Wednesday 31 July 2024

No, they all are part of The Firm

which is the economic part of the CIA. Unfortunately, that would be Treason and Death Row if proven correct. 
#MIB #provos #gfyConfeds 
Dry, but you get that a failure at Wall Street founded a national analytics service in a time a bad painter was redrawing the world's boarder lines.

I keep watching that

wondering for a strange second what I'd do if I would all for a sudden own that gear and the only thing I think is on the Yacht,  a dock to add wings and a gearbox, the car I need tools and the flight......  ....  ....  that shit is and stays expensive. 
and when I see that Architectural Digest of a design nightmare thAn the only thing cooler than owning one is an all black dress and an American Bow with five buddies along, at night not staying to breakfast and neither waking up anyone. 

Imagine, it turned out she

just recently had quit a job in Frankfurt and decided size does not matter to be happy beside she was looking at the wrong place anyway and now has that place on a Backpacker route. 

Precision T

Do you mind a buddy of yours in a Cobra starting fist fights at nights out? Won't be your fault. 
That mag on the crash, boys. 

Macaron, Weidel and other Aliens

to our Judeo Christian Greek European values, do you see that wide land? 
You can't fix a flood in a little Valley. No one of you has invested into a European network of water management, instead you want the citizens to work longer in jobs they hate and miss to finish Airports in time to fly into shitty vacations.
Obviously, you selfish cunts, you managed to export Deso Dogg down there, but not one single pipeline stretches from Sicilia or Gibraltar there out of a European Water System. 
Before the Holocaust that brought idiots with limited brain power and vision into charge THAT WAS DIFFERENT 
You will die in this crisis, Aliens to Europe! 
By a Virus, your political enemy, your medication or suicide... or coming again for one of us natives.

Africa needs a

Yamaha 600 XT production factory. That gear is for Indian grannies to go playing Bingo. 

Another Devision of the MIB

fighting Aliens. 
...she was raped for days until she committed suicide... 
and NATO goes fucking around with Russians so Nazis, who did exactly that only two generations earlier to all their neighbours by their elite troops who have founded BKA, get cheap electricity. 

You still gat me address BKA, right? Come knocking like your daddy again, boy! 

#provos #terroristgangs 

Trump is doing his thing

and I wonder if the pointing finger showing his profile was bespoke, than you should kick that idiot out, or if that is the new repetition of secondary keywords he just did. Than its kinda genius cheesy. 
There are no Trump typical word loops anymore and comedians will mind that except on those lines that start with: You know back in the days, when Trump was still Trump. Like theeeee Trump in trumping like a trumpet through DC for which we exactly voted him to drop lines like "The greatest health care reform ever. Ever of all times. So great. So ever. So much greater health care than Obamacare" and only an outsider from Europe will think "OK Great and what ever you did, I didn't catch it. I know from Hollywood movies how to operate all kinds of guns, big and small, but what the fuck is Oklahoma Care?" 

Fiction is always

a reflection of time.
Our gets ever darker by the year. 

There is chaos coming by system failure, evidently, yet continously ignored. 

How many

said "Haouw"  to him?
#TheGermams a trip to their distant ancestors. 

Instable fusion plasma?

Noah, are you a naughty boy and try to build a bomb? 
Would you update the lab Computers, please. 

And what is really happening? Actually, there is no change in Nuclear Fusion Reactor research. The Protons, some nasty tiny little parts of nuclear something, refuse to be controlled. 
Sadly, they (the Scientists) keep trying the same experiment over and over again. 
They have a big pipe with even bigger magnets and even so the Protons refuse, no matter how much they pump into the magnets, to follow order. 
So, the magnets get bigger, the electric wiring goes Super Conductor to have stronger magnets and some idiot that wishes us GIs death and injuries in WW3 is the hot shot on a lame party with dentist. Future dentists...
One day a magnet might explode and he dies. Until than the Propaganda loves him. China made 10 seconds stable, maaaaaaan..Hicks... Nather drink?... Yeah, I read that...faster than you.

I keep wondering

why God made so few not fearing rebellion and it might be that all he did was build us in is picture given a free will. 


Die fighting a free man or suffer in submission. Why is that a choice for you Deutsche? 

There is no glory in war, fool

but only death. 

So you get the truth in Satire on Telly

BKA and Hells Angels Germany, but are too medicated and drugged to see reality in fiction
That's gonna hurt then, soon. 

Did you ever try

instead of these stupid Quads small Hovercrafts? 

The Polish Force

is rising, too. 
Are you with the Polls now? 
Is there something she did not tell me? 
...walking off... 
Really?  Catwoman. I fell in love with a G Chick.? 
...disappearing around a corner..
Ahhh. That's gonna hurt. 
...following his heart beyond death since way before the Crusades until His Kingdom come close to the Thieves... 

The majority of Polls still lives on the country side and I am sure Warsaw turned into its own world. 
Therefore the population suffers from the impact of centralisation and monoplisation. 
The only ways to fight that are the same fighting Sowjet Kommunism. You live community life. 
So, actually no change so much.
The main difference is that The West does not fight individualism at all. They keep you off the big wallet and try to steel all for their own ever bigger getting wallet while the Sowjets and Company hunted you for being different and even driving different. 
You'd be stupid Polls to skip that loophole and self-uniform yourself up to the same custome job on that old car... 
Poland is missing a Coop system for home made food and must fight EU regulations by at least ignoreing their punishment until it goes bad on historic farmers work from butchering, sausage making, marmalade production, beer brewery or distilling for also fuel production especially if deemed for community sales. 
Poland Rocks... 
#provos #hussar 

Drugs and a bad reason

in the underground it's about Treason, instead, too bad.

Imagine all stereotypes

about Russians on Chess and Asians Mathematics were true... 


What would I do if I was a women? I don't understand the question, humans from a Galaxy far far away. 
like at all.

Imagine, you being a stupid idiot

before leaving the girls night for the boys night by not asking with milk, but cream, and they all heard it...
That's called a moment of awkward silence and being able to flush red like a ships warning offshore light is super helpful to just walk away. 


not dagger 


Until this day noone of them got the "thats not tyres that's rims" joke... 
But it was like:

Ey, brothers

the Dodge had a 1500Euros damage... and Prius tyres. 

Imagine actually an Epidemic

is cutting through society causing immense fatiguenes and strong cold like symptoms and the business is because of widespread medication against those while the root cause remains untreated.

