Friday, 28 February 2025

And Jesse said

 millions of investments waiting...

So, they can get into starting position making a footprint in the region. All these on stand by investors will have a hit spot and now can't shoot yet. They have like a Sniper go to the Spotter position and check for secondary targets ready to hit all around from EU to Turkey and even the Silk Road Nations looking for supplementary spots to later have an even better main target hit.
As a neutral example from the Sahel Zone would ongoing Boko Haram activity turn a region into a war zone, but that region is limited geographically. If an investor hesitates to connect with small farm owners to sell them seeds and low tech farming tools he can just short of the troubled region invest into local transport companies to later rely onto them ensuring a continuous supply into the region.
In the actual region, all boarder regions are the poorest areas in Europe, with the exception of the Baltics. The other side shore of the Black Sea is where Arabs, Chinese, Turks and Russians meet for millenias dating back to pre-Jesus times into the Jewish Kingdom.
The Silk Road is the oldest transcontinental trade route followed by the Trans Sahara Caravans and latest Nordic Sea Passage.
The Trans Sahara route off the Paris-Dakar Rally track needed star navigation and the Vikings making it to Canada steel nails and steam wood bending.
We have computers today and just need to work our social skills.

There will be hate

#TIE Here we fight
Errectum statio ante tempum tristes

Warlord Mind Set

 He'll deviate their Delta equivalent to enter the U.S.A.. Counter measures have to be part of the Red Phone which you have to get an extension in HS Offices.
They are now extremely dangerous and HS wants to use Green Berrets and Seals on stand by against Bank Robberies and Drug Movements. They need to be placed within reach of all main towns in military barraks being back up to regular SWAT facing being in fear called to action receiving asked for materials.

To whom does

 that here feel really uncomfortably awkward, too?
....relative to that secretary application footage and no cushions on a black coach.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

What if that's a lie

 and the South as a coalition of The Kingdom of Bavaria and Austro-Hungaria among others used a modern version of Napoleon's tactic to ambush with fast, small, but powerful canons a maroding hord of Germans looting and murdering on hard drugs in heavy tanks their way east?

If we manage to pull fire

 onto The Kingdom of Hell by attracting on Nazi soil all scumbags of this planet, the rest might build a Kingdom of Heaven by Good Trade while we all feast in crime among Germans....being rich the longest time of Jew money.

From Ambush to Target, brothers!

#TIE Here we fight

PS:Imagine they thought their KZs were the meanest creation possible....


 and their idea of Europe.....One of the first things every Private entering Big Red One learned is that Europe is way more hardcore than every U.S. Ghetto. Everyone is nice and then some guys kill by blank hands the Nazis still around without any trial ever as if second never ended.
#TIE Here we fight
From Hell's Kitchen to The Kingdom of Hell

He just said

Marine Corps Pistol Team. So, put yourself there. You are a Marine. Ontop of military shooting training you decide to join a sport shooting team of the military, because your match grade ACP is fun.
Then, you have to deal with little ego career CIA officers, avoid canteen fights with Delta to attend for some reason a room clearing "course" and a guy on steroids looks down onto you.....not gonna hold up...there will be a Marine....
I have that for 38 years among Germans. Please! They never won any war and he never fucked anyone up or for good.
PS: He also wont get why you ain saying anything and just stare at him controlling your index finger....until you speak up!!!! #armystrong

My broh

 what so if east defeats the meets us in drug heats for a feast by goffen means, we must be the beans by next means prepare to intervens and cut their vens by all means no to difficult...

The sad truth

 about Thrasher Magazine prescribed readers.....

I assume

 she won't visit a market bazar in nowhere in anywhere close to and in Palestine for some time. I would - and sell cheap stuff, cheap nice stuff and buy other stuff. Sadly, they all put Germany on the same level as Hamas. 


 I'll be so hardcore in your face in appears.
#TIE and I can't hide it.


 3rd World Trade.....only brothers like him and those blonds as contacts...

and thats just preparing the Sahara Desert for Ford, GM and KFC.


 trying to keep the benefits or stupid questions issues like me???

Je va

 finir ca famillia ou murir la en train de ca est mon fam...
#noblessoblige #templieraucoeur


 She obviously does not understand that the T-Shirt look is so much way worse.
Dam, girl.


 Paranoid what exactly did you call me....please? #ticktack 
#cyberpunkcoltoure #provos #terroristgangs 
Welcome to my World and just for you
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

I told you

 but I can't recommend a full desamblement of the existing structures and suggest instead a transformation into a civil organisation from armed fight against to applied support for.
#provos #undergroundwars

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The Holocaust System in Europe

 is comperable to MTV racism in the U.S.A. 
It has a reason that the French speaking tiny looks like the cousin of the German reporting about Algerians and Drug trafficking. The System then uses these idiots to surpress entire quarters of French declared by the media to African immigrants having arrived in the 60ies.
It takes two days sailing from Port Algier to Port Marseille for about 1000 years, so do the math and prepare for The Kingdom of Hell Broches....
#TIE Here we fight.

