River upstream of Boyoma Falls, extending for 1,800 km (1,100 mi).

How much did you burn since the Wartburg Attack you call a Fest, Germans? 

IronClad The Goblin 
Inch Allah, the very last Spartacus for you and last Conquistador 

Thursday, 29 August 2024

The Problem, the End

Look at the chart at 06:14. It says a lot and nothing. It does not say what the chart represents. IBM, a Blue Chip traded at the NYSE, Bitcoin on Binance at this point a hype with no solid use, or what ever. 
The most likely is the exchange rate of Euros to Dollar. 
That, is influenced by the goods traded in-between the Euro and Dollar zone, which is more than the two continents. It is all transactions made between Euros and Dollar. 
Those should be in a healthy system based on predictedable and long term stable exchange of goods also stable and rather boring from a day trading or short term investment basis. 
The actual kick should be a next Microsoft. That is a tiny unknown company that out of nowhere pulls a multi million Dollar deal to provide a vital part to a million times sold all want it item. 
How on God dams earth can a fucking dentist, being a brick layer of medicine, smile into a cam and tell in all anabol steroid confidence he predicted that exchange rate move out of not even a FT subscription? 
Am I too shy?

How can I explain

him that that ain no AI? 
I know, but the relevant part is that in every system there are chain effects that are ever more important in actively interconnected systems such as the human society. 
So... dumb ass. You gad way two many more dumb ass aroun ass Top Dogs. 
That he'll get, yet won't appreciate. 
#igotstuck #germanweallgottabe 

I am not sure what their Totem

would be, but the difference to TheGerman mice and their rat Totem must be clearly visible. 

That must be awkward

You can't sing, you can't dance, but they put you onto a stage infront of about many people in a pair of trousers so tight you don't know where to put the hands... 

Last time someone told me I should learn to say "No" it was about a Tequila Shot and he did not understand that I Intended to go home upfront before after taking the shot.. 
#TIE #lions n #wolfs 

Someone gets the type a vibe

to be putting the fight onto another level, rebell. 
You need your own place. Beach but rooftop, loud but nobody needs to scream, secure but visible, hot but peaceful, exciting but for the chilled. 
That means thick plexiglass dividers, fine kitchen with your favorites, Cigar smokeable, guided seating, easy reservations (more than tow lines on one number), fine music, VIP parking and ordering service with still plenty of space for the dancing, long bar hitting average around for Top G night... 
But where, only you know. 

This being said

I would pick him 09:08 up in anywhere in Paris to land him anywhere in Berlin on any two lane Street, if I had a Spitfire two seated or at least this baby with board radar against Eurofighters being stupid... being a Marquis in the Kingdom of Hell 

...on some IRC channel....
Hello bot 
Hi, userZ666 Ironclad is online. 
Bot I need airride 
USERZ666 I connect 
Hi, you can bring three friends, you grant for them, so pick up and drop point?
How fast is it?
900km/h, it's custom, gets down in all urban terrain, usual price 
OK. GPS_coordinate_drop 
ETA pick up 2h. Fine?
Hi USER666 this is your counter 00:02:00:00 come back and type Bot counter so see the ETA or leave this window open 
...two hours thirty min later... 
You did not say he'll fly low 

You think I am joking, right?  Like the Day After is the alternative to Mayan Nation Style Slavery in a handicaped Roman Empire. 

Another difference of

Fitness, Bodybuilding and Military Knight School gym training. 
That fella trains in a low fat phase what appears to be the for us most important muscles: The Filet Steak and Neck-Shoulder meat parts of the muscles. 
The difference is that Bodybuilders do not see those two as most important at all. The Rocky Mountains around are way more important than these two holder muscles. Bodybuilders train movers like Biceps and Triceps or Latissimus, which are all connected and attached to the backbone muscle, which is why Poly does not hold and hold, but moves the heavy weights, that Football Players will hold up while walking, up and down like a Biceps Curl. 
He also does not intend to survive shoot outs, he intends to be far away from a Gang War 
#provos #MIB 

What you think?

