Saturday, 30 December 2023

Their only option

if there was a mighty other people among us that lived from and not for the people a nuclear war was no option anymore, because they would be up for loot, and total destruction was only a bluff.
Loosing their power to humans with good character by fair trade and good competition is as bad as loosing their wealth to another thieve for them, but getting more in an ever more complex world is also getting more difficult.
In the Mid-Ages they used fake knight armour and badly copied signs like flags to trick themselves into a village or town or castle to then murder the local residents, but fake armour is also weaker, a fake symbol can be spotted and the villagers well can trap someone already ill and sick with no intention of a bath to do with them what the striding horde had in mind.
Today's weapons are ABCP. Atomic, which is also the nuclear arsenal, biologic which might be the origine of the Covid-19 epedemic considering that in Wuhan a Gain of Function lab was operating for the US government bodies, but well can be just realy dark humor of God, Chemical which was excessivly used by the Nazis and has still use by Anti-Riot Police in way softer means, and Propaganda which become the least sharp weapon by an all connected digital world.
Most conflicts are Atomic, Small Arms are an atomic weapon, because the proppellant of a gun is driving out a projectile by an atomic reaction called explosion. Nuclear reactions of atomic cores are one step too big for their intended purpose. 
Gas is difficult to control and six millions Jews being ported with suitcases in Sunday clothing to the required chambers all on photographicly documenting pictures made sure someone will have a way harder time to have any main group leave the cars behind over trains.
But, that Virus... Labs full of other Virus are an option for all those that understand that population growth, information spreading like Virus based on the same laws among humans and an ever more complex system of human interaction in a more and more conneting global world will end their rule by to many to control in a too difficult to understand world wide system. That's those that say Lagos, Jakarta, Bankok and even HongKong suffer from overpopulation and not lack better planning and coordination organising the life in the megacity and that will control every single one instead of predicting and understanding possible threats searching focused on defined parameters.
They also won't believe that Virus will make healthy humans in a save environment fitter for the environment especially without medication hindering the human bodysystem altering effect. Vaccine campaignes are only needed, because it is easier in our global system to get a set of needles to the poor than good food, clothes and a fine matress.
Currently, there is a change that all mutating Covid and a vaccination campaigne of a substance designed to alter cells given parallel to a classic vaccination campaigne created a mutation of the new substance vaccine and the classic vaccine. An unknwon new respiratory desease is spreading currently. Considering that a Virus in a Gain of Function lab is basically stored in a plastic box in a fridge and that your character and moral to hire into that job description of creating the B in ABC weapons of mass destruction is doubtful at best, it might not even need a Führer Order, which is as a matter of fact missing as a document, to create even a set of simultaniously spreading Virus creating ground for .... the worst version of a dystopia cyberpunk shadowrun society.

Brothers in faith, if Gangsters Paradise was hell of a fight, we now have to prove all about owning our stove with still an all nuclear arsenal all around.

PayDay is coming. System failure. No one is taken alive

may the best survive

A little lession on America and rewritting history

When looking for recaputring federal assets, Google returns results with headlines of Slavery in the United States, but there was never Slavery in the United States. Slavery existed only in the Confederate States which caused the American Civil War.
When looking at the wiki on the Confederate states two flags come up for that slave running nation of which one is still called the Rebell Flag and the United States had from 1770 to the bloody 1960s another and also different one.
Can you add the odds yourself, please?

I want order back!

So, you will have to die for your Anarchy, Ayrians, Germans, Klanmen what ever you name yourself these days. ORDER by ending your system!

The Storm is here

Imagine the Storm that just has started to shake this world is pretty much like that movie here. While a storm is piling up, getting bigger and bigger to turn into the biggest ever, some guys constantly also shooting themselves all trying to steel an old outwarn treasure based on a realy bad and shortsighted plan that never took the bigger system, the weather into account and some guys with a PhD and actual proper miliary education, everybody has laugh about, got stuck all inbetween.

You started, we just were trying to have good time and I and all like me had different things in mind to begin noone can run or hider anymore.

May the best survive.

The nice guy
Needed stupid
Manager typ'a'guy
I heard them.

We serve neither King nor Kaiser

 and the German right wing is about to take power. They are two wings. The lesbian consultant for the big buisness and the right wing guy for the rest. In his first few minutes the latter is making friends with all the fake locals that got their identeties by driving out the originals into the deep far East of Krima and beyond, by mentioning the 30 Years of War. 
This phrase shows how to read inbetween the lines to understand what realy happend:
Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg kämpfte er (Wallenstein) auf Seiten des Kaisers und der Katholischen Liga gegen die Protestantische Union. Ab 1625 war er zweimal Oberbefehlshaber. 1634 fiel er in Ungnade und wurde von kaisertreuen Offizieren ermordet.
It saist that a infamous General, TheGermans until today glorify in the tradition of Adolf Hitler creating his thousand years of legicy for Germay, was first fighting on side of the Emperor of what is called the Holy Roman Empire and its ally the Kathlig League to then be murdered by the Emperors officers...

I am sorry we did not get that looting piece of motherfucking shit earlier, in a time every fucking horseman on alcohl and way too many mushrooms that we said ain good at all was hiding in rat wholes and horse shit bunkers when ever avoiding Thieve Kinghts hunting Thieves and Juden Mörder murdering Jews, to fuck him up for wearing our uniforms to sneak into villages....and that we made the last treaty of that war with you at the rim of your swampland instead of burning it all down. But than; We had no Napalm.... continue with phrases such as that the German history had dark moments, but they also gave almost everything in philosphy, in music and science, still using the same old strategy of proclamation and false flag actions. 

Fuck You TheGermans. Do try again. You will get your race war with your Confeds and Buren all along. Be ready for the bloodshed. We won't do some msitakes again. Promised.

Iron Clad, The Goblin
Well up for another go.


PS: He for well knows the real history. I just wonder, if he knows that there are still some around that would drive a wooden stompf through his anus into his head and put him on display so the innocent feel saver again. Tradition is Tradition. You said....

Joe & Jim

Thees is aaa Airsofd gaaaame. Youuuu caaaaan node use bads,

TussyInc SWAT

That is too much. You have to stop at six
And giggle.
But that is too much
But that is too much.
Keep going.
Don't be shy.
Got ya.
Bingo. She looks so beautif...
....cushion in face...rapit fire...

