This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Tate on the Misses
Other things money can't buy?
Having trained not to lough and using that skill the right moment. Such has having that GeStaPo agent buddy on the gay side of their business and dropping when in a crowed, that teaches you being a lesser being than the Berlin Clubber Crowed their way, entering his Berlin Mitte flat looking at that Hercules sculpture sized rubber Penis on the floor, easily mistaken for a lamp, while pointing at it and staring at him: "Realy, Ali?"
I never understood
So, BKA. Would you check Tom of Hells Angels and tell him I am bit short on cash these days as I am sure you quite for well know about his Copy Right enterprise business; Or do you want to stop patrouling the streets out of fear getting killed? What you think, Nazis? Still all a joke or a bitter truth?
So what you do when you figure
What is more powerful
The reason for
this song and the line about the bottle is this conversation on the Sun a Tate has, but I still refuse to ever give...
BKA and Toxic Gangs, only because the Germans will not have a Day X does not mean you are safe keeping on going....I studied you and your style of crime for a reason in all silence. To kill you one day.
Greed and Jelousy justifies getting killed.
The poor men's bike place
The hidden potential among TheGermans
Did you ever wonder who
The strange German mindset
And BKA all privatley?
Well, what you think how badly these guys anciesters hate these guys that somehow made it to Europe? Mmh..
PS: There is no Eldorado, sooner of later they either destroy their loot or sell it for drugs and alcohol.
Imagine the Shepard's dog
if you would have been nicer, your would not have to miss out on me bying cocky when I clear the neighbourhood from your kind. Seriously, no Bad Boy nomore. Only IronClad.
Germany doubled growth
Monday, 29 April 2024
The Second Plague and Occult Medicine
and they even started with Aderlass again. Bloodletting is occult and derives from a certain and mean form or thievemurderers hunted as witchers. Beside a blunt object or a blade gaining someones trust is an effective way to steel. Doctors are trusted and taking out blood from a body makes the human weaker. In the Dark Midages books were as valuable as Gold and rare. Something that changed during the Renessaince. Knowledge is power and as much as there were highly educated humans sufficient in even several languages there was also a lot of humans with no access to any teacher, school or book.
The worst form of Bloodletting is blood doping in which blood is taken of the body, put in the fridge and as soon as the body recreated the blood added again as additional blood, but this way also increasing the preassure in the bodies blood cycle. Apperantly, this way the body has more energy, but more often a vene cracks into a deadly hemothome as soon as the puls risis.
Did you ever hesitate on Cryptotransfers
Did you ever had a toxic G
in a stage in which he offers to fuck you mum? Well, keep going by telling him that she was 68 and a heavy smoker so therefore you just cannot imainge she'd appreciate the offer, but you have a handicaped persons home close by and if he stands for it, you could hook him up?
Watch Generation Kill, please.
PS: BKA does not even come into my face anymore and I am bit disapointed here.
Imagine you dropped
a message to your national all corrupt law enforcement agency on an Amok. if they keep going to then be finally able to say out loud all that stuff you swollowed for years while they surveille you, knowing how badly they hate that Musquetier big mouthing humour....
Things money just can't buy.
Hard on with the wind, this is our storm! Provos... #gfyfashists
The whole point is
German G Rap payes first interests
So you think my Crew and me
Sunday, 28 April 2024
After two world wars
caused by the Germans and a Cold War caused by their allies, this is gone in Europe and America. But that was honestly just bussy playing Go world wide preparing for this time we called the Storm. You are isolated Nazis and got stuck above us. No need to surrender this time.
After dropping your tiers laughing you are about to swollow your own blood
The little chance
When I am done
with the Germans and that snake is back with daddy, the Devil.
I'll be about two meter in height so....
The only thing
And mum said
Live and let live, but I watched to the PitBull my best friend who I know did kill rats to live and when they screamed ANGRIFF I knew what I had to do turning no child no more by a bore kill and they took me away having some more to die.....those living a lie in a Dark Country... before I could tell her that pubs said we live better if the let the PitBulls kill the rats so they make no nests in our best nest so far and that's why I turned so hardcore for those living to live looking for mealike that like those get killed that kill having always a spot on
The Bloody Path of God
Rich Western Wankers
why do you start looking for answers only when it is too late instead of not having fucked around with some nice and bigger creature to begin with?
You are fucked, mate. Properly fucked.
Ey Pink Panther
either it was me or they can use them.
PS I do mind that Megan stunt and will pull you of it next time to kill you and your bodyguards, you little jelous fuck. It'll be funny, except to the one it happnes to. You know the concept, I am just also better in that one....