Is he one of those "Who is that knew guy?" guys? 
About 13 years past that one girl you always remember having a new hotshot man aside made a mate insist to have me come along to that Clique hanging out at a local fuel station. Turned out that I apparently 13 years ago have had called her "a slut".
Being me, surrounded by primates, all on fuel station cam, but the only guy realising that little fact, had no other chance to be like: "I don't know. I was 15. Did I? Than I am sorry and want to apologise" keeping my hands in the pockets of no baggy pants nomore to find myself walking over to her asking for pardon, if I ever said that, in which ever situation. 
Gladly, I was free to go. 
I fucking hate you and knew back than taking caaaaaaare of ya won't be fun...

More money, more checks

What you think? At which point will they face those that let them come close for a reason which must be shortly before broke Gunclub guys go mental with Hunting Rifles and Pistols against The System that Failed them and the neighbours who can still afford that BMW?!

Honey, let me tell you

that you can't accidentely get a finger to write a letter. So, there need to be more signs. 

I gotta hold back, I gotta hold back

The European coltoure zone is falling and soon the crash comes. Our eastern frontier will face the most visible military actions against our so old enemy that took power during Industrialisation by murder and lies. 
More and more rich, the elite of the KZ Industry owners and their affiliates, will leave to Dubai and limit their travel to only a few places like Ibiza and Marbeilla while their own lower classes and us face poverty and civil unrest with more of their willingly helping enforcers shooting to kill and showing up to more than ever dominate all others way off their own laws. 
From Hawaii to Kabul violence increases on a virtual line through the Kingdom of Hell. 
And I have again those dark pleasures of an Underground Gang War all for me being stuck facing German Police Forces as a deadly enemy covering the Messiah Lists Virtual KZ system actively. 
#ticktack #gfyBKA #OMG 

I gotta hold back and soon will feast like a hungry Wulf in a ratnest. 

Did noone ever consider

that if we fail to bring our wealth to all others, all others will bring their poverty to us? 
Our wealth relies only on industrial mass production. Actually, only a small fraction of us is rich and those have payed for our indirect personal wealth, like a World Wide Web I can piss off Secret Service Intellectual Property Thieves by or my neighbours ability to choose between car or train, all of which does not exist in about 80% of the rest of this world as an option. 
We all, except a few such as us IRA Provos, did nothing to have just Algerians or Kurds have a High-Speed train or Highway available, but got high on synthetic substances ever single possible opportunity. 
They won't help us to stay wealthy even if they could buy 1 Euro 150 pieces Wrench Tool Sets by a mobile phone app. 
They smile when the Gold mine closes down and the gun men are gone like the Favelas go back to hardcore chilling since the hardcore drug gangs got hardcore fucked by men of military means.
... but will come home to fuck us up, right? the rebellious Intelligence insisting on justice for all... 
Be my guest in our Kingdom of Hell!

If someone is way too high up for you

Don't you wanna stop staring at him, get your head down and look again at your tiny feed or maybe way too large feed, but certainly at what is infront of you so you ain falling and hurting yourself? 
Is that an idea? 

Carona is a bitch

TheGermans never doing mistakes and being always right can ignore into inexistance a epidemic and its impact. 
There is no way that mistakes out of medication against fatigueness cause accidents like this. 
Because Covid-19 was almost just a Hoax, but certainly no more than a cold... 
I wonder how this world will look like in a year and if I have had my first shoot out with German Police... 

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

There are three kids of characters

in war. 
Those coming to those having orders, uniform and weapons for them. The Assault Weapon guy, I guess
Those Pump-Gun typ'a guys awaiting the first type at home 
The Mac-10 guy being proactive for the Pump guy. 
You have no idea what I just wrote, right? 
Ok. Not one single first Character ever was seen in Big Red One, my Bball buddies? 

And music class is

not unit Friday
Bad Tuesday, than. 

We don't do

Imagine you Biology Teacher tells you that right after history while you are preparing mentally for English, but actually speaking the language. 
What you wanna argue at that point?

TheGermans - Idiots

So, that is Curry Powder for them 
and no, thats not a 5 kilo tarnister, which would make sense in civilisd and coltivated areas such as Calcutta, it's 45g but for double the price of this import brand available exclusively next door with the "Chinese triads"

and Amazon does have a not that bad selection of Curry Mixes, too. 