If that is true these humans will soon die of something well known in their society called "erkältungs verschleppung" which is a typical German lifestyle deseaee caused by using medication against the flue's symptoms instead of resting creating thereby an immune overreaction that can turn leathel, if further untreated by not resting in fever with symptoms of a severe lung infection causing cardiac arrest. 
#itoldyou #andkeepdoingso 

What you wanna do, BKA

when other Terrorist Gang organisations with less honourable intentions understand the weak backing behind the psychological game that is played by all German groups and use the very same open and aggressive violence in all places with an extremely high cash turn over of also illegal transactions? 
And you wasted your best hit teams against someone to kind for your good? 
You have stolen. 
But you an Underground KingPin that played you...
#IronCladTheGoblin #provos #TIE #51sts #OGGIs 

Whats really happening

Beside the usual Prostitute rip off at the ever same place covered by normal corrupting inbetween the Blue Gang and a Rocker Club a new Gang is in town. 
Soon, not only Terrorist OGs will get back all past the contact fee by kicking off a general discussion until the Rocker comes to get kicked down paying plus interests back what they owe. 
Just noone will go to the Station to report them awaiting the reaction when he hears what that guy just pulled. 
Pretty White White Boy. That face slippn. 
The fitter of the Blues originate from the German Military and are swapping Uniforms depending on the status quo threat level through all GeStaPo proclaimed territories including Paris; Which is illegal based on the nation founding treaty and they may be shot on sight therefore no matter them disagreeing on those legal terms leading to the FRG existence. 
The Turks are another group of TheGermans, but the Junky is new and appears like a Schwurbler on extremely bad gear. 
All of them intend to dominate that turff known as Reperbahn for individual reasons such as money, the Prostitutes and Pimps, easy extra and lazyimess, The Blues, expanding for more cash, The Turks and keeping the current order, Military in Blue, more cheap gear, The Junky. 
The more limited the resources the harder the fight will become taking out the weakest first, possibly all against one. 
But who is that weakest? From the perspective of idiot primates. 

Sometimes it's just a Ghost

Any Sentinel that sees in around 05:20 an underlay in pitch dark of an arm pulling a Pistol, chambering and than aiming while in the same position as the 4 Dimensional Video picture? 
The future is not written yet or was that an either individual or collective projection by wishfull thinking? 
Every hypothesis on 4th Dimensional splits leading into parallel Universes based on those known 4 do not take any potentially furthermore existing once into account. How could they, a 5th being a known unknown and unknown unknown at the same time. 
There is only a certain set of prior decisions that lead to a specific incident which defeats the theory of an infinite amount of parallel Universes in which a certain individual or incident exists.
The Secret Service PsyOps, such as the team sieging me as I type facing an OMG racoon mission, hinder due to their tactics and strategies used for illicit missions every research beyond their medication and drug based operations.
#jedi #trainbodyandmind 


and when I saw that hobby Rocker on his way to the office, I think a 1%er place is better for him and all of us while his job should be done by some like Tasha considering her drive for perfection and endurance achieving such on only a hair cut thingy. 
If she spend 6 minutes straight into muscle pain how much time would she spent on Construction Plans for a major public representative building that must be both pretty and practical. 
Do you know what I mean? 

After investigating for several weeks

the continuous degeration of mainly Western humans, I first time caught myself thinking:
What was the initial plan? 
Why would you do that? 
What will they do in their professional careers? 
The letter is scary. BER, Elb Philharmonic Building, Lockheed Martin Pentagon Bills, Boston Dynamic fake or real Robots, French Fibre Optic Cable Technicians, yet was predictable. 
#jedi #provos

E Pluribus Unum

is because 
Libertas par Regis Centrum 
is a stupid idea to begin with... 

How to fight fake news, really

You liberalise all frequencies and expand the Freedom of Journalism onto e.g. bloggs and influencers. There must be only a Frequency and Range Registry to avoid and quickly solve conflicts of wave transmission easily and frequency spaming must be forbidden and prosecuted. 
The Pluralism in the E Pluribus Unum strategic principle. 

There must be a different layer to it

This is TheGerman view onto the most recent targeted assassinations in the Middle East.
There is a problem. The 80ies bomb wave that also hit a GI place in Berlin cannot have been undertaken by this man. 
They all were killed already and the CIA took credit. The hidden truth is that those attacks were CIA or KKK attacks against GIs which are for them race cheaters. GI means Gang Inflicted and was ment for soldiers having joined the military based on a gang relate crime of which most were constructed by the FBI and PDs trying to push a Confederte order into the US system by GeStaPo means most likely planned by Werner Maximus von Braun covering in NASA, the V1 and V2 guy.
The IRA always was very strong in the USA way beyond the American Irish community and the retaliation against these CIA attacks was an organisation prior to us Provos, but of also IRA or Black Panther background. 
We are basically Crips'n'Bloods United with Trailer Trash and Small Farmer Cowboys instead of having had a political civil rights background we would like to keep our copy rights and family property, please, and see no White Trash on hard drugs "in the hood".
Furthermore, is Iran atleast devided, if not already fallen back entirely to what was in the past called The Bazaar by the big main media. If trade to the Turkpeople, into Russia and China exploded in quantity there is a good chance that the entire video footage presented is the actual real fake moonlanding created by the media and journalists siblings of those drugged highly functional Primates that had the honor to present our art. They just shouldn't have stolen all. 

Chutzpe test,

How quickly do you come up with an answer for the two and it must be positive to pass.

If anyone ever again complaints

that I do eat sometimes a Burger with knife and fork I have to show that here even so it's with hands....600 plus 40cent souce? 
#respect #MODInc 

PS: A Burger is either small with basics on like McDonald's or large with a lot on like Burger King to be eaten by hand. All others that will slide need cutlery. 
The Burger King grip goes each hands thumb and small finger below and the others onto of the Burger, idiots. McDo you just squeeze and order 10+ Cheeseburgers and a large Coke. 

Tuesday 30 July 2024

I am first time a bit

scared, because what does she want to do with that one, now?
I cannot imagine. Eeeeeks... AAAAAAH that's how it feels. 

Great speech

And imagination is also missing in mission planning. 
I bet noone checked the site with Google Maps and not one single NSA IT expert can write a software that uses the API of Google Maps to check every possible sniper or bomb position. 
You have no 3D map created by e.g. open source software like Blender from neither Google Maps, sent by local law enforcement or created by Secret Service staff, and if the industry will ask for millions in Dollars, to enable the sniper team walking in a virtual map months before arriving there. 

Was that a major failure of the system?

Yes, but could we have stopped it by a 100% perfection being all humans and human made systems and protocols. 
It will happen again, if those hearings and investigations are fruitful in a very far away future. 
We can multiply mistakes and multiply greatness. 

