Saturday 28 September 2024

A nice surprise, to be honest

is this guy right now. I openly admit to be a no brainer of the Fashion Industry and to know little. Obviously, I don't understand P.P. even so I can tell him from Tom Ford. 
Opening a Luxurious Entertainment Group in Milano is a cool and interesting move, especially for me as a poor fuck Cyberpunk blogger with serious Authority problems, because his place might be one of those a guy just like me drops his client in a Post-Authority Europe actually stuck in an Underground war. 
The only alternative to a nuclear war by large army forces at war that makes sense to those into military and secret service conflict. 
Luxus is actually a quiet place in a Grand Hotel and not the In Your Face Action Phillip Plein is into, it is still the Zeppelin and Cruiseship and no DC-3.
But the money is moving and actually small time kids can spent possiby ten times more on luxurious times than when I was an even smaller timer getting them some Weed here and there to explain my McDonald's feasts.
Police will fail soon. The Moccro Mafia is too successful, compared to the RAF in the 70ies, and God dam everybody knows how deeply corrupt, unfair and next to the law all European Police stands having created a deeply routed need of basic revenge in all potential and real criminal organisations from Hooligans to Rockers to Clans and Gangs.
They can't handle the knife attacks anymore and soon will loose a lot manpower into the other side of the streets. The rest might for well get just shot over time. 
Somewhere at this point those around Luxus will call PMCs for protection and have their call received.
It will just spice up the Hoods and Ghettos in Europe including the filth rich once finally creating that failed nation dystopia paradise too many for their own good dream off... 
You won't escape the Kingdom of Hell
#TIE Here we fight. 

Imagine the Female Sinaloa Boss making a deal with him for especially his Milano venue and enforces it with the exact same manners they deal with Mexican National forces. She recently visited Milano and noone in the south will mind Latinos over Fashistas any second. The Italian Nation will get exchanged by a hardcore versions of independent regions, towns and gangs.
I hope to be trespassing towards the south in those times. 
For now TheGermans need a cut for this ongoing PsyOps mental waterboarding session. 
#provos #ticktack 

I think I found Mike Handsome

Buttonless potential best buddy match. 
His brother from a different.. Daddy??

TheGermans - Conflict Everywhere

even among Metrologists. 

The Oktoberfest is the main German

cultural gathering at which they celebrate and coltivate collectively being German and what it truly means to be such. 
They are coming from allover their national, the Reservation the Allies granted them after their murder, to Munich where their founder actually was supped to be hung and was let off due to his obvious mental limitations and incapabilities. 
Today, they rule also this town. 
#TheGermans #igotstuck

Dude, get the soap

She is playing games!

Deutsche did not manipulate

their smart integration tool. They are just dumb motherfuckers. 
If you want to know what that tool does today, than check the Messerinzidenz Website that is somewhere outthere. 
Germans lie and thereby are incredibly attracted by the all well dresses US dominated posh marketing world. They just can't handle the drugs and buzz word impact hitting their supremacist brains simultaneously. Too much.
Too Much Information, is an abbreviation I did not use anymore since I stopped hanging out with Germans and by that having noone to tell anymore to keep inappropriate Intel to fucking themselves by a deflection strategy.
Why would rate my poo before a dinner with buddies be not funny?
Why would I not want to know about the ass size of the HR girl? 
Why would I want to know... "Hey, you are staring again. Do you wanna walk over to her?" "I was staring???!!! DAM! I think I better go home, I drank too much, Bye!!".... running Forrest mode activated... 
#igotstuck #TheGermans 

A German source dropped DiCaprio

left the country. 
New job in Puhket creating some relieve for your potential victims? 
Sweet move. 

PS: Can you release Babba for some vacation, I am sure the sweet blond boy lady will enjoy it an weird way and calm that monster down to a nice easy, big easy grizzly. 

Friday 27 September 2024

Geoengeneering is part of Terra Forming

but that ain happening towards Mars. 
Terra Forming is theoretical work about turning a planet, moon or asteroid belt rock into a inhabital place. 
Geoengeneering is about understanding geological chains of events.
Like: seed, water, UV light, nutriants, growth, flower. I don't need soil, actually, but all that is in soil.

Imagine, Venus had also a moon or asteroid belt. Venus is interesting, because of the atmosphere rich in gases that could be harvested.
If we bring high tech materials made from mineral oil and sand, like very lightweight and at the same time robust and flexible materials such as nylon, carbon fibre and plastic, there then we could create gardens in glasshouse like structures....boring and dumb? 
Mars, Petrol and Nukes is better?!?
I think I want to kill you, not for my race, but for our species!!! 

HAARP or when you are too

stupid and drugged to understand a radio wave receiver for research in astrophysics...Brauns drawings he had from the KZs were simplier. 

HAARP is basically an antenna forest. Antennas can not only send, but receive radio waves and radio waves are all electromagnetically generated waves from X-Ray to Ultra Short Wave. 
So, would you take that away from who ever plays with it all on meds that make them think quicker and hand it over to NASA Crews into spectral Astro Physics.
I am not asking. I just can't handle the bolloks anymore. 
#messiahlisttopdog #cyberpunkcoltoure 

PS: They shoot Coke, right?

You need these once, but flipped by 90 degrees and in Sahara.
#ihateyou #gfyCIA 

How many stroms do you have in Alaska with Thunder and Lighting, you motherfucking morons????

Imagine you have one concept

which you have litteraly stolen, but an incredible huge amount of money topped only by your greed combined with no creativity what so ever and a RAL colour plate... How much fast food can America deal with
Give Macces to its founders back!!! 
Free the world! 
To stop that Bullshit NOW 

So, the Joint Fighter System Drone

is carrying the nuclear bomb then?
AutoCAD. They are using AutoCAD, also for aerodynamic tests.
#fuckyou #provos 

No Dude. That what he said and like Gorbatchov he will enjoy his retirement. 

What if Noah,

was a metaphore for someone not surprised and his ship the first human housings. 
Imagine we settled way earlier in forests and started to live closer with good with us animals. 
This time it will be Rain. A lot of rain in all variety and durance with all effects. 

Noah, The Mammal Messiah to Darwin.

How to spot your local CIA Crew, compadres

Three cars of possibly different make and different passengers, but driving as a pack, keeping all third party off getting in-between them, or atleast closing in quickly to each other, never going around traffic jams, all windows closed on main roads.
Like Boyscout Tourists on a mission. 
#terroristgangs #undergroundwars

There is a parallel Safe House System

illegal to the office funding approved by the Senate. The Senate approved money to build and maintain houses in undisclosed to public areas to build a network of hidden bases to transport and safeguard both operational personal and caught fugitives in friendly nations also within their knowing. The CIA Safe Houses. 
Social Engeneerimg humans into friendships by agents in order to create virtual safe houses using outsiders as human Shields is unconstitutional.
Recruiting an ex Drug Trade Kingpin by threatening to murder her daughter into Secret Service work and encouraging her to abuse her relationships to keep all missions secret to then murder her so the nice boy loving her does songs again...has kicked off a war. 
#allin #onegoal 

I think I figured what NSA does

They are looking for humans that have a chaotic or complex Pattern of Live. 
A Pattern of Live is a CIA term for the daily, weekly, monthly and annual structure of a human. 
Everyone who lacks a morning routine followed by a 9 to 5 job and a fixed Friday night Club with a haircut every 6 weeks sticking to a three times Gym per week schedule with vacation once per year at about the same place, is suspicious... 
because they are of Traveller Blood. Real Jews are integrating to well, but every Partisan Group in WW2, all Original Mafia and the most hardcore Anti-Fashist European Aristocracy was to them Anarchist and no machine human, as Charlie Chaplin told us not to be. 