So, did you ever
Which is for the very same reason....like we let Nazis take the name of the Wulf.
I can't stop being a KnowItAll
And may I own a gun to begin with, please????
They start again
The people that murdered everyone looking just slightly different to get a nation of its own has 40% forigne criminals and therefore 10 times more criminals than among the children of those that made clear you gotta be a tough motherfucker to be here different.
So, the others toughend up and they obviously complain.
Life's a bitch, innit?
PS: I fucking hate you. It is still no vilage I am from, assholes.
Saturday, 27 April 2024
if any of your Officers approaches me aggressive with a hand on the gun like that motherfucker, I kill him. Come clean and regret your sinns before its too late.
Ey yo niggers
That Chinese and Ants thing officially ain no racism anymore or ain that no Chinese people there. Like everybody knows what they are doing and that's Chaos man. I am in a white hood and I am telling you that is the defenition of Chaos.
Do you know how old the legend
of the Assassinen is? Weed smoking killers protecting the good and innocent from somewhere around Jerusalem. Imagine the only conspiracy is based on Gods given free will of humans.
Good or Bad
For or Against
Kill or Murder
and something like that ain that much Hollywood at all.
Who regrets will be forgiven as late as at the cross.
The parabel of the master warrior.
It is about the Centurio that hit with a spear into Jesus body straight into his heart while being responsible for his execution. He was from way further east where he had studied all the martial arts and all war strategies becoming the master of masters facing no opponent anymore.
Siting in his garden he called god and asked for a worthy opponent and god sent him on a journey way west into an empire only known by tales as he did not want to be a gardener. He'd join the ranks of the army of that empire and fought many battles until a man leading a squad so highly trainend and motivated that during the arrest of their leader one of them cut off with one swift stroke an ear of the arrest squat carefully selected from the rows of the very best. They took only him and let the others stride, as he gave command to surrender and not to fight.
This man was a conspirator that undermined the authority of the empire the Centurio was loyal to. He told everyone and everybody everywhere that love was stronger than hate, to not fear, but love.
The Centurio who had broken entire nations, armies and the strongest of all men considered him to be the master opponent he was looking for now sacrificing his live to keep his squat alive, while the warrior of the east had sacrificed entire legions and never had any mercy for his enemies. The Centurio broke every men he got up against. Being captured, surviving the battle ground he broke them all being a master of torture and demonstrator of violence.
Until him.
After the preacher from Nazareth was taken down from the cross he contemplated and asked God why this man did not kill him, because someone able to take so much pain well must have been able to take him on and down.
And god replied: "It was not up for him to kill, you are up to kill." The Centurio turned sad and asked god to give him a second chance to do good over bad understanding that he killed good.
God send him the Devil and the Devil turned him into his Centurio to hunt, fight and torture those that decided bad over good, because he was the master of masters of war. With him the message of love being stronger as hate spread through the Legions, with him the woman enslaved by Pontius Pilatus and in love with the preacher went away to an island out of reach, from this day on doing bad to the bad is good, from this day on there is another option:
Walking with the Devil on the bloody path of God.
Provos Centurion rank origin.
Do you understand
Genetic Code of the Neandertalensis
is still present in our DNA. We also can activate them. Those that did, also don't understand that that was stupid for the very same reasons.
I also won't try to explaine that degeneration is the opposite of mutation, but maybe that helps on power
It is better
to be an honest man around all liers, than a lier among those that mean what they say. Like Knights and Gardens, this applies to Bandits and Thugs.
Do you understand Partisanos Clandestino?
It is better to be a man in arms fighting for others as a terrorist among selfish merceneries, than a selfish mercenary army facing a terrotist with friends all around, BKA.
Come clean before I lock the bloody path of your regret. Who was ordering the campaigne against me? His head or all your heads.
TheGerman Sandbox Turff Wars
The first thing you wonder getting in to bikes
as a boy, is if they drive as the brand names sound. Turns out they do. Like add the gear box clicking sound to KawaSACKi or the fly off high turns in HonDAAAAAAAA, but also the sound of HArLEY DaviDSON in a wet turn with a bit too much torque when shifting.
Do you know what I mean?
PS: Do you get that insider? BMW like Umfahren.
Jim & Joe
So, why are the Germans so mad at you
and that's just my little uncool brother.
#gfyTheGermans #TheGoblinInMe
I just roll over and let me scratch....
Do animals speak?