An encrypted App? Interesting...

Give it to the French Military Secret Service or have them give you the software that decrypted Encrochat an encrypted and hidden messaging app used by European organised crime syndicates.
Basically all encryption works the same way by exchanging the letters with different symbols or numbers. 
That is done most of the times quite simple and there are letters more often used than others
Count the e in this text and the z.
Now you need a software that takes the raw file in binary code and looks for the most often binary string like eg 
That would be an e most likely. 

#gfyNSA you could have known that. 

How is that helpful

There is a Mata Level to every communication. Like here. 
The Senators, as the Lady Senator put it indirectly, want to restore confidence of the safety of the system. 
PS: GFY Proud Boys on that Capitol run. Guys with me haircut getting roasted after a heart attack and I am an Elephant on memory. And you are the Fan!
An example of the Meta Level: 
Trump team requests assets 
Trump team was provided all assets on the incident. 
Trump team was provided with local SWAT stakes in times of Secret Service missing resources. 
But actually that is not the topic. The topic is showing strength, but by domination instead of collaboration to find a solution for fading confidence in the USA administrative services. 

Not one single question was :
How do we make sure next time will be no shooter on a rooftop or a tree, please? 

There is time for conflict, that was the moment a Secret Service sniper decided to kill another human. 
There is time for collaboration to save another humams life by having a Twitter Texter put out:
A man with a hidden rifle was arrested. He is interrogated as we speak. Noone was hurt. 

E pluribus unum 

I am Ultimo Ratio Regis, Gentleman 
Not you

By the conflict created in its peak by asking if the same number of agents was assigned to Trump as to the active President the answer is:
No, idiot. The White House has an entire fucking army assigned to shoot assholes going nuts while Trump is travelling like a whore from one bitching session to another that you call politics and we don't comment on.
Check this out rich boy and than do wonder what I do about a President Killer :
Lt Gen Silveria on a writing sure.

Today English and therefore the American society is a complex system with different wordings. 
The Senate is neither an Army Barracks nor a Bad Neighbourhood. 
You have to try to understand each other not dominant each other. 

Hi, you are the one, right?

I am Joe, everybody calls me Tiny, and I am the guy making the banana shakes today. 
Oh. You are not Tiny. 
Was not my idea. 
The Boss.
Yep. That's a horrible costume 
You tell me 
Wanna go for BBQ afterwards to my brothers place 
Awesome. Spare Rips? 
Because I am Black?  
Just kidding. And Whisky Cola 

#iloveyou #greatplan #MODInc 

An email deleted?

So, the US administration has many Computers, many Networks and many Users and even more different Softwares in use. 
Actually all are of the same design known as the IBM Compatible Personal Computer and the Server called Computers are the same. 
There are other designs historically and present, but most are unsuitable. 
Then, there will be two different Operating System Designs in use which are Windows and Windows Server. 
I bet there are no Linux systems anywhere in any US administration office, but thats not the problem. 
The problem is that you do not use Unix for Servers and the PC version from the Barkley University named FreeBSD. 
Unix is older, more stable and secure and cheaper, more customizable, can run also Windows Software, has the most comprehensive user and user rights management and system log file system while being as easy to use as Windows. 
Mr Gates is actually a very good and persuasive business contract sales lawyer. Like fucking good. Lockheed guys are Amateurs in comparison. 
That means you might never find out who did it, while a Unix system creates a log fie with user name, time stamp, terminal used that cannot be deleted.
At least in the worst case you would know whoms password was stolen.
...if the system is set up by good character Personal properly... 

It appears that the Secret Service

is using for the investigation combat HQ field tactics aka Expert Chaos. 
That is as incredible effective as it is difficult to have outsiders understand what is going on and which conclusions are made.
You need an Ivory League Business School lesson to add an Analyst Layer building the Chaos to a Complex System that can be presented to outsiders such as Senate, Media, Foreign Affairs and other Agencies incl The Sheriff. 
And you'll never face that tone off the Black Pitch Hood again, Men.

No you do not, because of your authority

within the USA administration. 01:41 The conflict of interest is a murder attempt on a President or former President being a High State Affair that can turn out to be a real bad day for someone lazy and someone crazy turning to a wake up call of being vigilant also at home, or worst to a national security threat on treason charges causing civil unrest. 
The USA as a system gave the Senate a defined parameter of action and also the Secret Service has that being different to the Senats and the FBI. 
Until the Senators found an investigation bureau the Secret Service is in charge and I am personally offended if anyone suggests directly or indirectly I would try to cover up wrong doings of the FBI instead of protecting their integrity yet being dedicated on a mission to find the truth of what went wrong. 
And tomorrow you get per email the timetable of estimate interrogations, analysis and follow up interrogation under Top Secret Level protocols with the date we have a summery for you with the full transcript and audio record. 

Selection of Staff

This is heading the wrong way by the first second 
That's how it must be done.
There are two parts. Personal and Object selection. 
The closer a Member of Staff will get within his clearly defined and surveilled parameters of movement, the better he must be selected based on Good Character believing in those values Churchill put into simple words. The most comprehensive Psychological Test is within The French Foreign Legion facing humans without any prior record. The best within the US is of Big Red One finding also among offenders those of good character and understanding their limits. Opportunity makes thieves, beside your character and need in bad times.
The other is selecting the Object for in this case a Rally. It must be close to good roads to also enable citizens to leave independently with wounded loved once to a hospital in a worst case scenario. It must have limited and controllable lines of sight and be able to have several security layers established. No-one will control anyone in a Sportsbar watching in a different City even so that also might be a place of a terror attack, but everyone within average rifle range needs to be checked even on assambleble rifle systems the size of a large pistol or radio. 
Sharpening the Axe cuts a tree, not the sweat swinging it. 
05:15. There are limits to that. A Rally is different that the explosion of a Industrial Plant. Both need interoperability of different services. On security of a Rally repeatable systems can be placed using check protocols and To Do lists, but they also create a lot of paperwork on an advanced data mining level which is happening right now. In general only good action does save a human life. Like ducking or firing without asking for permission. That comes everytime when something off litterly the books happens into play, but it's not a game or something that can be directly trained like how to use a gun, it needs creativity and confidence. 