And then you

 realise that on top of the age thing that whole knight training lifestyle takes a toll and Korean men are realy tough competition right up there.....since ever only fresh from a fight ....and the actual job description.
#TIE #bornkings

In England

 they atleast explain themselves politely. So, what exactly is your problem, Nazi?  Two happy World Wars maybe???


 as soon as you got used to that.....I collect.
#provos #terroristgangs

PS:I am proud of you, Son, even so I am sure you are guilty.

For a moment

 I wondered if these assholes kill each other since ever and we got stuck among....but than. I am German they say, just with a speaking disorder. called "from which Village".


 tell him if he makes it you sign him up for the Korean School.

I'd break his

 neck and show up at his precingt.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

You might wanna understand

 that Gangs do way better against Police in war than Hollywood let you know, like non Afro-Americans and Rap.... #gfyBKA
#provos #undergroundwars #3batch

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Black Panthers

he wants the Baby.
How many citizen self-defence scenarios are surrounded geographically by missing children up to age 4 and which FBI unit was involved?
wipeemclan and make sure CIA gets it


 Kings..... #neversurrender


 you tell yourself I am just making Provos up, but watch this all off records done of me. 
The enemy of Big Red One plays a form of Chess in which the aim is to loose its own figures to win and taking a figure is a mandatory rule. You served them BKA.

We play Go.

My best friends are those fighting for me far far away while I fight the red out, get air into my lungs again to try to get my feed below my chest so I can start crawling again.

Funny, if that Devil ain coming for you.....

Provos, IRA Independent Terrorist Gang Cells

I will kill all of you Deutsche Polizei.

I just wondered if

 after our passing I get my Van, Guitarre and Family and the Nazis their Ubermenschenleben.

I told you

 while we fight. Those not in arms, but capable especially having capital can either retreat from all these areas or see that as the greatest opportunity since Christoph Columbus asking for support to find  a new trade route to find a new continent blocking that direct route.....
Everyone having a savings account understands the problem in especially the U.S.A.

What I really wanna do

 is open up the first Ferry Terminal in Neom with connections to Port Sudan and Mogahdishu.
instead I am busy with an Nazi Cult called BKA that told me I had a poverty oath and appears to feel untouchable.
#provos #terroristgangs Vs #AndrewsCrew

What is wrong with

 wondering if Brandi Love or Nicole Aniston do you better?
#cyberpunkcoltoure France and Poland.

PS: Does that guy cheat playing Risc?

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Conspiracy Theories

 Can you imagine that Germany in return for Heroin now gives Visas to Afghans?
If ontop the HH Harbour is held by Mexican Cartels 12.000 AKs with Ammo ain no problem and I have to admit that I would badly enjoy my dirty plan go ballisticaly out of hand.
#gfyBKA #undergroundwars
PS: The major ISIS recruitment Mosque is in Bremen. 12k Infantry is way enough to take and hold town, harbour and some villages around, especially if heroin is the leverage.

Monday, 24 February 2025


 With someone that tricked it's prey into death? No....
#gfyBKA #terroristgangs 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

The Ugly Truth

 They said I should go out sometime. I got offensive and atleast they stopped calling. I kid you not.
I got stuck in Hell's Kitchen and the Germans jumped the stove and these motherfuckers are having a great time...
#neversurrender #igotstuck

Did you ever wonder why

 a Peacemaker is fired by sliding over the hammer?
The gun stays stable increasing accuracy over pulling with the trigger finger.
#51sts #cyberpunkcoltoure


 did you again loos a buddy to a defensible citizen and trained Policemen?
Try Europe and feast!
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

The Kingdom of Hell

 in Europe stretching from the Polar Circle almost empty of humans to the Sahara as wide and vast with thousands of Villages and Towns, hundreds of Cities and dozents of Sprawls layed out over an ever changing geography from lake districts to woodlands and mountain ranges with a network of street junctions outnumbering every organised force on earth has more potential than the Wild Wild West potentially ever could have had.

Here The Call of The Kingdom of Hell #TIE HERE WE FIGHT!

join the feast



 if European streets appear to tight to get away drive, try shooting. It will work, they carry subs in Nazi 9 mill short barrel Pistols.