Efficient? Right?  

PS: If I ever get a Spitfire build so I can fly again, this is Calcutta and The Civilised World of the Human Race 

If he gives a shit about his health?

Well, he obviously hasn't got listed it as top prio, but what ever that spot got needs some health to stay... 
Status: Complicated. 

Now Imagine The Art of War and actually enjoying life. 

PS: What you can still experience with 80? Personally, I never saw a Bee doing a looping. They don't stitch me, get a fair share of the Lemonade sharing their passion for sugar and I know they technicaly could fly a looping. 

I honestly wanna see

Chung Ha with these guys.
They can't dance and she ain playing the Guitar. Get it?

The Body Count Starts

Knifeman Killers in The Kingdom of Hell 

HB going ballistic

potentially. I kept wondering what a farm boy DJ makes a Top Office Floor Rap Star attack after his sugar appeared to have hit volley his own team goal. 
What if the broke Gremium MC hits holistically the beacon nesting Albanian Mafia? 
Rocker Turff is under fire. I am off limites being a death row ticket and you have to ask for my address the Chef de Place who will mind corps and me ballistic creating his day after soon enough. 
It does make in a desperate way sense to hit race cheaters while the own are dying in their holy war east that way avoiding an inner Rocker Nation war and either making a cut or going down in glory. 
You are stupid crazy Germans. The Mexican War you created by your way of life is full of philosophy, but certainly advanced paramilitary strategy and tactics compared to what brainless shit TheGermans are pulling. 
Every fucking Hellday. 
#MIB #provos 

The Tates and their talent

like him dropping me out when he sais his remarks were not crazy at all in, let's say, 1931 shortly after calling himself a history interested person.
Yes, Mr Tate. Did you miss out on a short guy at that time of history nobody wants to challenge on crazy drops, possibly? 
PS: That is tight trousers and a pink Jacket you are wearing there.

Now they start actively searching

Germans, these Syrians or how did that one Syrian find in a 12thousand inhabitants (usually cows and pigs included as on our villages) another human like a German? 
How many cats did he pass until the incident? What you think? 
Here so you don't feel that bad, German. 
#igotstuck #butiamabigboy 

Do we all realise that

despite an awful lot of handsome pretty boys that make money out of nowhere there is no news about any Male Prostitution Rings around? 
This might be because of a drop I had to take with about 19 from a gay friend: "I have three guys on speed dial that I can call to meet in a bar and have sex with immediately" about three days after I explained the motherfucker what a speed dial # code is on a mobile. 
"Do you wanna donate 100 euros to a cousin?" 
Anyway... alcohol does help sometimes. 

That's gonna hurt

being told as a musician in a German dispute that his clicks are reached as a quote "hobby rapper", also.
Me? It's not even the Railwaystation, if you know what I mean. 

Do you know what's weird?

This blogg? Sweet, motherfucker. 
What about a Crew dressed up like Billy from the Punisher and the German of the Baader-Mainhof Komplex in an Underground Movie about Adrenaline Junkies? 
I have to be gay to dance for Chung Ha, right? Wrong turn? Different platform asshole! 

Is it true that Franconian boys

call their girls Schnecke, Snail? 
#MODInc #butnaturally 

I like that and am dead curious

how these Rhinemetal steel plants create solar panel electricity and collect rain water to chill down the cooking steel at the same time until they just build a Fusion Reactor. 
What we do without The Germans? Like taking the piss ourselves out of ourselves? 
They are all Democrats now. Hitler and Gobbles are dead.

Europe will fall back into the 1920ies

but there is only one Gang, as lawless as all others, that has prison facilities. These guys might, as SA did in the 20ies, build their own along with other large primate organisations. That is true and likely in the upcoming Street and Gangwar about dominance, nations call hegemony.
Just treat them as the still biggest gang.
Don't let them get you, in the first place, so you don't have to do the Papillon...but from here on... fuck em hard!

Every real artist has that

very same problem, which is holding back because of others instead of going full in. 
Like, I constantly wonder if she is scared to scare off others if not singing off full lungs being inbetween litterly cute society expectations and sheer skill strength world wide unmatched in musical performance... 

