This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
My music on your prefered Streaming Service
Sunday, 31 March 2024
So, if
Throughout their history
You never show your real strength
For sure is that if Polizei will continue to cover their crímes against me that at some point they will have to come with an SEK. Those carry 9mill hand guns on a German military level, a heavy steel sheeld, MP5 and HK 5.56 assault carbines, a military grade helmet, heavy body aromour protecting lung, heart and liver ontop of a one piece suit. They use flashbangs, tear gas and have access to illigal nastier gases starting off their attack strategies after creating a siege situation.
Just my weloming.....fuck you. Sure is also that afterwards you are dead, I go hunt their colleagues and you face a world wide kill spree of my comrades.
Plara o Plomo
Bloodloss or faceloss
Mafioso del bonne fete
you want to push KI women? Easy. In eastern Europe, especially in its centers like Warsawa, Krakow, Bratislava, Prague and Sofia you find plenty of modern dance schools ready to found subsideries. Money is not that much of a point....
Meanwhile in #TIUS
The system is working, while we pver are still negotiaten, if we scream our lungs out first and go all ballistic all in aggressive or cut throughts , place bombs and walk'n'drive bys. Just peaceful is off on all sided. Both liyers and honest.
comply or die
How is this possible?
Physically, he must break his bone. But this is KI or a Physical Adept or a Street Samurai Magician. The bone does break on short quick impulses by already little weight, but can accept a way bigger resting weight. This is because of its actual purpse when jumping and landing to balance the impact in combination with the muscles and bending joints.
This man does not kick the pipe, he bends the pipe. He does did kick at the pipe, he kicks in the pipe. This is Knight training. We are many. We are coming back against the Scary.
And now imagine a place, slightly dark, in some neon lights, excellent music sound, deep basses and high pitches, loud and clear, humit and hot somewhere protected by some one rotation....and Police coming...as they mind we meet us alike to breed.
Plan A and B
Leading for a Dark World
to hide, when Madonnas are needed for the commons, this is applies for the Lords....
it ain new, just the weapons always are, it is past the apple and before a scale
PS: All for a sudden I like this my most hated song.
They will negotiate
If you come to TIE you can have both for large quantity aquisition of such. First achive lower prices and by the created peace trigger higher wages. But be careful, Europe has seen more brutality and way more extreme violance over history than all of the Americas, except we came over.
So, what's realistic of this
Street Doc.
MODs, our Cover is blown
He got it. Almost. Watch from 07:24 on....dam. #the90ies
You jump RAP and we jumped.... #gfyTheGermans
Sniper Battles
Jim & Joe
Another Crew of TheGermans
The psychology in combat sports
This was his strongest opponent so far. The FFM local hero won, because of the psychological effect created by the atmosphere in that arena. I can feel things way beyond all thar drugged crowed. In the opening they are both innerly on the same level. You'd call it mental stage or mental set oir just mentally. Leaving all physics and technical aspects aside, the Challanger turned weak in the inside, after the Titel Defender landet the first impact strike to have along with the force of his fist the entire arena freaking out, screaming their lungs out, placing that force of a hord into the impact of the punsh.
From there on the Challanger was defending. From there on you all should respect the Frankfiurt Mob and even more that new level of challanger who made it into another round even managing to have a defending arm up when being actually knocked out on the ground while demanding is public execution.
While the Titel Defender was pushed further by hearing to a feeling level the support of his crowed occupying all and ever single seat in his home arena, feeling invincible and being able to place his focus by a pushed ego into his fight plan and every single strike, the Challenger had also to fight everyone else in that Arena as an enemy finding himself all alone in empty lonesomeness while everyone watching him screaming for his defeat and public death.
