#provos #socialengeneeringdevision

This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
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Sunday, 30 June 2024
When you see
a black woman and think: Some dignity please, you are representing to than witness what the White People trashing my hood do...
TheGerman Gs
Do not consider it weird in any way when they put a headline out about an ex male prostitute G rap artist that has unveiled his backing among the Clans who are chasing now after him. Bad Boys for live...fucking hell...
TussyInc SWAT
So, this is Club brothers revenge? Nice, we swap the suspension to gas shocks and have a test ride before buying it.....You said he won't let a potential buyer drive it alone....OK.... No, over night...Have the sales papers for the club house ready when we drop him..... OK...
You'll loose power over parts of France
keep doing what you want in what is called le re-assemble national and ment to come back joining to create a state or status.
I strongly suggest to recreate Resistance structures, train arms use and aquire weapons legal and illegal, build hidden fortifications, pirate radio stations and connect in all means with other Free French Territories of The Republic....
They will come to shoot and kill having already ordered light armoured wheel personal carriers used in asymmetric urban warfare.
Let's get ready to rumble!
We gonna fuck you Javert! Hard!!
The Max Headrooms getting it
German learning curves are flat, if anything criticises their selfconception of misunderstood superiority being elite among others.
To say that no other nation has more knife crimes hurts.
I wonder, if it will turn out that the foreigner or immigrant amount is a blunt lie and instead the interior secret service encourages the biggest among the assaholes to go Arabfacing, the German way of Blackfacing.
Syria? Well, the Syrian Secret Service was build by wanted GeStaPo men having found shelter and most likely were kicked out by mainly Kurdish Terrorist Gang Armies using small arms and guerilla tactics and strategies.
Soon, Police will die by more and more Street violence. As soon as they are gone the looting starts in an unarmed people and organised armed groups will rise.
At this point I claim Lordship over Hells Kitchen The Valley by brute force.
Why I like TussyInc
Because they do not and in no way believe that practice is a widely overestimated concept.
#jimandjoe #MODInc
Can you do a Purzelbaum
in this? Than you should make one out of real gear, but you'll sweat like hell!
And laying on the bag rolling over the shoulder into stand???
TheGermans insisting on their White History
This guy keeps repeating the Nazi version of French history.
Despite thousands of years of cross Mediterranean trade the Arabs and Africans arrived shortly after WW2 for work in France. All a em!
The Banlieu are all and only concrete Hells that turn these coltourly aliens to the supreme white French humans deeper into their genetic laziness and cannabis consumption to ride unsafely fast on modified scooters, not sleep at night and pretend to be American by Graffiti vandalism destroying the modern grey designe protected by architectual copy right laws and dare to have fun in groups instead of bullying each other.
Not thousands of years? Yeah, you white boy. And we nigger can't swim? Dicks to heavy. Do you actually comprehend the level of us being passed off straight after Gas chambers you keeping going?
Marakko from Gibraltar. You die of a sunburn half way, right? So, how the fuck did you come from where, German?!?
In America you know
the Sheriff was voted by the locals. The Marshall was initially checking up on why they would have done that....I am in Germany....
Do you know what I mean???
#native #TIE
BKA, looking for a new home?
When I wanna feel understood
I watch normal sain people...
#51sts #borntobefree
Burst, is like dancing with what you have instead of a teenage Queen. You will shoot the entire mag in burst or single. Single is rifleman aka platoon sniper, burst is forwarding and attacking.
Take the weapon on burst and feel how she moves. She wanna dance, so you gonna guide your bride. The M16 drives to the right and if set up properly quite straight due to the musle break. Like in a Walz you want to let her go, but guide her down and coming back to hit head, heart and lung.... gently good man you are.
For 38 years
I was only honest with them Germans armed. This here is such a new vibe and special moment in my life.
I even managed to speak German with their officers....
#wellworthwaiting #itoldyou #myblackbook
How would the most ignorant arrogant
react when next to his pool Villa some fella moves in that has not a factory, but a fucking oil company?
Well, first declare him as the same level as his besty buddy Tom from the local Fuel Station. Than, when others owning freaking tanker and cargo ship fleets or sell offshore drilling equipment move in, because it's causy, calm and nice, plan to fly to the moon...
..and die drunk driving home the other day when the guy with the uranium mines asks him joining his most favorite restaurant what exactly he is gonna digg out there...
#WW4 #itoldyoutheywontlastlong
No direct NATO in South Russia
This guy quite perfectly explaines why the Terror Attacks at the Caspian Sea were not performed by Ukrainian trained and geared up personal.
Sadly, no one will ever know what a phone call can do or did not, because understanding how many Russian forces are bonded in all levels is easy from within IS, ISIS or Afghanistan.
The good news is that Russia can not react by heavier suppression or stronger ruling of the area, but must make good friends to the natives for gaining support in an ever more competitive world.
The natives might face a wave of liberalisation, native coltour support and infrastructure investments pretty much for free receiving a ribbon on next arrival in return with some applause in public.
Me as an Anarchist that can tell right from wrong and who will enforce only one eye to smack out the other.... Enjoy and gfy, please.
Do you know what I mean?
Point is, I'd buy a Cayenne. Used, run down as soon as I have a workshop and I will take of the badge, not only because I'll have to after some quality time with my boy.
#asgayasiget #travellers
And the general problem is like the difference to the LV travell bag and my preferred US military sea bag.
My bag is a tube like bag with rucksack like shoulder rests made from strong heavy duty textile. It won't break.
The LV bag is made from soft leather and has golden metal parts.
They all complaine about cheap looking, but functional buttons in a standard car, but also about every issue with the latest gadged in their luxurious ride and I am rude when I tell me to get a Toyoh da.
The problem of BKA and Hells Angels
Let's put it like that. They walk into a Subway station, look towards the trainrail tunnel and say: Look there is a Black Hole. Hehe hehe hehehehe Maybe there is Anti-Materia, too Hehe hehe hehehehe
And even worse, I had due to priorities no other option, but to encourage them through saying: Yeah, Hehe hehe hehehehe
So, I am Paranoid Schizophrenic and no-one ever dropped anything about A Tom, Copy Rights and Poverty Oath, like ever?
#provos #wayoffyourturff
It might stay
all covered, when and if the assassinations start.
Beaten to death on the way home...
Neighbour conflict escalated into six dead Police Officers...
Deadly Pub Brawl....
Suicide by jumping out of first floor window....
Regular Police stop ends deadly for two Officers...
Parking spot Road rage turns deadly...
Illegal guns turn a deadly problem for law enforcement....
But, Nazi network dismantled is off limits.
#undergroundwars #WW4 #welcometoourturff
Staying Underground, but on fame?
Nobody did that ever.
#IronCladTheGoblin #filthypoor to #theanonymrich
Do you see the mountain range
from the Black Sea Georgia and than starting again in Turkmenistan?
Who cut out the line from the Ageis through there needs to die....
#topobjective #WW3stayscold
Handicap artist with runoff steiner it diploma by copy paste to key note speakers fail in all drugged arrogance.
#MIB #provos
So, what's Max Headroom of Harvard
Gonna do? There are three options. The West, BRIS or inberween. In war times all turns one sided.
Depending on who his real audience is depending on which money he influences he is or will become subject of interest for secret service analytics fighting the war economicaly.
During his summery of the research of his analysts team, that can easily earn each 100k tops in Manhatten, The City or Hong Kong, he compares interestingly and proofing to understand the topic the Panama Channel and Cape of Africa passing cargo.