At minute 04:00 I am out of nice

And this would come from me:
With all given respect you are asking the wrong questions. I have an ongoing investigation. No one interrogated at this point is actively planning any mission. 
The questions my Investigators (at this point no need for a mic anymore being interrupted four times) are which team was creating and overlooking that part of the security parameter and I also want to suggest my counter sniper for a medal in this precision shot. Counter snipers counter and therefore do not look at the Protecty but take down everyone attacking. 
So he did. 
I need two more weeks to give you a full report on who was creating the different security parameters, who was in charge of the one in questions and our solutions to go forward including the names of those having suggested that. 
Thank you Senator.  I think I come back in two weeks. Don't I??
And I won't fire any agent or staff until proofed guilty. If you ment anything else by set off duty for anyone serving his the American way of life and Freedom I would kindly ask you to rethink your wording to off active service. 
Sir, if there was an active leak it is treason facing death row. 
On local drones you have to understand that the shooter was a local too. We need security background checks on the level of buying military equipment in New York City until being allowed and therefore able to use drones. Drones, but they must have security clearance by manufacturer and model, are possible and potential way to go forward. We can give you a technology update in a different hearing, but only in a closed off from public a hearing on tactics future and present. 
Well, the size of a parameter must have reasonable dimensions. A international rocket can be launched from Russia or Iran, a home made rocket like used in the middle east several dozens kilometers. That rooftop was supposed to be covered from all our perspectives foremost Mr Trump who almost died. You have to help me here a bit and understand what I cannot say in an ongoing active investigation. 
There was a conspiracy, but of how many. One or more.

Honestly, can you imagine

one of the Tates taking his McLaren, dressed in crocodile loafers and a pastel coloured summer suite with Gucci shades, having a sports bag with him to get onto a rooftop in a major City and unpacking his 300 blackout chambered precision barrel sniper rifle, placing it onto its bipod and searching a house front in one kilometer distance to find the known floor and window room through a night vision long distance scope to send a round into someones meeting taking off his head? 
I was out on one kilometer. 
I wondered about the calibre. 
You said Tate? 

Ok, but which quality?

A small amount of explosive material was found. 
That's ethanol in a pipe to Semtex. A rather big span. 
I wonder when they start Booby Trapping their doors. 
Why Irish call IED traps Booby?  That blogg is full of spelling mistakes gripping all the attention, right white boy?

Can anyone sue

that guy on grounds of Reasonable Doubt by playing this vid to a Judge in ideally Chicago knowing and understanding the Market based in Chicago...for a White Colour Crime called Fraud. 

Did I miss it or does he for 25 minutes straight not say what Forex trades except that is no stocks, you loos for 2 years and have to pay for Challenges? 

The Firm, and the might of The Firm. No Judges but bombs only can stop them if they would not harvest among their own 
...white boys. 

While all my Children, meaning every little Ghetto Kid like little Geoffrey with his almost bold shaved curly back hair and Josef next to him to learn English will be like that:
Oh. I can make money? 
What is Forex?
No...being a bit sad.. never come back 

Please. Harvey. For Geoffrey and Josef and crocodiles tear each. 
Shut it fucking down before the get the original version of The Anarchists Cookbook. 

The Scorpion

has a payload of 300grams.
Do you know what I mean?
Don Camillo 

There is so much cool

stuff you can do and build being a poor fuck with no friends to go out with after having dropped weekend hang overs... 

Just read this blogg 


I need

at least one of them, because of that in my size half autonomous to jump from my back to whom I point at carrying an electro shocker. 
#raspiprojects #cyberpunkcoltoure 

PS: I have to program a Terror mode in which it uses sound of a angry cat and keeps electroluting in intervals jumping inbetwen approximate persons around until they figure out its moving sensor based. 
#livegoals #IDcheckfuture 

Free passage for free humans. Make your way!


all that build them there own nation. 

What exactly

In different words: Most fail to understand having been successful in your school system what the three colour coded wires from the wallplug do past "Don't touch them and you try to do what on a one colour only wire bundle the size of a Bodybuilder arm surrounded by a dozen twins with that small wire insulation cutter there?
Was that a spontaneous idea or is there a plan and can I see that one? Please!!! 

Imagine such sabotage attacks

will become so successful that the centralised routing of Internet traffic needs to be given up and, what a pitty, also Secret Service sniffing thereby. 
There is a technological problem so, and that's the routing. 
In Peer to Peer (P2P) networks, that have no central Server, requests for data are send to all listed Peers and from them to also all those they have registered which can create huge search overloads even blocking the system. 
That's like asking everyone around you for a chewing gun and they also ask all around them and all for a sudden everybody asks everybody for chewing gum, only. 
While, if there is a Chewing Gum Server, the one you ask will point you there. 
The only way to solve this problem is more intelligent ways of asking by qualifying whom to ask. 
That means practically that a search from a P2P terminal must be first qualified, fortunately in the same way a library is organised since ever. 
So, how many IT specialists have no idea what an Index is. 
A copy of a website text? Wrong. 
#gfyCIA #fuckingidiots #dumbfuckasgreatiswhattheysaid 

All of you motherfuckers sucking the system until here having it dryed out. 

Why I did not mention

that earlier? Well, you did not ask, as alway, but from here on also, nor donated me some money. 
You can drop me a message and money by this blogg 

Do you understand what you

are doing there for or possibly against all real Skaterboys being the natural Underdogs also because of you? 
They do break hearts, because if they want you, they will neither take no for an answer nor stick to the honest approach... what so ever. 
You have to date them in order to fuck them. The only thing you achieve is that they dress down from that The Wallen style you Posers admire so much to the Jeans Girl outfit, show up at poor mens places and start enjoying McDonald's with a walk through the borrow afterwards or if managing to hit real OGs check Napoli's, Palermo's and Marseille's Junk Food Delikatesse places by a guy everybody is visibly honestly happy to greet by his real first name riding on a Scooter to end up at a beach, but dark and not for long watching the stars. 
But than, you ain needing those 10s bikini hotties nomore. What can we do. 
No mission to difficult, no sacrifice to high down here. 
PS: In need of a starting point, because checking parking lots at night is weird and I am a bit too hardcore weird? 
Enter these keywords into your internet search engine:
international backpackers hostel guide

They don't have to pay

for them, asshole.
The other way is making One Way Mags from cheap thin metal plates (Blech germ.), bended by a using a form and using an as cheap spring also self made being quickly used and not stored loaded;
If you wonder about John Wicks attitude with those he did not capture. 

We are not like them

is the core problem. Der Weg ist das Ziel, is for a real Jew to be part of the surrounding others yet never arriving there like ain not breaking no Shabbat law. 
That is what with Diaspora is ment for Jews. Be a shining light among nations.
Does say nathing about domination and tight boarders anyfucking where. 
Facing Goliath those becoming Jews did not storm all as one forward, but one walked forward for all.
Goliath today is having lost your home among us others in Europe and failing to spread out over the world to be ever bigger among others nations shining.

