This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Friday, 31 May 2024
A chicken with a cut off head
Talking off topic
Turmoil ongoing
Weather predictability
Are they gonna shoot
We told you
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Do you wanna FLIRT
A Degger
is a Cyberpunk hacker and those that manage among the lies of information warfare to stay honest to at least to themselves are realy dangerous onse...
Or you go mean
The real pitty of my life
Economic change
The difference
Empty and Loaded rides
Do you understand that British Police
They figured it
There are different levels of CQB
Would you believe
While I just got fucked
The Quantity Game
Bad training and new wording
Joe & Jim
The Nuclear Preventive Strike Doctrine
Sad news
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
We all need some pleasure time
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Why would BKA not
I told you
Do you know Wu Tan Clan
TheGermans - Into the honest phase
Swamp land constructions
Oh wow, who would have though
Do you know that
Joe & Joe
Monday, 27 May 2024
What would you do
Joe & Jim
Bullshit on Diabetes
TheGernan hypocrit par excellence
Dear Lord in Heaven
Is Nikky Minnyeye
The missing part or where the money goes
CIA Narco Dev Adds
TussyInc SWAT
While this is reality
Do you understand Flywheel?
So what ya wanna do?
Sunday, 26 May 2024
TheGermans - An applied example
Berlin falling
Si ves pacem parabellum
More Mass Conflicts?
Look BKA
The eco stupids
Remember in HEAT
Latest predictions
That's how they look like
The actual trick of a great Club
Saturday, 25 May 2024
If I just could remember
Did you know that
Jim & Joe
How is that gonna go down
Friday, 24 May 2024
You'd think
In the Shadowrun Background story
Ashwetelanony or
Girls, why do you
Thoughts on armour
Carpe Noctem Vicem
I found purpose for a rifle tripod
My analytical concluding summery of Ger Trash TV
Thursday, 23 May 2024
A public peacock garden in S?
as a thanks from another Provos Cell in range if it happens, please?
Unseen, but unheard with that bird is the test for the best on their way...
In need of good publicity among the closiest friends
some would donate 100k, easy, annonyme and into a real legal charity company tax reduced internationaly.Right? So great to be good, innit?
What you think, Senior G?
Money laundering in Party Hot Spots
Is a known easy one especially, if your venue accepts forigne currencies and the locals back your organisation by other deads of moral needs yet .... like Police counting how often cocktial glasses were washed in relation to shots given plus tipps? Naaahhh
Esta manos entre custody sadistica par les sadsiticas parla de actionas sadistica en compadros et largente secrete, prego? #partisanosclandestinos
Suicide victims
The psychologic trick to get malicious preditors
Wednesday, 22 May 2024
What you think GeStaPo
How many in TussyInc are like Sinaloa in the trade because of you assholes waiting for the Snake Eaters Devil's own and what if, Woodstock creates a Festavalski Musica Polenski with a big Festival supporting the 3rd world in the capital of Chad getting closer to France and the Polish, Slowak-Check, Romanian trade inniciatve making political peace at home by entering nutral ground. Save, hot, Nomad Land, Francophone and the Nomad Law all in place? Hit a women there, Testo. Go!
To prepare the battlefild. #Provos. #WW4
So. how would that go down with an Undergrond Crew Gang
Are you shure this is your way?
We will one day have
a world in which we don't have to fight for love anymore and when love comes easy we all will know His Kindome is and the Messiah is among us. But we have to keep up the fight so he'll be save.
You think that
watching porn in company thing is a bluff? Like those Cowboys must be gay, except just one of them was dancing with Madonna, right? Ok. I can dam realy look like an American, boy. I did not create your stereotypes, but it would be a sham to not abuse them, Irish Traveller kid I am...
When you know immediatelly
that you wanna see the XXX version parody on you most favorit Incognito View page, but not that much the original.
PS: But with which ....
I assume
there will be Russian Air Force manouvers in Siberia practicing super sonic low pass rocket attacks in formation squadrons and break out single attacks.....idiots. You have to gurantee free passage through all sea passages below the 200km coastline boarders. This is a blockade and that would be a hostile act on a decleration of war.
Turky owns the passage. Suez and Panamo don't and the Baltc to North Atlantic Sea is a natural barrier. If you fence you can close down the Channel in Germany just below Denmark, assholes.