So, what is he gonna do?
Take short term bets against Western focused logistics companies staying all home and local? Check value and go long or very long in? Does he invest into BRICS moving assets to the Hong Kong stock exchange? Or finally does he see, as fucking I did years ago, that a lot of that 80% increase will be way faster travelling cross continent at about the level of the Green Belt Initiative which happens to be both a para-military war ground and the most to be developed region world wide with a few million habitants in need of a ride as as grounded Nomads as me little fella being.
The West has train systems both brand new and used, trucks of all sizes same way and no TÃœV and turns cargo ships into empty Paris and Amsterdam rental homes having libraries of rules and laws that don't even apply for all equally of which our Provos lives is dirty ugly proof on treason death row level.
They just kill you, if you kill them or profit with you if you profit there, but have no slaves.
Many in Langley, London, Moscow and Pullach watch....
Saturday, 29 June 2024
What if machines
just can not be creative, because they are not humans, like humans have to die, because they are no angels, and angels have to learn, because they are not God.
What if you are all wrong, because there is God and it does matter what you do to get what you want, Primats?
So, what you do when
when you feel like lacking strength and power?
You balance it with precision and efficiency.
Mercs break down, Porsches out, Toyota refuse to....and Hondas, duuuuude. I mean they all need a mechanic, but.
Do you understand
that the turn circle of a hovercraft, which has no grip resistance, only depends on the side rudder?
Do you know what I mean?
Efficient high speed travelling rings no bell?
The Cold War Delusion
Was that some privileged would just step out of a bunker after the nuclear war.
Instead the planet would have cracked into an Asteroid belt.
To belive that in an information age world war being a privileged man would increase survival chances is the same delusion.
You just don't die with all others, but by secret service special forces intelligence driven military means.
Osama Bin Laden, Deso Dogg, ISIS Commanders were just practice like taken out Colombian Laboratories or national Judges for WW4.
WW3 stays cold and atleast will survive when we go after each other!
#thisisninegotiation #crusaders #untilhiskingdomecome
Why I will stay poor, most likely
because I eat when I am hungry and will fuck no way Google Macro Calculator for anything else but Windows....
Reasons why I am poor
Possibly, because I would not hold back telling the fat lady with the CIA typical accent that all Bees vomit out honey the same way world wide...
So FSB, do you understand the idea of everywhere? The Farm is a business model like the German's Holocaust.
I am the only guy that slept in school north of the Atlas, right?
#provos #MIB
If Provos means
to do vice actions only for the gain of others to have no motive, what you think how we understand that last bullet pathetic thing?
Death before Dishonour!
The same war, the same battle, the same fight
just different times, just different generations, just different means.
Do you understand
what could happen in that smaking EM, if Germany looses by a wrongly given penalty goal?
In their current mood? They gonna fucking burn down my house, I just cannot move out of and Frankfurt right along with mass brawls in all of Berlin.
In a few days possibly :
This is the BBC. To the first time since the end of Second World War the Royal British Parachute Regiment was ordered to jump into Frankfurt.
The French Foreigne Ministry confirmed that the entire Foreigne Legion was ordered to take Berlin after the third consecutive day of civil unrest in all major German towns.
Please, report missing relatives to the following number: triple six triple zero triple six, immediately. This is the BBC, pray for our troops. May they come home safely!
....anthym....God save the King tralllalallaaa God save our gracious King traallalallallala trumpets.....
The Concerned Left of TheGermans
when watching carefully this video showing a German of obvious Irish ancestry have successfully managed to avoid everything considered "performance enhancing drug" from birth on to this very moment than on can see what turns them into a little understandable, but present threat position against the German right. They will have to proof the bulky guys their might and power demanding respect and position and being feared, too.
What can go wrong will go wrong..caus they are responsible for the dump bodybuilder jokes as soon as the gym rats figure the origin.
TheGerman Problem Battleground preps
So, they got shot at and bombs went off, right Ally Sweety?
What really happenes is that this will happen. TheGermans, so my findings after finally having to have time for the very Nazi people, consider psychological aspects most important second to none.
The PsyOps Crew around me in listening distance keeps repeating keywords like "wahnsinn" and "schlimm" in a loop not short of my latest music, but they ain coming for the arrest and benzoid psychopharmacology therapy having for well understood which level of resistance they will face, this time as the very last time.
The AfD is now also preparing their crews for the coming proper battles, but they are not scared at all of Anti-Fa and other political entities.
Maybe of Rockers....and Clans.
In about two years time the first 20ies style shootouts will have happened. Depending on the War in Ukraine, the Russian Vs NATO game, Street Wars, Economic Decline and last but not least This very Underground War, also a very lot earlier.
If they'd attack tomorrow having in their face the existence of both Provos and Knights in terms of military forces and education chaos might be ruling most of Germany in only a few months.
Until here, in Ukraine, the economy and certainly in my personal Mexican Stand Off no Special Forces are facing heavy combat with impact on this WW4.
We all wait resting of sharpened axes for the kick off to go all in.
And may the force be with you!
So Adrenalin an stupid
is bad. TheGermans watching an idiot consider the "thugs" the idiots. His German counter part Oliver Pocher is a star, while that fool managed to run into an MS 13 lower ranked officer in his break to ask him if he wants be attacked with an axe.
So, who is the idiot, if the guy shows his rank by pulling of his T-shirt of an organisation that does cut humans regularly with an axe into parts as a normal business strategy to someone pretending to be funny?
This world is no peaceful happy place, because you got in charge by murder and lies to abuse your knew economic power for securing your hard drug supply.
The side effects are about to hit back.
If that MS13 real OG does one call the prankster will be found dead in his home and no one will be ever charged.
Do you know what I mean by welcome to our turff, BKA?
You little fucks...
American Cyberpunks Conversations
Somewhere in the swamps of New Orleans
I proudly present our 200 home made rockets. DC is in now in range of our elderly. Finally.
Yah Rednecks gone craaaazy. I had my Tec-9 tuned to 1000 rounds per second as proud very peak of the ATeam challenge, but is neaaaaxt level.
ONE THAUSAND PER SECOND? How did you do that, son?
What you wanna do with that Iron glove, Southy?
What you wanna do with that Iron glove, Southy?
I'm just with the Southies.
You are the Europ guy?
Yeah Boston said you like it simple.
If I am right
And BKA ripped of kartells,.shortly after or while BND organised taking Ayrian Nation Turff to establish a new Meth pipeline, this is coming after you.
Mexican Kartells are big time money organisations that share market turff among each other. They can also pay mercenaries, judges and police beside having military level trained brigades in infantry manpower. Technicaly they also have an airforce, but that's the smuggler airplanes.
MS13 and Barrios are Gang Armies. Huge in number and organised exactly like a military force.
Ayrian Nation is a Gang. One of the few Terrorist Gangs in the USA working mainly undercover, next and among the normals. They are covered racists that will treat every normal other respectfully and with dignity to get the job done when on a mission, but turn ruthless hardcore killer against everyone and everything in their way that doesn't move quick enough.
They are quite the racist opposite of the IRA Provos,.yet no Germans at all.
Friday, 28 June 2024
Hey Gs
Do you understand Outlaw American style?
The problem so is, that real Outlaws in Europe look like this when dealing with Nazi Judges that kept going...
Do you understand the hate
your all drugged fake freedom caused in this world and how it is dealt with?
#gangcoltoure #undergroundwar
If you push 5k
rounds in one battle join the German army.