You do see like through water

And the next few days your eyes feel strangely clean, like cleaning latrines with chloric ac...maybe I should not have mentioned those Wall Mart milk size chlorine bomb base material, but how much hints to "Not fuck with us" can you possibly place and be still ignored by a Nazi found service during collecting retribution payments. 
#3batch #ticktack #ignorantcunts #gfyBKA 

One the head...

An elite military unit gets not trained on how to carry. 
A brief introduction:
One sided stressing is bad and the same weight double, but on each side is easier than one-sided carrying. 
One single weight needs to stress the backbone and the muscle corsette therefore centered by a rucksack or by being places on the head (like a billion African fit women do)

Cheers, loosers... and don't amph too much when the HEAT comes. 

PS: Do you happen to know the US military sea bag with rucksack belts? Trousers, underwear for 7 days, Jumper, Sleeping bag, food for three days and 5l water. 
So, that would be our normal vacation trip. Original Gangster Gang Inflicteds aka OG GIs, because once you joined the force by as little as Street Ball Basketball in Summer time peak... it sticks to leave you.
#provos #modernknights 

Can you precision strike?

That's a blow radious of five meters, by a half a meter precision using a soft shrapnel head. 
Must make a wizzle sound so the guard can hide, is quick rotating or an arrow. 

The destruction of Israel?

at least you did not say the Nihilation, but you don't say Hisb Allah.
You doubt the Lebanon's socio-economic future.
You never mention it's ancient multi coltouralism as worth supporting. 
You never value the Sephardims history.
You speak of 5000 years of Jewhatred. 
You always speak of The Silk Road Project as Chinese Emperialism. 
You never mention the Nomadic Trade Centre history of Theran. 
You never mention the cultural importance of Baghdad to European coltoure.
You never mention Muslimic History in Sicilia or Marseille. 

You are selfish egocentric assholes, like ever.... Teutons and that head is not save on those shoulders. Too weak.... 


The Talmud, whom to pass by

like the ancient plagues on your bloody path of God, Moslems. 

Do you think that Gemara and Camorrah sound by coincidence the same, Secret Services and Law Enforcement? 

Protect your colours, Gangsters!

What Is the Talmud?

And why this ancient Jewish text is still widely studied today!

The Talmud, an ancient collection of Jewish law, is one of the most famous yet often misunderstood of Jewish texts.

We’re breaking down the facts of what it is exactly, how it’s shaped Jewish tradition, and why it continues to be important and relevant in modern times.


Historical Context

The Talmud was developed over centuries in response to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the subsequent dispersion of the Jewish people. The fear of losing the oral transmission of the Torah is what led to this codification of Jewish law and tradition in the absence of a central temple and homeland.

Rabbinic Contributions

Many rabbis, known as Amoraim, contributed to the discussions and debates recorded in the Gemara. Their interpretations and rulings form the basis of much of Jewish law and practice today. These rabbis lived and taught in both Babylonia (modern-day Iraq) and the Land of Israel.

Structure of the Talmud

The Talmud consists of two main parts: the Mishnah and the Gemara.

The Mishnah

The Mishnah, compiled around 200 CE by Rabbi Yehuda haNasi, is the first written collection of Jewish oral law. The Mishnah is understood religiously to be transmitted at the same time to Moses as the rest of the Written Torah and aids in unpacking the Torah’s often vague or esoteric language.

While it was supposed to be transmitted only verbally, ensuring a connection through the generations and necessitating strongly unified communities, practical matters resulting from the exile meant Rabbi Yehuda haNasi made it his life's mission to codify and arrange the mishnah. He organized the Mishnah into six orders (Sedarim), each covering different aspects of Jewish law, from holidays, civil law, agriculture and Temple service, and spiritual purity.

The Gemara

The Gemara is a discussion  understanding the Mishnah, and includes analysis and interpretations by later rabbis known as Amorayim. There are two versions of the Gemara: the Babylonian Talmud (Talmud Bavli) and the Jerusalem Talmud (Talmud Yerushalmi). The Babylonian Talmud, completed around 500 CE, is more comprehensive and widely studied than its Jerusalem counterpart, though they cover the exact same topics. Many of the debates concern matters that may sound unlikely or not-picking, but these are tools to apply the logic of the Torah into any hypothetical situation. 

Modern Application
Yeshiva Students Learning Talmud

Jewish law, known as halacha, comes ultimately from an understanding of the Oral Law. Some matters are clarified where it is vague in the Tanakh (written Torah) or some matters pertain only to the Oral Torah, such as if you have ever lit candles on Friday night. It might seem that this helps us with matters already worked out millennia ago, but it is still very much a part of modern Jewish life.

Jewish Law in Modern Situations

While the Talmud, whether in the Mishnah or Gemara, often gives rulings on the matters it discussed internally, its enormous breadth of discourse extending from ancient times continuously to today, allows contemporary Jewish communities to make decisions on modern problems, like the effect of medical advancements, electricity, or factory farming on Jewish law. All this is to say that the Talmud is not a fossilized text but part of each Jewish inheritance, having been passed down assiduously through each generation

Why So Compelling Today?

Aside from its application to Jewish law, there are numerous reasons people still study the Talmud today, no matter where they are coming from.

Ethical Teachings

Certain bodies of the Talmud deal explicitly with ethics and morals, such as Pirkei Avot, or analyze Torah figures in such a way as to glean moral teachings. In truth, many other matters, even they come across as dry and legalistic, are still concerned with morality, such as such as duties to one's neighbors, developing sensitivity to others' needs, and deducing truth from uncertainty.

Connection to History

The Talmud is an excellent way to both see a snapshot into life 1500-2000 years ago, but also looking through commentaries written over the following centuries, it is easy to connect to an unbroken chain of Jewish thought on basically any topic one can imagine. It is not an evolution per se, but rather a collective effort of countless brilliant minds to get to the truth.

It's Torah!

Just as a anyone might delve into the weekly Torah portion—even if it deals with matters no longer applicable at our moment in history—learning any part of the Talmud likewise engaging with Torah. It is a way to connect with God, to understand the logic that underpins any situation, and it can bring about enormous joy and interest to a curious mind.

Explore for Yourself!

The Talmud is a religious text but it also a set of the legal, ethical, and philosophical teachings that provides a foundation for Jewish identity in each generation.