Try UN first, Big P? Underground Wars are soooo sexy. Come on boy!!!!
Climate change
I know that Comancheros face
Cardio aka Endurance, Endurance-Strength, Strength training
Is jogging or running on one spot Vs jumping on one spot Vs jumping with weights on the legs on one spot. As simple as that.
A theory
If I lay down facing Polizei
it would either menan an IED is gound off too close for my own good or I have a sniper rifle from your first wave, Jew murderers
Pay or Bleed
You know the Tates and by them Romnia
well, this is what you missed out on. The state in which Jews and Nomads were tigtiest in all of Europe forming society until...aliens took over.
What do Jews minding
that another load was lost by DHL, which never happend when The Travellers ruled the City and not forbidden interest money? Well, they catch Hanoverns cold....forward to the end by being interested and vigilant.
Are you aware
Yes, dude. The Holy Books
Jim & Joe
Do you speak German
after people standing up in tears to walk off after repeatedly asking me to speak German aka Hochdeutsch while I insisted I was or at least trying my uttermost very best, this ain that bad anymore....Grammer Nazi humor, I mean, becaue I put the words in the correct order just with no Hanoveran pronounciation. Ain happening....period. Siiiiiiischaaaa! (franc. local pronounication of ger. hanov. Sicher in a celebrating manner)
PS: I honestly was certain after reading or trying to read only your BGB that the laws were made to support the Jehovas Witnesses Bible print shop and not to be followed.
I just cant hold it anymore
The only thing I never would even
Fast Forward in a War Zone
Tuesday, 21 May 2024
Ey Collin,
you fuck for well know that pretty much all gun carriers in the USA will ask after watching the shoot out when checking life signs on FBI or ATF agents what they have done. The Officers, what the Officers have done. A question no Sherriff will ever hear from civilians on him.....innit?
If running is an option
this might be an inspiration. But be aware, you might be a free man in the 3rd world for ever to never come back.
For all others: Train and fight so you can walk on, if you survive it..
I wonder
if this man one day will call some friends over doing all alone. John, your youth is gone, Vietnam is gone, that Geneal is gone, but there are others with an Ace of Space at the helmet. Goes like this: You take that brown box with your colours and drive to Fort Riley looking for the Pub with loud music and no bouncers open late on Sat. It must be The New Lab. You go in ask for Ace Company and open the box to say "I need help". The guy that looks at the colours, than at you, no matter how piss drunk sais "How?" Thats the Sarg....from there on you are in good hands.
PS: If it is against Nazis I am at home. Please.
and broke.
I still believe you don't understand what is coming
when I predict a Cyberpunk world in my home that you choose to be all alien too. As much as you don't understand there has been a real world just like that before. Freeman against Murderers. No Law except the mghty hand of God.
Joe & Jim
I was trying to hide the flower buquet behind my back and it turend out it was for her doughter.
Applied mechanics Cyberpunk style
So, you got it all done. She can breath fine past the airfilter, the fuse lets all electricity through, the oil is fresh and clean with a fine filter, ethanol in the tank, but that ain no option....in your borrow or on that trip
Well, instead of a proper gasoxid extraction pipe, you can use the laws of dynamics. All liquids and also gases flow faster, if they circulate along their stream axe. You can achive that mechanically by putting a stream guiding fixed metal thingy into the pipe creating a rotating gas stream or, hence you are already screwing the laws of National order, you go for the simpliest of all turbos which is a fan with some electric power on its e-motor on the intake that has a nice little pass to the exhaust pushing pressed air into the exhaust. It might cause a pitchy sound and you want to have the rotor go faster with the turns by mounting that emotor regulator to the gas bar, somehow..
French as special forigner
Bad familiy ties
So, I have this German brother, the one that does have no impact on Cokain or Cokaine on him and that does not know that I know he hired into the BND or that I do not get that when I upload a selfy to e.g. LinkedIn it ain my face. I found the face I upload....and I am tempted to cut down on his Crew with a Nissan G86 on turbos and gasschoks with something secret et invisible.