#provos #IRAmovement #indendentcellsystem #terroristgang
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell


Gangs, join the Feast

 because that MTV shit is real in Germany. That dude is real. He is a Gangster here in Germany. I kid you not. His arrogant confidence comes most likely from also having a Police Badge. Since dropping an Amok threat on the BKA website I had three influencers showing up with either a Polizei Uniform or a BKA Badge walking off again not one sober, but all stupid arrogant in total ignorance of just having had their lucky day.
They don't fucking catch anything....
Which is the only problem, that they don't get any message being stuck in their stupid delusional arrogance being mentally incapable to estimate the violance they face now me having finally time for them despite the last three times Polizei came here and fucked off again, if they don't surrender their shit show theft attempts. At this point they are to scared to come again, but also to stupid to further pull off PsyOps having never had a series of dead cops by a Cop Killer retaliation run, because that's all Hollywood or a Psychosis no matter them shitting their pants.
#provos #terroristgangs

Rats & Big Bad Investments

 He saw a Rat and that mean little beast was smiling at him. They can feel fear and run when they see me. Rat population is growing and I had some in my little town garden.
Just, I have my hunting instinct kick in hard and grapped one of my two short swords to go after that bitch. Having found the nest under the Raised Bed having two entrences, I closed one and put the garden water pipe into the other while hitting from the top down in a few centermeters distance in a straight pattern starting above the used entrance. Some others and three mice fell victim to my catapult and 6mm steel balls over the last few years, if not running straight back away across that dirty dead neighbouring ground. Now, my garden is surrounded by a NATO stanard barb wire on the ground and the screams at night ended. Rats teach each other about every aspect of fear.

I would not invest a lot into the house he has to do a reconstruction of any sort. I'd get some barb wire at the wall and a sieve for that drainage to build a small garden into that back after having killed that rat nest somewhere around by pouring poison next to it.

#cyberpunkcoltoure #knights Vs #princes


all around so loud Vs Heros in Silence
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell


 Do you already learned what it means to have class?


So who created the Ruins first?

 The Vikings or Celtics?
Who of them made them?
They were used to communicate.
I say it was the Vikings, Celt.
Are you listening, Teutonic?
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Skateboard, dude?

Let's try some else and my board stays some longer at your girlfriends place. On that parking lot here we race from start to first turn. I run. You try driving....
#provos #centurions

No matter who wins walks, right Rich Boy?

Collective Darwinist Evolutionary Theory

 ....and now imagine she'd really enjoys this

to start stretching.

The truth is that

 a vibe like this is based on humans quite being save and sober.
#provos #terroristgangs #IRAmovement
Master of Ceremony not Master of Cemetries

In the early days of Hip-Hop

 kids in all U.S. towns formed Breakdance Crews to battle each other by presenting their skills in Street Break Battles.....


#TIH This Is Humanity

What that reads?

#thisissparta #cyberpunkcoltoure
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

Collective Darwinist Evolutionairy Theory

 I can run really fast in straight lines and bows and enjoy lazy stretching.  How do you like climbing?


BKA & Hells Angels

How many do you consider needed in your delusion?
#provos #undergroundwars #TIE

I am full of shit?

 Crip. Hood. #TIUS 

TheGermans - Mind Set

 The longer on stays, the more do certain things make sense, because.....
PS:Not even dirty cash anyone? I'd take drug money through the blockchain.....(right we all gotta eat)

Saturday, 22 February 2025

I just heard someone ask

 Trumpy if he would prefer to be a historic ruler in peace or I just can't help myself.

And I decided to not care what he sais at all, personally prefering a people in anytime that has no need what so ever .....

I am so frustrated right now, I go to sleep after a glass of milk.


Dude, who would want

 having you, being Colonists, below? Dude....seriously.
PS:There is only one exception so.

I am sure you don't understand

 size or relativity. Here....e.g.


 don't you think Arabs feel a tiny bit offended in terms of intelligence and memory when noone mentions that "temporarelly" usually means about an eternity as close to both heaven and hell the region is....???

If I am the Letzter der Ureinwohner

 and thereby The Rightous King of Bavaria, where did the others go?

So, the Germans drove everyone away unwilling to assimilate by two Word Wars and one World Cup. Fortunately, the Franconians, Bavarians & Co were quite well connected. Beside the U.S.A. everyone forgot about these ties. General Paulus negotiated a resettlement of his people to mainly the Wolga, Yakatarinburg and Krimea.

This covered fact might explaine why Putin won't rest. Ever.


PS: The "Nomadic Hords" turned Stalinists by Cocaine and Amphetamine use and were prior called Skipze in opposite to the puffing Travelling People.


Schleyer (SS)

Irish Rugby Team Captain

As close as its gets in both Ireland and Sports

Ay oh ooo a Pint.

Wanna feel Urban Warfare....?

There are three modern warfare battles most important in terms of industrialised warfare. The Battle of Stalingrad made clear that the time of recruited soldiers as those massacred in the trenches of WW1 was gone and that it needed a different set of Soldiers to fight drugged hyper aggressive forces as Waffen SS.

The Battle of Cameron, before Stalingrad in 1863
The Siege of Jadotville, in 1961
The Battle of Moghadishu, in 1993

The Special Forces in Cameron held against an overwhelming force not surrendering down to the last man standing. In Jadotville the Special Forces held without loosing one single soldier of their very own, but three of a support helicopter Crew and in Mogahdishu Special Forces even fought their way out under minimal losses.