Refineries. Outdated, unsafe

All territories rely on mobility and physical mobility is petrol based. 
There is plenty of development turning railway smarter and the use of railway tracks more flexible, but even those have a lot of diesel based trains. 
The whole point is that the entire system of rather central big factory and main storage based oil as fuel is completely outdated.
Oil has better use than petrol and lasts only another hundred years maximum. 
Farming can create better fuel having more energy per liter with way less negative ecosystem impact in a decentralised system by the use of small to big distilleries. 
Using digitalisation several hundred thousand small distilleries around a few main once will creat a reliable, sustainable and lasting net of providing fuel to mobility. 
But you have deal with each other a lot more than in a monopoly or oligopoly.

And when do you start, Anti-Hero?

I am glad we established that and they have both my address and bank account for now. 
If they ain coming with more than two or pay their dues, I come visiting what ever Virus, Vaccination, Kartelles, Pols, Ayrian Nation, IS, their own and FSB left over. 
So, some lonesome motherfuckers will have a really bad day in a foreseeable not that distant future falling short of cancer treatment, sadly. But there are rules for all of us.
#fuckyouStaatsSchuts #provos #OMG 

That Monster was called

The Golem by the Jews, but a Werewulf by their murderers and Conquistador by the Slave Masters.
It's been 5000 years and you did never that bad. 
Today we are Terrorists and Gangsters in this Holocaust System. 
#provos #deathbeforedishonour #3batch 

The worst about German Polizei in Jeans

always was when keeping cover by the Goofy and they came up all medicated dropping some about a or the hero and than being incapable to reply 
Anti, Anti fucking Hero. I am no Bruce Walles coming to liberate fuck anyone of you Germans. I want a joint, a guitar and the sun of Africa shining in my southern French face over, so how the fuck do I make you pass off without killing you assholes? 
#90ies #skaterboy 
Causing trouble everywhere in pure untouchable arrogance off every law while bigger things all around 

I don't get why

why you would have onto your throat tattooed: No Mercy 
Is that where you wanna have the cut? 

Germans are living in a delusional dream space in which noone gets the chin down and into his knees taking cover, but starts dominating by turning peacock everytime just before the BBQ starts. 
And yes: "Wow. You are such an impressive, big, blocke, may I please. Thank you!" with a nice, friendly smile 
always worked. Until fucking here. So, BKA, what is wrong with you? You can't just take and have your boys take for than stop being usefull being TheGermans in the Game. 
#gfyBKA #ticktack #provos 

PS: FARC just turned legal. It won't take me 9 years from here with you, GeStaPo founded Jewmurderers. No matter Netanyahu and his coalition partners.
We kill trash like you for hundreds of years. #noblessoblige 

Joe & Jim

So, how is his conscious? 
The Jesuit A+ pupil?
He feels guiltilier than a Presbyterian in Vegas. 
So we start the subliminal messages over his favourite radio show? 
Buy her stuff, dirty boy 
Almost. Make good for it by buying them what you know they want. 
That long phrases, really? 
He's smart. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

What is wrong with you and

do you understand how disturbing that voice drop into a Black American stereotypical voice is... in these uncertain days? 

So, I don't mind the

kathlik church, but the attitude of many German kathliks is prudish and media is full of stereo types such as sexy is dumb and prostitution is the only hornies around, too sexy equals slut which is very different for men. 
I also understand that the influence of the Church ends in Calcutta and ain going further East which makes me want to move to Hong Kong at this point in good hope about now. 

Why they don't wanna meet

ever? It'll be only all around his side hustle, a Rocker Club, but outgunned, outscared, ridden hard and coming by a constant ollalaloa, calaola, ulalakula, kalulilala and ukulele you Tom Ford of olukalala missing not one shot... the entire time. 
Rockers Vs GIs 

two minutes later

Hi. It's me the Matrix 
Wrong address. I am not fucking Tate. 

Maybe I am paranoid for real

because I do wonder, if that was a trap for me and Yes. I do wanna see that, because she is hot and in need of a hero, obviously!!! 

I hope we all understand

that this is the new version of this.
#militanthippies #westillhateyou #lovepeaceandharmony 

Just, does Imans pimp believe he is more sophisticated remains a mystery to me...