They are hunting Free Men. Free by Attitude to life. 

#MIB #provos 

What's their Server Farms Power Plant?? 

There are rumors for years about the Microsoft backdoor. The Germans have a Trojan developed that stay hidden from Anti-Virus software. Every main Corporation is using about the same access software system for their doors or tools to analyse them, there is only Amazon to buy from in terms of IT Backbone and name me a competitor to SAP or Google online calender with Google Maps tracking on and per default on the Google Server. 
Dude, I told a CIA contractor of this Virtual KZ here the name, front end design and basic algorithm design of Google.
With only access to the Google and SAP servers you can create Patterns of Live for about 90% of all Western humans by timestamps of banktransactions compared with the amount of places they visit by Google Maps. 

Imagine you have a guy like in the Miami Vice movie who is the PA of the Boss and his female PA considering Love his true enemy on a such pattern recognition system and one day a consequtive sequence of based on two Latte Machiatto sold in a row appears for a high IQ individual who now changes his pattern dramatically to do stupid against that woman triggering that new pattern... 
...but he is an IRA commander off any sense for mercy... 


IRA had a view goes already, but we all never mind, because I am sure he wasn't hunting Nazi Serbians, Wehrsportgruppen or retired Mercenaries in "Bosnia" for MI6 and the Earl of Pearls boys. 
What ya think? 
PS: Cluster BSD your farms by solar to eclipse The Channel Islands and Dividend Lords of The City. Email bombs over 
Semtex and directly Astra backbone TCP packages.
#deggers #terroristgangs 
The Kingdom of Hell takes effect 

What if they can't find

that guy, or did they? 

because he got a new job.

CIA, honestly. I do so much hope that all you big time motherfuckers way above The Law, but also moral, like that Germany War Zone but in Cyberpunk style as much as my hints on which substance to not score, yet the other way round, you miserable pieces of shit... 
Just Funck Me here. Come on you want it, bastard Confed cunts you are. I was even right about your German analslut whores.
Did their own game?  Wow 
#provos #undergroundwars #terroristgangs #IRAmovement 

He pointed it out

This guy just said, the guy fitting into the Corporate Coltoure will get the job over the Genious.
Survival of the fittest turned sour in The West. From a rather Anarchist society with communication on horse back, but independent (autocratic in Old Greek) states, Feudalism made its way back into society and mind sets by blunt wars on all levels.
Obviously, a blond, rather simple minded guy who loves to trash talk turns millionaire. 
Obviously, a well mannered man from a deeply routed local background with the right mind set succeeds economicaly.
Yet, the overall system is failing, because the overal coltoure build by many individual coltoures only allowed actively succeeding only those fitting over the best. 
This system was entirely taken over by the 60ies by GeStaPo being outlaw Secret Services powerful enough to leave no evidence or proof of their crimes, cheating the system and even the worst industrialists murdering kept their wealth.
Braun in NASA and attacks against DeGaule. War against Algeria and in Vietnam. Bavaria as no independent nation and SS men walking free next to their NSDAP friends and KZ industry factory owners.
Everybody knows, but nobody did anything. 
By now the Mata Mind Set is already off. Not one single statement of The British Royals against the violant riots, not one single plan for economic boost in Germany and the French President stated their shell be no war in The Lebanon. 
Volkswagen has not one single car for 3rd World markets and the cheapest EU company builds are still hardly suitable for a run down Toyota Pick-Up world where everyone wants one, but there are just not enough around. 
Therefore, a man with average IQ, but a perfect haircut knowing what to say turned one of the most important investor "Sharks" (a Koy compered to Drug money bankers) and an all broke little know it all is getting ready to fight of mental hospital tenure by brutal, leatheal violence against real Police having a brown face in summer and white in winter being from a forgotten people while Police was build from SS men.
So, let's get it on. 
#TIE Here we fight! 

I feel they got it

So their conclusion is

to produce products that have been until here below their standards. Simple and not that high tech cutting edge products like, maybe nails and flat head nails. 
I suggest shit. Good quality German shit, investigated individually per dumb, each fucking single time and quality control can be done by rate my poo dot com, a websites I sadly have to confirm exists or did exist, but shit it is. 
Germans!  Go shit yourself for the new economy!!! 

If Europe goes to shatters by

a multiple crisis with the administrative systems failing to cover all territories, all subcoltoures will come closer to each other and Mike Handsome will have a great time on the other side of Europe 

Ah. It's a great place. The wars are over and I am touring through the war zones.
The Burger is good? 
You mind me flogging you? 
I do.
Ok. Than that means no clogging. 
Just keep my face of, please. 
Ahm. What did you do in that past Chaos 
I killed Ayrians.
I am... 
I know, Mike. Internet was up and running. 

It is a bit weired, but

I just know that I will fucking love that new world coming
The Kingdom of Hell 
is a Cyberpunk Paradise 
All the things I did not tell 'em... 
#terroristgangsters #provos 

The UK is rather calm about floods,

because they prepared for that about 20 years ago when they acknowledged that floodings in Autumn will become normal. 
They happen every year and will get bigger.
Instead of fighting nature, flood zones with different levels were identified and even signs put up. Signs making sense, except for beamers. What a joke!!!
We could have a European wide water network that would now start pumping water as far as Spain, but instead will have in Summer North Italian blond farmers complaint about the dry weather again. 
In the next step the UK will have to invest into reservoirs where they make sense digging new lakes and possibly start thinking of architectual changes to certain villages incorporating the floodings to Lake like landscapes upvaluing the Real Estate over creating bankruptcy.
Queen Eleizabeths Gardening Initiatives would have loved to present those to her when Lake Roses blossom. 

I don't know about TV

but the Meteorologist also did not mention that at all.
Covid was ignored as I predicted by the Germans early. Floodings European wide now also and I wonder how that innovative Vaccine hit, beside when I see first groups of young entrepreneurs with face tattoos saying "Ola, gringo!"
The Kingdom of Hell 

D'yo knou whad aye mean?

With them Blue spots all over The Netherlands and Hamburg? 
The Brits do and never mind the bolloks haveing most certainly talked about the weather those recent days 
#TIE #cyberpunkcoltoure 
So, Indians are black, right? #igotstuck 

PS: How much patience can a human have to leave that at a "Don't be stupid" #respect 

Thursday 26 September 2024

The more complex Shadow Runs

So, there is no Indian Aristocracy, there are Casts In India. So, Imans Daddy is a House Hanover fake created by a South African guy like Mullahs over the Shah.
A Cast is a set of Clans and our local Islands were not as fruitful as the Indian Subcontinent to get there into need. Maybe the weather, maybe them ....dshermaaaans
OK. So there is a set of families nobody likes, but protected by Secret Services. We are Kartell level now. Drug Trade. Iraqi Treasury Gold Theft. International Terrorism.
About there.
Their assets are no easy movable once and that makes them feel secure.
This being said is all their wealth only on contract paper. Their luxerious Real Estate is only valuable, because another motherfucker of the same subcoltoure will buy it. Certainly, none of us.
But...contract value gets Credit. No Bank System will trigger any automated quality check alarm, if Pandora Paper Intel was used to create Credit to be transfered to an Offshore Company...or network of such.
Operating on Turff on which a poor man killing you won't make the poor man rich does not keep you alive or off being ripped off.

I really like NASCAR,

but you just have to agree, that is way more gripping, innit???

Did you see that blue smoke trail from a surrendering break....