The German perseption

I did not tell yet, because it is hard to believe. This is basically the Germans understanding of what happened in WW2.
The Germans in technological perfection and as elite soldiers were practically hit by a lucky shot from a Cowboy in uniform. Seriously.
They do not wan't to hear, as it is a lie for them, that anabole steroids combined with amphetamine, and on deadhead units also cocain and morphium, do not help at all to be in any respect cold blooded or calm. They refuse to understand.
That continous throughout the entire perception of their existance. The Marshallplan was a theoretic excurse in the media and no GI ever was put to build any housing, instead their Grandmothers missing their Grandfathers that in all innocence were enslaved in Russian Gulags builded barefooted in skirts all of Germany until about 1952 to welcome these so missunderstood heros back home in their thousand years old rightous soil and Japanese cars are only on a statistic reliable while Mercedes and BMW break down by being used as hardended cars for even tougher guys instead of old mens Avensis that are actually never even used realy as a car.
We have to stop not countering that and just staring at them....

German Street Simulator

Watch this to understand the Sims, if Polizei was Out Of Order or CLOSED until further notice. Here repsectivly the Frankfurt Hells Angels and how I developed my sarcastic dark humour. One of their mates did ask me in the 90ies about the GIs starting with "Hey, you are playing Basketball with the Americans. So tell me about them" and I said: "Its Streetball." and needed another five years to understand that the leather seat Audi was to impress me to just recently figure out they honestly did not understand the return threat when I said: "Look, dude, I just play Basketball with the GIs. Do you know who they are? Ranger and Green Berrets training for third world war. SO, I only play Streetball with Americans,OK?" The fuck up did not get it...and then these junky Nazis faced practically firing squats considering the given "balance" of forces.
PS: @BKA #3batch

And no, they do not understand that a headshot in real live started the fucking same way as in a social game, only that they be dead, they get.

20:19 Diggah, sag dem buller er soll näher kommen, knall ihn ab, knall seine crew ab, knall die geisel ab und dann nim den funk in der karre und sag: Wir kommen. und dann hinfahren, leichen rauswerfen und den rest von der gang wo Polizei drauf steht ab knallen...du G ja nur ein spiel oder?

Friday, 29 December 2023

Understanding TheGermans

I just had a Newtons Appel moment, after ignoring the Germans for the longest time or smoking incredible amounts of weed and otherwise getting piss drunk, if hanging out with them for longer. I even dropped the psychopharmaka they gave me to turn me into one of their own and therefore had to start studying them expecting a violant response against me rejecting their assimilation attempts.
When I watched this clip from 02:00 on I understood that Adolf Hitler, basically the father of modern German coltoure, considered Jesse Owens being faster as his Ayrians because of being closer to monkeys, because obviously his Ayrians cannot swing like a monkey and ignorant asshole every German is also gave a shit on the fact that neither colour matched nor that Mr Owens can swing like a Gibbon.
Anyway, I only know them with comperable reactions to what ever I do better tha Germans. Tragidy of my live is that I decided to become better in pretty much everything that is fun to annoy them....and thing is missing so..

PS: I am bit worried that they than started with some strange experiments in their Lebensborns, because until today a scary amount of Germans married couples looks like siblings and you know....that Gibbon can climb...would you check medical colleges and their DNA labs, please?? All...

Why Porsches

 have the stifest suspension, the largest wings and most developed aerodynamic kits, gigantic wide wheels and a supercomputer of electronic helpers? Because they are a bug to begin with and therefore need all help they can get. 

PS: Made In Germany.

Reasoning on Humor And Food

It must have been on a dinner table when an Englishmen told a German that they had no humor. Or was it an Enlgish Queen to a poor cousin?
Will we ever know?

TussyInc SWAT

So, Joe, how does it go?
Well, I can see you are stressed out. so how is The Office project doing?
Great. I am bussy pushing the cash around. The trick is to school the women infront of the clients at the right moment having them AGAIN in totally inapropriate business professinal dress looks while getting a perfect Machiatto onto the table. Sooooo, we have fourty mill in investements last month alone and all women that hit the parking lot at the very right moment made two million each on top in luxerious presents. One reached five, by the step mum strategy...
She did? They are worse than us, dude.
Oh yeah she's got two golfers on her leish now. Only one knows from the other, so.
And dropped some about golf resort party to some more of her friends. She might come up to you with some safe codes.
Great. Looking forward to meeting them. Bye, Joe and get some rest.
Fuck you Jim. Thanks.

The actual climate change lie

is that climate change is linear and not exponential. Therefore, all hobby climate change experts and especially those denying that global change, miss out on a few very important facts such as the impact of more water circulating faster through the eco-system.
The Germans had a silend laugh off the media about the British having wet feed every year, but ignored that ground water will also rise here, that more rain will also have more trouble streaming away creating floods and that most parts of Germany will be worse off than most parts of the British Islands.
All parts on this map that already have a very lot of ground water will have more ground water coming by more rainfall and therefore will turn flood areas.....

Basically, there is a good chance that the swamps that kept the Roman Slave Empire off our Barbarian turff full of woodland and lifestock come back soon. Will you leave than Germans? But where would you be welcome???

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Drug or Medication

The usual definition of da drug is an addictive substance and of medication that is from the doctor. That is a slightly bit off, IMHO. All drugs, and that is still true, do not cure, but only tacle the symptoms of the deases, illness or injury. Cocain shots make the mouth numb, but don't treat the bad teeth. Heroin knocks you out, but won't do the operation and Amphetamine make the fatigueness forgotten, but don't help the imune system to kill the virus. As soon as someone intends to abuse those effects of medication, that someone needs to get that substance as a drug from a Street Doc.

Medication instead, helps to support the human imunsystem to cure the body by creating new tissue, changing parts of the bodies cells or building different imune cells. Virus help us to become stronger, but also take out the weak from the human heard the harsh way. Actually, there is no Virus that kills his host, if, and that is a very big if, the host was healthy and has time to rest in a helpful environment. You can die even of a cold, if you hit the office over resting, by aggrevating the simple cold infection into a severe lung infection by over a few weeks not curing the infection and calling the ambulance too late. 
Cancer therapy based on imune system activation is most promising in cancer research and every good doctor will honestly tell you that Vitamine C, some fency gear from the pharmacy or a beer all help the same during the maximum two weeks you will stay at home with fever sweating and not give you Anti-Biotics on recepy wich will harm youre imunsystem making the next cold worse. They are against bad infectous accident wounds, not against some time at home in bed.

Unfortunatelly, drugs create a long term cash flow and greed is not defeated nore properly punished in this society. Greed is a sinn of death. If a pharma company created knowingly addicts to satisfy their greed there is no way the managers face capital punishement no matter what it sais on the bills taken: In God We Trust.