I predict that Knights will come back to battle grounds following up Special Forces Soldiers progress being superior mentally, physically and morally, who followed up from orders needing Soldiers into objectives fullfilling commandos acting on their own, being independent for Good.

#armystrong #BigRedOne #MIB


Friday, 21 February 2025


 on has or on has not.

Do you understand that

 I want to do this is any of the Sahara Mountains? And that for the very same reason BKA and their Rocker buddies bought Rolex and Caviar from money made by a Virtual KZ with me being the Band.

It'll piss those I hate off a very lot.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

That Sesame Street

 thing might have slipt in somehow rather unwanted in terms of a bad way after having understood Iraqi telly for kids when being in need to have clear lines of fire.....if it was doubbing with several dedicated voices. I am sure you don't know about how porn is doubbed and Sesame Street deserved a way higher standard. Trust us....

In Saddams face!
#provos #OGGIs

PS: Before anyone figures. Other American Coltoure and Heritage promoting TV Shows doubbed in U.S. military held ex Iraqi National Television Broadcasting Station Facilities could be legally considered "Piracy".

Did they speak German

 colour their hair and or were really nice, but in a way that makes you wonder what you soon might figure out you just can't find anymore everywhere?
So, the Lawyer of Mr Guzman should come with an FBI level eye nose mouth flipbook next time to a confidential meeting. If you can't find one every beach caricature artist can make one. The better the pay, the better the books possible combinations. The result goes to Farc in Cali Columbia, they walk to Syria and the Syrians will figure out names and address which go in a nice fine file to the White House and Homeland Security.
What you think?

Unmarked U-Boat

 In the past decade several unknown Submarine sightings were reported. This one might be another one and not Russian in a false flag action normal world of warfare.
For some reason were two Norwegen Submarine hunters busy in the Fjords I slept close by.
Small Sportfishing boats have a distinctive tail wave depending relatively to hull, ground and speed.
So, you look for a white sportfishing boat having a low water tail wave in deeper water and a supersonic rocket, a runner team to take the vessel while harbouring or develop an underwater laser distance measuring device creating 3D imagesb for a hunter submarine.

TheGermans - Mind Set

Hear the first Chancellor of their Nation about The Jews.
And note that they forgot about The Kings.

#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom Hell 

Ultimio Ratio Regis ante Ultimio Ratio Regum 

A lession in Gang Coltoure

Me Niggers never got along well with them Niggers. Goes like that in the Hood:
What you wearing Golf gloves Nigger here? There ain no Golf course around. 
Me Nigger do wear me 1911 for a reason. That is you Nigger. So, do you Nigger want me Nigger to pull me 1911 so you Nigger sweat in your Golf cloves, because I ain having no gear, or do you Nigger piss off to your Hood scoring gear? 
Jim McConnel after four days vacation in New Orleans from Boston being approached with: "Hey yo Nigga, god som' rocks for a brother?"
#provos #IRAmovement #terroristgangs #gfyMTV 

To correct your idea of history

Hebrew and Gallic are both several thousand years old. In both each letter has a name, meaning and pronunciation.
A letter can be put independently having a meaning. 
Several letters can be put together having a symbolic my meaning. 
Several letters can form a word based on the pronunciation of them rather their independent or combined symbolic meaning. 
Both are several thousand miles apart, but reachable by boat staying close to the coast in a few months travel time. 
What does make you believe that they started as late as the 1960ies to meet and great each other explaining also The Algerians in Paris obviously being lost on their way north? 
#TIE Here we fight 
The Kingdom of Hell. 
Are German cars to expensive.... 

There is a concept in Islam

of the Inner Jihad. The Outer Jihad is defending by the use of force your God righteous way of life. Before going to battle as then a Mudjahedin the Inner Jihad has to be fought defeating fear, anger and hate.
You as well can go in a full blown psychosis onto the Streets! For some that's way more fun.
Do you have any idea how difficult you are for a believer???

To her defence is that American woman most likely really Jewish and part of the Woody Allen Intellectual Manhatten crowed of secular jews caught in a constant identity crisis all Woody Allens movies are about. 
It would help them, if they'd research their family history understanding if that was all true or if their personal pro Judaism decision was secretly badly minded receiving a dark psychology attack based on love denial and bigottery.
Way more than regular Analyst sessions she needs a good Orthodox Rabbi with also an Freudian Analytical education to show her a better way of finding inner peace. 

Personaly for me does Israel has a right to exist, but not as a Jewish Nation insisting on the Diaspora as a blessing. 
Kabbalism sais that a Messiah send from Heaven will.come if every Jew stuck for two Shabbats to all Shabbat rules to establish a Paradise on Earth for all humans. The only way to get there is by erecting a Kingdom of Heaven which must be based on Love, Peace and Harmony. 
Something the path to might be the goal.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Light ~ Shadow

Good ~ Evil
But did he catch it or was that a coincidental mistake?