They laughed at me little Frenchy

imagine this one in 4WD and a Xantia ripped....with a solid Hat and 20s...and 3 Lexus drive trains ripped apart for mod purposes parts...600 Suzuki means 12000 turns easy...a shimano 7 speed axle box...all terrain tyres...
actually that than main electricity generator might create enough to go 3axes for more 285 grip and even a luggage box!
I'd never be "It's mums ride and was a good price" again
Too much power is the first thing I learned next to a US Army base is a delusion.
in Germany off the Blue Gang...

Do you feel me out there?!
Join the fight!!

If you call it Exo Car

you obviously don't know what you are doing. In America nobody protects you than, because too many other's freedom would be infringed.
In Germany there are enough rules made for every idiots safety since they gased us natives.
In the land of the free you get punishes after it has gone wrong depending on how many others you have hurt in any respect. ....Or by those others in the course of the action of being stupid in action.
What he means is a Pipeframe Construction Car. All industrial cars are one eveloutin behind and are still based like the T-Model on a Chassis or Chassis and Platform construction, which are by more weight less robust, solid and safe.
That's why race car builds have an added cage called Pipeframe added to the factory build chassis of the car.
So, a Caterham is the more modern construction than a Ferrari.
For real, dude!

Muhahaha - TheGermans

So, I had to also read a transcript to get atleast that part: (from that motherfucker)

Erst muss die Geschäftsordung abgeschlossen sein um sie ändern zu können 

Which basically means, and that makes all sense to the German Mind Set: we pull out the car and drive it in, to pull out the car, if I don't drive on we can't pull out the car, if we don't drive on.
Which is why I am usually driving. They freak me out behind the stearingwheel.
Avoiding before, does make no sense to a people that uses one word "umfahren" vor drüber and drumrum (over and around) driving in opposite to the subordinate natives that speak dialects from a "village" which was a fucking Castle asshole, but as in Fortress.

Watch how much effort

they put on over some forests and smoked eal ponts...and imagine what level they will create of a main bitching session over real estates.

Dude, I am so much not

on my own taking the piss....

Funnily, they mind them about Soap and I like the wild side, in common, but I am as far off flashlights as them filthy dirty few.

Listening to him, TheGerman left

planned to have the Russians deliver even cheaper Gas for electricity to produce Prophete Electric Bycicles for eco friendly Peruvian Cocain trafficing.
Well, that failed.
I wonder what a guy as Cancellor will decide as the new only plan who did a University level of Slave Farm productivity homework scientific trash approved.
Used to such incredible overwhelming success.

FSB is not as tough as me

but I'd bomb the polls hitting those looking forward to be governed...
#terroristgangs #provos #gfyFSB 
Pussies, I am an OMG and can only eliminate Cops, I've they'd show up....but I so much would!!!

Maximum Grip by maximum

Weight on the rear tyre, is by a 45 degrees angle. That is a physical fact.
#gfyAll #centurions 

If anywhere on this Planet,

where do you see that happening, realistically?
#TIE Here we fight.
This time for mankind!
#gangwars #undergroundwars

Kolliding Worlds - Our Turff

These guys are actually Businessmen. There are also MCs out here that are boys clubs all around bikes and vests and mainly a lot of alcohol off their wifes and kids, but all big MC organisations are business entities controlled by the German Secret Services serving the KZ Industry inheritors keeping their lifestyle. 
They deal drugs and run brothels having deals with Police for all those that were not shot inbetween 45 and 48.
In the USA that Holocaust system part needs Toxic Gangs and a lot of media bullshit taking Secret Service fire as we speak by Homeland Security and no FBI arresting P.Diddy. 
The German territory just lost its Cold War status and these Businessmen are like small time Burger Diners facing KFC, McDonald's, Burger King and even Wempy moving in right next door. 
Just, they ran out of Burgers and Fries and their customers are nothing like loyal being the worst bitches possible.
On top the administration usually helping the small shops shut down too.
They are left alone with their reputation. 

Funny if it doesn't happen to you 

A Weather Abstraction

This is 20 meters Sea Level Water risen and that won't happen soon

But, no scientist takes into their equation that the worlds water cycle increases activity along with sea levels rising. 
That would be the increased rain we have since last year as a new normal. 
All these blue areas might be soon facing aqua planing issues and standing rain water, mini floods like. 
The Kingdom of Hell will be in constant rain having inverted the annual sun shine days into rain days, very warm and face high air humidity with a lot of hot steel flying all around.
The blood will be washed away in the streets by rain. Like the stock market economy by Marx monopoly effect predictions. 
Such a satiric plot twist! 

Imagine Dubai's dry AC systems and food delivery services...

#TIE Here we fight! 

Another Caricature?

Europe as a coltoural region has almost a Billion people. Europe reaches for US from LA to Theran and from Greenland to the Sahara. 
We live in Manifold! 
So, this is US Knights, the Billion are those around us and The Feudallords have a flashing light.
#TIE Here we fight! 

The Kingdom of Hell and it's morbid fun 


That's an M9 military Beretta...? 
Which oath you took!? 
#provos #US 

Why was the Original Shadowrun Version

stating to be from the 6th World? 
Because all those with a strongly developed 6th sense will survive. 
Shadowrun, also stolen by a CIA affiliated corporation and over its several Issues constantly changed, is about this time predictably coming if studying the Dark Mid Ages that ended Feudalism in Europe until it came back by pharmaceutical drugs and weapons of massdestruction during Industrialisation. 
Shadowrun, and the Cyberpunk named game version without Magic, is like a Caricature of Reality supposed to be an abstract training book to survive the end of The Dark Modernity. 

May the best servive that Kingdom of Hell and I am sure we meet. 
Looking forward to be killing you,
IronClad The Goblin 
Righteous King of Bavaria 
Rosecrusader Knight 
IRA Provos Centurion Deadhead 
Rouge Ace Company Reccon Srg Mj
#noblessoblige #vivelarenessaince 

Me in

my town
Guess, who asks whom of the two Ladies I refer to and why I starred at the bottom of every bottle! 
#rosecrusadeecrusaderlife #unfiltheirholocuastend 

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Imagine you hear a voice

that tells you taking medication would make it disappear. 
So, how do you treat a suicidal voice in your head, please. 
#gfyPsyOps #gfyBKA 

The Auschwitz Research Laboratory 

So, still in SA?

The Biblical Flood. 
No chance that this one is a metaphor for Ice Age? 
Imagine one turned human by building a ship... but if The Flood is a metaphore for Ice Age, what would be that ship for? 
So, mammals, if sober and not constantly on drugs, feel danger. 
What if Noah walked with all Mammals and some Chicken through that Valley of Darkness being the beginning of Ice Age? 
Imagine I am walking without those humans that derive from Mice, Rat, Rabbit and most fucking certainly Hyenas through the Valley of a Climate Jump that turns Earth into a hot, wet place full of storms??? 

NOHA 2.0 THE JEDI!!!  Follow Me! 

ANC did not shoot guys like him, because he just talks and writes weired stuff!
They are nice. 

The biggest German Entertainer, IMHO

falls a bit short of the latest performance by the long term drug addict rehab center for mentally handicaped boys in Parry Small Creek Valley, Oklahoma, National Reserve 

PS: Money would rescue me. Please, check the I gotta eat link and understand that Blockchain transfers are anonymous!


What is this?