TussyInc SWAT

Ok., I get that hon, but we work the other way round. They first loose the cars and than dumb the girl, not they dump the girl and than loose the cars. That way it is kinda legal.
He embarresed my infront of all others.
By calling you a slut and bitch after he turned gay?
Well. You know. I understand you are faithful and got the looks for that one only, but that ain the world there, innit.
What do you mean.
Ok. We can of course strip him empty and no insurence pays to the dead, but in your world....aahhmm...
Ok hon...leaning back...Imagine next time he comes with all his cars and mates driving it in skinny kakies and trainers and shortly before, everybody found out that your Instagram profile gave ya a second carrier as the ultimate wet dream hotty porn star now all eyes on you nobody dareing to say, which is not needed due to the either aqward silence or the distant "oooh that's her", "dam shes haaat" gossipping, while you ask him how his boyfriend are riding his rides fine?
I am listening.
Ok. I pass you to Jim he'll break you in, if you click and than you give him a ride all on tape and the rest is a bit of social media marketing. One sec. JJJIIIIIIIMMM! SUTRA CLIENTS!!

Heaven and Hell

Did you ever consider the possibiliy that both are the only things, just like the existance of God, that are proofen, because you cannot disproof them, because you go there in a different existance after a trial in which you can nothing hide, neither good nor bad, of what happend in a prior world in which you have to be proofen guilty and death parts, because there past the trial eternety is one thing that does not add up, it just is for ever.

Joe & Jim

Yeah. Latinos. Homos locos.
You saying. Dam.
The guy she and her crew brought?
Exactly. Yeahsos. So Yeahsos was having a basic principlas debate when he heard the plan.
How did you deal with it?
I did not say single word, dude. I just prayed for him.
Oh wow. Magdalena Maria is all in..
And the whole team. She even asked already for follow up jobs.
Latinas, buono.
Siiiiiiii Muchacho.
...two minutes later....
Dude, It is not even MORAAALES.
Fuck me, you saying.

A top Rep of German Gs

is currently having his best time avoiding questioning for being too stupid to hide a gun he'll only has to add inches to his dick. Representing German Gs perfectly.
We already have in Europe on the same street level groups that will not have a gun except they know they will have to use it and if successfully the Secret Service will make sure that that success is hidden from public to avoid copy cats not encouraging others. 
Below, in the underground, knights like IRA members would with all eyes on them have a container ship ride to Boston, Bankok or up the Red River hiding from SAS hit squats for possibly ever. Those times might come back upon us being all into the last hegomonial war for a multipole world in liberty with and not from all others with that very old same enemy understanding for well his stakes.
On this street level usually those of The Weak took the big bag of cash or equivalent and lost it from someone that also has a badge. I well remember that white Merc and their reaction when I drove it into the station understanding I hit a jackpot in Paris, but being an all the same looking Clochard. Some turn cop, because crime is just easier. Others need a time off The Free World.
A second of thought and shaking the head would have been fine in almost all cases. The other side is not as quick killing as we are here when having an appropriate reason. They will try reasoning first, using bullshit arguments and leave, if the fear of failure wins over the greed triggered by something that is a main bill of potentially exponentially growing problems
Germans are new on that level. They do not understand that La Haine is a ducumentary and that Police is in most other parts of also Europe just the biggest gang in town. Provoke and choosing weapons principles are not getting into the head of an übermensch what so ever. Therefore they don't understand that we are seriously changing the game play being stuck in their mind set of manifestating based on a selection that is encouraging Autism disorders into the corrupt parts of service all build by SS men to their liking, while their local streets are run by willing helpers being victim to authorities based only on a batch instead of argument or capability.
The Hauptman of Köpenik is a famous German story that explains their attitude. Someone found a Uniform of a Prussian Captain and used it to comand a few soldiers to go with him to the town treasury of Köpenik to have them hand out the towns cash. They all complied and he got away with it.
Funyly, he is in Turky one of the toughest places of underground wars due to the cold war in which CIA supported Boskurt Heroin Smugglers against Turkish Military Intelligence, all under attack from PKK and their information networks, Saddams Guards being in the business against and with Iranians, while Mossad watching the spectacle against the Libanon parties and Turkish street crews challenging the authority of Buskurt and Police by Graffiti and Hip-Hop to join the army, if they lost that game avoiding a headshot due to a broken ego of a cocain head.
Welcome to our turff, masters. #provos You know which ticket you pulled...#ticktack

Who would have thought that Germany awaking was opening their eyes into a nightmare from their dreamland sleeping deep....well, I fucking told you. Yours, just the worst.

Jim & Joe

We have an issue.
And provoked a quite unexpected different heat.
Oh. The Ox all around.
No. All over. We have one beaten into hospital, uniforms crossing the line and fear
Mmh. A list?
The security system payed of. We have all back up CCTV footage and all pics. Just they did not dare calling.
Ok. Than we won't tell and have em all vanish?
No. Let's make a symbol. We bomb the station and headshot down the Oxes.
....getting into combat cloths...picking up the guns and RPG...taking the custom truck...hunting....

American MODs Vs Provos

If I may excuse my colleagues.
You wohking hee? I was wondering weah you hangout theese daays.
Well, kind of. My condolences and this is our catering menu. I suggest the snake of the table full menu being ready to be pick up....when did you say the funeral was?

Stuck in the wrong business....

...because of the client base? You don't mind the expected sentence? You like the profit range? You don't mind the arsenal, but using it? You know you will have to, because of the product and its attracting business partners throghout the entire product chain? You made Hell worse instead of running it?

Did you know that other channels of the industry do also accept risc commissions:

but have fun???

Tate rolling a lighter

 ...Tate's calling a dinner with friends a party...and while he cannot hide a slight fear of being considered weired and soft to weak coming from the societies twilight zone when showing aid for the poorest areas in Romania, he learned that to hide when offering a lighter to a woman. The soft side, the one that makes you score getting hard when you need to.
The whole secret to woman is as simple as the whole secret to men. We have protective alpha instincts and they motherly careing once on the instinct side getting comlicated from there on over time.
So, what would a three years old do in your body to get these model titties in all excitment? Sometimes a "Hey, how you are doing" is enough. It is womens choice after all and she stood next to you knowing who you are, therefore introducing is not required or is it? Playing cool is needed when protecting, but screwing around no matter where it leads, is about things she does not know yet...
Food packs in Rolly, realy? 7 hours ride... Bitch, please. So, about an agricultural area with a lack of investments in Romania, if you dare coming into Provos world you dont talk about doing better, fish.

Use Google translate Wertschöpfungskette as in Lighter, Party, Chicks, enlight Cigarette, Chat, Giggle


Joe & Jim

Hey Jim. So I got this connection from Paris to expand to Asia, right?
Yeah, that super hotty French Yakuzzi that was not impressed by me playing shy.
But rocked that Mining Manager guy to hell and its was a Yakukkazi with a Yakuzza in.
Exactly. So how did it go with Sinagpour?
Well, you know she did and I have bad news for you.
The contact is a gang of models...
Asian bombs that go full blond beached all curved.
Dude. I am serious. 
You are done bro!!!! cause I dropped it to Chin-Lee-Aoh when she mentioned she was at the hairdresser.
... .... ...
And she'll be coming along.