For those interested in exploring the Talmud, it offers a profound and challenging journey into the depths of Jewish wisdom and tradition. Whether learned individually, or better yet with others, the Talmud stands as a testament to the enduring quest for knowledge and understanding one can find through the Torah.


Monday 29 July 2024

We have an epidemic

of people loosing it for no reason as it happened last time during the Plague when society fell against humanain living... last time.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. Winston Churchill.

Back than everyone knew that on has to fight for them. It was a World at War against Fascism, Murder and Slavery. 

So, what did you do today to Fuck The System, PUNK???

What on God dams earth

would make you go on a stabbing rampage on a Tyler Swift Fan event? 
That must be the worst mental break down ever to hit a hord of girls that off drugs enter collectively the stratosphere of pink pony farm spheres for a moment. 
Take a fucking rifle and shoot her/him, that at least kinda makes sense...somehow... I guess. 

So, why ain you building a brand

like these Entrepreneurs
Did you read the blog all as jokes? 

Imagine it's true. All of it, but from a perspective of a real underground force and a man educated to be King yet while being in a virtual KZ of the GeStaPo...

This blogg is 

1. Stop a nuclear war 
2. Have fun on the way 
3. Do bad to the worst 
4. And don't miss your time to die 

and about nothing else... 

#J4v #WW3stayscold 

I love Texas

Next thing happened is 
You may carry a gun walking Texas who ever you are from everywhere you come from if it's just Texas you love.
The Governor 

PS: Is there legal grounds to direct vote a Sheriff of the USA or is D.C. too bad in loosing... every single tournament? 

You think menspreading is offensive?

Imagine you gotta bring the Cocktail on your lousy summer job right into the shark pool wondering if Brother, Father or Boyfriend... 
The worst start with "I wasn't staring..." 

Real Bad News Riggers

Chapter 11 on Recaro. I'll be menspreading for ever now. 

Tuareg taken out Warner Mercs

Big P. I warned you and I will keep doing so to have those nations off BRISC off limits for UN politics. 
You now take a map and explaine to yourself how a line in a desert ocean makes any sense to anyone else but an administrative asshole of an idiot obviously far far away from the dunes in an alien galaxy. 
The Tuareg are another people like the Kurds facing imaginary lines over their homes and all those capable of building roads and railways also build check points on those roads ignoring their home and rules.
Roads, like the Trans Sahara High Way are creating peace by enabling prosperity for a people in all righteousness proud to have united Africa with Europe and Asia by trade through incredible large distances and difficult terrain. 
Crossing with a heard of animals formed into a convoy through the Sahara is like crossing the Ocean on one level as Columbus and Magelan. 
Foreign soldiers and all humans in arms either help protecting trade and transport or are alien and will be treated as such by the locals. 
This is no area for easy diplomacy, because no nation has any ligit boarder representing naturally grown boarders by languages or religion and way of live. 
In the same way and on the same legal grounds as the Russian people and not the CIA have right on in Russian soil and Russia keeps the Russian speaking Krimea Peninsula...and I do not have to finish that phrase me boy. 
A bomb at Wagner HQ? Who could... 

When you think Proud Boys ain

that bad, to just realise it's the railway station situation here. Nothing to worry about. 

Imagine a Cop reads the Wanted list and on top is with a nice good picture a Paranoid Scyzophrenic Neighbours and Cop Killer with a bodycount of 3 Families and 6 Police men having resisted a Warrant, armed, dangerous and known for opening fire on sight against all Police, having riobbed McDonald's,.DIY shops in Police and Civilian Cars and needs to be arrested on priority because he bombed several places crating huge civilian deaths and injuries among the rich, wealthy and successful. 

Is that the guy that behaded on a live stream the Bauligs saying it was not personal, but he does not have had any other address? 
Over there? 
...reversing car into parking car opening doors and running away.... 

PS: Do you understand the problem? Except the Bauligs everyone is laughing, innit? Ain that bad of an idea so. I never made anyone smile on nuclear bomb jokes... and obviously... it was GIs so... still 

Israels vulnerability to Amphibic Operations

Israel has a small stripe of densly populated holiday resorts, modern planned cities and ancient towns facing mainly flat beaches turning only man made structures into fortifications. 
None of them are of military nature. The strongest military fortification is still the Old Town of Acre that with just one Frigatte dedicated to Anti Air Threats can be turned into an operational main base for a seaside force dedicated to take and hold not more than the very coastline by a naval force taking everything except the main towns of Tel-Aviv and Haifa leaving civilian escape routes open while being engaged in house to house combat by Marines under navel based guided missile and ship artillery fire support.
The missing link is that classic WW2 Destroyers are not in use anymore. Considering them being large canon boats with a dozen main battle tank canons on board, even as reused container cargo ships using standard sized modular shipping containers for Canon, Ammo and operating Crew, being perfect artillery support with ranges of 30 to 60 kilometers and therefore cruxial to such an operation they are just not existing createing a huge disadvantage for a potentially main force attacking above the current militia levels that have to operate landbased or by only small beach line special forces operations.

Sunday 28 July 2024

Watch at the end when is ex

shows up. I have to say upfront No Offence, because I most likely already did, but the hole point is that these people there are like really really far from those places my "Basketball Buddies" came from and I honestly don't understand the social rules and systems or structures.
I also never get any close to parties like those for plenty of reasons and last and only time a girl like that, sadly before the bikini model boob job, hit my place I was young, she mixed me up with an American and she just wanted to fuck me. 
But, I do look like a GI and not like from the Thrasher Mag Crew and so I was neither able to resist nor had any reason to resist and fell victim to the side effects of avoiding militantly germanisation successfuly.
Is she looking for a Groom on the other end of the potential spectrum and why would she do that if she can do better than both poor fuck or lay low? Or is that my perspective off the successful rich Westerners, only?
You are strange people Hollywoods. Still, score your shit in your borrow is no change since the Riots.

Do you know that

scene when a guy walks over to where someone threw a stone to and you wonder why would he go there? 
Imagine my face expression, head movement and scratching when I figured they real do that and how I slaped my mouth when I dropped: HOW
Night active kid with a natural explorer and curiosity drive, but I did not mean that, obviously. 
#TheGermams #firstyearinthehood 

To recall German leadership brain levels

What would you do facing heavily fortified enemy positions? 
Build a bigger gun. A Super Heavy one. 
Maybe not 01:37 They actually say that the used resource and marginal impact did not justify the effort. But back than they could not tell? 


And than try to explain the world that they not really changed, they just don't show... or do they? 

I just wondered

if Tommy and the Cameraman are "the other" couple? 
Otherwise, what is going on. 
#MODInc Vs #BKAbitches who are of #CIAanalqueens cunts 

Keeping it tight! 