There is only a few that can hold and even come back facing lonesomeness all on their own. They usually don't perform in entertainment sports, but face death off camera somewhere. I give you a good hint Germans, let everyone like him all alone leave your borrows and if you have to give them a bus ride to Marseille or Naples from your very own pockets, because if we hear and find a runner we will come like Napalm death out of our Jujgles retaliating the death of the unknwon weak. Let your weakest links in your chain leave from now on instead of abusing them for mean fun. You won your first battle on a new table.
I studied you all my life, Germans and I take care now....you will loose the war.
#provos #ironcladthegoblin
Saturday, 30 March 2024
Sometimes I wonder
if publishing Fight Club was afterall a good idea. But than, same office and restaurants every day since then.
Try this
Aha. Found the Devil's own.
Yeah dude,
Joe & Jim
When you feel your muscles
getting itchy when the other gang is piling up for posing....daaam.
How many in what time to Equalize the scale??
Do you know
Did you ever try that?
Like I would not step out....and teach Polizei respect.
#ww4 #provos Vs #nazigangs #TIE
TussyInc SWAT
You want us to find out which online Top G program, but no laywer, the food is fine. OOOooohkaaayyy.
And the bitter reality
is that the European center of Amphetamin production was Germany and ruled from the ancisters of the Weapon SS living in Franconia. Sounds still hardcore like this?
If you are that good
And Bass' Joe?
Visions from the 60ies
Imagine Dune is Star Wars from within the Empires perspective. Chewy or Worm? Easy one.....but than the Millienum Falcon will be only "nicked" hot hatch, dam...and they just feel the Hyperdrive.
I would also like to mention
That you can find on Winamp exclusive material with special Copyrights different from those of DistroKid published material.
That with a growing user base would enrich by snipeds of my art using the same licence model
How to catch
Top G or MOD
Coltoural differences Mr Tate
Do you get the hint? The Last Wild Wild West.
PS: They said no American Situtation in Germany. Soooo.....
To understand attitude differences
you need to watch this and watch this man to transform from a skinny thin appearing man as soon as moving into an agile sportsmen. There is more morving under the way as soon as he is in arms and the final stage of transformation is when someone intends to kill him or one of his brothers.
PS: And he is a regular soldier sticking to the rules of engagment. No underound knight para-militare that was ripped of by hidden Nazis waving a badge....just saying, BKA and CIA.
Did you know that not only Top Gs
You read my on TussyInc
Friday, 29 March 2024
Ever heard of Schaltsekunde
from also Austrians? Or....would a society that let mass murderers and their friends keeping all loot and have slaves in virtual prisons to harvest their talents being fame whores add "Zentrifugalkräfte" to "Burj Khlifa" before building a giant tower on just one side of a spinning globe when their power comes from so many bombs it will destroy the planet in war haven taken all drugged the positions of the smart in worlds society by scaring them into death traps?
What you think???
If you don't build anothter as tall tower on the exact oppoiste spot on earth days will get exponentially shorter, idiots.
Thunder is only there with rain
and players only love you when they play, than in what's coming warriors will admire me and tyranns die of fear when they know IronClad The Goblin is mad and after them, my men.
#provos #WW4 #cyberpunkcoltoure #gfyFreeWorld
Twice, why always twice?
Same war, but for different reasons
Thursday, 28 March 2024
This must be an immigrant
Hey just saying
if you piggs hear some behind you being like "eyey..chikchik", it will be too late to get an attitude.
Do you know
those Tier 1 operators aka Deltas? Yeah? Since Vietnam these motherfuckers are a challange for all supply line operating soldiers. It needs Big Red One to keep them hot at the max, man....
Some mums
check upon theirs sons friends and mine said children are for this world, and I tell you all in a world that only love makes go round in war or peace.
That I could be foold for ever by reporting only about Boy Bands of K Pop.....mmmmh...
And the winner is
over Domina Studio Equipment workshops for Applied Toy Creativity Production the Gym Rat Scene!
Shoulder pats and pushing the legs up shown from that perspective was my last day in .... anyway....
Someone just said strenght
In Love and perfect balance!