Light ~ Darkness 
Good ~ Bad

Evil are Good fucking up Bad. Bad to Bad is Good.

#Tie Here we fight 
The Kingdom of Hell 

PS: That high pitch peep is not loud enough yet, GeStaPos.... #gfyBKA #3batch 

I can't help myself to

mention that I am under the impression that some Asians, namingly Koreans, appear to have really big feet

Is that about 46 by 175, Dude? That is really incredibly impressive everytime I look down onto myself. 

TussyInc - The Cutes

 Don't be mistaken. Some are up for surprices... 

Conspiracy Theories

 MH-17. I just heard that the Ukrainians tried to shoot down Putins plane being at the same time in the same air space mixing up the machines.
Alternative Endings:
1. They tried to suicide ram the Putin carrier heroicly, but the bomb went off too early
2. Aliens
3. They tried to exchange the Putin carrier with an almost perfect double
3. Nazi UFO
What you think??
#trollnation #innerfights

Ukraine at Peace is War on EU Streets and

 I don't buy one drop about Ukrainians defending themselves and I am convinced that those 95.5 unpunished percent have had too many babies. 
The German propaganda machine is running on CIA Iraq War levels all over telly while they are going bankrupt incapable of actually working for themselves. If those that made it with Werner Maximus v. Braun into the U.S.A. starting with Sean Combs loose their status and Intellectual Property washing machine they all stride back here hurassing us natives.
That would be two groups. Failed managers and defeated warriors, but of same character.
Violance will explode even more than allready especially in organised crime. Thieves and killers will unite, stride and fight.
The chaos will be used by Secret Services for targeted killing, cause the rich to leave, organised crime to find their Gangster's Paradise and the fat, lazy and arrogant to face the ultimate possible reality check.
I'll get by, but not as the kind guy....
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell

...Germany deep in the war they deserve

Thrift Shop Anti-Semitism

 Can you imagine that the Simple Minds just don't get? I am stating that the song was stolen, from a Hippi Kid like me and that it is a hardcore Punk Rock song showing our point of view being slaves to White Supremacists also covering as Jews, but also as Democrats or Republicans.
The problem of the Simple Minds is to take everything with a predefined set opinion no matter unlogic problems on conclusions or statements.
Obviously, I do not make sense.
Esapecially to an Authority.
Certainly to thieves among the Authority.
The Simple Minds will not see any discrepancy or unlogic statement in 2Pac songs and her public trials and interviews.
Despite seeing a man there and not atleast a transsexual.
Now we are down to yungblud....and still noone calls it redicolous.
Dudes, we are Terrorist Gangsters and no Junkies like you on a major Ego trip aka White Supremacists
#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Lust and Life

 So, that Bunny Mention Hugh Haffner all Playboy thing ain sounding that bad nomore since about puberty and a decision to avoid doping substances. 
Welcome to reality. Or as I told them Germans: Flag over it and do it for the Fatherland...hicks...I get another beer.

Battleground Brooklyn

 That there is way more complex than Three Fractions.
There is a good chance that Mossad plans the same coup as against the Marokkan Jews in the 1950ies.
There is an as great chance that IS, ISIS or Al-Quida remains use the chaos to bomb attack New York again.
But the complexity on the ground is also a chance.
Brooklyn Jews are Orthodox and Secular and with Chicago a main centre of the Kosha Nostra. They, with Black Panthers and the Italian Mafia were the militant wing fighting with arms Police attacking Hip-Hop. We had shootouts since the 70ies for Spraypaintimg grey Subways and Skating Alleys and our Concerts.
That is the Underground Mossad and ISIS step in going stupid. It as off the Middle East as it can be in Jewish life.
The Streets do not reflect that to visitors who only see Orthodox clothes and Black Skin and Police Uniforms.
Considering the potential harm a suicide belt, car or truck bomb can cause all religious symbols have to disappear for the time beeng of all public space.
Brooklyn goes Frence Quarter. 
I don't trust Police and never will be. Voted Sheriffs are American and nothing else, beside history. 
BosNYWash needs a united Police for years that coordinates in the economicaly, socially and geographicly unit of New England's urban sprawl informations of potential terrorist activity sharing collected Intel such as violent offences and speeding tickets.
It is getting hot. 
We run the Stove. 
Hell's Kitchen Crews.
#TIE World Wide

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

They just said

 around minute 4 to 5 that a brain of a 14 years old is like the brain of a 3 years old in terms of decision making and impulse control. 
...while I typed I reconed...
I never thought about you like that and considered your attitude to prescription drugs the cause, not a genetic handicap from birth on, to be honest. 
I was already quicker with 2 and got even quicker. 
Now I am glad the Americans have send a Black man to the Olympics and not a Traveller Jew. 