Not in the meaning of a language with grammer and words, but by transporting emotions through sounds. That's why a cat sounds different if you steel the food or bring the food, yet is in both ways
PS: Now imagine some guys can hear the lady think Come here and the cats What, but naturally without a PsyOps drug cocktail. That would be a Witcher, right? And turning knight he'd be hunted by, whom?
What if
some junkies do drugs to do crimes and not do crimes to do drugs? What you think, German Law Enforcement, about your daily medications and actions?
#TheGermans Vs #Provos but just one of us
Ey fella Skaters
they need a robot for that. Try an Airfish like one from metal with a scooter engine and put the feet at the center of gravity Silver Surfer Downhill style. FIx the rudders and run the turns by a wired trigger to air skate.
The reality of outdated war strategies
TussyInc SWAT
you won't be able to cut out the punsh from media....when I go offline.
If you need a lession, get your SEK and come to die. I will retaliate what you did and like all others not discuss with you. I know you want. Come and dare....come....I will resist every arrest with leathel force: Last time I dropped on your website that I will go for an Amok, if you dont come clean and send the two motherfuckers home with their two more uniformed policemen. This again is the same level as the last drop. You will have to take action and I can feel that your steroid SEK officers lost touch to reality believing they stand a chance or that I won't come looking for these two BKA men, soon.
You all will die.
When you managed doorbell handing, BKA
I told you to do not mistake my kindness for weakness, because when you are unkind to me weak is not as what you will remember me.
Where will you be in the next five years?
Friday, 26 April 2024
Don't you mind the cold weather, Darling
Orient and Occident, Knights and Samurai
are different only in Ethics. Like Pandas and Wulfs. Both are the same in love, but....
Remember that frog
that carries a scorpion like that deep fake snowboarder vid from the Thrasher Mag brothers of Burton?
I think its time to tell you that I know you cannot swim, but hold your breath and walk on the ground, but....that ain no river, dude, nor the save other side. It is just a bigger animal I have a deal with.
In your ocian of lies.
If Russia wins this war
Can you meet
I honestly
wonder who dares the "miaoooo" thing to give em a hug and scratching. It is cats afterall.
Thursday, 25 April 2024
and them K-Pop potential Presidents
Ey you CIA motherfuckers
what ya think the accent comes from?`Erasmus half a year that Asian genious of a linguist, innit?
The Real Hell's Angels seeded excellence and you will leave office to have all children of missing in action and known deserteurs reestablished full US American citizenship with rights of becoming President as it is you that stolen their birthright, CIA traitors.
Ain no discussion. This is a prophecy. Srg. Maj. straight according to the job description.
The Provitional IRA does not work like that
TheGermans start dropping fairplay
Which American
understands the Rally potential in supercharged V8s? Keep running the Sumulator and get Forzza. I know this is the way!!!
Joe & Jim
Another one bits the dust
You never know when it will end
Jim & Joe
Joe & Jim
TheGermans and How I a turned a Know it All
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Where they go all lean
is pretty mean. Central Swiss all in eternal pose overdose of what gets them hard...stay away from there, we'll bed them as men, bot cannot get there soon.
Iran is creating Cell structures in South America
40% of Egypts GDP is of the Suez Channel?
So, what about Kairo's slum coltoure or the Green Belt project close by? Why is there no hovercraft passage next to the Channel and crossings to Saudi-Arabia at all? Do you understand what sand can be turned into using electricity?
The Huthi of the Carribean
TussyInc SWAT
1000 bugs per day in a PMC?
Ok, you fashion Gs serving Top G and TussyInc
Why did you not call yourselfs Chutzpa?
Like provocations as in creds is not obvious enough??? Duuude....
The Headmoney thing
A week later I told him that I was told to tell him 89kilos.
This is no Operation Barbarossa
I swapped sides by
TussyInc SWAT
Hello....ahm...Ola?...Do you speak english?....Grasiaas....Can you come quickly to here? Via Santa Maria 66 in Marbella? My husband first had a spasm and now his tung sticks out, he touched his heart and .... I said miao?...please...come quickly....if I also said that?...no where the Bugatti is parke??....Ok....5 minutes...Thank you, Senyoooor!
From Pills to Gas
An oath and what its worth
In the first minutes the white trash hero gives an oath on his mother that he was single, while she is watching in the VIP lounge.
Do you understand how often I got out of "You have to give an oath so I trust you" situation by staring them down in a world in which the word is no more but a pile of Bullshit, since fucking Kindergarden???
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
You shall fear God?
No. Obviously, noone saine would teach you to live all your life in fear of God, but to be a Gohd fering creet and only stupids would believe that someone realy into the Bible would mix up the Snake with Satans job describtion. But keep going...