Italy when it's free!
The way I see it, the bitch might get away, but that old freak all over the radio might have a hard time... when the revolution comes of The Lost Poets 

We killed Rome

but you, we'll butcher 

The Kingdom of Hell 
#terroristgangs #IRAmovement 

The Buuren are still striding

around. Obviously, they did not change attitude and instead just got more delusional in cultural arrogance.
Wrecking a nation constantly on UN watch for exaggerating and having blunt racism legal in their system is no hard job, especially if the locals outsmart them in especially social skills. The only reason the Dutch originating hardcore Calvinist sectarians made it was by huge subsidiaries from namingly the UK and FRG, heavy Secret Service involvement in Ivory, Diamond and Gold trade of especially illicit nature and focusing executing power on mainly the coast line and it's cities. 
So, outlawing and fighting Blood Diamonds is like one letter to the Antwerps Jews and one letter to Mother in Calcutta to make sure they get banned by Kosha Nostra and straight ripped of by Indian Diamond cutters that do shit and cut no Diamonds for asshole Ghandies. 
Then you add some willing with some German Bank money in cash to add some European aquired aggression and brutality to the ANC struggle and they go fuck themselves. 
Now they are homeless in a wider sense and most likely live already The Germans destiny who also never made any friends, but truly and deeply believe their lies. 
Still, arrogance turns stupid and I wonder if the YouTube API can be used to have bodybuilding and lifestyle Vlogs pushed through Audacity to qualify Australian accents by the noise reduction feature that is actually a sound pattern recognition tool to find some of the motherfuckers dreaming of a race war in which they are not Partisan's bitches, but sadist pimps of peace loving sweet humans... 
#provos #cyberpunkcoltoure #TIE 

Do you understand what a

great time the victorious 50ies were? 
E Pluribus Unum living 

No it does not

the guy stating it was illegal in terms of a war crime to build into industrial devices bombs mixes that up with anti-human small mines covered as child toys used against the Afghan civil population during the Russian-Afghan war.
The West blamed Russia for that. If you consider Stalins smile staring at babies he was sure about to educate and form into happy commi workers... i kinda doubt be honest....and adding CIA wipeing SS asses every single possible opportunity tends me to place my bet on a different player. 
U noh Iym saying???
#gfyAll #provos 

The Thumbnail shows

Hisballah fighter Brigades showing the Hitler Gruss. Assada Syrian Secret Service was build by SS men post WW2 and the arch rival Iran was hit by a Western Secret Service lead Coupe d'etate in the 60ies installing that very enemy, which I tell you is gone by now.
What if not Mossad, but the Moslem and thereby Anti-Nazi, who perfectly fits the description and definition of The Unbeliever if someone just read it onself, are self-cleaning the Lebanon to eliminate also all double agents, traitors and corrupt turning a homogeneous Lebanese pretty much Crusader or Mujahedin like force of believers, while Israel remains full of conflict and corruption?

If you scale up

saturation and contrast, have her have afterwards a drink in a bar with neon lights and have not only a military laboratory secured by human targets, but them both secured by armed guards that do get under fire... it is a Cyberpunk Dystopia, innit? 
The Kingdom of Hell 

Creating a Gare Secure in a Dark Zone

You turn this 
Into that

With landscaping machines. About. 

In this Cyberpunk World that turns Central Europe into an Underground War Zone life will go on, but quite insecure. 
Dark Zones will secure by boredom, if they stay hidden or defend themselves against sadist assholes.

Buying one of the farms will get you past system collapse the empty all others free of cash, but for a lot of work. 

Hiding is by blocking the side road off the main road to the village. A different sign indicating a forest road will help. Road pot holes even more and a dirt pit is a dream, but stays a dream, as soon as you understand how these roads are build in terms of fundament.
Ideally as a dedicated Gare Secure is a village that requires two turns or more off the main road. 
It's junkies coming. Trigger happy next level assholes coming, If. 
Then, you use the existing outside walls and digg ponts, crate walls from mainly the digged soil and plant green covering plants especially with thorns turning the construction work into the activity against the securing boredom creating a paradise for rabbit, chicken, bee and vegetable gardening cultivation, officially.
It won't get that bad so.

Pattern Recognition

The chart in 08:27 has patterns. The red line has after every extreme up an even more extreme down, but by 1980 and 2000 two double extremes first time on the graph. 
That means that after an extrem up and down less likely moderate up and downs will come and more likely another set of extremes.
The black average indicates a general up tendency, but in a soft wave form l.
There is a mathematical certainty that the black line by more extreme double events of the red line will go steeper up.
If also the extremely stronger down parts of the significant double events flatten, than the effect causing the extreme up events succeeds against the balancing effects and thereby will increase the up tendency of both lines.
Soon, the red line will have more consecutive extreme events with less down extremes and the black line will loose it's wave valleys.
We are fucked, except you like extremely weather.

No it doesn't

just on photos due to the exposure time. 
I am such a show off? Well, a bus driver made me aware of them when I was in my sleeping bag behind his parking spot. 
Actually, they look like a wip when Zorro uses it, just on green and in the sky. 

There is no carpet on the eye, but a moving line. I guess it's made by God so we understand that it's always a matter of view, what is and that is no question. To be or not to be. 
Keep asking, stupid.

The Psychology of Having Made it

So, that fella is nice and easy. Most likely even disrespect by a cheeky skinny won't bother him, because the satisfaction and respect from his subcoltoure outweighs such anti-social attacks. 
Criticism by discussing side effects of the lifestyle are no attacks, comedy can be and mentioning a potentially small Penis at Wall Mart is. (it's the Testicals idiot, not the meat, so you know now what Babba did)
The problem routed in "without pain no gain" is that most won't prepare in Good Times for the Bad Times.
That form will go. Arnold Schwarzenegger is bigger as Joe Cuttler, because of what he did other than Bodybuilding, by having been constantly building up on those great times. He won't miss them, by having a happy Donkey as a pet now.
Mr Cuttler, arguably the bigger Bodybuilder, is also a Business Man in the Construction Industry to the best of my knowledge. So, we can all spend that evening out over Rips and Craft Beers bullshitting about their Bodybuilding status coming from levels of actually having no idea, but will fall short on comparing an Entrepreneur with an Actor and Politician. 
Organisations such as the main Bodybuilding once known and attracting Arnold, Joe and most importantly fucking Hulk Hogan and all of his Gang must be also platforms for real international networking for especially past that Prime Time.

What does Urban Furniture do?

Cities have centres. That's the busy zones creating high estate value by attracting a lot of attention. 
But cities have more centers. Business Centers are often even labeled on the maps, Housing Centers not that much. 
Adding investment to throse other centers creates no competition, but adds to the entire town and region. 
A Businesses Center is usually an Industrial or Office Estate with no housing therefore suitable to accommodate all venues creating street noise in the late evenings and nights. 
Hosing area centers have often only supermarket shops and could attract calm and easy going living on the street space sharing with cars the tarmac, because of way lower normal speeds.
This way City Centers are 24h busy areas in different noise and frequency levels, Business Centers catch the loud evening and night actions, while the Housing Centers offer the lazy Sunday afternoon activities, but all week long atleast in the busiest centers of human life.
Work hard, Party hard Manhatten, Sweet'n'Easy Queens'n'Brooklyn and Rocking Bronx inbetween. 
You'd have to by law unclose Secret Service Affiliation before voted into Public Office, so, or it will happen by superior gun fire capabilities. 
For each Sprayer and Dancer you ever just aimed at with your niners. Your ACPs. 

Philly, you invest into

South Philly Street Furniture and urban gardening projects and next time a National Guard Firefigter plane, loaded in stand by drops it all over them? 
#OGGIs #provos 

Like I am on my own

BKA, you have history, but I ain no Coke dealer, I am your last KZ inmate, but as militant as Pablo Escobar, but in mean.
His Mums,
Priest calling
#ticktack #provos #terroristganga 

And the important message

to all our recruits off the direct militant confrontation: They are single and that's those hitting them prior to joining enemy Services. 
#provos #foxdevisions 

Boom Town Cologne!

Imagine you get targeted assassinations like in Bogota ontop, German Authority! 

#ticktack #bloodorcash #credcollection #terroristgangs Vs #naziracketeeringnations 

Fancy an online shop critique?