The German Hunter

here states that they have about 350 Wolfes in the region, but find no hunter to shoot them, because they are scared of militant Umwelschützer. An eco-terrorist mainly into bitching sessions and another group of TheGermans. Besically, the conflict partner needed to be German and truly German.
If you wonder how a physically handicaped man close to cancer therapie or at least dementia hunts, than guess what's the easiest way to shoot a wild life animal that is used to food spots set up by humans.
Exactly, you put food onto one spot for a week and wait close by hiding.
I assume they also qualify the bad Wolf that takes a farm animal by assumption based on exactly that hunter skills as inflagranty won't happen. He had to move and follow a trail which is just no happening no matter the pills.
Just, how do you wanna tell that that guy, please? HOW???

Maybe, if it was realy the Wolf and no dog or other animal that also consumes meat such as wild pork, would you mind work and bring a small gaim population back into the area such as rabbits? You guys said works frees...and than you chicken out first opportunity....all the time to be in trouble with another group of Germans?

Fuck You.

Don't read Mein Kampf

 ...but use hate against the haters and understand TheGermans by this blogg. Who else deserves it, please?

Do you understand that despite Biblical Judeo-Christian principles everybody had mercy and felt sorry for The Germans and their ignorant idotic arrogance even allowing them their own nation among others instead of giving them back of their own?

I grew up here and they keep letting me know every fucking single day...

When I see a scene in Generation Kill of a Mexican American GI joking about the friendly fire being from LAPD cops in military uniforms I can only smile knowing that the Germans will trick me into a shower to make me throw up to death for about 3 to 5 minutes. 
So, I guess I walk out there, beat the living shit out of a Polizei blondy and go for a shoot out the other day, to stop the bitching session going on here.

What you think StaatSSchutz? Are you ready for my game plan??

The tiny little part no one told TheGermans..

 ..about climate change, because they ain listening except on drug suggestions anyway, was that climate change increases the amount of water circulating in the atmosphere causing also rising sea levels, but way more way more rain, which will increas in all areas north of the Wasserkuppe the overall amount of water recreating the swamps that they were hiding in until industralisation created the need for more surface to cultivate the most important industrial raw material source plant known as hemp by creating channels that do need maintenance which requires constant repeated work, but no one did for them after murdering most of us.

Fuck You!

Herren Orden Covered Operations

This Polish politician stated that moslems would destroy European Coltoure, and I do wonder from which fucking rat hole that miserable piece of shit crawled up from to attack the core values of Europe as only the worst disgrace of the human race did before. As he'd never had a look at the numbers on his watch or house he denies that, as I just read, 770 A.D. a moslem named Amr ibn al-'As, digged a connection between Nile and Red Sea, which only makes sence to enable European-Asian trade without swopping boats, and keeps tellling that Europe grew by having babies with our own sisters; That we developed philosophy and fine arts by ignoring all the world being focused on ourself and our assholes while watching the shit we pressed out or our anus, while living within strict boarders being shot and controlled at, if crossed without permission of a wanker in uniform, in constant conflict with our neighbours looking to kill each other over the bigger Penis, instead of based on open trade and exchange with others.
I hate contemporary Europe for being unable to pull this asshole and insult to Europe and our coltoural heritage on his tie out of the public office he had a shit in to put a bullet through his inexistant brain ending his hopless and useless life of hate against what makes us human and European to finally take as spoon to go looking if there is a heart in is medication addicted impotent body of a chear farter. We are frozen towards authoreties that teach us only hate and mistrust instead of taking that lession right to them to wipe them out and of what we are and what makes us human and Europeans, as their fathers did with our Jews, Traveling People, Artists and Scientists and all that is good in Europe in our very Eye for Eye traditon. We do know how to fight wars, but forgot against whom. We know how to kill like no other region on this planet, but hesitate to extinguish those that try to take our very identity of Europeans using Arabic numbers, being the other endpoint of the Chinese silk road and loving heros like Robin Hood, but not spitting at every Adolf Hitler in furious hate and disgust.
We need their blood on our hands. We need to kill and drive them off this existance, if we want to progress again with the rest of the world and well have to understand that their mind set is on all parts of society like a deeply rooted cancer trying to turn us into narrow minded, by boarders segregated, in constant hate or fear living animals just like him.
Total War!!!

Go kill em all!

For humans like Amr ibn al-'As, build a new and worse Auschwitz up for these murderes pretending to be of us Europeans!

PS: But cold blooded and not like these idiots, please. We have a reputation.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

American MODInc Vs Provos

Ok. Tomy. Remember the bong in my room when we were skating? I GAD PICS!
You get the Sandwich anyway. Wanna come by the other day again?
Like sat? 
Like every sat, man.

The Lockheed Martin treason strategy

is telling bullshit stories to their mates in the Pentagon. 
This guy gives a scenario and admits that the F-16, already overpriced, is way better to fly with more flying capability than the F35, but does not mind to not tell that the F-16 should detect the rockets launched from a 100 miles away as there are no stealth rockets, or why they F-16 squadron has no ground or satellite or AWACS support. 
If receiver and sender of the radio waves are seperate, the deflecting form of stealth fighters do not impact the detection anymore. To do so a squadron from e.g. an Air Carrier needs to fly in a surveillance pattern coordinated with either ship based, satellite or air radar systems.
That needs social skills....Guess why CIA did not even try to invest in anything that would help soldiers being more social as much as they mind getting schooled by a super smart coloured racial skater Jew like me that is not even jewish...every single time they make a statement.
#MIB #gfyCIA
It is treason to charge way too much. It is patriotism to do things fixing missing wheel tanks in Mogahdishu by a tiny little false email address and a few phone calls that did not hurt anyone but saved lives, while overcharging stops investment in poor areas, defunds the justice system work, cuts down subsideries on public transport, you name it.

So, what you think is gonna happen when I start physical engeneering using my hard skills, because you stolen too much missing a concious?

I miss you...

 Americans....and there is no Placebo...


full on cocktail



Funny, if it does not happen to you.

The perfect storm gun

 is the AN-94, granted. 1800 rounds per minute by an assault rifle is the dream coming true for every storm tropper using ammo intense high preasure tactics. You want to practice speed reloading, because due to the heavy mass moving precise grouped shots ain happening certainly not in any quality distance past a sword blade. 

Spraying Vs Precision.

#muhahahaha Would you leave the MP5s and HKs at home, Germans, and listen one last time to the dicks of Delta, please.

PS: Is that realy someone hitting the peak of storm troop shooting? What you think, Jokers, Crazy.