Imagine other Provos

 cells communicate indirectly with each other and you wonder what that could mean? 
She hitch hiked post mortem and enjoys herself now. But the claps...that's a team check. So, the plan worked. 
I stick to Cogney. Looks like rap with weired rhyme chains.
Women... Don't understand them, just love them.

PS: I surrender... 

And that's the worst. Wait... This one or as I asked the DHL guy incapable of placing the parcel :"Are you the placement allowance Nazi or ain that Glassdoor big enough?" aka Where am I fucking supposed to go when the entire town follows me to the Polar Circle being funny with whom they call the Village Idiot? Them, me, the only guy in no need of GPS around in town. Anyone ever listing to me ever... 

The Cocain Wave

 hits the usual suspects. At which point will Military Generals use legal means to stop the CIA propaganda show, please?
Can you imagine them having to proof their ridiculously oversized egos in a non-public trial in which they most likely will be caught presenting false evidence?
or are you trying to tell me....gimme a proper signe and I walk off killing all neighbours, if that's not BKA pussies, but real converted motherfuckers. Do you still recruit from this genetic SS trash? Really? 

With all given respect

 the most Gangster Car I am aware of is this... 


When you take the one

from a Citroën and not a German one....Le CX. 

Everybody is getting

 more aggressive.  Not only extremists and already violent areas as the middle east, but the average aggression level rises, exactly as during the Plague which ended Feudalist Aristocracy world wide coming with a technological revolution in agriculture leading to an unseen population growth and increased word wide trade and coltoural exchange.
But before millions died in only Europe. Numbers differ between 50 and 80 percent of all Europeans and of those no one can tell who died of disease, war or fights. World wide numbers are even less accurate.
Corona and this economic crisis are by a great chance a turning point of our times dominated by Indusytrialisation and inhumanity world wide.
Face it. We will soon be on each others throughts again to kill each other. 
Some to be free, others because they mind having been idiots loosing their power for good.
Right BKA and Germans? I am a paranoid Schizophrenic and you are democrats.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell 

Look BKA

 I am not crazy. Or just not much crazier than these soldiers fighting for also your democratic freedom which does not include continous hurrassment and intellectual property right theft beside towing my car. 
Me on the opposite, have all international legal rights to kill as many representatives of Germany until you admit human rights to me.
So...still the hard lane, Germans? 


 anyone looking for Contras?
Do you understand how simple Hisballah Missiles are made and from whom Russians do buy military equipment recently.... 


 can you go Stash Houses? The problem in Europe is that our quarters are way more mixed than in the U.S.A. or Latin America. Making more money does make noone move, but liking a quarter's character.
That means your main clients live among us as neighbours and no one can move.
The problem for pushers and criminal cops are open Street dealers occupying spots being easy targets for especially GeStaPo going nuts right now.
The solution could be Gear Coffee Houses, almost like Dutch Coffee Shops. Basically you invest covered into Real Estate and establish small places with cheap bavareges actually typical for Bruxelles, but in the second room while having a Coca Cola or Cafe au Lait the nice guy with a big dog offers additional off the menue gear in small quantities. No consumation a la table and the dealer is not the waitress. Some places have trap doors to the cellar that can be used if a GeStaPo goes ballistic serving as an exit for the waitress while the dealer is through another room behind a door with access to the yard or another door. Drive bys have no chance when all service is inside.
What you think?
#TIE Here we fight 
The Kingdom of Hell 

African Table,

 as soon as he speaks English you can recognise a German accent. I guess he is from the Elsass... 
For reasons not to be explainable to Germans France does not attract drug dealers and knife waving immigrants, but French speaking individuals, and that for actually centuries. 
There must be a difference between Deutschland und Adolf Hitler and le colonisation francaise. Actually speaking French would help to understand "colon".
The problem is that the German attempt of Nationalist violence in the UK failed and France is even more in its core in love with Underdogs. 
They might prepare attacks as we speak. The Vid maker does not even speak with any black except in an interrogation manner. 
There are two ways to fix that.
The first is extended Recon activity by African Secret Services protecting their oversea citizens and thereby interests including targeted assassinations of racist terrorist individuals and the other is based on the religious connection of the UK's successful defence and these African immigrants as well as that most UK threatened citizens are small business owners. 
One could help each other by a Eurotunnel trip. 
Some areas as the Lebanon also have a strong French speaking history with strong ties to the UK. 
This crisis is a great chance to tear down the Cold War rim in the Mediterranean. That means Terrain in the Middle... call me smartass Du Kleingeist.

#provos #IRAmovement 

En France la securite civil et ordre publique est plus important qui votre droit the liberte de presse. Vous avez placer cette place de jeunesse immigrant protégé par l'etat Francaise en base de grand histoire de Republic Francaise en danger pour presente votre opinion politic privet. Le espace publique est pas le place pour votre voir du monde privet dans en pay dir qua le extermination religion en France en tous espace publique? Ca pas secular, ce l'autre.