Dude, I am the guy that ordered online a pack of clothes from those clothing online consultant shops hyped back then to get an idea of German appropriate Business Casual, deciding to stick to the International Version, and kept the too long belts to walk over to a mate who had still that belt hole clipping tool. 
And the wardens of that BKA covered Virtual KZ that was helpful cover against some bomb and bank run investigations, but they had build to exploit me, managed to put me into an Online Marketing course about building online shop toy find me do every single homework about a Religious Kitsh Shop focusing and Christian Kitsh and Jewish Kitsch and Moslem Kitsh. 
Like Jesus with an illumine heart, LEDs included, a Rabbi puppet to kuddle and a Derwish Action Figure I would have needed a 3D printer for. 
Dude, who fucks whom here,  you needy greedy anal bitch, all oiled up, BKA????
#ironcladthegoblin #provos

Nine, ninty nine each. And that's not a lot of money!  Now you! 

So, what you do with fans like that?

You see that beach? 
What would a performing artist do at a beach location to surprise them, is a question only drugged fakes can ask looking for fame in need of humans praying at them. 

You show the personal side off all cams and on stage performance and have Dinner with them to tell some anecdotes next to your Guitar enjoying a moment forgetting all trouble of all, exactly what the Arts are for. 

We will kill you CIA. All of you and your BKA, BND, Mossad and Thug buddies in the next decades by The Kingdom of Hell for every Hippie you murdered.
This is the hardcore version of the House of Pain. 

#terroristgangs #provos #WW3stayscold 

CIA, do you honestly think

since Jimy Hendrix and Hells Angels with SS symbols declaring Angel Dust and Smack as the source of creativity no one ever wondered who made Michael and 2Pacs lyrics? 
What if not one word is mentioned in any trail against the MTV Crews about your Artefact Devison and the Popps or other Confed or Heim ins Reich Clans?
How long will you make it on our turff coming over you?
#deathbeforedishonour #nosacreficetohighnomissiontodifficult 

I assume that's no self-tanner

but the "light skinned niggahh" type Diddi never got hold of. 
Imagine that, that's your actual fans and than you go for a self-tanner orgie of willfary household slaves, have idiot pics to be all around and the Homeland Security is not the worst prolem.
But at fucking all. How bad can an arrogant idiot Gang mess up? Remember Circis and a few Greeks? "It's just 300"
"Ey deeeeedeeee. U noh. Mah cousins neighbour Juan haaaaaad a school friend.
She said u noh hea. She is on crack all th tyme, but u a eh mothafukka jeah?  Do u rememba little Lisa?"
And then try to ask how she looked like, despite the Facebook hot friend of friend reletion level, ignoring the crack part of the Ghetto perfect description.
We?  A headshot 20 years past conviction after his first deep breath in retirement freedom. 
#provos #wetoldyou 

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Steve, Ellen, I hope you

understand that your ego tripping, self centering maniac, but success guarantee strategy of marketing is about to get out of hand. 
Do you know what he does? 
Drop fucking ship ping 
DO SOMETHING! Soon they drop ship fucking milk and canned tuna!!!

How bad is it?

Does she have a Penis?
Or has had one... 

Some might wonder if

I was into contests where everybody on ranks would stare at me. 
Maybe, we get there, forward into the past.

Connecting dots is sometimes weired

So, it said for years that doping in Amateur Sports like regional soccer leagues turned a problem. 
Now look at that Devision level of Big Boys.
Football, right? 
Love of the Germans, until someone gives them gear that makes everyone go ballistic with iron... 

That rights comes with duties thing

is that all good will understand and enjoy their duties coming with their rights, naturally and all bad slip them as the very first action.
#2ndworldwide #fromtheirdeadcoldfingers 

Is this before a potential Climate Jump

and at which points was the forecast model still correct? 
He said that the models predicted incorrectly widespread certain high temperatures that occured than only in certain regions. 
But what does define them? 
When the Max Headroom of Weather Science sais in the Alps on lower altitudes that might happen, than I only know that the Alps also have more different micro-clmates defined by Valley's positioning and winds relative to it.
If my theory is right and a new form of Storm for Europe is building existence than the comment on low, warm and humid winds would support that. 
The cold overlay winds might than create a large stretch of electrostatic fields that will cause thunder and lighting, I also mentioned as possible if the climate change turns mother earth into a green and blue tiny Gas Giant, which is an Astrophysical type of Planet, almost.
I can't be all that doomed, so what if the 18th of October is the first extreme wide thunder and lightning field with the model temperatures at only the layer causing the electrostatic field? 
That's gonna be an exiting waiting time and I am such an asshole smiling about it as I type almost dropping my mobile... 
And where was those models off worst? 

Would you believe that

when Rocker Scouts tried to recruit me off the Germans also skating mistaken my German for stupidity that they told me that selling "stuff" would make me money to afford more skate stuff and it was so good they all would want more of it?
My face, not for them at that moment I stood up turning out to be a Weed guy one head taller they haven't had in their Arch Type draws.
PS: No you idiots. I had killed in self-defence German Soldiers and CIA MP, was the skaterboy "Jax" had is pile a cash form and I just walked off squeezing myself passed him repeating silently that I've heard that and he therefore must have said that as a ligit argument. Fucking Hell. 

Germanisation by infringement

The right to bear arms may not be infringed... 
...does not mean you may scare someone with your arm. 
Therefore any law about guns is no infringement, is of the German School of Law. The one that build legally KZs and publishes school history books that Gdanzk was founded by Germans until today.

The right to bear arms comes with duties, as every right, but all laws are limiting the right to own and have arms created by the constant low level gun discussion and do not define duties such secure storage, training and safety, each directly infringes the right to bear arms by defining which to have and own in general terms. 
This is not the American School of Law based on the founding Fathers, that is directly deriving from an underground war that also founded the CIA, created the Vietnam War Draft or declared Rap music Black music by breaking the law of all men being equal yet manifestating a race theory by media repetition.

Get it? 

#WW4 #gangwars 

I give you an example, obviously of my kind. 
I turned legal US citizen. I go on a boys night out hitting the Pub and I will get drunk. Most likely piss drunk. I won't abuse my rights and carry my big ass all black 1811 ACP without a magazine loaded and have safety on and no bullet chamberd. The three mags are in my belt holster next to the gun.
You don't touch my gun and I won't drink enough that you can. I also can't accidentaly fire the gun. Loading the mag just won't happen as soon as alcohol turned me stupid enough, but I will point my gun and mags to the Concerned Citizen all sober protecting that countryside fuel station on Saturday late night by pointing at it lifting my baggy hoody while taking cover behind someones car. 
Let me be a Hero, not stuck

Big Boy & Contracts

We both know that even every natty is on gear pretty much illegal in most parts of the world.
You don't know that, if you acted based on a legal US American contract the USA cannot extradite you even so you don't even have a Green Card, but only a business relationship to a US American body legal in the USA. 
Obviously, a contract on distributing illegal substances itself is a crime, but not a coaching contract that clearly defines the surveillance and control to limit negative health impact for a socialy accepted act organised by a legally operating enterprise, such as The IFBB. 

And all I

see is this..

And what really makes you rich?