Look boyz, and the Master thing is lost for ever,
when you have build a society and people based only on lies than it is difficult to integrate anyone with black skin that does not insist and swear he is actually white, but missed to wash of the self tanner in time over a Beer.
PS: I fear that might work on an ID check. Maybe try when they ask "frrrrommm Niger", "No, the sun" first?
TheGeman Mind Set
On politics is like here. Only, in Germany the Center is not in the Center, but somwhere else on an axe way off the meeting point of the axe.
I do speak the language to an understandable level, if they at least try, but discussing with them was on that way quickly no option over a realy dark nasty humor.
I was once called a "Justice Fanatic" by one of TheGermans....which refers me to an oxymoron of the human psych. You have understand or acknowlege something in order to ignore it.
Will they drop their actual issue
listening until minute 02:55 they might either manage to control their mouth again or drop at any point their real problem with me:
That is the German warning word for the male vesion of...someone consdering moshus realy badly stinkey...except his own...to be honest....who in combination with sober and sports can handle them in packs. ;-)
That's the Irish English warning word of a a cock sucker in the jelous hidden version.
TussyInc SWAT
TussyInc SWAT
Joe & Jim
And recently I heard about the law
of equal attraction from a Top G player consultant to see that in a nation that voted a Germanic women into leadership. Obviously, the Max Headroom here had no fault, but the others, like I am sure the two even darker skinned guys are stuck in the same mind set lifing the vibe of dominating the street.
Imagine with having had just some justice after WW2.....only a bit....there would be a nice cafe and a street musician instead.
Monday, 20 May 2024
8011 recorded to be played from a sticky drone resting eigh 30 to 11, if there is 2nd issue incoming.
Misconceptions on the Hells Angels MC
TheGermans extinguished
our Wulfs GrandDads Knight School was named by, I guess they are too weak and soft, so they murderer not only all pretty and better, but rougher and harder.
Imagine steeling the colours of the most hardcore for decades turns out a big mistake....
Imagine you hear a voice
once as a child and you knew it was God as you saw the signe after your first Thora lession, the first of the Holy Books and the voice asks you what you'd wanna become, so you said a Travelling Guitarre man in a Van and the voice said that would be Acadia to have your GrandDad telll you that was a Sinn of Death most forgot about and so instead of singing loud in the streets you turned this on the bloody path of God a lot more.
So many assholes would have just walked by, I learned when I was Clochard and by what happened.
Get Ready.
Change a plans
You like MrVoteps
cruìsing Peer to Peer and high speed runs? Do you understand Sidecar?
The difference to me is, that I can do that 9h straight, like a day in the office, sober caus I am Top Gun and you have a dangerous and riscy hobby.
#provos caus you fucked my #MODs try and now we go touch down. #fullhundredyards
Ich glaube der Führer Gruss ist ein Nazi Stossgebet in Zeiten der Verzweiflung wenn zB der Jude sich als nicht nett und schwach entpuppt.
Interesting. #meinthezoo
I honestly started wondering
since I analyse TheGermans more in detail than just keeping them at bay and bussy, if these white people can realy get addicted to Cannabis or if their carpet of lays is so big that they push their medication, alcohol and hard drug addiction onto Cannabis, which was until German rule over Europe and their lifestlye pushing into every part of our society a healing plant and industrial raw material main resource.
It ,kinda looks like.... That motherfucker reacts on a lousy low THC level Joints like on LSD or Cokaine in his other vids. I had no idea. Sorry for the dead officers in the 90ies. They did not ignore, they did not know, which still does not protect from punishement, Germans.
Teach em better. For some it is just weed and take care of your own.
Joe & Jim
Why TheGerman Police Influencer
Did you ever happen to wonder
Sunday, 19 May 2024
Confeds and the Army
PS: Pentagon, can you make sure they get the latest yet most reliable GPS system to make sure they will find the frontline 100% granted? We have full confidence. The MIB.
Where they are going
Stop laying to yourself.
That guy got a brain damage
as a Football player by a big hit against the head that made him do and talk strange things thereafter, so obviously I was asked some that I had to drop back that falling out of heaven into hell is a quite deep drop and eager I was I did a cliff dive....you fucks.
Vs #TheGermans
PS: Turns out my impact was so hardcaore they forgot whom I used as a buffer and keep hugging since than, completely enterely.