Boss Aro

The Germans are turning honest and this is no concpiracy.

Aro, I will kill you, if I can, for all Jews murdered by your Kaisers greed. And if I may, slowley, even slower than Zyklon B did with those you pretend to be part of, Son of Landau hiding the longest time.

Let's get it on, you did not turn us into Bastards. We remember and for well understand to be cautios when you say "Ich habs doch nur gut gemeint". (with best inttentions) 

A son of the killers of Ritter Rintfleisch.

PS: I do know and remember how my Grandfather helping real Jews to get away felt when being called up by you. I know how it feels to be constantly asked, if I was a Jew for well knowing the only alternative is being an Anti-Semite. I do not know, if you told others Granddad was a Nazi or a Jew. I know you did not know our aristocratic knight system at all using brith names, war names, and being named by a master. I have to tell you, I do undersand what Racial Jew means and Granddad made clear I understand Mitläufergesetze and all of your character. This war is over when the last one of you is dead and a new Jewish comunity ports their Thora celebrating with all through our streets way past you. Pfählen prevered, along a memorial of holy extingtion of Germans and their kind.


Putin is single now and does focus on his job which is his dedication. He is the Russian President and the first of his kind. Stalin followed up Rasputin with Lenin inbetween. Gorbatshov made sure and settled when his time had come in perfect timing on Krimea that Stalinism will never come back even so watching the CIA run Jelzin for an predictable amount of time. 
Russia was always a centralstic state with St.Petersburg of the Aristocracy and Moskow of the Citizins and all country farmland inbetween. They keep watching east of the Ural mountains and glorify this as the real Russia, but it is like Americans and Cowboys on the great track West, or me and a castle.
The other two central states are France and Spain. 
France, because its people united against an abusive feudal aristocracy that fell back into mid-age abusive rule and Spain, because of the Moslems uniting the peninsula from the street of Gibraltar to the mountain range seperating to another language area as a third party uniting for prosperity.
The rest is as much mountain area as it was all independent regions, towns and valleys.
Only the native Swiss will do understand why being seperated and united in the same country does make a lot of sence to avoid conflict and forigne rule.
The rest reads falsificated history books about struggle and war, liberation wars that as such never happend, conflict were there was no conflict...while only one language knows as a saying, if two are fighting, the third is happy, wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der dritte, the better is the enemy of the good, der bessere ist der feind des guten, driving over and around is the very same word, umfahren, and a surprise comes from over the bushes, überaschung, über and böschung.
I do care who helps me as much as I do care who my enemy is. Just how we fight, the other calls. Nobless Oblige, but that of Lord Bishops unique to us in Europe.

Duel rules:
Provoke. The duel.
Choose. The weapons.
Set. The time and place and conditions.
Fight. Until death parts.

@BKA get ready to die by coming in unforms by or getting found also as civilans. 

As long all mine heritage is loot to the Germans...

and I am alive, I will collect more scares...

Iron Clad The Goblin

First main retreat of The West in Ukraine

this is not a signe of weakness. Don't be fooled. In classic wars, the Nazi collaborators send in the first the weakest among them. Until now only openly right wing extremists fought. That means that they send in only steroid and amphetamine addicted grenadiers, action crazy stupids and hardcore haters.
That retreat and giving up Marjinka, over holding industrial estates until the almost very end or flattening Bahkmut for no strategic reason, just means that the next offenisive will be lead by more intelligent forces. Their actual comandos are still in reserve.

Do you fency another front? I will appreciate some help against the same enemy: A Nazi System called The Free World.

#undergroundwars means that they will be bussy hunting with their most intelligent and capable forces instead of using them to comand attacks in a classic battleground. The West is full of emtpy regions giving space to hide, that can be even defended against small forces attacks, it has plenty of borrows with no hope being under Secret Service controlled gang threat with plenty of support for liberation or just some ease in the hardship life of hopeless poverty, corruption from mid class one that will do all for a bag of good counterfit in a system in which only the 500s are registered and plenty of duplicates strole through it with fivers and two hundreds hardly ever touching a bank counter yet cash is well appreciated on every shop counter, where all avoid yet follow uniforms.

Total War you said??? Realy....fuck me...

Why PsyOps is stupid...

..imagine you have that one few hundred meters on your way to work where there is no radio signal for your most favorite only listening to radio channel, and then there are stupid strange extra shows all for a sudden, while being under psycological attack already, and you have all for a sudden perfect crystal clear receive on those hundred meters, and yourself a short range car radio transmitter, because of the old OEM car continouse...looking down to the car cigarette lighter...into the mirror...listening to someone talking about you, but not talking about you....and some more days in some around you tell you you were thinking to be in a TV me....come on this is the tablet and my live ain no TV show me the TV show....I am in no TV show....IM walks off....what happend to the women I proposed you understand what is gonna happen, if she cannot come was one

Are you gonna cover up again with a legend?

Think....retreat or die...Iron Clad The Goblin....the tiny little thing you did not know about the nice always helpful guy...Staatsschuts West...Staatssicherheit East....SS...Vs...?...

Sure you wanna help me?

I cannot tell, if full media coverage kicked off by anything else but next years Amok is a good idea. TheGerman Secret Service has not dropped its GeStaPo attitude, just circumstances did. They were only able to pull off the Holocaust, because it was a World War going on. Before, the came as SA on trucks to shoot outs against the locals.

Until here, this is the first time I keep my music. I guess, they did understand that I am way worse than a few dead Feldjäger or managing to sneak away pretty much every time I want. This being said, they made clear that I will get nothing for it, therefore they will have some Cop funerals granted. Considering that they also do not have PsyOps retreat and therefore will try the mental hospital education method again, there will be quite some violance somewhen next year.

I cannot recoment reporting about me.

The channel is not that easy to find, the music needs good Hi-Fi disqualifing most HA clubs, and if you want to help me, I take crypto and the first money is coming in from streaming servces. Way not enough to make aliving, but there will be a time after cutting down Polizei as retaliation.

Can you find the barcodes ... for the party gag .... because ... Is that real here???