The short answer is: Credit 
This is because our monetary system is based on money based on interest rates and that is called Credit. 
The long answer is that you don't wanna be rich, but possibly wealthy. Rich is a term put into relation in the Bible as a state that excludes from getting into Heaven while the wealthy Samaritan is a Saint, which is kinda the VIP ticket to Heaven. 
Beside religious faith there is a philosophy in this difference that reflects a mind set difference between, in an extreme example, the rich Clan of The Porsche Family founded in terms of finances by Ferdinand Porsche taking an active role in the Holocaust on its lowest points, in opposite to the Swabian Fugger that were arguably the wealthiest Clan in human history on this side of the planet by even building entire town quarter for those working for them.
Both are in possetion of a lot of financial assets, but only one is for a good reason.
Today, even single human on the Forbs list has an outstanding Credit rating able to spend millions with a call to a bank creating even more money in the system. Jeff Bezoz won't have sold one share of Amazon to finance any of his Superyachts, but instead managed to increase the amount of money by the price of them plus interest rate, if he manges to pay of his obligation to his bank. 
The Fugger needed to actualy digg Gold or buy Gold or Silver by organising digging, trade and production in order to create more money and they had their own currency instead of Jeff. 
And I am not sure if someone with a Harvard degree really understands... 

What would be the most awkward

uncomfortable, terrifying and intimidating place for receiving a business on how to get rich from another man be?
Good news is there is YouTube and you can't scratch your balls infront of that motherfucker!

Dude, there is a chance

that actually nobody asked him and he even did not realise that nobody asked him, even so his statement would be quite relevant having most likely hired a good set of the layed off employees.
Google "Stillschweigende Zustimmung" and understand this weired concept of contract law than has reached another level of Strange Germans.

So, the concept basically means, he can't say no if no-one asks, but is most of the time a bad explanation of the obvious duty of contract partners to act in each others interest. 
The German definition according to their School of Law is that a contract is a mutal declaration of will and not that a contract is a framework setting rules of an agreement to do business.
The latter includes that contracts are limited in their topics, such as a signed paper to kill another human or work for free without any compensation is no contract, because that is no busness even so a mutual declaration of will. Two that want to end a life and two that want to be in a relationship have a mutual will finding a partner, but not in any business relationship.
Business is always a form of transaction in equal gain and cannot be abusive, especially in the USA that fought against slavery in its Civil War and against exploitation in its War of Independence.
A Declaration of Will is therefore a concept that Germans, the higher the education, can not intellectualy differentiate from a contract. 
That paper there is not legally binding without a hearing, but also won't get you pretty much automatically into prison by any chance... 

Confeds, did you know

that offroad Pick-Up trucks can be build and sold in compared totally NOT cool, but at all?
#gfyCIA #trollnation 

I just found The Vampires

Sleeping in ultimate pitch darkness, interior designer show room clean flat in all luxurious designer branded items with very light white soft skin and sharp teeth 

What is there Silver Spike? 

The Punisher 

The Joker 

A Dubai Meglev

First of all, it needs to be a Meglev and it should be on pillars, because electro-magnetic railway is silent and the town is in need of shadow. Artificial, architectual shadow. 
The Moscow Subway was the first that build stations as Halls to meet in, the New York Subway was made only on getting to work pathways.
Dubai must have movement patterns of its citizens unknown to me and easily miscalculatable by locals all living in their own bubbles. 
That's why Town Development is an entire University Master course on its own. 
The Kingdom of Hell! 

That King will be so frustrated. The Chinese will tell him about High-Tech for the people he just hasn't as citizens in his Rich Men"s Ghetto next to 15000 Indians on a Business Trip, each annuly; The Westerners are morons of about three main Corporations and their product portfolio, Africa has really different problems than comfortable transportation of Designer Sneakers one can eat for a year in a restaurant for... and I have a poverty oath with all copy rights given away, but no proof to fight that.
Too bad! 

Mike Handsome, The Pinky Brain

To order home or not to order home? what is more environmentally beneficial? 

Walk there and bring your own plates. Wash those with a wet cloth at home after having walked back.

Until there this is a task to calculate in a Town Development Administration based on their citizens lifestyle in the given environment based on this equation:
How do I enable my citzens lifestyle to be eco friendly?
Dubai eats out to eat out and wants to be seen than. To all other times most will order home. 
In many small towns Daddy calls the take away and drives by, in opposite, while usually Mum is cooking with Dad.
That means that Dubai Administration has several options to support the hybrid lifestyle in a desert town with limited water and a lot of ACs such as:
Ethanol for the cars. Clean, easy access and modern posh Public Transport like a Meglev System with plenty of small stations working like a horizontal elevator using one tube for several lift boxes, which does exist or just really welcoming stations already part of the cat walk.
Either a well functioning trash recycling system turning the oil based Plastics and Styrofoam packaging materials nto a new industrial source material or reusable, recollectable packaging for food shops from oil, sand or earth source materials.
Each of that is a Dubai Administration Owned Company... potentialy...awaiting a copy cat to compete enableing Dubai Administration to stretch out its business over the entire supply chain from the initial oil to even human excrement.
Get it, TheGermans? 
I am a fucking Grimms' Fairytale Knight and you want to stop passing me off, about yesterday!

Fair! Sadly having to mention, in fair competition not on spikes in rain alone.

#noblessoblige #cyberpunkcoltoure 

Imagine Mossad

does remember.... 

I can't hold back

Nice... plop...
FDP... Fick den Pöbel 
AfD... Der Plebs 
Die Grünen... Pöbel&Plebs Der Blumen auf Scheisse züchtet 

That's an insider, brothers and readers. Show it to you liked German.
I know, I don't know and I understand, I don't understand, that laugh coming out there. 


War Lord? Me!

Well. A Go game is made of each stone a Chess Game and each figure is a Shadowrun Table Top Pen and Paper Game. 
So, we'll win. 

The Smart, the Intelligent, those of Wit!

I am officially paranoid Schizophrenic 

and someone is coming behind that curtain! 

The Middle East at War

This will prepare an IDF invasion into South Lebanon. More American troops might be the Christian Sectarian Military parts of the USA. 
We do not stop arguing and fighting because of the same clothing, Free Man we we segregate and separate some from some in even military units.
IDF will, and knows that, by entering the South Lebanon face a better equipped force than the one of Gaza, being so to say a different Cell of Militant Arabs.
Thus, will bind more troops in combat activity and attacks by Iraq and Iran launched Drones and ballistic missiles will increase. 
Saddam Hussein used rather large Scud Rockets attacking Israel and nobody ever checked in CIA where those left to, while focusing on the Iraqi Gold Treasure theft instead. 
We all got priorities. 
At some point the IDF will use Jets to attack launch sites in both Iraq and Iran to possibly then loose first Jets which will have a direct impact on the South Lebanon military campaign. 
As soon as, and not one dead man before, the Gaza or Westbank forces will another time molest Israelite civilians to death on a same level at which this war started, they will start to understand that they are loosing the Israelite main objective down to the Tel Aviv beach and then Airport.
As soon as they relocate to Paris and Frankfurt the hurrassment against the natives now called Algerians will increase and kill the Broche facing no sense de bonne humor, but la haine, pure et froid.
Who wins too often does not learn to loose. 
We all know how it will feel for you and you do well deserve having also this of all ours.
#TIE Here we fight! 

Literally trash that, it's no litter lit-ter-lie

We have that going since someone of you stole a book printing machine at about Kipplings time, right?
Let's keep going, it is hilariously funny! 

So, an all drugged mind in need of status and obeying lowers will even fight logic, to stumble over logic. 
Litter is trash, like pedophile is pederest and resistance the resilience and now I want to watch you settling a horse, or better Donkey. 


Lit them up, ter them apart, and let's write it letterly, because it means by the letter taken even so all of English say leetterly and you never use that anytime anyone does some by the word unneeded annoyingly or funnily, but as a synonymous of do, lie he did do that, I do do that, they do do that. 