I am fine having had her

quot me and I wonder what lenord means since as long as I can remember. 
Click chunk that I speak like poetry instead 
#ironclad #gfyBKA 


Do you dance? 
#rip #ifygestapos 

There is a problem in the Apple

This is the very first who manages to get a record like that. The Wallen are Europe's best and finest functioning Red Light District on one hand side that usually had a door opening making clear no video of the women is taken and on the other hand side every toxic gangsters ultimate dream of ruling. 
The women have been in the past Sentinels on spotting research like that and it needs some wizard skills to break that barrier. 
It also comes in a time they try to create Brothels which were initial abolished to turn exploitation more unlikely by using media presence. 
Someone has a plan...
With footage like this a prostitution murder can be arranged, indirectly. 
The Wallen under bad rule are a Sinn City Nightmare off hard drug, gambling, fighting, betting and violance good fine no rule a just sinful place very shy of Soddom and Gomorrh.

If I ever make it to the "motherland"

I am sure I will "hang" only with those that start a phrase about that here like I do on leather trousers in Franconia:
"Well, actually..." 
interrupting him with "You think that chicken with the spear was bad?" 

That's my home now :

and they actually for well can afford the real deal 

Wow, IronClads King enemy

complaints that Troll banners exchanged his Black-Red-Gold once. Give him a shuffle, before he comes back with a sword! 
And how do you deal with respect and in all seriousness with them?? exploit....Ancient humans in the 12th millennium BC. The Romans left some traces here in AD 85 and both sandals and a banner, Idefix said. So, how many banners did those trees see until here from there? 
Anyone applauding for that Nuclear ain happening instead of giving that fucking idiot skinhead with a heat stroke klicks missing his national flag over the Swabian one?! 
#natives #holocaustsurvivors #holocaustprofiteurs 
PS: I hope their lesbians have a public orgy next time and keep you off!!! 

Now I am curious what Alpha is,

because we all know what stupid would be facing a Red Bus.
Being a fucking Sentinel on a mission and having avoided the bus even before taking a turn? 
Knowing the bus schedule on a Chieftain level understanding as well the likelihood and whereabouts of an empty spot also taking that one? 
Or reversing so fast the bus ain no slowing down? 
#terroristgang #raccoons 

You are a Piki?

Ok. Imagine you are in England standing right next to your Motorcycle and you hear that one, but as a statement by someone adding that you are from Germany after stating that you though that one was for you and not also Pakistinians.
Would you add looking at both him and your bike "What you think how I got here?" 
or just leave it there with the fucking Hanoveran and that brown skinned guy leaving that grotesque scene any moment??

Trust me, I was the only purple Beamer Cowley did never mind. 

You park a BMW right infront my Tattoo shop? 
If I do a burn out leaving, ifs that fine than? 
....pointing at me to be doing a deep one real motivated...
...pulling a half circle over Cowley Road 30 min later with a colourful scar below the leather... 

Is that good news

for Dubai and the South-End? 
Imagine knife crime comes to an end, all Gucci is only online not delivering anymore to London or Paris factually and nobody reports about it. So we Pikies would be still scared until accidentely finding Chelsea all empty by a runflat tyre... or what you think we got the knives for?  Black People????
#MODInc #TopGs 

Who does that fella

remind you of and if, what would make you believe I'd dress any different than in all black visiting about his "side" hustle.. 


Dude, ahm Gekko? Mr!

The Germans said they may rent their stocks. Like a flat. 
But no one mentioned a time limitation at which point I would like to point out that Lease can be 99years here. 
Who'd say no to a good offer on any German stock resting in a portfolio without creating a fine lease revenue managed by an internationaly reknown finance investment company. Noone! So exiting. 
#cyberpunkcoltoure #gangscominginsuitstailord 
#WW3stayscold #nuclearidiots 

Look Ron,

just understand a Gun as your best big buddy that can run and hit faster than you... and show him who hurted you by pointing at the bad miserable motherfucker and don't cry nomore after cramping the pointer finger in controlled hate and anger. 