All others try aiming.
Efficiency is the maximum in perfect use. A rifle for 300 Dollars in a world in which most fire fights use 3 mags only is as perfect as a Humvee mounted Gutting Gun used to get out of an ambush you did not pay for.
Sadly, if the CIA does not end and compensate OG GIs for the copy right material theft we will have to "borrow" those Guttlings.
Due to anger management issues....
Weird truth
When you push some a lot through a barrel it stays cool using a lot of WD40.
Have a can in WW4 with your AR.
And pray for us that take from their dead cold fingers living in fake Republics.
Be like water, imagine to be like water
feel the bullet. Feel the bullet laying in its casing, feel it travelling through the barrel kicked by an explosion and feel it travelling through the air hitting your prey....
Be the bullet. Beeeeeeeee
Some start to admit
Germany failing.
For a short bold guy in an Alpha Animal Zoo to admit that the common ground with the big bulky guys is lost is a big hard step.
I am sure he does not understand how the common German corruption fucked up some very simple by giving ex Car Industry managers jobs.
Railway rides could be awsome. You book your tickets and get a Taxi ride to the station. Your luggage is picked up and brought to the luggage car of the train, even easier as on an Airport.
The system has several main backbone rides connecting the highest traffic stations directly.
Second are rides with stops in-between these stations.
Third are rides to the main and second stations and fourth and fives are automatic cars using elevator software.
Special trains that can be chartered have a well trained train operator that rides in-between the standard rides using waiting rails to avoid collisions based on Google maps avoid traffic jam software.
Hard, if you cheated your Siemens engineering diploma having the original creator fail...
Remember my paranoid Hamburg
comment about a dyatopian Hamburg? imagine this rain becomes normal over the next few years..
Let's build the most hardcore cyberpunk turff over the German nations ruins.
Or do you wanna pay to keep it????
So, did you cry
because he die or because he died?
Beside he didn't. He founded the English which means in Gallic decided in court or decided by vote. Gallic courts were vote based.
IronClad fought further south, but the same people coming with very white skin, strow blond hair and showing a Red-White-Gold flag at about the first Crusade.
But officially....
It's called
a belt or zip, but another button won't make it.
PS: They never asked how I know, but when I looked their age their Daddies asked me how the pants stay up skating.
If anything in Germany
is not to be missed, overlooked, passed or remains unseen and unheard than when TheGermams freak out about their team having had a match.
This must be the very first time ever!
What is wrong with you?
In a world underside down
but a Critter world, the rats would be on the streets, the hyenas far off and the mice rule being mistaken having outnumbered all others and expelled the cats.....
Mice pest?
All know rats. Grown asshols. TheGermams are just getting to know to Hyenas, the most dangerous critters.
But most Germans are Mice. Little tiny asshols playing the Rats. Abusing legal loop holes, most protected by the system, pretending to be innocent and cute, having not said a word, but chatting most, well being the worst of all plagues, if becoming powerful....
Only Cats and Snakes really, oh Spiders also like the Tarantula the best and most effective hunter, do take Mice.
Maybe some other creatures should put that snak, like Tapas, onto the regular.
What is the only Critter
that never kills or attacks, but follows until death strikes to eat first?
Bigger than our hunters symbol of pride and worth protecting.
You know that surrounded in an ambush
thing: Great, We can shoot in all directions without any collateral?
That started with Napalm in the morning, knowing burned bodies of Asians and CIA mercenaries look all the same.
They are everywhere among everyone ? Great, no nuclear bombs. No artillery
Just like Africans and Latinos. A small arms conflict.
#welcometoourturff #srgmaj #andwhenyoufoundme
You know GBRS Group?
Well, they were Delta coming through the Seal parkour.
This is training from both Marines and Army for Secret Service recruitment protecting US facilities and the President world wide.
That's those Jason Bourne avoided...
for a Reason.
What can a Wulf School Knight Thieve do?
#provos enforcing #bedingungslosekapitulation
They can act world wide on every mission to also proactively protect the U.S. President by Highest Top Secret Level based on only Presidential Order to protect his life.
Read the Rules of the Secret Service. The Seal of the United States of America.
But none of you two can order a nuclear attack without risking a bullet through your head travelling from very close distance.
In God we trust protecting Freedom. Provos
Within two to five years
The Kaiser's own, The Israelits, won't welcome any Messiah to fool, but come back here.
Most will come to also France, Paris and Nice especially.
This is when the Town Wars will start with Marseille as a European town and Nice and Montpellier being their White strongholds and most others mixed, but in all mobileTurmoil.
#WW4 #totalwartoovercome #totalwarourstyle #gangwars #undergeoindwars
I am usual not with TheGermans
But I don't wanna organise getting one of my guys out of high security military prison, because he flipped, not being able to be handling anymore anyone of you Big Guys playing "should I press it Or should I not" with the two suitcases.... So..
I will stay Underground
except the Germans murder an SEK by me killing it. For all others, this is the way to say Thank You, IronClad
What's going with Criss?
Have a seat and say
Pow wow.
Do you wanna go in on civil charges like civil unrest for a view days?
He'll say yes and will nod.
Tell him the rules, stick to them and he'll comply
#gangwars #undergroundwars
EU boarders
Are controlled densely on High - Ways by psyco cops to the immigrant routes from southern and south eastern countries by Germany.
Business men are badly checked. The most common used car is a Mercedes E, BMW 5 series or Mondeo and Citroën 5, Peugeot 501 cars.
Airport are tight, but EU has many airfields and even RC plane clubs ready to land a Beachcraft.
The very north is safe, has a along coastline. Greece as many islands, but immigrants next to vacation sailors.
Portugal is a tourist hot spot and speedboats crossing from Marokko being intercepts might be propaganda.
London is a Business hub, Paris and Den Hague solid weekend trips by car in a perfect network of streets
Get a big GPS tablet for Google maps on traffic.
Good luck.
Don't shoot Surinamse Gs, please.
How to get along an applied example.
Corona Crisis. Norway expelled all foreigners. No flights and Denmark closed all boarders for also trespassers.
Tromso has no bus air rail way station. No direct international flight.
Domestic flight to Bergen.
Next day Train trip to Oslo.
Next day Bus Trip Oslo to Gotheborg
Next day Gotheborg ferry to Flensburg
No hard ID checks.... Not on Google Maps except you use two fingers, cunts.
For TheGermams
If I am right and you tried to intercept Aryian Nation business lines, this is what's coming for you.
The Officers know that they will have to shoot him, if they are aggressive and dominating as him or as you are always.
This is the Turff you entered, these are Kartell and MS13 business partners off US. Far and away off provos, Black Panther and Crips'n'Bloods or GIs.
Paranoid and Schizophrenia keeps us alive. Killing loved once kills. Theft kills.
We are Terrorist Gangsters and you ripped of the wrong guy!
You are dead men walking BKA coming again instead of admitting corruption among your officers.
Do you understand your situation?
Blood or Cash
No other.
This being said
I do suggest those representatives of the German Left and the German Tussy in the softcover version, that do look like at least cousins form a small village to me, being most likely not into finding pure romantic love a hate fuck session.
That is not beating, but maybe slapping. Involves Swearing and aggrevating lowest biological drives, is very sinful, can involve soft drugs yet never hard drugs and will call you down.... Safe
#gfy means #gofuckyourself
So he ain crazy? But me....
Ecto plasmic black magic from a sectarian heretic.
The first part is a quote, the second my words.