That looks so Cyberpunk

 even so it doesn't lift off. The UAE 
#copkiller #theAmpherEnd #3batch 


 The initial design purpose of a Ferrari. Countryside roads. Like a Caterham, just dry and warm in normal clothes.

What Ferrari should do for Brand Image reasons? Scrap the 4-door, but call Fiat to deliver hatch back chassis to fit their smallest in physical size engine where the rear seats were supposed to be and sell that as cheap as possible with a horse on so we all can proudly say "He made it" when a Big One drives by instead of "What's he smoking?" 

This is an ABT RS6

 from a Company that was before Germany run by Chinese people... 

And what I wanna do is fixing the problem over making it worse. 
Please note the engine position relative to the suspension shoks indicating the wheel center position. 

So, I want to remove the fenders and add that T-Max automatic transmission set moving the entire suspension and thereby wheels forward creating a front mid engine car with 6 by 6 gears.

Americans will understand.

Aboit the Domestic Enemy

 So, you run a Narco Operation or a Defence Militia? You look all the same. Armed to the teath, militarily sophisticated, ruthless trained killers. 
With whom are you The Sheriff of Nottingham or Robin Hood?
..Judge on to whom we do what we do and welcome to our world.


The latest contender: BKA, BND and Polizei. 
You have been during Cold War the main provider of Amphetamines world wide to both Criminal Syndicates and Terrorist Organisations. Confess at the ICC or face actions based on General Paulus treaty with the Allied Forces. This is no negotiation.
I am IronClad The Goblin part of the IRA Provos and The Righteous King of Bavaria. 


 Mike on Safari. 
I am gonna enjoy that...

PS: That Barber Shop napkin for the sweat was the cutest. Enjoy your freedom! Our pleasure, our honour, our privilege!

Nationalists against The Constitution

 Forbidden or illegal weapons is a crime, but having them illegal, if you would just assimilate and start speaking English. Killing that Police Officer was constitutional, because the 2nd Amandement exists for exactly such reasons.
This being said am I sure that you managed to fight each other, because real Americans understand the reasons of weapons and guns in particular. 
Keep killing each other and stay in Manhatten to your sort your shit. I hope you receive sniper fire from an elevated position in every means pulling your shitty way of life in the Bronx or just Brooklyn. Both of you Confed Cunts.
#provos #IRAmovement 

France - Le probleme des Broches

 These guys are les Brooches. They speak French, not as bad as on France24 and within the Elysee, but it is notably different than the original French. 
They live in Grenoble, an Alpine town I always wondered why it was so important to the Nazi people.
The weired part is that the rather remote town harbours high-tech industry facilities important for secret service and military technology to an extend that every fifth depends on that industry, instead of moving to Paris and it's surrounding area. 
In the vid the guys complain that the city center is dying and most shops are closing down ignoring that the city center has to serve the population and not just a fraction of those living there. The majority of jobs is in factories and not management. In Europe taken over during Cold War by Nazi collaborators deep into all industries the gap between managers and workers is incredibly large. The original French is only spoken among the lower class and the national TV puts subtitles when ever they are heard so the Germans understand.
The attitude is typical. They prefer to sell one item to one person so expensive that they can make a living for a month instead of 30 items to 30 people throughout the month to make a living to by an economic downturn amon their class complain and do nothing else than complain.
These humans took power and all parts of economy and society from us natives that they today call Algerians or ask from which village we would be refusing to speak and live like SS man Landau in Inglorious Basterds.
Of the 150.000 thousand citizens of Grenoble the majority depending on low to mid income jobs will be in need of durable reasonably priced clothes instead of cheap fast fashion or expensive luxurious brands, restaurants and coffees to socialise within spending time with lower priced but fine dishes and beverages, household items that last and have no build-in breaking points. Basically all and everything these now dominating characters murderd and raped in Auschwitz for profit that was never made. 
The harsh truth is that their design of an economy right now fails without any chance to fix it.
No one can run a territory based on Credit Money and Taxes. You spit like that Mayan Slave running Tyrann on our Holy Books Tohra, Bible and Koran calling us the Barbarians. Again!!!

Me and The Germans

 Imagine I was the blond one and actually was really looking forward for some handsome hands on getting nailed... 
Or, asking me why I am so good with hotties triggers the same violant urges as asking me if I was a Jew.
Did I mention that substantial amounts in Crypto would really help me out and that I have an account ready to receive???
#cyberpunkcoltoure #weallgottaeat

Why Germans hate Americans?

 Because real Americans like to make sense

Get a dic

 Why would I write Sorrowful over Thorough?
Whom do you trust why and what for you check what....

TussyInc - The Irresponsible

 This is how half of all Gang Wars start. Fast Fashion and the other is Bad Gear. 