PS: You want to help others? They only steel music that can be pushed over FM radio frequences.
64kbps: FM radio. 96kbps: Near CD quality. 128kbps: DAB quality. 192kbps: CD quality.
Radio waves are used for wireless transmission of sound messages, or information, for communication, as well as for maritime and aircraft navigation. The information is imposed on the electromagnetic carrier wave as amplitude modulation (AM) or as frequency modulation (FM) or in digital form (pulse modulation). 
FM is shortwave, AM is longwave
Normally each FM channel is 200 kHz (0.2 MHz) wide, and can pass audio and subcarrier frequencies up to 100 kHz. Deviation is typically limited to 150 kHz total (±75 kHz) in order to prevent adjacent-channel interference on the band.
That's why e.g. classic music lovers will go to live concerts like this guy describing a common problem for classical music enthusiasts:
I was almost going to return them (headphones) as the sound was so piercing and bright, frequencies between 2khz and 20khz were emphasised by sometimes up to 20 decibels, at least that's how my ears perceived it, everyone is different. After fiddling around with the eq and running a few sine sweeps I realised that even my old headphones were eq'd on the bright side with a noticeable dip around 800hz-1.2khz
Metallica was made e.g. for countryside ghetto blasters used on camp fires...Böhse Onkelz for Otto cataloge onepiece radio systems used by fallen Nazi alcoholics when being piss drunk depressed, the Störkraft album is overdrive resistant on even the worst treated cheap PA equipment all with a target message. It ain that bad, go kill yourself, kill each other. Total War? ...

The Fame Game - The GeStaPos

The German Mafia, or better to most dangerous Crime Syndicate of TheGermans has a major weak spot and thats being Fame Whores.
Mafia is actually a form of restance group and the corrupt West does a lot to create both a false picture and parallel organisations of the Mafia. Only one people from the very beginning was build on forced assimilation and that is The Germans. The English, the other very mixed people from people living close together derive from a mutual decision until The House Hanover started rewriting history books in the time of The Germans rising to power and the Spanish hade been united by a common language.
There are different kind of criminals. Those that break bad laws are heros turning into Legends such as Zorro or Robin Hood and the most evil are turned into horror stories. The Devil punishes The Bad and Lord Dracula was ruthless in driving out the steeling and murdering from his mountains turning himself into a horror story even worse than Knight Thieves or Conquistadores.
Than, there are criminals that steel out of poverty to make a living. Some of them turn greedy others just have more joy in an all money society. Those always become more in unfair societies, especially when the rich have stolen themselves based on the system helping and protecting them.
Of course there are also the bad guys. Humans that decided to become criminals because they prevere to be bad over doing God's deed.
It is more important how you do than what you do, is the conclusion of these differences.
Today, all main publiqually known Crime Syndicates and Criminal Systems are until here as soon as hitting media attention controlled and supported by The Wests Secret Services to hit against the originals. From Crips'n'Bloods, Hell's Angels, Kosha Nostra, Cosa Nostra to French Conection and The Irish Mob only the hardest hitting organisations like Provitional IRA and ETA remained with at least some original statements in the media, like all attempts to turn the IRA into a Socialist Force in the publique mind failed.

The GeStaPo's weakest spot is their neurotic attention deficit syndrom. They cannot have no attention. They need to be in the focus of attention, but of all attention and they will do all and everything to be the best and biggest Peacock on the Island.

If you look at these shows, compare that to porn productions, check which are deep fakes and which are real documents, go ahead and search Instagram and even LinkedIn, which is all possible by electronic analytics and picture search using analytics software you will first find interesting cross genre hits and than many Rockers and Clanmen to understand who is suppost to become the next GeStaPo high ranking officers.

The only problem is that the current bosses did not take all parties into the equation being bussy in their conflict society in which even those few want way too much from actually plenty around. Germany is not a save harbour anymore from which the CIA can recruite the worst of the bad, while the battlegrouns are in the Brazilian Favelas, the South American Jungle, Central American Farms and Towns, Minority Borrows of the USA, Afgahnistan and Sahel Zone, Syria, Gaza, Capetown Townships, Belfast, Londenderry or side roads of Manchester, Saint-Denis and Marseille and back rooms in Marbeilla or Ibiza.
Germany is not save anymore, because your Guardian Angel lost too many grounds that gained liberty from your War on drugs, that never was a War Against Drugs, now coming for you....being the weakest and worst trained, yet with a main arrogant attitude of overestimating your capabilities.
The Worst of The Bad. TheGermans, The GeStaPos are not ready for the Storm created by a false boom and living against all others now facing a continously present Virus, economic system failures, a loosing classic ground war, unbeatable rivals on world dominance and....old old bills.

Who said to you about me, GeStaPos, that I was not the first, just the worst? Or better, who did not...

PS: I don wanna see you, now on my level, with a gun in your face avoiding answering the question, please. Maybe in a YouTube B-Movie....please....
..and no striker fired gun, so. Yeah. That's why. They hate softclose draws and me...US..actually...

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Humor Or TheGermans

I can't get rid of TheGermans, but keeping up some humor makes it bearable. I am sure they will call it a Bipolar Disorder considering the hardcore heavy medication they may ask you to take, but gou fuck yourselves, if you just could.
When I read about their history and Auschwitz in detail I decided that I would even on the ramp crack a joke.

I also sweard to not be walking to the execution spot. 

You will have to carry my dead body there, BKA....#ticktack

Jim & Joe

Joe? JOE?
Joe bisssy....the parrot....
...a day later...
Joe? JOE?
chuahhhaahahahahachuah...Charly the monkey...
....a week later....
Joe? JOE? Still bissy?
....two weeks later...
Who visited him....checking CCTV cams of the compound....
Ohhhh, Joe.... 
...a minute later... 
He should run out of food in his quarters in about another week and than he must hit the compounds ktichen.
....dropping a note at the fridge...

The Luxerious Items Industry

Congrats. This man turned a workshop for pimps and their Mercs into a luxerious brand like Rolex turned unprecise watches with gold paint into luxerious jewlery.
The last year was the most successful in their history and even so I did not check the big players LV to Gucci, I have not heard that Ferrari has any sales problems. 
This being said, the latest atempt of creating a new channel in the luxerious industry failed, when NFT failed. Such a pitty for someone that can handle MS Paint and a browser. I am born a looser....
The actual problem is that the economy and political situation are quite different, and even so I am in no way jelous, he should not have had that success, because it just means that spending remains high when investments should be even higher.
In general, during boom times savings need to be the top priority, because every boom is followed by a market correction, especially in this system. That means that in the last boom, the luxerious industry should have steadely grown, yet not excessivly, while long term stable investments should have excessivly grown to now strole back into those parts that created the boom, but stoped booming. Basically, instead of an all black super ride, the customers should now buy a super efficent colour doesn't matter tool and spend even longer times on improving all that runs good, while cutting down all that runs bad.
Those in charge are further heading into the pony land dream world that made movies such as La Haine happen to begin with and everyone believe that there is no way The Punisher series has any real base. 
Considering who is up for The Wests' remaining wealth, and the only last solid industry is exactly that luxerious industry, having most likely the better military arsenal and diplomatic ties, someone else might fall realy deep than me.
I was a homeless, and it was afterall the best time in my live. I shed no tear when I left Paris into a way more difficult live that now left an open bleeding wound that will need even more hardship to be turned into a scare. I was not happy, but got the best the Free World had for me. Like in the summer nights when I was all alone or in GI company skating in the ourskirts of town, I was satisified. I knew that in the Free World humans like me will face jelousy when they have too much success or show their happiness too much, because of the Holocoust profiteur society in The West every borrow that creates a fine community will face drug dealers and Police surpression creating GIs, I knew, I won't stay in a corporate world position just below manager for too long. But you gone to far and I told you that I will kill you all if you lay hands on my bit of happines, that was afterall only a shity compromise acknowleging your intentions and my needs.
Now, I have again PsyOps around, using subliminal messages to make me move out, become homeless again to again collect me into mental hospital, to again strip me off my music, to again make me repeat what they tell me....while you must have understood how mighty I am on a level you were kept away from by all players and this is just before I go violant.
This time it will be different. This time we won't talk, Germans. We fight....because I am done taking your judgement. You know take my punishment. You won't stay on this table. You choose to kill.
Live and let live or kill get and get killed