To my rocky rebells

you can increase swiping time tremendously by also being in position of clothes, watch, wallet, mobile and car keys... especially if in the outskirts. 

Can you try Squash?

I wanna kill you!

A major Western Business Problem

is the monetary system inherent urge to sell things to others that don't need them by persuasion.
No Company can afford to rest business, not even in times of collective crisis.
There are no free meals for anyone and even the poorest have to give away at least their dignity to receive a free meal. 
A market works big and small the same way. 
Those that offer meet those that seek and agree on a price. Most don't understand that basic goods are the very same on that basic level as every extra vagant fashion item or complex software program.
You walk off in need of bread and you also walk off in need of something special and seek a solution in from of a logic for a Company problem. 
Noone needs persuasion as a human to make a decision on any product, but only Need, which can be complex and extra vagant. 
The system needs everyone to continously spend money and earn money as on every coin and banknote interestrats are attached. 
Only those that beat by their spending the attached interest rate survive, all others loos. 
The Templer Crusader Economic School is different than the one ruling today. 
Call me crazy one more time... in a time your system reached its end point. 

The German commentator

stated that Israel is wondering, if it can fight on two fronts and it appears that the German Delusion is also spreading into the Kaiser's Israelits as if that was Israels call or only two fronts. 
Charly Hepdo attacks are logisticaly no problem and IS and Taliban will hook up for their own reasons on a Civil Rights Conflict that went ballistically out of control. 
HAMAS is well prepared, by far not beaten and will attack to retake soil possibly even outside of the Gaza Strip, if IDF forces are moved north. 
Then, terror assassinations in Europe left aside, there is a chance that Egyptian forces using tanks take Gaza insisting on becoming protégé instead of Israel with possibly UN or at least Arabic League and African Table diplomatic support when having reached the old check points. 
There is still Syria for the Golan, Jordan with millions of displaces Palestinians, but also Iraq, Pakistan being aware of the role of CIA Banks in Israel within the Taliban Heroin trade and the entire Maghreb with only Turkey off until they use their Navy in retaliation of a few killed in action citizens. 
Making no friends is bad, Israelits, and you fucks made hardcore enemy with some Jew loving Niggers... arrogant idiots. 

I told you

all neighbours mind their neighbours in all of Europe even at Jesus home. 
#WW4 #WW3stayscold 

And the harsh truth is, that

while those in credit of mine fear most I one day have such company never coming alone, clearing that Credit would turn me into a Nocturnem Travelling Monster from borrow to borrow way of their tracks, but keeping fucking around will most likely have me eye them somewhere in Europs coast line through binoculars with an SEK sniper rife next to me turning her into collateral in a very dark bad future for all of us.
I said enough, BKA & Company. 

Imagine you always watched

that medicated world in which an alcoholic with a tiny Walter PKK, a suite and a ride without suspension is the most dangerous thing to get closer day by day to be finally going in all HEAT turning the alcohols into IED material and nothing else, coming from Hell into their Days in Paradise bypassing the Gangsters Paradise and the eager Christmas like awaiting of Day Y so they never call you ill in all criminal disrespect. 
#gfyBKA #provos #TIE 

I need

a cash flow from my art and a Hayabusa... 

Look at that

bad boy toy Fischernisser Slisseldidisher Flyerhigher all on fire in that train when the pain started supposed to be departed P by a train. That's insane, all locals, no more sense nor senses, by God I take them. One Man against One Gang. Bang Bang soon past noon to do a racoon job. Hop Hop Hurray my pray finally the day to lay em down. 

That form of tourism

is done. No Westerner does deal with 40 Celsius on vacation. The prices are just an excuse to avoid the "It's freaking hot" truth that the party people avoid by sleeping in way past noon on a constant hang over. 

Family resorts are actually interesting development estates, but for no Investment Fund.
Turkey has still a huge wealth gap, but one that's no problem. There is a difference between poor and having only little things. 
Poor sucks, because you want more. 
Estates going broke soon costing and turning the books bad are now a great opportunity for the Government and Corporations haveing an economic crisis and a real war with a main Displaced Person problem by being neighbour to a region in war in need of save places ensuring prosperity without use of a Kalashnikov. 
These estates, except independent electric grids, have all a modern village and small town needs to be a great home for all those intending to create bodies and not to erase bodies with little investments on offices, legal free business zone frameworks and public transport. 
Haga Invest? Hi! 

Imagine you are a highly corrupt

Gang in a pretty bad nation, yet quite untouchable and this little kid, scary but nice as long fed well and kept in distance, is source of millions of Dollars and Euros in art given to on second look obvious fakes and all goes easy until he builds 


Dude, 4te Armee Totenköpfe, YungBlud is already redicilously stupid proclaiming to be made for loving, but who do you think can you have my blogg and loop music present, please!?'
They'll stone that Crew in Maddison Square Guarden with a huge bulk all around outside making sure you ain noone of you slepping away. 


My Blogg. Your Credit due....

What is Europe

The Wife of a God

And who are you enslaving her as a bitch???

#noblessoblige #provos 

Cherche la famme, trouver les femmes

is kinda sweet when he sais it who as so many builds a Gang, a Social Club or an Investor's Network, maybe a Secret Lodge of men in need of support. 
It also means actually by the infinitive: Who seeks that woman will find many women or Seeking your wife, will find you women and is a very old French expression that is base for women's equal rights and will look like that, but I guess in a different suite for his gang. 
Seeking is one way another is finding on the way. My people are that messenger, another man respects greatly by having to trusting him all the way he is doomed to wait. 
Wulfs are as far as Kurdistan native. 
Turkey is Europe. The USA is Europe. 
#ticktack #TIE

Saturday 27 July 2024


Until here, when I looked out of my tiny red French two door car I bought off mum riding it like a rally car all windows down playing loud music, hearing that I "must believe having a big Dick", I just stared at them... suppressing every daughter comment. 

But now I am broke and they tow it instead of checking who "Tom" is.
Won't be the last station... #3batch #ticktock 
They even had the dealer "loos" the original rims so I buy new once loving controling my life so much. 

All eyes on you, now! Idiots. My world now all evulves around you. 

#provos is real and I do it again! #gfyBKA 

When you realise you reached

daddy age, but The Germans made that impossible, is when you only wonder how big that cellar must be for all that gear she keeps unpacking weekly... 