#occultism #satire and a nation found by SS under the nuclear threat
I won't surrender <black plague flag>
The world is not like that
True. That's why I will kill if you don't change like Conquistadors Mayan slave keepers spitting on our Bible after having been told about Jesus against The Romans salve keeping empire.
So, BKA. Who the fuck is Tom and how deep goes corruption considerering that US Homeland Security investigates against one of the profiteurs, yet officially on different charges?
#ticktack #provos #GIOGs #deathroworarmy
Can you believe
that rats got so smart that they manage to digg squared, BW or kids shuffle size holes below bushes these days?
I wonder at which point
no Candidate meeting is adversery rips facts out of context, falsely blames the other by leaving out the bigger picture and advertises his actual agenda different than the advocated agenda of the adversery.
Is English that hard?
I watch ads on telly which are adverts from adverseries on television, boys.
Your fucking Emperor of most of the damed World.
Your loosers, soldier and skaterboys, underdogs, weirdos, mentals and mentalists, no diploma haver with even less assets, but all smarter than you.
Thursday, 27 June 2024
In the mean time
TheGermans might have the list and are looking for a young new leader to get them out of a really really deep hole.
I kinda assume all Underdog loving Ol' Boys not only won't lend a hand..
Can you imagine that some things are predictable decades upfront?
Like we will all die at some point of a long enough timeline, BKA?
Come so I can kick you down, corrupt Nazi pigs.
Trump, right
So Trump sais they are dumping their criminals into America from like Venezuela.
This is the secretly reverse engineered conversation of the Mexican Boarder Control :
Aaaaaah. Seeeeee. Soo your wannaaa sell cockaina to Americanos, SEEEEEE?
Uhm. Senior. Aahm. Noooo Mexicano can afford thaaaat shit, soo whaaaat I dooo?
Youuuuu gooh. Youuuuu stay.
The problem is, the Texan also did not tell him that this was an option. Not going. Not staying is a logical option when both are standing. Right?
#MIB #cyberpunkcoltoure
The perfect impersonation
in all stereotypes of a guy from Hell's Kitchen New York is this all sneaky, Latino, Italian, Jewish motherfucker dating black women and hitting Dutch tourist chicks of a gold and diamond dealer.... his shop is just not in Hell's Kitchen, so.
I am not alone being hated by the Shrink Balls.
Trust me.
Imagine I figure out
that's the same list fucking Bond was after and you treat my brothers like that for real!
#iamnotamused #thefuckingcommiunistpaety
So, Polizei stores huge amounts of
Cockain for proof in court and further investigative criminal investigation and I face another wave of bitching.... from even the tax office and they crash my car by paper work.
Just who Tom having my Copy Rights based on my poverty oath is, none wants to mention again.
You need more gear to dare?
#undergroundwars #gangwars #ihatethegermans
Maybe high dosed haluzinogenics so they believe they can fly?
Dude, The French
even the French, all Frogleg eating, Oyster slurfing, gays that fuck in a wood are coming for you...
How did that start?
PS: Can you spray The Goblins, please? Like each time? The are of short notice. Thank you. Cu in Hell.
I think I am
a snake human and have to move to Korea. South, just saying, S o u t h Korea.
PS: No way it's the soft mattress....
He knew he had fucked up
when The West understood Red Dawn won't happen, because they prefer Europe.
A drug wave hit Europe drowning in violence ever more escalating....
Soon, it's my turn and they will come again.
Provos don't exist.
They never stolen music.
I am crazy.
I have to take medication.
I am no Knight.
I can proof them only one way.
This blogg might end soon, because PsyOps announced the BKA wants to discuss my Amok threat again instead of admitting corruption and human rights violations based on their version of The Messiah List.
I will fight. Especially an SEK siege.
Bets I make it and kill them all??!
There is an Anti-Fat injection medication
and I just read:
Weighing about 3 pounds in the average adult, the brain is about 60% fat. The remaining 40% is a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates and salts. The brain itself is a not a muscle. It contains blood vessels and nerves, including neurons and glial cells.
on Google.
I am sure it'll be all fine and the tremendous success of something for something else with a strange sideeffct won't do something bad.
PS: If anyone around will become even dummer don't tell him, he might react stupid.
When you life in a hood
noone would open fire even if they were allowed to....
PS: Bodycams on low wage shop workers? Will they get an intercom connected to a guy somewhere remote and be called to walk around at some point past many will go back to the weed trade or blunt theft for a living, I suggest?!
Decadency and Ignorance
So, Crypto can get you rich as a Day Trader, because nothing is as volatile and fast having low cost access platforms.
A Binance account needs some patience and a Bloomberg Terminal 20.000 Dollars per month.
Crypto exchanges are real, stock trading apps are fake abusing the small print trick.
These guys fake it, because it still needs a boom in the Crypto market for a shark game killing each other as not even Investment Brokers do anymore right now. The stocks are all overpriced, while Crypto is still a Casino on Texas Hold'em.
Five Cards Draw remains illegal....anyway.
Fakers are easily found. What do you think how, let's call him Arnault the Hard Worker, would do vacation in Monaco and Dubai?
They do all the same everywhere, the fakers.
Arnault HW, not a physical guy but a killer, made it and came to stay from a backround that was. Not always, but for a long time. The Arnaults understand survival of the fittest, how much luck they had and what to talk and not to talk about.
In Monaco he drives in, driving himself, stops at a Grand Luxe Hotel and trusts the Concierge. He has tables booked and a schedule for the week. He'll sleep in, uses the Hotel Spa, enjoys the big breakfast and inhales the luxurious surrounding to have a walk through narrow Southern French streets and some times spend money in a boutique.
The rich men's Petit Dejeuner in a Brasserie somewhere in the Outskirts.
In Dubai he'll fly in using the Lounge at the departure airport, have a driver from the Hotel he keeps stressing especially when hitting the Dubai Mall, but the longest walk will be in the rooftop or open air restaurant having the latest dinner ever....
Me? If I was rich I'd be in Sahel with a Crew hunting Boko Haram, because I don't do vacation. But I got Germans, instead.
PS: The drivers watch? Considering the hood it was tip otherwise there would be blood staines and someone like me might be around....on your possibly last trip not back to the airport, I guess.
The Latin American Problem
Is the same as the world's problem. Bolivia is facing revolt, because Gas exports fall and along an easy cash flow. Big factories won't come. Big offices neither.
Just as to most other regions of this world.
The sheer production might of even ineffective factories and office complexes makes sure that it just does not need factories everywhere.
All this was known in economics at the beginning of Industrialisation.
Just one tiny group refused to understand the consequences and decided to make it even worse...
Look at Bolivia. Beautiful buildings, a climate perfect for southern fruits agricultural cultivation and a lean back attitude to life.
Bolivians eager to become a carreer man in a big office could study online and locally to move to London, New York, Singapore or Hong Kong transferring money back to their families that decided to open a Bed'n'Breakfast for tourists, work on a Melon farm exporting world wide and welcome him coming home for Christmas enjoying the other way of life for a moment off his busy world.
Instead, we are all greedy stresses out assholes steeling and killing each other...
Either, they win and we turn world wide slavery by junkies or we win and I make three kids in Havana alone.
#WW4 #thehippirevenge
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Kenya is, well
was a CIA stronghold. The Confed and also Nazi way of ruling is to charge a tax, which they already did when they were Bandits striding through Europe attacking our convoys or badly defended villages.
