Brothers in faith, if Gangsters Paradise was hell of a fight, we now have to prove all about owning our stove with still an all nuclear arsenal all around.

This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Saturday, 30 December 2023
Their only option
Brothers in faith, if Gangsters Paradise was hell of a fight, we now have to prove all about owning our stove with still an all nuclear arsenal all around.
A little lession on America and rewritting history
The Storm is here
We serve neither King nor Kaiser
TussyInc SWAT
The German perseption
German Street Simulator
Friday, 29 December 2023
Understanding TheGermans
Why Porsches
have the stifest suspension, the largest wings and most developed aerodynamic kits, gigantic wide wheels and a supercomputer of electronic helpers? Because they are a bug to begin with and therefore need all help they can get.
PS: Made In Germany.
Reasoning on Humor And Food
TussyInc SWAT
The actual climate change lie
Thursday, 28 December 2023
Drug or Medication
Medication instead, helps to support the human imunsystem to cure the body by creating new tissue, changing parts of the bodies cells or building different imune cells. Virus help us to become stronger, but also take out the weak from the human heard the harsh way. Actually, there is no Virus that kills his host, if, and that is a very big if, the host was healthy and has time to rest in a helpful environment. You can die even of a cold, if you hit the office over resting, by aggrevating the simple cold infection into a severe lung infection by over a few weeks not curing the infection and calling the ambulance too late.
TussyInc SWAT
Heaven and Hell
Did you ever consider the possibiliy that both are the only things, just like the existance of God, that are proofen, because you cannot disproof them, because you go there in a different existance after a trial in which you can nothing hide, neither good nor bad, of what happend in a prior world in which you have to be proofen guilty and death parts, because there past the trial eternety is one thing that does not add up, it just is for ever.
Joe & Jim
A top Rep of German Gs
Jim & Joe
American MODs Vs Provos
Stuck in the wrong business....
...because of the client base? You don't mind the expected sentence? You like the profit range? You don't mind the arsenal, but using it? You know you will have to, because of the product and its attracting business partners throghout the entire product chain? You made Hell worse instead of running it?
Did you know that other channels of the industry do also accept risc commissions:
but have fun???
Tate rolling a lighter
Joe & Jim
The German Hunter
Don't read Mein Kampf
...but use hate against the haters and understand TheGermans by this blogg. Who else deserves it, please?
Do you understand that despite Biblical Judeo-Christian principles everybody had mercy and felt sorry for The Germans and their ignorant idotic arrogance even allowing them their own nation among others instead of giving them back of their own?
I grew up here and they keep letting me know every fucking single day...
The tiny little part no one told TheGermans..
..about climate change, because they ain listening except on drug suggestions anyway, was that climate change increases the amount of water circulating in the atmosphere causing also rising sea levels, but way more way more rain, which will increas in all areas north of the Wasserkuppe the overall amount of water recreating the swamps that they were hiding in until industralisation created the need for more surface to cultivate the most important industrial raw material source plant known as hemp by creating channels that do need maintenance which requires constant repeated work, but no one did for them after murdering most of us.
Fuck You!
Herren Orden Covered Operations
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
American MODInc Vs Provos
The Lockheed Martin treason strategy
So, what you think is gonna happen when I start physical engeneering using my hard skills, because you stolen too much missing a concious?
I miss you...
Americans....and there is no Placebo...
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full on cocktail and |
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sober Funny, if it does not happen to you. |
The perfect storm gun
is the AN-94, granted. 1800 rounds per minute by an assault rifle is the dream coming true for every storm tropper using ammo intense high preasure tactics. You want to practice speed reloading, because due to the heavy mass moving precise grouped shots ain happening certainly not in any quality distance past a sword blade.
Spraying Vs Precision.
#muhahahaha Would you leave the MP5s and HKs at home, Germans, and listen one last time to the dicks of Delta, please.
PS: Is that realy someone hitting the peak of storm troop shooting? What you think, Jokers, Crazy.
Boss Aro
The Germans are turning honest and this is no concpiracy.
Aro, I will kill you, if I can, for all Jews murdered by your Kaisers greed. And if I may, slowley, even slower than Zyklon B did with those you pretend to be part of, Son of Landau hiding the longest time.
Let's get it on, you did not turn us into Bastards. We remember and for well understand to be cautios when you say "Ich habs doch nur gut gemeint". (with best inttentions)
Duel rules:
First main retreat of The West in Ukraine
Why PsyOps is stupid...
..imagine you have that one few hundred meters on your way to work where there is no radio signal for your most favorite only listening to radio channel, and then there are stupid strange extra shows all for a sudden, while being under psycological attack already, and you have all for a sudden perfect crystal clear receive on those hundred meters, and yourself a short range car radio transmitter, because of the old OEM car continouse...looking down to the car cigarette lighter...into the mirror...listening to someone talking about you, but not talking about you....and some more days in some around you tell you you were thinking to be in a TV me....come on this is the tablet and my live ain no TV show me the TV show....I am in no TV show....IM walks off....what happend to the women I proposed you understand what is gonna happen, if she cannot come was one
Are you gonna cover up again with a legend?
Think....retreat or die...Iron Clad The Goblin....the tiny little thing you did not know about the nice always helpful guy...Staatsschuts West...Staatssicherheit East....SS...Vs...?...
Sure you wanna help me?
I cannot tell, if full media coverage kicked off by anything else but next years Amok is a good idea. TheGerman Secret Service has not dropped its GeStaPo attitude, just circumstances did. They were only able to pull off the Holocaust, because it was a World War going on. Before, the came as SA on trucks to shoot outs against the locals.
The Fame Game - The GeStaPos
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Humor Or TheGermans
I also sweard to not be walking to the execution spot.
You will have to carry my dead body there, BKA....#ticktack
Jim & Joe
The Luxerious Items Industry
Jim & Joe
Naval Warfare
Joe & Jim
Monday, 25 December 2023
Jim & Joe
A Yeti Vs A Goblin
Partisans were hiding in quickly build nests, surrounded by in save distance watching guards, always on the jump to leave the place, if SS would come to finish the job by sneaking away or fighting out.
The Marine Basketball team, Bball is a no touch and strike game. Military insider jokes. |
TussyInc SWAT
So you like it?
TheGermans human hunting
Fuck You Tate.
You are just angry that you did not get sucked of getting better and better every morning coming closer to Christmas eve when the flowers, nice gifts and sucking her dry, like the eating out, pays off as long as there are no kids in an extra Valentine was teenager foreplay session of what you dream of in your Gs bros house.
Obviously, the escorts had other plans.
Dude...Really. I see a looser when I look in the mirror and I don't mind, but you??? Fucking hell. The Winner in Hate non reflecting, but shaved in parts. Dam, keys don't cut good pussy. I would have told you, but you were with the winners.
The difference between Star Wars and Jedi as a religion
Joe & Jim
Yeah and the Alternative music chick.
Who puls first?