What you think at which point of their relationship did she possibly drop that cooking line having him reply like that in convidence....
Get it? 
Hint: He just had met mum. Mormons. 

If this was the 90ies

giving birth to a Provos Centurion Deadhead here and there, will a close possible future in system collapse look like this and that 

Well, if I would not know you well

knowing what would happen, if you all had guns and no signs everywhere...missing crossed out blades, obviously...
Do you know what I mean?
But why me?  You know I am different and would center one round through an idiots head from even a funny angle.
#chieftain #acastlenotavillage 

Do you wanna be even more

ridiculous than me and try the "Follow the money"  theory on that one

The last words the Höcke Pimpf told the Banner Boy:
Führrrrr uuumserrrrr Vatterlant!!! 
and smacked that bitch up! 

#gfyAll #letsorgythesystem 

Imagine we had a world

in which a male prostitution career prior to an artist career was not needed and this was no fake :

Hyperrealistic! streamable only, but now 
The Secure Password artists 
J4v and some upper case lower case letters 
Out Now!!!! 

What really happened?

Let's assume I am right and the German Mafia, being a GeStaPo Clan, operates as BKA StaatsSchutz and BND. 
Than, I was an Underground KingPin that helped to destroy all of their Amphetamine Derivate production, because they crossed me. 
Than furthermore, they also had existing contracts for these substances with CIA affiliated organisations such as the IS.
If all of that is not just a really cool plot for a hardcore Dark Sci-Fi Netflix show that plays my music on heavy rotation so I get rich over again medication, some IS diplomat negotiates now having himself "handed over".
#gangwars #provos 
#fuckingjerusalem #allandnothing 

Smoke anyone? A fine Rum in a tumbler and some Blues? 

And no vids?  Vids are done of weirdos by bystanders and not in hyper aggressive war zones of Killers, Knights, Mujahedin or
Martyrers. Just try to watch IronClad the movie and that is not real.
If I have my fists beating into a Police skull to kill him no civilian will pull a mobile. Granted. 
IS killers are the very same in aggressive hate against their enemy as soon as triggered. 
So are Kartell Sicarios. 
So are Afghan Taliban
So was Helmand Province and Faludjah. 
So is real war. 

What would that Top G

tell me? 
Well, my answer would be:
Yes, Onuha, robbing banks is illegal because they rob everyone, but robbing other idiots like me by spaming eBay until only dropshippers can be found, that is legal. 

Chitchat or Bullshitting

Talking about the weather by a cup of tea is an art of sociology. 
The Germans think that's as stupid as saying "How are you" at the Cashier. 
Instead they talk about the very symbol of their Holocaust Society System as they do. 
Actually, the Maybach is as much as the Phaeton or the Cullingham and every Lamborghini since it turnd a Golf Cupe proof of the German attitude and character to sell you Shit in Cans calling it Cannedshit for flowers as one of their most stupid saying goes :
Auf Scheisse wachsen Blumen.

Well, they don't and this is no luxurious car anymore. No, the Rolls Royce, I mean. 


Ok. I guess I have to explain the no brainer, luxus. Versaille is the peak of World Wide creation of luxus. It is piled up and stuffed almost excessivly with art. Art is made by a craftsman that mastered his craft onto an artists level. 
You have to be first of all talented, then an apprentice and student becoming a master to turn an artist. 
...Until you lied your way into the top positions of our society. 
Since than the price tag decides luxus, not that only one man was able to create it and all others admire it. 
As a Knight, artist of killing, I am deeply sorry that our trade failed 
Gallileo Gallilei 
and all others that wanted to build a better world by learning how to create instead how to kill and destroy. 

Ready BKA?? 


TheGerman Authority or Alpha Handicap

So that guy got copied. Beside a dozent other explanation such as his Web Designer bluntly used the same skin from the same skin package coincidently at the same time to bluntly lying about who was first, he was a few years ago harvesting clients of another Alphas show... 

Fuck you White Boys, I got a faggot like YungBlud lipsyncing my songs and The German Hells Angels are the most dangerous Gang around to a level that BKA sends me an Influencer and Psychiatrist weirdo... 

So, that is making your ego hurt. Am I Sorry for you??? 