Until today they do not give anything in return, but share it among their equals like monopole corporations or state employees in form of "pay for no work in return" which recently became not to be hidden anymore by the Berlin Airport Project.
Who would have though that the nice, welcoming and friendly Africans first end germanisation?
Well, we did, knowing where you go afterwards.
Come home!!! The birthplace of Feudal Law and gas Chambers, but also Terrorism and Urban Guerilla Warfare.
The Dubai lonesomes or
How to throw a party.
In Dubai you need a boat. A charter boat that can carry 50 people and an alternative peer if it should work. Ballistically. Work ballistically.
You need a DJ and Catering Service and print flyers.
The perfect preparation time for scheduling a Friday evening out is about two weeks upfront.
You sort the date and have the flyers ready to go looking around approaching all you now have a reason for givimg them a Flyer.
Why the party? Because you like to party.
PS :And for the Idiots in desperate need of a hint. Who is the only one you don' see?
The moment he knew he fucked up
having not made a pilot licence and get a smuggle plain was when the emails for the 21st came...
Are you a rich Arab looking for
an investment opportunity?
The Globe - Weekly Feuilliton News Paper
Take a fine investigative journalist that never was into money and an Ivory League educated MBA as a CEO.
One picks a team to investigate an interesting news report. They need access to a large amount of online resources like subscription News paper Archives and Libraries.
The other has no editorial influence and is managing all human affairs, sales of the paper and advertising space in also full playboy paper colour magazine. He needs a pretty good IT team.
No copy past news agency report ever. Instead the majority of stories is based on research done in a few days, some series are done in weeks and have own photos, the big once might take years have law sutes supposed to create a better world Globally.
Subscribers get the classic news paper shaped publication on Thursday evening or per download. In the news stands it's Friday morning world wide.
Books, Records, Art work, Concerts, Exhibitions and Galas are the Merchandise serving the Worlds Borgoise Boheme with an attitude.
I am broke so...ain gonna happen from my wallet.
Sean Comps aka The Pee Did it
Turns out he was accompanied by criminals so smart they never did time even so everyone knew about them.
But what me really interestets is how your Crew wants to survive this coming war, because you can't suck your way out from us penetrating you.
Stay the fuck at home Big P. 155s and Scorpions ain going along well.
#TIE #WorldWide #gangwars
This is a battleground prep Red Baron mission and I am an IRA Provos Centurion Deadhead having time for TheGerman Crews, finally.
Make away!!!
You know by now
these Did you understand a single word moments of my world.
That's an Aye moment. And that's why we fight.
If mankind stops to love, God will kill us.
#provos #crusaders
Do you know that guy
you have to pick up in a Motel in the outskirts, who is in need of both a baby sitter and bodyguard, but mad enough to take that risky job you just refuse to, so you reject the job, but accept the pick up and briefing?
Here he ain rolling. He's broke...
Joe & Jim
No honey No. Times you drop a tissue and have the Gentleman pick it up to return it with a bow and taking his Fedora off are gone.
Sadly, but gone and the offencive approach is way better.
Take a seat next to him and say Hi. If he likes it and starts playing you are rolling otherwise you slap him, walk of angry and all other Alpha Top G know you.
And the defence approach?
Club doors are heavy and you say "Thank you, that is so kind. Who are you?"
I think maybe that one than.
So, Elon
your trouble and TheGermans cheereoing victory before the war even started is a coincidence?
So, that's the plan. Banks still rule your world. You once had one. In the end of the day the biggest and lowest credit gets the guy showing best perspective.
There is a time for sharks coming back kicked off by mean slime tricks and you won't slip. Promise me!
So, who is the biggest motherfucker into hostile take overs you have ever met to split up some conglomerate for more profit resting in pieces?
And check Kawasaki Crews in wherewasit!? Cupras is Japanese, they just forgot...
So, Mafia, Kartell, Syndicate
and even Street Organisations like Rockers and Gangs do always devide their turff at least after some negotiations.
Usually they run and shoot more at Law Enforcement than at other groups.
Nations are different.
So, 8 Billion people of which are about 7 living outside your turff are to few to sell combined your gear?
Fucking Hell Really Is That So. No peace you motherfuckers.....
#terroristgangs #thesocialengeneer #beforethearrestattempt
PS ; How many can we recruit off them? Nuclear ends all buzz for ever.
Thanks Thrasher Mag
The Levi's 511 is robust and cheap... and we still don't talk to them. The Others owning a Skateboard. #provos #90ies #gangwars #gfyCIA
There was that Shadowrun
adventure rule book about an all flooded and evacuated Hamburg, exGermany, describing a fictional town that was retaken by nature by its position in a long stretched river delta placed in a very flat topography being super vulnerable to flooding.
It starts with climate change impact, just exaggerated for a dystopian table top game.
Won't get that bad. Towns so badly flooded they were given up becoming home to the new outlaw elite of a failed society, the Shadowrunners or Cyberpunks that create their parallel society in empty spaces steeling from the remaining corporate industrial production entities that still stick to an old order.
This is just a crisis and not the end of The West, isn't it, Nazis covering as law enforcement?
Isn't it?
So, how does sexuality and alcoholism
go along? Because, I see proof of excessive alcohol use, but only bikinis and shorts that appear to cause only sun burns really.
You gonna fake it until you pass out??
PS: BKA company party trip with SEK? Issit????
Today coming to the USA is easier
As a matter of fact the price for a ticket to the USA did not become cheaper relative to income since the big immigration waves when first boarder checks were introduced in fear of sabotage groups from fashist tyrannical governments abroad....
Today, both Mexico and Germany are officially well respected nations.
Do you understand
that anything like this never happened when the USA was still an immigration country liberal to all those that wanted to life in freedom to prosper and where happily welcomed natter where they came from?
As soon as it turned practicaly impossible to stay in the USA even if on had work, would not commit any criminal offence and was well loved by other Americans to get a Visa.... other came along with drugs used in reality by those having changed the face of the United States of America.
You need a new law
like a RICO against this.
There are several laws and most likely sute cases already in place about filming rights and duties, hurrassment, aggrevation of a non violent situation, psychological harm, anti-social behaviour (being purposefully an asshole in public) and lines of public spaces to sealed private property.
A RICO is the same to have a legally defined base in court against all stakes and parts of a criminal organisation.
This man is maybe not on an organised mission from a really weird syndicate, but there are many like him that are causing trouble for no reason crating a long term impact on public health of the society.
Noone wants a Police officer loos it as much as noone wants a racist as a Police officer. So, you may not aggravate officers as much as the Police does not keep racists....
Crew, Gang, Clique
Is there a difference? No, this being said are humans like me different from most influential humans today. The three synonyms are a good example. Most media owned and operated by primate humans will give out rules of which wording has to be used giving a clear definition despite the dictionary.
And the worst print another issue of that dictionary proofing their point the hard way...
This being said would I use the word Clique every time I am deeply connected with my Crew I love and in trouble threaten others by bringing my Gang on... musicians into sound we are.
PS: Do you know the different meanings of the word "sound"?
Like: this blogg is a sound statement of underground wars.
In memory of Patrick O'Hoolygan, a true Traveller King of the very same war we Provos fight.
A real threat, but decentralised
Provos is a thing. Hard to find, but most likely still on the top position of the CIA's Terrorist Gangs list off for the FBI due it's international character.
We are a decentralised cell system without a central head. Legally, if the Germans would admit I was not a Paranoid Schizophrenic but actually realy dangerous before I kill Police Officers, I was as a one man gang no criminal organisation. That needs more than solitude.