Do you understand that

she is talking about things exactly as a Noble Woman, an Aristocratic Lady would do as both duty and right, as her Oblige or Obligation, and that this lead to the original European Aristocracy supporting Republicanism against both haveing fallen to the 7 Sinns of Death and Thugs on drugs?
The Germans, having being either thieves or unreliable farm workers payed daily never knowing if they turn up next day, started snoring the fertiliser and when doing the same with explosives decided to conquer the world being the Kings and Queens by proclamation.

That is litterly what happened!! 


They are all The King now

You don't understand that this bill is illegal and presenting it already, don't you? 
Ask Why!
#IRAmovement #noblessoblige 

I thought a Barrister

was into Coffee and obviously are in need of a dictionary. Also, I do not have a never changing, fixed singsang in pronunciation with some slips in wording. My spelling of Worshipping is bluntly wrong and so is my Grammar. 
I shell be as Kippling only be for,... actually not at all and most certainly for no German fucks incapable of ordering in bespoke a Burger in about 80% of all English, but in need of Order in and for All!!! AND EVVAA 
#stewarytothepeople #deathbeforedishonour

Underground Station Synagogue

Known for a good reputation as a solid businessman with a favor for the beautiful things in life an offer comes not to be rejected for a special place. 
On that course of building and creating the finest of all places for the most beautiful things the good business man unveils the secret of the building kept secret. 
The Temple of Lux was a House of Worshipping God by forgotten Jews. 
He picks the fight and pays his price and only he knows, as all in this war, if it was worth it the moment he dies, this he as all knew when joining the war. 
#TIE Here we fight! 

The War on Dirt - The House Hanover

That is a bit shady. First off all, we have to understand that this was ritualised rape and abuse by a Cult like organisation and it's members were well capable of being nice and pleasant in other situations and that this Al Fayed is dead and not found guilty by a judge. 
According to The Law of The Noble someone can be found guilty post mortem having an impact on his Family, Clan and House thereby Title and Position, but I can't tell if that is still in effect next to The Law of Common under House of Hanover rule.
Even so, Al Fayed was no Noble, having had no relevant inheritable title, his connections and relation to the main Aristocracy does demand, in my humble opinion, such investigation and trial, instead of making headline wordings for a news paper by a servant of justice.

Maybe you catch the difference now

So, someone with a Ski Mask robbs a fuel station. 
In Germany, the guy without an accent, because the Syrian or Black would just riot gone ballistic, does that on a Sunday evening in a Village. 
Sunday evening in a Village. 

You still don't get it or are you laughing already?
In America, the guy with fuck no matter the accent will need a gun, because the guy behind the counter quite certainly might have one and show it. Than, it won't matter, if it's 20 bugs or 2000, considering atleast the potential gun to be faced way before the legal system.
So why on God dams earth would anyone rob a fucking fuel station having plastic turn over in your face hiding the plastic flat bowl for putting the cash down most forgot that most still have on a Sunday evening in a Village?
How much do you expect on that... indicationg with fingers quotation marks..."Run", Chum?
Ah. Ah. Ahm? ? ? 
Is that crack or glue you're smoking? 

PS: Do you happen to know how many of my "Basketball Buddies"  got picked up by FBI or LAPD SWAT? Beside what not for!! 

#ifuckingfor #provos 

Their world is shattering

And at some point they might give up TheGerman for them. Like a US American that heard the Call of Duty to find out in the Vietnamese Jungle that both his fella Americans and locals are mistreated and that his relatives cheated him into a Frontline Officer position he gave up as soon as he decided to live against all his education, to be from there on a White Man Black Panther, they are about to drop what was them told German means, but without any other organisation around to catch them and their loyalty to good leaders.
They either become autocratic, independent, self-reflective, think or turn depressed suicidal on hard medication or alcohol. Another problem might he, but the dark humor helps, that they have no other higher aim to reach for, such as the always in time, task fulfilling, loyal to superiors and lawful German to guide through the Valley of Darkness in which they are the tempted weak, in which a brothers keeper protects them, only. 
Through that Valley is another Renessaince, but of humanity (Menschlichkeit), so much is certain. The mind set to get through is to keep the destination in mind, but watch close around and infront focusing on what you can see and understand to make step after step in order to reach the end of the Valley far far away loosing fear of darkness, gaining better sight and having learned to both fall and stand up again on that journey that is now the aim and thereby goal. 
The Kingdom of Hell 

Monday 23 September 2024

Not in Germany

they developed a knife problem instead, based on the Hammer Pain Relief Treatment. Hit another body part with a hammer hard and the initial pain is forgotten. The German Mind for the world. 

What about that Bibbi:

Israel!  Eretz Israel! Our war is not against the Jews, it is not against our Abrahamic Brothers. This war is against the Murderers of Itzak Rabin, against those that cover as Jews, against Germans and Nazis, against The Kaiser and his Israelits that put hate and separation into your living rooms and car radios. It is a war against lies, stolen symbols, meanings and false flags deviding all of us believing in that One God that is called many names: Jahwe and Allah. It is a Holy War for our unity in faith to God. Jews Join Our War!
Help us to drive out the hate and separation so we can warship and prise God together again in all of the Holy Land!!!

How does that sound and do your coalition partners collecting IDF moval removal letters like that? 

#crusaders #terroristgangs 

Cant you make them talk about the Egg or Chicken thing again, aka who was first? 
Than Israel as a nation will die to turn Republic! 

Death before dishoner! #TIE 

Wanna bully German Traffic Polizei?

but next level? 
You stop driving this, even their is realisticaly no need technicaly. The moment the Officer approaches you asking what this is and why it has no plates, or asks if "Fuck U System" was funny you tell him
"it's the Goblin and not one single part said ABE on it so what is your problem with those plates?" 

Critters and cooking?

Google Fermentation using keywords like Fermentation ; Cooking ; Baking ; Slow Cooking ; Meal Preparing ;

Ey, German Thugs

Does anyone know an Autist that slams doors heavily when the autism kicks in?
Would you pick up your toddler, he wants to leave Hells Kitchen being to close to the one in charge of the Stove for his own good. 

Done Mutating - Street Thugs Germans

If that is not CGI, than we might be able to witness the first Critters of mankind. 
Covid-19 changes mankind. The Alpha wave killed their elderly weak on longterm drug use called medication and the most loyal to the Real Demokratia suffer from Vaccination side effects while all of mankind mutates aggravating the primal DNA coding together with what they consumed and their lifestyle. 
Obviously, Rocker Bitchass Street Thugs about to loose their authority by Vaccine side effects make it through the mutation process. 
I wonder how badly they desire most drye age meat as raw as possible, while I drink table spoons of Monocreatine Hydrate in Milk... 
We soon will throw up on each other, if Werner Boy ain coming clean on some past Real Estate deals. 
#gangwars #collectingstreetcred #GHA Vs #OMG 
The Kingdom of Hell 

TheGermans - Fucking Hell Dude

Talking about your Peeee aka Urine is awkward. To another man, weird, but there are always next level uberaschung. 
Urine is either of no colour or yellow. The colour comes obviously from the excremented remainings of the digestion process and also create the smell. 
Yeah, you smell shit, tiny little shit hit your nose inside, and thats exactly why I am so incredibly fast in certain moments... 
Red is not necessarily because of blood, but can derive from the same digestion excrements as which turns poo liquid and creates a light brown colour. Watering that down gives you red. art lessions, you assaholes... Due to German toilet design I have had no other chance until about the 90ies. I swear, I checked in person all bathroom furniture stores and we have had a manufacturer here. No fucking chance. PLATE or nothing, they call it a "plate", these uncivilised fucking weirdo aliens! 

The landing drop zone there? And you can't squeeze back far enough. They though it through! Entirely... 
The Red in the Urine turning common must be from a changed digestion. By maybe a Virus infection?!? 