Jim & Joe

She scared him off. He was with his lads and now they are always running.
She turned competetive in the Gym.
I guess. I asked and she denies.
We have to get the mirror lession back into the training.
I work it out. They always look strange at us...
And never at them in the mirror when we dropped that.
I hate Hollywood
I hate Hollywood

Naval Warfare

Some things ain changing, yet some changed things. The sea will remain flat most of the time is one of them, but not hiding is no solution neither. Since ever, a fortress was better than a fleet, but noone builds forteresses anymore. The Bismark was sunk by a very manouverable airplane dropping a torpedo, wich is a diving weapon with a realy big warhead compared to e.g. a rocket.
Comunication within a fleet was always good until U-Boats came up lacking a spot for a guy with two tiny flags, but than from the right ancle they still can telegraphe by small light signals. Communication was enhanced and build up on ships, but only radio encrypted based, there is no fleet that can build a direct link laser beam system and certainly no ship that masters hitting a satellite with one during a storm.
Destroyers turned all rocket, even so artillery aiming systems using a computer guarantee perfect hits, fly in an ancle and therefore over obstacles, can be rather low cost mass produced and even be a combination of shell and rocket, while carrying more ammo.
Finally, some ships are stack piled with nuclear warheads and hitting them at the wrong position will turn this planet into an asteroid belt, pretty much as a since recently 24/7 over Arctica circulating bomber of the US Bomber Fleet just crashing down ripping the melting ice apart and this way creating a Tsunami we were told the Dynasors fell victim to.
The ants might not mind and collective intelligence could turn out better than big, fat and aggressive or individualistic intelligence for the ecosystem that still does not need us.

This being said, there is all in the arsenal to turn an important harbour into a fortress. 
The core is the existing maintenance yards, the docks with all buildings. The premissis has two sides only: One to the sea and one to the land. These sides have a surface, a subwater and an airspace space attacks can come from. They have access roads and paths on sea and land, in the air and therefore most likely attack paths that must have forward defence positions relative to the expected range of attack weapons used. You can circulate above the Arctic, but are out over Pearl Harbour?
Most, actually all, modern fleet harbours disable the actual function of the ships and no Pilot ever landed on his carrier while in dock, no canon ever fired from a Frigat or Destroyer while towed to a solid concrete structure.
Then, the Army never saw any ships next to them, only all around. No MRLS ever took station along a coast line to guard 60km of open sea to limit an attack path down to a narrow direct ancle offshore and no tank ever was used with an artillery system to shoot in an ancle increasing the range to rocket levels from e.g. a forward island and only in cyberpunk runs an oilplatform would be used to land an autoloading tank or howitzer battery creating the first line of defence that will start shooting hot barrels, if the low passing jets dropped their load and the enemy still comes forward against the home base as soon as being in range.

Joe & Jim

We have visitors in the area.
Yeah. Charly checked them already, the are fine.
No dominators.
....a week later...
Chucky asked for a Vest and Charly does not even want to go out.
Must be. Karl and Karletto are all up nodding and in pure stress.

Monday, 25 December 2023

Jim & Joe

...two days later...

Jim & Joe

Say that again. 
She said, if we can stop him from getting arrested.

Joe & Jim

Uugh. Did that hurt?
My Ego.

Jim & Joe

She is complaining about the Bently?
Yeah. She said she does not like a Bently to ride up next to the Rarri.
I give her the Humvee tour and explain the alternative plan.
The kidnapped by rouge mercenery one?
Sounds great. But she is out than.

A Yeti Vs A Goblin

This guy is the enemy in every Germans rising and world war scenario. He served in the German forces and put an oath on to protect a nation that was build in all key position by those that murdered humans like me by torturing them to death in factories for profit.
His training is based on taking ground in a war and the style of forward one man hidden position is one a SS man would have taken while the rest of his brigade rapes and murders a village close by to plunder them. 
The first thing that is different, is that he comes at night in a comouflage suite to take a fixed position he in no way can build during that night making me wonder at what time in a war the position was build. The observation point only overlooks a rather short distance with a road and he needs radio communication to pass on any information. Also only the position itself is hidden, but no path to and away from it.
A Partisan would only have appropriate clothing, arms and an additional cover looking for natural cover while always keeping an exit path clear being able to move when needed unseen, unheard and remaining unknown. 
Today these tactics are used by RECON soldiers, the actual very elite of the military throughout all branches, nobody knows about realy. 
A position like this in opposite, only makes sence when this is not your home area, because you would build a bunker or electronic surveillance system. It only makes sence, if you are limited in personal, do not intend to hold or keep the position for longer and therefore will move on yet await a possible enemy coming by looking for you.
Like a troop of soldiers looking, if any looting heards are striding through the area as they did for centuries, but now on trucks, automatic weapons and kanons possibly wearing fake uniforms....

Do you understand what realy happend in WW2?

death before dishonour

In that war Partisans were striding villagers that defended themselves against the Germans on their murder campaigen. Something the House Hanover did for centuries and that most likely triggered the Crusades, but this time on an industrial level. 
Partisans were hiding in quickly build nests, surrounded by in save distance watching guards, always on the jump to leave the place, if SS would come to finish the job by sneaking away or fighting out.
They would look for food in left empty and burned down villages, attack and defend against SS striding around to get more ammo and supplies or to just stay alive and hunt and fish in the back then still rich in wildlife great European woodlands. 
The Pols were saved by their woods and in towns by their social skills against a people believing in lies and conflict as base for a society always looking for their enemy: The Better.

Don't be a German, be a Partisan!

Their rat holes were spotted by light reflections, cigarette smoke, radio chatter and talking when coming closer being always build on the same design and spot qualification patterns with the always same paths and steps used.
It needs just good Strider abilities and a sharp blade than to get them either in their hole or on their crunchy crushy way...