Provos Cells are not connected at all. I could not have under cover managed to get UN mission tanks into Mogadishu to get my Big Red One brothers in arms out, if I was still even connected by a secure IRC connection.
Provos is like a P2P system. You all want the same thing. Freedom, life and beat the Nazi syndicates exploiting us and others, but you do not know from whom you pull help when looking for some that needs to be done.
We are the highest level of a system structure that copies insects like bees, ants or termites, but there is a low level one, too.
Same and same like to unite is a translation from a German saying: Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern.
You Germans might be facing a wave of immigrants that only came here inparticular based on what is known about Germany, without any other connection but hear say, being therefore of comparable character, attitude and mind set now doing their thing.
What if they connect here?
Many are from decades of civil war or gang activities kicked out of war zones or slum anarchy, pretending to be victims out of finding them past having arrived in a weak situation having failed to dominate where they came from, now finding like minded others.
Nazi goes around, Nazi comes around another way, possibly.
TheGerman system
of hidden corruption as an applied example.
In the free to read part of the article it already says that Microsoft would abuse its market dominance stated by someone in a governments ministry.
So, that's illegal and you have to sue them, dude.
Instead, they managed to kick off a project to develop a software package against one in use that is most advanced and market dominant based on the sheer manpower in effective hours put into a software bundle he won't understand in possibilities and options ever.
Microsoft Office is not only a typewriter with some more. You actually can custom program functionality and create an entire network in a globaly operating company using Microsoft Visual Basic for advanced information flows.
To get that level of interconnection by open source alternatives on had to use C, a compiler creating a software development laboratory being able to create an even more sophisticated level of costumisation and security, but you will be very lonesome turning the most extreme nerd in the Internet.
The Programmers Guild level I guess. You thought I was joking again, right?
Noone will check, in opposite to that Guild link, how the signing guy and the developer team are connected, but everyone in Germany will know it will be expensive, fail and not work ever or come way to late and be a lot worse.
Do you know what I mean?
Given Holocaust KZ runners a nation. Those that ran them, not those that ran off....idiots
Tuesday, 25 June 2024
So, are you trying to say
that there are other humans among us that do not need leadership and clear rules?
Why? Wonna come looking for us again to have us have a shower and than burn all our books based on a leadership order that afterwards will have had disappeared?
This is right English?
Until you motherfucker don't learn to say "Is this correct English?" I ain talking to you!! IDIOT
The FBI leaked Diddy and JayZ plotting
against another white boy that at least ain doing a full body paint job?
The CIA watched fake 2Pac of MTV die by a headshot in Hell's Kitchen The Valley when GIs turned Provos joining the IRA to having to bring him to the USA by a Blackbird covering up the Messiah List.
We get you too. Some time, some place, some opportunity, but by God we get all of you screaming and escalating, drug selling and scoring, raping and murdering Indians, Mayans, Azteks and Pygmens to kill you no matter you Primates call yourself then.
Rats and Bisamrats.
Them and US.
Primates and Humans.
Joe & Jim
This is how far a gym membership, a boob job and no issues flashing them can get you.
The boys pass you through their rides to show off.
If you come onto our journey we will make them buy you one ride link this.
I can see we have your full attention.
Do you know Old Fashion and can you imagine to pretend to be from an old French aristocratic family being realy realy board in even Monaco ?
Than we are in business.
Sex addiction?
Sex addiction?
Oh wow
Like funding their brains out?
When a guy
looking like being recruited fresh of the Hitler Jugend Pimpfe into Gobbels SS Wochenschau reports about his handicapped cousin from the Viking Jugend being beaten to death, I first think "Black Facing" and how much Jewish money is being transferred into another blood line branch of that alien clan.
All I am trying to say is, I do know I am weird and for too long among TheGermans, but you seriously need to get a different haircut, boy.
Sometimes you just knew
GTA. If ever on Gods mysterious ways, but certainly no bank transaction.
#nobkessoblige #knightthieves Vs #piechbandits
TheGermans are upgrading
Full of ambition, yet still struggling with upgraded weaponry the first German went to throwing stuff over smaking in close combat.
He almost killed himself with a petrol bomb.
That's a bottle of glass, no plastic dude, filled with petrol or alternatively petrol and some oil as used for two stroke engines and a cloth sticking out of the bottle socked in petrol.
I assume he struggled with the cloth and just burned it all.
Turn it into a rope by twisting it next time, idiot.
#fuckinghell #yourgrandparentsareashamed
PS: until 04:30. Fuck for well can you build a petrol bomb that explodes. Petrol is an explosive substance which is why it is used for combustion engines. All you need to achieve is that the petrol has enough air to explode by e.g. filling the sealed bottle not fully and give it a hot enough spark.
That idiot poors petrol in a bottle. Figures that the cloth through the bottleneck leaks petrol every step. So, he poors out some petrol and closes the bottleneck with the original head half way using a thin cloth crating a proper Irish Petrol bomb, but as a grown men and not a toddler.
What can you do
when you know telepathy is a reality. That this voice in your head is part of an PsyOps operation and they again ask you what you'd do, if they turned your life into a TV show?
Well, I give the same answer.
You have two options. Pay in blood or money and there is no other option.
We both know you'll be all on medication and I will be all sober when we turn to physical violence.
Another reason for a Shotgun
wearing a crossed over the chest bullet next like a Mexican makes sense...
Markus Neueder is
if the Germans continue these actions against me one of those I am happily looking forward to have understand which other parts of my personality I was hiding from quite overconfident jewmurderers that I just know too well, a target to kill, but in his office next to his colleagues.
You won't escape Tarkov, boy and I am sure at some point you will deliver me the needed weapons.
I can feel, meeting motherfuckers like this guy, their inner fascist attitude and hear their disrespect considering me a lesser human telling me instead of speaking to me.
These days their badge does not protect them anymore when we meet.
PS: which preassure do you need to create a brick with the same density than the cargo load or which cargo load has the same density than your product?
Have snore them to death.... while we sort out old bills.
#provos #ticktack
If Russian forces show up outside of Berlin that will be exactly your level of expertise compared to them.
There is still Poland inbetween....
Why don't you just show contemporary life in Berlin way off the Allies status it once had to the Russians. They might stupidly send it on prime time TV and the Kremil gets a "No" in about Frankfurt Oder from the General.
Jus don't be in the woods than... but they might drop Vodka in Marzahn. You just may not leave town.
Migrant Violence?
You understand that they can deal way better with heat than you aliens to European values? Those gang bangers in Mekka, if that was your crew, noone would have been missing. All laying on the path....
Violence without a concept
The Germans face a wave of violence. They have laws to counter a terrorist group. A One Man Gang is strange and Terrorist Gangs do not exist in the German security doctrine.
But, if the current situation I am in will escalate, they would have a legal basis to lock down parts of the nation to combat the last franconian knight legally using Police forces.
In the meantime, while German PsyOps still tries to prepare an arrest against an IRA Provos Social Engineer to get him repeat their version to get out of mental hospital again, the system faces an escalating wave of aggression and violence against until here untouchable Police from within society.
More and more citizens dare to let their anger, hate and disrespect go off instead of swallowing all such emotions to accept Police authority.
Did I tell you not?
I also told you how this will end. Here locally in Hell's Kitchen The Valley, for German society and the German lifestyle as much as globally with hegemony of an interest based monetary system and an accumulating capitalism with some organisations way off any limits from holocaust crime families.