Imagine the Hong-Kong branche

of Interpol receives a digital file with all clear names of Polizei and their YouTube Channels as well as in Dubai used Credit Cards, but no hint where the money came from? 
Will they figure out or get bombed?? 
The Kingdom of Hell 

TheGermans - Commenting Decisions

No way that cat walk, but that hits copy cats walking all along.
Germans, do you honestly believe noone catches the strategy, at all?

He drops inbetween a

hardcore Nazi quote he must have picked up somewhere in his network called hierarchy. We loos some bodies of the people. 
On his level they swim along finding out to late that humans like me demand others to atleast stand down when it goes all too criminal. 
Cought along, hang along and we stick to it as you do to your ways. 
Somewhere towards the Hoecke fraction and old Nazi Clans operating within society and especially Secret Services they gave up once more on parts of the Germans and thereby most likely also some territories. 
The Dark Zones will get bigger, more and more Light Yells once will arise as they also exist in Franko hit Spain and Broche tyranised France yet way of Chauchescu Romania that still did not recover. 
The center of Demokrates has taken a hit and who manages to survive in a Dark Zone or Light Yell area will be Autokratik in most of his decisions.
There is no mass dying as I saw in my dreams, yet, and that means that the existing centers will get way more crowded and by the violence wave create more of a likelihood of mass violence by random triggeres in a society that has by its leaders on stage no plan what so ever to create growth again. 
Where ever business is stable and ideally savings have been created that last, having taken only a marginal hit, life will be harder and more worrisome, but they might make it through, if the street war hardened from the anti-social all drugged places don't make it to the than New Jews, yet not facing SS Totenkopf Tanks, but small armed KSK and SEK like units. Bad Shadowrunners looking for cash'n'blinbling.
So, who likes to kill assholes?? Who hears the call to Shadowhunt in Shadowrunns?
You'll have the turff, soon. The geographicaly most challenging battle ground, full of angry assholes, in all conflict, surrounded by stockpiled industrial products and even more factory build trash, a region Knom Phen would ask for Drum Mags. 
Partisanos, Freedom Fighters, when you wonder where the Bandits went - soon
the meanest prick on earth when hurt too hard. The Last Knight of The Francs Wulfs Rosecrusaders
#terroristgangs #WW4 Here we fight!! #TIE

Your Order for our Symbols. All has a Price, Tectonic Thievemurder Order. All!!!

That is the part in the Reality

of Democracy they ignored. Those witnessing can also scream instead of applauding. 
I told you. 
We told you.
now Them too???

Sunday 22 September 2024

What you think why the

German traffic safety body would mind that car?

Some parts miss the need sticker. 
Which makes me wonder.

You see that tiny plate? It's called a laser engraving machine. 
And somehow I know I won't laugh and just stare angry at the motherfucker going with his flashlight over the "artwork" to let me go despite being slightly confused. 

"All American Parts for international use the cella said. Am I free to go?"

#igotstuck #butiambroke 

I can't tell the difference between

Vietnamese, Chinese or Japanese coltoure honestly. No matter how much K-Pop I watch or like the Monkey King story, beside I do look for similarities, to the very opposite of my very surrounding.
But I always catch myself that I just feel more comfortable with English natives... and first time thought how obvious the difference actually is of All to The Germans. 

Diddy, I am not sure if you

understand how much dead meat you are...
#ghettokids #trollnation 

Imagine this BOY! You are a Black fella coming home from your FedEx shift, taking a well deserved seat on the sofa having kissed your fine wife good evening who is preparing food so the kids comke down and the moment you take a zip from that Bud Light Lemonade drink you have there, you realise there is no way around explaining your six years old son, while your 8 years old daughter telling by her smiling must have had some prior schooling from a consultant on the topic,  "What is kinky?"
To at the very same moment that Jorge will start his chatting in lunch break with: "What's coming next?" 

I think this Max Headroom of No T-Shirt

as a lifestyle shows quite well what everyone thinks here, including the opening face. He is overall neither the sharpest tool in the shed nor the Anvil you wanna constantly hammer with some hot iron... 

There is a foot in a sock

looking like a cartoon in this Vlog... 

No offence, but you have some bones missing there, I think. Mine has a bow where you have... air or nothing.


#igotstuckamongaliens .. help

Hisballah still operational

So, what ever really happened in Lebanon they are still firing ballistic rockets. 
Interestingly, some Drones closed in from Iraq, but did not make it. They must have went down in Jordan and nobody knows who launched them from within a nation that exists inbetween two rivers and otherwise is a dust desert. Baja Race Truck Turff?
Considering the current wars there will be also little satellite surveillance which is in a cloud free area without any woods and flat sand a major pain in the ass, if you ever again want to cross US boarder by an Airport with an official Air Carrier Lounch, McDonald's and someone asking what you came for. 
Jordan is home to many Palestinian Towns called refugee camps and the guys of Rabins peace partner Arafat live there. 
What ever happened. 
Furthermore, is there another distance weapon design around currently not used next to Rotor Drones and Ballistic Missiles, which would be a Cruise Missile. 
Such are jet planes, basically. 
The Iranian Drones Russians use are simpliest RC Plane designs and self-destructive. Only US Reaper Drones land back home and could be build way cheaper than Lockheed-Martin... 
If the wings turn Delta form and the thing is build by aluminium using a jet engine, prices may go up, because an RC Jet engine is 10 times more expensive, but that bitch also flys 30 times faster, if not supersonic.
If big Russian Missiles take off, do a turn and fly horizontaly there is no technical reason why the Lebanon builders or Iranians should not be able to achieve low passing missiles flying faster and below the Iron Dome which take off, do a turn and fly also horizontaly, than in a ballistic bow. 
On might wonder why they have not been used instead.
Still cheap once stocked? 

Love, Peace and Harmony is for the weak??

The Kingdom of Hell 

Why is that no surprise?

Finding a face-off of these two humongous phenomenons online. 
Dude,... can she atleast suck him off?

He is gay?

That's a sad day for TussyInc! 
#cyberpunkcoltoure #MODInc 

Cyberpunk Coltoure

Imagine Rambo way off steroids, but just hardcore motivated, and having rocket arrows to his American bow. 
He trained hyperactivly against sever anger management issues triggered by unhealable and cultivated stupid ignoreance by the him surrounding sociologic environment and shoots arrows that have a rocket propellant selfigniting after being shot off. 
Does that make sense to you or do you possibly just understand simplified English?! 

Peacock Sarcasm?

Like Self-ironic posers? You will not believe here 
#cyberpunkcoltoure #youneverwalkalone 

Copy Cats?

There is a chance this was a planned murder attempt of "a hero".
A man talks himself into rage to seak a, or several heros standing up for others. Even full of rage, as it appears, he manages to conceal pull and corneal hold a leathel weapon using it in a life threatening manner by surprise.
The "hero" was in a enraged state of mind and therefore did not see the dangours obstacle at any point until used to punish or revenge another for his heroism. 
That is a first degree attempt of murder and aggrevation of acting unconstitutional avoiding the duties resulting from the 2nd Amendment, such as standing up with a threat of violence against tyrannical behaviour of any form.
The man already named a constitutional right abusivly and most likely intended to break more parts of the consultational order of civil acts and behaviour in public knowinlgy and planned. That is Homeland Security investigation duty.

I can't help myself

to see this world through a Dark-Future Sci-Fi lense. That's Ghouls, dam boy.

And while they are extending

their how they smell to impress game I got back into cleanest cuts to shave around my short beart.
So what we do...
To live seperate and segregated independently from German tyranny... 
Interpreted from rolemodel IRA Commander 

#paramilitary #provos #terroristgangs