How CIA Artefact works

and I kid you not. 
So, the CIA is basically a cult, an occult cult that does using modern means also Alchemy and Spiritual research.
If a CIA agent of the Artefact Devision targets with his Crew someone to exploit he or she won't just use classic surveillance means.
I kid you not, Tele Vision Show means that they have a drugged person constantly focusing onto you to tell without being present what you are doing ontop of turning your life into literally a Television Show using CGI technology.
Hollywood movies and TV Series are a set of surveillance systems and such session protocols.
Pretty much all stories about Metaphysical CIA research are true in terms that they had done research. They tried to spy out from distance Sowjet Nuclear Weapon warehouses despite having no manpower to ever get there to confirm or manipulate what they protocolised.
The U.S.A. was from very early on a hide out for dangerous cults and until today sects and religious cults are powerful.
Cults go back a long time and are often hard to distinguish from Secret Societies.
Galileo Gallilei needed to found a secret society to continue his research in Astronomy and turning lead into gold turned a cult before Heracles had a bath.
An applied example. We all dream every night, but cannot remember every morning our dream. Remembering dreams can be learned. Take a notebook and pencil next to your bed and first time in the morning remember to note down the dream instead of what time it is and to make coffee. 
The CIA and other Secret Services need a sorrowful investigation by ligitemit representatives voted and elected by the people instead of being a lawless cult bullshitting in public about gas factories on trains and baby murderes justifying wars against nations they have had established in the first place to find out what else they did since Auschwitz.
Turning IRA forces actions and taking GI made music into profitable entertainment investments is too dangerous for their own good and they should be protected from their own actions based on uncontrolled power, if threat of terror is a better argument to insist on human moral values.

Why I don't chat off women?

 Because I do believe in confidence. If destiny wants us to meet she'll smile back and will meet chat. But chasing her skirt would be disrespectful to her Ego. 


 what you do now? Ban or lower fares for German Female Groups....

The House of Hanover

 seems to have run out of Stewart titles or are our Uniforms that fancy, still?
Let me tell you this. A Fleet, which the Spanish called an Armada, needs an Admiral. A Admiral does not need a Fleet, but a command such as Marines or Logistics. If a Admiral has no Command, he should be an Honourable Admirable by his Achievements to have purpose.
#noblessoblige #therightouskingofbavaria

Monday, 17 February 2025

Turns out ATVs

 ain that crappy shitty at all, it's just the drivers

The Rich Suprimacist Delusion ofAI

 Is slaughter bots. Obviously, do all those that harboured Nazis dream of such machines considering how much better and more cheeky we got over time. 
We outperform them and turn them into fools every single time they challenge us. 
The tiny little thing they forget is that they can't teach or program their machines better and more advanced tactics than they themselves understand. 
So, mankind, you are pretty save against Robots especially compared to Nuclear Weapons, Chemical Gases and Biological Virus weapons which are all comparable simple, but leathel. 
So CIA & Co, you will have to fight for yourself as soon as King Charly Chaplain finally won against the Human Machine Mind Set and mean motherfuckers like Provos Terrorist Gangsters finish you off in dark allies and lonesome yachts in pitch dark nights during the end of Nations.

Why we shoot with

 catapults at Police National and Gandermarie, here as an applied example. So, that fake Frenchy Jerk ain doing no wrong. Il est bon, no?

Ca trop, Broche. En peux plus de respect, mes monsignors, s'il vous plait. Nous somme tous acote vous.... 


 This is the fucking Klondike of Violent Crime here in God Dam Germany and Polizei is helpless lost. 
#TIE Here we fight 
The Kingdom of Hell 
#jointhefeast #eatpussies 

So you understand why

 The German Nation keeps me poor. civilisation ends short of Oman and far away from Germany, where I would drive a Raptor or actually Chevy Long Travel....actually being able to maneuver that thing properly despite size and horsepower.

Nationalists Vs Republicanism

 Nations and Nationalists are the ugly little sister of Empires. 
The European inparticular and history of mankind is a constant ongoing conflict of rule From or For the people. It is an exchange of Tyrannys of Hell and Kingdoms of Heaven. 
We live and let live or kill and get killed. 
Empires were overcome and their remains the Nations are falling right now. 
I believe in Republics and Kingdoms. I believe in using my talents and skills For and not to take From. 
In this crisis I will be one of the worst killers and live up to the name I was given during my training in Secrecy: IronClad 
I am a Rose Crusader Templer Knight and I will kill as many Germans, Nationalists and Supremacists as I possibly can as soon as Europe goes for Civil War for another Renaissance in Freedom in The Kingdom of Hell coming.

Bets when the Germans

 will tell the Jewish Banks causing Inflation take responsibility for the Holocaust based on that German telling about the Middle-East conflict?

Within 10??


Would she explain how millennias of Diaspora were nihilisied by a few decades of Germans so I can get a full picture, please? 


#undergroundwars #cyberpunkcoltoure
Culture Vs Coltoure 

Bloodline business

 The Devil's own.

But the best part, CIA Artefact

 is that there are some things you just can't explain... 


...and this is called the Dark Marodeur. 