You will die!
Do you understand the core strategy
of situations like those in Black Hawk Down comparable to that metaphore of the hole on digged in too deep?
Well, what if on diggs ever deeper so that noone can get our except by piling up the others corps?
#provos #centurion #deadheads
Monday, 24 June 2024
Dangerously stupid and arrogant
Anti-Biotics are not supporting the healing process or stop a new infection. They are supposed to stop infected wounds turning deadly and need to be given in conjunction with disinfecting the wound with anti-bacterial substances.
Besides, that war area is so full of Rats, the dogs are fine and only need a hug here and there. Fame Whore Angels...
So, if
Blackfacing as especially an artist is no hate crime punished by long prison time and if in conjunction with a drug inflicted mental degeneration Death Row nor will be there any official investigation into the Messiah List called FBI hate crime against constitutional rights demanding civil right protests and activists
... we'll kill em ourselves and reestablish the Republic of the United States of America in pluribus unum.
#provos #IRAmovememt
Remember a Laboratory in Wuhan
Fortunately, this is a former research institute.
But than. Imagine this was not the FSB, but Ivan and Ivanka with Svetlan and Pjetros having read Shadowrun Rule Book Issue one available for free download using Google search after finding out who walks in and out.
Am I serious?
FUCKING HELL, DUDE!!!! Show me sanity in this world and I give you a serious answer.
And me they tell
in Germany when walking normal to check my hips with a doctor I might need a replacement. It's just you can't Google Terrorist Gang KingPin at all....
So in the 90ies Cop Killer
was send to the KKK and LAPD, because the CIA and FBI both founded by Confeds actively destroyed the reputation of actually "mixed - race" borrows. Well, telling an Irish boy in love to get rid of both his Latino and Black girlfriends will cause some problems especially when on top chemicaly castrated junkies show up and do drug business on your block.
Just one thing did not happen. We did not bitch around with fucking anyone, like them here.
Now, the personal problem I and many like me have is that your Clown Pranksters did not communicate the triggered reaction. All got a price and shooting them stupids dead ain coming for free neither.
Are you expanding to Police or into the hood trying to figure who pulls quicker?
#provos #theothershitwegottadealwith
Can you check if a person stood facing both the old lady and convoy wearing strong glasses?
That would be GeStaPo PsyOps, if it is possible to be on Psycho Active Substances to trigger humans in insecure situations to do mistakes.
Mental! You Institute kill em would you.
Do you understand
DIN? Deutsch Industry Norm. I am honestly not sure from whom you have stolen the concept, but you can create one for embedding NFT chips into the watch chassis during production being solidly connected with the metal and give each Real Estate a serial number that is registered on manufacturer servers and read by every dealer with an Internet connection....
And We All Gotta Eat.
Did you ever
think that this was the perfectly right rhythm to anal (02:38) you for exactly what you are doing there, knowing you'll like it and can't talk about it, ever?
#stuckamongthegermans #thegoblininme
Why I am so confident?
Because that was me on a Dutch IBM computer from their Amsterdam branch when they started bullying me having recorded me abusing all available war games as tactical battleground move simulators by cheating on the server through disabling the weaponsystems.
And now it's just the Germans..
Governor Schwarzenegger
Is no lobbiest. You might call him a fame whore, but that fits Regean, Trump and everyone in Las Vegas plus all Tank Top owners in California.
He has no stakes in any respect personally or by family ties into any industry. Not even the Supplements Industry like Jay Cutler or Watches like Sylvester Stalone. He gone for fame, be American and took from the American Dream path the dishwasher to millionaire route to be the perfect compromise for all.
But as it is America he is the biggest possible equal.
No one worse than him in Conan, no one bigger than him on Mr. Olympia, no one as untouchable by jokes about him and no one making as much jokes about himself, no one ever managing to doubt the Candidates rules.
So, If anyone can create a decentralised grid for electricity, communication and transport than his crew.
Be an Arny! Push it until you make it and don't fake it until they get you.
I mean both of you Joe and Sylvie...
PS: I keep threatening Putting so he ain bombing shit at home.
#freeandbrave #travellermade #gonomads #thetracktofreedom
Charkiw, the deciding battle?
Some Russian apparently said that (from 07:00 on) Charkiw might be the decision of the war considering the amount of gathered Ukrainian troops.
Well, it also might be NATO jumping the fence or better rushing through the flatlands into war supporting the Ukrainians as long TheGermans are still the strategic force of order in Germany, France and the UK with parts of the USA.
Some US Generals might sue Pentagon and the President in the Supreme Court giving order to directly attack Russian troops ending Confed influence or bringing the country close to a real civil war, while only Confed Troops and Germans and their allies are going to war.
There might be a better way to keep a nuclear escalation down.
If Russia holds in the Charkiw region by proving its military might through advancing south creating a land connection to Moldovia Putin can both politicaly stick to his save Russians everywhere doctrine, proof The Wests think tanks wrong by being capable of managing most far away battle grounds and stretch the war further out to get time to start an underground war hurting those by assassination and sabotage that would throw a nuclear bomb after commanding NATO troops into deathfields as canon fodder of a failing systems last murder.
Based on the 1st Commandment of Judaism, Christianity and Moslems the abstract way.
#knightcraft #noblesseoblige #provos
It's working
BKA, as soon as your former pimps took away the last hope from you, we will talk about your attitude issue on corruption and covering criminal officers. The fucking hardest possible way.
So, hiding in any Polish wood won't be an issue afterwards..
#sausages #ticktack
Gnadenlos auf Mutter
next level.
For my core audience, the nonGermams, "Onto mother without mercy" is the latest catch phrase of influencers in German territories living of the conflict society gossiping core.
So, all do.
Than, White Colour crime is special in German territories and Austria is as far off from its Habsbourg history as it can get by being still a solid copy of the Nazi administrated "Gau" the US thought to have liberated it from.
If you consider the Trump trials a court battle between the rich white Americans split between Confeds and Irish Immigrants.... check out the reason why Arnold left the hood.
Underground wars kicking off
Lithium batteries can explode. The Mossad claimed responsibility for some kills by blowing up batteries of manipulated mobile phones after giving the victim a call.
Battery cars are also supposed to be the next big thing in The West.
Batteries are already very important globally.
Some will turn the source material trade of batteries into the next Blood Diamond trade which is why already noone mentions anymore that most soils are African soils needed in battery production.
And accidents happen.
If that was a sabotage act than I wonder why 20 workers were also killed. The Bad will do it to spread mayhem taking the accident during work legend as an excuse. The Greedy will also make sure the brains are dead to take down competition beyond the machines and in an Underground War Captain Price might have run into the bodyguards of James Bond's Villain in order to stop Brain from producing bombs covered as batteries.
What really happened?
Do you trust The Sun?????
PS: I trust our economy that investigating deeper is less profitable than publishing some pictures in every respect.
Sunday, 23 June 2024
The other prior to this incident
where ate quickly enough by rats to be not found.
This is what happens if you give a territory to German rule. Allies, you should have given it to Turkey and their military would have protected it as it was. Pretty and Good and in no way German.
It's not only me
but I swear by God, that I will bring justice over you BKA, BND, Polizei and Rockers if you do not give in and continue to cover up those crimes this blogg is about.
I kill and don't brawl
#cutthebullshit #provos Vs #GeStaPos
PS: And for the spectating audience. Göttingen is home to one of the two most prestigious and important Universities of the German cultur. (soon to be written kultur)
Harvard's Max Headroom calling in on war
He basically sais what I say just without any slang except business and stock market slang.