We'll never know

but this is the first on on Fentanyl in #TIE 
Enjoy, BKA. 
For my Copy Rights. The Kingdom of Hell 
First Quarter 

TheGermans in their fashism

and deriving cultural arrogance will never understand that we all have the same responsibilities in just different means. 

You can get the Nazi out The Germans, but you can't get The Germans out of the Nazi 

#TIE #ticktack 

Monitor is one of the most influential media outlets in their nation, they dare calling a Republic. 

Monday, 26 August 2024

No Lyrics Just Loops

Still mine, still no living by, still... 

To all those of you that made it to

Dubai. It's not that bad, but those you left behind are dying. 

TheGermans - Conclusions

At some point you have to understand that The German in all honesty is convinced he is normal and all others are stupid atleast if not primitives.
There is no other logic explanation to his actions. 
Redicolous and sad, but true. 

Old Times

coming up 

TheGermans and that bad Sith thing

when you are straight, not that bad, and trust me rhey'll watch your face bendable dirty nasty bitch assume motherfuckers they are 
#igotstuck #igotstuckamongthegermans 

Not mentioning the war

was wrong! Just all wrong! 
#TheGermans and they call it humor 

TheGermans - Conclusions

I just figured that the Industrials of the Nazis thought that their Dystopian society was them in Corpo Buildings with barbwire around and all the outside was their new KZ. 
Like all other areas outside surrounding them. 

Dudes, we'll have guns and lost our humor then collectively, but not the appetite of destruction...we'll be all commis about, but only. 


#thekingdomofhell #cyberpunkcoltoure 

The Germans and what's wrong with them

She legally attended. 
Not that bad, that "sport"

Imagine a 12 years old boy

in a 3rd world area finds a mobile phone a Westerner lost on a close by main road and manages to charge it finding it has no code lock find pics of a man like that 
And he comes up to you knowing where you come from asking:
Why does he do that?
And you know you found the right place on earth!  it does not make any sense to not all alone you anymore 

And imagine my face in 04:38. Maybe I shed a tear of happiness that I am far far away. An electric... there.. I did not even know... Oh my Gohhhd 


Are all Blonds Primates? 

What if anyone figures out

how many Patents held by Germans and German companies derive from ideas and homework created in African Schools build by German Development Aid? 

Be quick. They are almost broke and Fentanyl is a cheap bad bitch... 


Low and High Tech combined win

and there is more to it that can come from University research. 
The step from Workshops to Manufactures to Factories all happened by researching creation steps and all moves of humans, tools, furniture and material optimising them creating ever more efficient structures intended to be for humans. 
As much as office workers are in need of a lesson in adjusting chair, table, monitor, keyboard and seating, moves of human and material and tools on building sites are in need of Ki lessons. 
A good one for a soldiers helps him to survive attacking or defending a closed space like a good lesson for a construction worker will make the job easier and the body stronger... 
#provos #IRAmovement #noblessoblige 
While I am busy with the Bundesrepublik Deutschland having an Attitude... 
Ey BKA. I am so much not a Jew. I am what your grandparents warned you about!

Imagine he makes it

and within two years I beat the shit out of the two first Polizei men for asking me, if I was from Damaskus or Kabul and one does not make it resisting the educational lession and the other goes intensive care... 

Wer A sagt muss auch B sagen, Deutsche 


And a few hours later the negotiator tells me by a megafon from behind a barrier asking if they can collect the SEK corps infront of my house we build in 1890 why I did not just say something the way I speak instead of going all in centric nose and testicle was just a joke and not that bad. 
#terroristgangs #nosoapinganymore #welcometoourturff #gfyBKA 

Taking immediate fire from capture SEK guns for that drop, jewmurder. 

The simpliest needed construction

is a pipeframe kit car like Pick-Up with a simple most commonly build 4 Cylinder but 48 truck gearbox that must be way wider in wheel width distance than standard Pick-Up trucks. 
Shipped in a box and to be assembled with an electric welder and standard wrench set. 
All components included 

Yoo opnd up ya workshop agan? 
And a dtruck lohd of pipes ya gad 
Aye. And a shipping address in Djamena
Wea is zad 
Wea it's hot 
When we go??
When we go??