The Kids? Or your major deal

Corpo PIG marketing manager ain getting it?
That music and Rap Style belongs into exact that ride surrounded by one to three others on a journey as if it was The Rap Brothers through the lousiest cellars and strangiest Bars based on Flyers that mention the prices of the available merch... you gave out the work week before. 
#gfy1percentforme99forthecorposotheysteel #leterrisage #lahaine #TIE 
PS: You might have to sell Weed on the way. Life is a bitch, you know. 

Do you know that Southern accent?

I wonder if I ever manage to get caught in a lounch bar, having sunk over a double Rum quite deep into the sofa by the words:
Aaaaaxcuuuuuse meeee, Are you listening to us? 
...cough cough switching to Cogney accent... It's moa layk volleying tha convasashion and saoond of yt. 
To talk myself out of it. 

Don't you think you ain

are exaggerating the use of force against the Schools clCaretaker and his Bowling Club slightly? 
Stressed out, Police? 
That's bad. 
We love you!!! 
But it will get worse, to be honest. 

I just found the worst or best

Cyberpunk potential close future trap for really rich, hard working single Investment Bankers so much not into conservative family models of normal people 
somewhere far away from Brixton, even so a steady drop and leave supply line might help ensuring that successful venues continous success originating from MOD turff. 

When political correctness

goes kinda weirdly almost wrong in 08:26 and you kinda wanna pass the moment later at the bar to ask: "How did that happen, brother?" 
#OGGIs #51sts #fullcouredlowestdraw 

I am a broke looser

in the Free World, because I for fuck no way would take a plane ride past 4h waiting time from Madrid to Marbeilla knowing a train does it in 4h and head to the train station.
This being said, I'd had money for petrol anyway... and a propa ride, but hardly a reason for Marbeilla over Casablanca... 

Imagine you made it MODInc

and you have your place like another generation in the 60ies when Blockes were called on landline telephones to pick up Chicks by their Vespa faster and cooler than Bobbies allowed overtaking Rockers and now the contemporary version.. 

...ring ring ring...
Who is this? 
Michelle who are you? 
Looking for your_name_here_cyberpunk?
Yeah. It's his number bitch. 
One sec whore.
....a few moments later... 
Hi. Where? Half an hour, but you have to get to the coordinates I send you.
...walking to the two seater Spitfire firing up the engine...
Cu in an hour. 
I am curious to get to know here 
Where is picking her up? 
Half an hour can be all in a range of 450kilometres. 
#gfyRockerfaggots #yougotplayedBKA 

Tate, you are a officially now

part of the #filthypoor by having a few millions and a few dudes. I give you on the upper end of our lousy club of loosers and, hold your fire, watch this channel and understand that each is approximately half a million annually and can have ten times the Dudes you two have by what they have.... 
I honestly never would have imagined that, BROTHERS!!! 



There is a sociologic relation

in homogeneous societies between little and large or micro and meta behaviour. 
The group behaves like the individual, the mass like one person and the poor like the rich, if the society is homogeneous. 
All Fule Stations rise prices same time for about the same price is the economic version of that phenomenon in a monople market of all in the same ways organised companies. 
This is getting exponentially more aggressive sexualy. 
Sexual activity comes earlier and more aggressive in the show and soon after or parallel in society. 
The question is, and these shows will reflect that, how much drama is created especially considering that the mighty overwatch aggregates that behaviour. 
To see where Germany, as the most homogeneous society by accepted and dominating behaviour, strives to you have to compare consumer popularity between formats depending on their stress like Sexual Advances here, Violant Behaviour in martial arts formats, Gang related topics as in Deutsch Rap or Fine Arts and Classic Literature as in after I jerked off and have a moment of peace... Offline. 

#provos #MIB 

Painting, Liberty of the People, French Revolution, Republican Movement 

I guess I found her

the ultimate worst of the baddest bad worse than worsiest bad...abusing an haute couture hair job with an animee attitude in all nativity passive aggressive scandalous. 18:12 


Dude, after stuck

comes glued...

...because you can both close the fridge door and...anyway. 

Sorry for listening to your

That one blongs to two women and one guy in a suite picked them up from your office. 
Who are you?
Who are you?
I was fixing the Copy Machine first floor? 
But you are not sure? 
!... looking at an office window... 
About what? 

Real Trouble Starts

When Dealer and Junkies solidarise in violence... 

You got taken your gear second time know Martin? 
Yes. They have a knife. 
Do you know what you want to bring to a knife fight? 
Mh Mh. 
A gun like this fine 9 millimeter Mexican Pistol. As much as your two loads and ammo is no problem, if you should run out of. 
Ah. Two please. 
You are Djungo now? 
No, but I have a girl friend.
Ohhh. Real romance. 

You think that ain happening, like there is no real bad corrupting among your own and only you can proof that within your system turns you untouchable? 
#ticktack #howhardisyourdelusion #provos 

No, you did not loose

because of your Ego, but because you tried to fit into something that you don't want to neither strive nor survive in, unlike the Punisher or someone having to keep cover, but actually intend to break. 
I start seeing sence when James Bond and MI6 wreck what the Bad Rich Wankers fit in and along take them down... in these actions. 

The Problem of Harleys

is in a nutshell that they got bought by a Hells Angels hedge fund running their commissions for enforcing the CIAs part of the Messiah List. 

Since then that there is the only way to buy one that is makes sense. Walking into a brand shop means spending a very lot for something that will not last except you ride it like an "Angel"; Luzifer left aside. 
That thing Is basically three parts. A frame made by too thin iron you'll have to exchange by an aluminium one, an engine and a in no way fitting gear box. 
The two chambers each in the size of a Japanese four create so much torque that, given enough grip and an appropriate transmission, that thing could tow all just short of a F150 uphill. 
Instead, the cockwheels of engine and gearbox are in mathematical no connection what so ever and nobody knows how that happened, meaning the original whereabouts of that gearbox remain a mystery for a lot of Whisky Cola in late BBQs at the garage. 
Then, the name Knucklehead comes by the sound crated by honestly bad moving parts fittings resulting in two stroke levels of oil consumption shortly before death. 
You need more than a wrench set making that bitch a proper mustang, like proper precision metal drilling and welding equipment.
But than, after having kicked out the forks, taken break discs in a reasonable diameter with matching pipes holding fine pressure, reassembled the all reworked engine and all new frame and adjusted cockwheels, only that stupid air intake needs to be changed to a supercharger pipe leading to about where the seat is and its fine. 
Or you take an Intruder and a sweet paint job in remenissaance of an old Hippie Rocker Legend that kept steeling them back when you could kick em on everywhere and anytime... 
Ah...the supercharger takes that battery place. 
Men's bike. 