Do you know that when
after 30 min on the treatmill in winter everyone starts eyeing you, fifteen minutes later the once next to you are empty and they start talking about you in some distance and after the hour everyone looks at you like you are the freak when you slowley in all runners high and full sweat walk back using the rail upstairs into the change room, but realy enjoying the vibe of the moment?
We don't come back anyway, again, because they keep trying to tell you are just average missing the motivational aspect when pretending to believe the lie even so the others defeat that purpusfully, but it is soo nice actualy???
A moguhls end?
So, are the books in the shells only decoration backs? The furniture realy cheapest Hollywood like builds that have certain reflections for a camera? The cars are either missing or sitting with no real milage? The garden possibly even made by a lot fake plants matching the interior?
But the house alarme a hardcore paranoid level product?
Than go looking for hidden cams.
And to Guhls turn Critters hiding in the underworld's shadows?
The NATO strikes back
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
How to peacefully overthrow a Governement
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What realy happened?
What realy happend
So, the warning most possible was not, because of the recepient, but because of the wording in the text field. If you drop anything off Savings, Sparvertrag, Alles gute zum Vatertag than someone will look at it to pass on anything like Danke fürs E, Geiler Stoff Alter, Jihadi War or Fick die Hure Du Sau to possibly even law enforcement.
I am serious, while you are all into aggrevation, I am trying to explain you explicitly that we are short wiring a warehouse with Semtex all together as we speak, dudes. I just appear funny, due to coltoure differences,, that ends at the first dead PsyOps or Police officer the hard way.
If I am worm
and all rally track lands are the desert, I will like it better than Game of Throwns being the Dragon embedded into the idiots way too deep for my own good.
And for the worms it is all Cyberpunk derving from Spartans.
Me? What' you need?
TheGerman Street Culture - Public Ansage
This is how to deal with it, boys and not like them.
The guy doing Ansage is angry. They need the anger to dare doing Ansage. The one getting the Ansage makes the mistake to ask them both leave to another place. In the backyard or backside of the shopping mall this meant here in Hell's Kitchen a fight, which escalated quickly in knife fights which is why our Butterfly knifes were forbidden, because the Bundeswehr soldiers got smacked from everyone, not only GIs. So, goung outside is to start a fight on the tuff turffs.
A society lost in bullshit discussions
So, a man walking through a high crime neihgbourhood waving his wallet over the had made a bad decision and only the robber is to be blamed.....is a classic contemporary bullshit example testemony like if you are in the rail switch house and a train comes while you have only two ways to put the switch to have either ride the train over your girlfriend or bestfriend....
....so than I just cannot hold back asking, if he saw Indiana Jones after already one beer.
Or to further analyise, having had a Whiskey over a Scotch, if the man with the wallet is a privilege white man from a real estate company that caused the economic decline in the area, to than replay on his insult of me being a communist that I was actually a original gangster just covering up as a corporate desk slave because of a CIA wanted warrent.
and so on, over refill to refill.
Or to keep a long story short, I do need new friends from a very different society. Do you know that I mean?
PS: That Real Estate manager would be guilty of insulting a minority and aggrevation of civil unrest leading into further checks of his business activities based on his unconstitutional attitude, if we shoot enough of them to gain momemtum within the system which then would....anyway. Crips'n'Bloods
Taking a break
How the Buren saved their Apartheid money
Pretty much like the Nazis did, with the excpetion of having to abandon all on South African soil, while the Nazis still have the Federal Republic of Germany and it is called abusing the internaional banking system.
Just a name
The acre as the base of all wealth
Dude, what you think what all chemicals are made out of? Do you understand what coal mines are digging into and the cost of the created waste land in the long term? Do you understand what creates bad air causing deases and what can be used from where instead? Do you understand that a plow from a iron mine creates more wealth than a gun in the long run and why bandits alway will build guns instead of plows?