IMHO, he did not build a surveillance or reconnaissance spot, but a fucking artillery position for a 105 six proper soldiers carry.

The Marine Basketball team, Bball is a no touch and strike game. Military insider jokes.

TussyInc SWAT

Why. He is 16 about to inherit it all from Dad, if I just push him a bit into a car accident being an underground Lambo racer.
Yeah Joe, but he is a soft little asshole from Monaco and that British party chick is gonna eat him up for breakfast like a side snack, with the legend we give her.
Joe, is there no mercy left in you?
So you like it?
Fucking hell I do. We code name it Le Machiatto.

TheGermans human hunting

 Such games or practice sessions have been quite popular in South Africa, among Klanmen and obviously among the Germans. 
Basically, one group tries to capture another group of humans, but without expecting fierce resistance. They don't hunt Partisans, but run aways only, and never past the boarder of their terretory or of their affiliates. 
That is in no way a Got Ya (Gotcha for MTV) session and certainly not in town with the Police as the fun stopper unit to be avoided on top of your mates up for marking you. This is actually super simple.
You figure out the fastest route to the location by planning. You walk along that route being always on the look out for the hunters that believe that, if you see them they see you...and hide already when you hear them or do an escape run interrupted by either reaching the point or finding a good hideout until the hunters pass by.
Dudes, fucking hell...We were in far away from Helmand Province as possible and noone told us why...

PS: As a Partisan you will choose a route that gives best spots for succesfull ambushes based on what you have. A sniper rifle, an assault rifle, a shotgun, a pistol, a revolver, a knife, a solid item, fists and legs.

Sparta is gone. It is Cyberpunk now. Get ready BKA: Don't be as boring as in WD40 times...

Hunting? Well, the only scenario this comes in play is after I have taken out main parts of the German Law Enforcement as punishment for them activly helping other Germans on copy right theft to than hunt down the survivors of a Germany in all chaos that got away from profiting of  my artistic talent and training without ever giving back and then make a living somewhere on some Yachts or Villas while their willing helpers were killed protecting an abusive system made to protect Holocaust profiteurs and their lifestyle. 
Meaning: I'd need a boat.

Fuck You Tate.

You are just angry that you did not get sucked of getting better and better every morning coming closer to Christmas eve when the flowers, nice gifts and sucking her dry, like the eating out, pays off as long as there are no kids in an extra Valentine was teenager foreplay session of what you dream of in your Gs bros house.

Obviously, the escorts had other plans.

Dude...Really. I see a looser when I look in the mirror and I don't mind, but you??? Fucking hell. The Winner in Hate non reflecting, but shaved in parts. Dam, keys don't cut good pussy. I would have told you, but you were with the winners.


 ..your mom was better. She always managed to find simple words for a simple message and never got lost in unfished abstract thoughts.
I remember a scene when she was standing next to two taller guys not being heard while they continued their ego argument seeing a frustrated inner face behind the pro mask making the real status clear. You have to choose better who advises you; They don't ask the right questions which hinders you from finding the right answers which causes unfinished still abstract thoughts not being simplified, not being understood. 

The difference between Star Wars and Jedi as a religion

Since the census, due to exploiding a rule of the scensus, in the UK Jedi is a religion. All that needed to happen was that a certain amount of humans noted Jedi on the "other _________" part of the sheet.
The Church of the Jedi was declined due to having no benefit and looking at Jedi as the idea that God is a force rather than a supernatural creature and that Jedi means to train body and mind to fight for the good, a church like the Anglican or Roman Kathlic makes no sence, because Jedi is more like Buddhism which is closer to Western philosphy and its sub-schools than to a Western dominant religion.
In Star Wars the Jedi are those lost Knights fighting for ideals we all believe only existed in metal armour on a horse even so very honorouble citizens in all Aristocratic Nations still do receive that title for outstanding deeds.
I love Star Wars, because I never could afford such idealistc tactics and strategies when dealing with The Gemans all around me and their bullshit lifestyle. 
I am convinced that there is a deeper secret to Katyn, that history was badly altered and that the Barbariens where more of a high coltoure than the Romans as much as I stick to Irish spelling before the 60ies that follows clear pronounciation rules for even living your life having two fff and vvvvv sounds, instead of wondering who to pronounce rogue and what it possibly means. ME!! Fucking hell. Imagine me infront of Germans being like "OOOOOOOHH ROUGE!!!!" and their stupid faces.
I do mean that Jedi is the religion I would call myself, while not being worried the laugh especially Germans pretending to be no Nazi anymore will have, if I would give an honest answer.....
So, do I wan't to make you laugh or just dstract to you to kill you.

Have a shower. It was a long uncomfortablw trip, but for you own safty. Over there, please.

IronClad The Goblin

If you try again, this time we will extinguish you no matter how our little war here ends. Trust me; as often I was predicting correctly. DO NOT TRY AGAIN!!!

Joe & Jim

So we both like that Hippi thing.
Yeah and the Alternative music chick.
A lot, like the confident moves of the knowing.
Yeah. And hotties are rare.
Hell yeah!
We throw that coin on who calls first.
I throw.
We did not say heads or tails.
Ahhm. Dam.
Who puls first?
On .... threeeeeee ... and

Can you imagine

that this was a very strange excample of purpusfully bad planning?
Instead of miscalculating, the miscalculation was on a different part. There was no way that a suburban town for 90.000 humans would get filled up when babies still needed 20 years to be able to afford a flat there, but they are all build in only 5 years, while the Dutch rebuild their towns. Also, population rates did not explode right after the war and the Dutch were sill one of the most resistant people to all Nazi ideas and principles. Obviously, like the Socialists in the East, the Nazis on free leave cards avoiding justice for the Holocaust, needed to educate the Dutch that darker skinned humans are bad.
Therefore, they created empty housing nobody wanted and pushed for an exodus crossing the Atlantic with false promisses making shure that none of the real faces and voices of those they cheated over would be on telly, but instead a borrow full of crime deep in the hands of the criminal not Ayrian was on constant display repeating a lie and never showing the whole picture, while the German presents itself as the new good neighbour that was just misunderstood.
Does not make sence, what I am suggesting, you sayin. Do you?
This system is failing. Projects as such helped to destroy the system created by war criminals that were allowed to keep the loot in both the East and West. While the East failed by tyranny on the market over responsible freedom of the market, the West failed by karrot on a stick blunt lies projects, instead of cleaning out society from war criminals for liberty of all. 
Who would not have thought as soon as hearing about the borrow: "Why would you build that?" and no telly tells any human what they like, it may suggest and show what's out there, as it was intended to do, yet got abused by Nazis to tell everyone what to repeat and believe covered by corporations instead of a clear political party banner. 
Every donkey can see karrot, string and stick, too, you fucking idiot junkies...