Since Hitler the Greedy full of Hate rule how we live and I only know one way to make them comply from harsh experiance.
The Farmers
For other nations, as in his context important, One Dollar represents a bolt, a fuse, a few grams of corn from the USA and in the Dollar's case also from other nations that will accept Dollars.
Finally, The Christians quote the Talmud
In 14:26 to 14:41 This guy, who insists on the Christian foundation of Europe, yet not understanding Jesus as Rebell Platoon Leader teaching us the ultimate sacrfice to create both Church and Bible, quotes the Talmud:
A wise man puts his fortune into One Third Land, One Third Gold and One Third Cattle.
Let me, as a Corto Maltese like Jew, explaine:
Tuesday, 26 March 2024
Increasing presence
means also that the client base is getting smaller or that most was harvested already. Especially in a tightening market economy that will happen rather quickly and always on a peak. Telling yourself that you can by NLP and Chakaaaaa morning mirror sessoins change simple market laws is like playing against the laws of phyisics on a rally track.
The tree came in funny ancles straight into my diretion from the front left and crashed meeee car.
There are two options now. Expanding the portfolio and offering more services or goods, or expansion into new markets.
Will the B Brothers learn Dutch or go BI on their clients database???
That can never happen to you driving down a nice road heading to Kleinrinderfeld.....ever.
PS: That's Kartell Millitary not Mexican National forces.
...just why would you think that considering the size of the European drug market and your Übermensch attitude?
Me? Like they smoke good quality weed, do they? But except you bully the Russians further this is the best you can get and we all keep it among ourselfes off most civilans in their homes and Artillery, Missiles and the Bomber fleets stay grounded in position.
Otherwise you have'll both. Promised. IRA Provos and all Terrorist Groups no matter which side. Just watch the news once sober off medication.
An Oligopole Market Excess
Unfairly worse.
The Underground Wars - Mr Smith and Mr Snake
that me as a MOD would know any way to explain to the young lady that her school teacher outfit is on her so much not Brittany Spears without revealing the entire incognito tap history on a sexual offence level and that the expensive lady might have had same comperable thoghts.....so, you'd be biteing your lips staring into the coming future with round eyes on the back seats hoping no one asks you for your opinion, especially with using the word "honest"....they'd be done on the cuffin part and you'd flash red saving your secrets for the price of laughter, because the naiv card won't cut it with them ladies. They litterly perfectionised that one.
#TussyInc in action #theirishsideofcrime
Ownership and Rulership
I came to fix up some and will stay until the job is done.
Monday, 25 March 2024
I am not sure
if I do understand the concpet of a shot gun that cannot end in someones face by a smooth yet brutal swing of the shoulder rest....
Did you ever
think having a full stomach with realy good food and still cash left, what you do with it? Well, I mean, not in a world of The Messiahs List and BKA covered Nazi Clans around....than listen to him, he made it all legal.
Money, weapons, intel, position and ability in any Hell's Ktichen is only for war....everywhere
One day we will live Free! Provos...over their dead bodies
You may not have Slaves 11th
The core of the war in simple words
Pathetic means of pathos, but...
noun [ U ] literary
UK /ˈpeɪ.θɒs/ US /ˈpeɪ.θɑːs/
the power of a person, situation, piece of writing, or work of art to cause feelings of sadness, especially because people feel sympathy:
UK /pəˈθet.ɪk/ US /pəˈθet̬.ɪk/
pathetic adjective (SAD)
causing feelings of sadness, sympathy, or sometimes lack of respect, especially because a person or an animal is suffering:
The refugees were a pathetic sight - starving, frightened and cold.
After the accident he became a pathetic figure, a shadow of his former self.
or simply, how do you feel watching this: Death before Dishonour
Crue Sadres
Crusader Provos
IRA movement
What if 150
Was ich denk und tu, trau ich jedem anderen zu. Is for the stupid, but that concept predicts them well.