While Western Trash like me will find itself soon in shoot outs with fucking everyone that has an authority attitude problem he'll have no moral obligations to drop all patriotism and use the international financial system.
He could for well found a Dublin based investment vehicle to invest globally. Dublin is in neutral Ireland, but within the Euro zone and all of The City is a walk away with an office. If he also buys a nice yacht under German flag with a tender boat, guys like me would call a Barkasse, to stay outside of national coast boarders with a Sky Net solid Internet connection he'll turn the first Investment Cyberpunk by cheating his arrest warrant, keeping up his business and even becoming richer while I eat Police and Rockers at night time striding through Europe in stolen rdes using captured ammo until the last bit of this slave system is an honestly free world.
Maybe my short story novel fictions are not that off afterall....
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Ey Top Gs
Do you know what makes a real man?
To be able to protect others from being stupid knowing all will feel better the good way.
Calculatable calculations
I would not be too confident in down playing Russian resources.
This is because war is very calculatable. Success in especially war depends on the ability to calculate precisly all aspects from the enemy to internal affairs.
Even kill and loss rates can be quite precisly estimated, if the leadership has access to a good military administration.
The West failed to understand when one of its most prominent foreheads whoms entire wealth is based on understanding future developments such as the IBM compatible computer taking down Home Computers warns with good arguments that an epidemic was possible while the Russians still have an armada of Soviet administration economic planning engineers around.
There is a good chance they fucking exactly know what they are doing based on planning a war economicly.
PS: They don' know underground wars planning
We do. We provos. We are Americas enemy number one, knowbody knows. So Germans, get a briefing in Langley on how badly we can kick balls being mad about someone and understand on our turff it kicks of as a draw between you and The Russians.
Still, stay out of our borrows and trasspass in peace. Our you get fucked like the Germans being welcomed to the House of Pain like CIA Narco Decision in the 90ies.
They all died. Hollywood style...
And while a trail for kicking ass
of what turned out to be a cop without uniform of the Frankfurt Police was pending to ran out of time, I had women like her buy me a sandwich by nomore than a relaxed smile sitting close to a supermarket as a Clochard.
Next time, if you don't pay for your Police corruption, I will neither be relaxed nor in Paris.
#ticktack #lartvivre #lartcombat
Do you understand Primat?
It does not mean monkey, no matter you saying, because you also know Primus.
A Primat is in need of a Primus. Primats strive themselves for being or being as close as possible to the Primus not accepting another Primus next.
You miserable motherfuckers hurrassing me little Traveller Hippi Knight are not capable of living in selfresponsible independent free anarchy being one among many equals like Arthur and his Knights, Robin Hood and his men, Charlemagne and his entourage and will accept my rights only by brutal violent force?
So be it, BKA and Hells Angels.
I'll fuck you than.
To be really dead honest
I truly don't understand how you White People can choose your visual brother for a sexual love relationship.
Don't you want someone adding to you?
Just check the geographical location of your latest home and fit in. It's getting late.
I told you
but about five years ago and I also won't keep sitting duck, but join the feast to wipe out Nazis and TheGermans soon.
I feel another of your Gangs preparing to come bullying me instead of paying back. Is that so?
Be my guest any time.
#provos #gfyBKA
Friday, 21 June 2024
Imagine there is a draft
and they manage to only pick up their very own facing illegal automatic rifles from all others that consider taken a No for no answer as that very tyrannical government like I will the next Police platoon giving me shit in my mental health issues and this will become the Senator Son's War for future generations.
PS: It does not say nothing about the Government being allowed to enforce the 2nd Amendment.
The actual key to universal success
Is to accept that humans have a free will to make decisions.
That does not mean that you have to support another humans decision or that you can't fight his actions to get what he decided for, but it means that when a human made his call, he made his call.
But which path and if that humans gets or fails everyone can have a call on.
#thereisonlyonegodanditainme #saiit
How is this gonna go down
The Frankfurt Police is all most corrupt, arrogant and never short of a Nazi scandal being visibly medicated on duty.
They also will follow the all ever same protocols.
In this showcase they dominate their clients refusing to just hand over to the new Latino Lords by bringing the customer base into a subway Hall placing them at the walls while taking the central spots around the pillars.
Either you have Katell Mercenaries unpacking their rucksack guns or additional trashbins loaded with Semtex, but the hard face will change to fear facing international standards coming around to the root cause.
But than, 3 Billion Dollar companies from a world with one unwritten law only, as well might just visit their nice out of town family homes to wait with the micro family for daddy coming home.
Will that be another offer you cannot refuse just like mine?
What you think, SS follow up organisation?
Life and let life or kill and get killed.
Son of Rome Ghost mode and shoot at ghosts, hold against ghosts to learn to fight ghost and their abusers..
#cybeepunkcoltoure #combatsimulators
Do you want to see
Military kicks and see the difference to sport kicks?
So. The Major kicks without aggression and very precisly with focus on perfect execution of the kicks like a Bodybuilder traines focusing on perfect execution of his exercise.
Endurance training will be separate and so will be strength, anger and aggression training.
Sport combins all those generaly. Like Thai Bo or Pilates classes for the fit girls is different than Bodybuilding.
In combat he and his men will in hand to hand combat manage to control their anger over their dead comrades, focus their aggression onto placing kicks to kill as quick and efficient as possible.
Watch The Punisher. Combat is exactly like in The Punisher.
For avoiding arrest, retaliation or making way combat training is about killing not impressing or dominating. He is an elite solder and no sportsmen. Don't be mistaken.
What France should do
Sending elite troops for any other reason than fast extraction of citizens is playing with fire at the wrong time in Ukraine.
The world will face another World War, for which reason ever and Ukraine is not the center of this war.
France should secure, in military means, it's homeland.
How fast can you move a commando platoon or a brigade from Aubagne to Toulon and which is the dedicated Air Force Base to turn them Airborne? Do you have the parachutes at the Airbase or in Aubagne and a ship ready to drive on?
France most important harbour remains Marseille and in this coming war sabotage for economic reasons will be not only done by other nations, but drug karells and quite possible corporations with little moral restrictions.
Circulation representative at important sights will be soon for tourists and it might be a problem as soon that the Citadel Fort is a University spot, even so Paris considered for its Higher Education and Research Institutions a new combined quarter out side of town and that historic building overlooking the harbour is ninja assassine penetration safe, if guarded based on schedule.
Especially France has all Base to prosper in a new oligopole world being safe and secure from the worst of asymmetric sabotage military actions, if understanding it's military history, character and attitudes.
France is the only other nation next to the USA that has both Sergeant Major and General Major positions which are independently operating special mission ranks off the actual order lines that are base for modern secret services and special forces giving gratitude to humanity by accepting that trust is sometimes better than loyalty, if the trusty is just carefully selected.
The next Duty Gun
I like how this fella gets into detail immediately. I'd start differently.
First of all Duty gun means something different for Military and Police, but both come always with ammunition use.
A Police gun will shoot manstopping ammo that won't cut through the body to not endanger others around also causing less harm to the body by beings still leathel when needed.
Military guns shoot to kill and need to have high penetration and harm capabilities.
Therefore, the ammunition design is as important as the gun itself. Does the ammo stretch out in the body to ripp more human tissue apart, is it penetrating body armour and will cut through several rows of enemies or will the ammo stop in the human body causing harm disabling movement while causing little chance of innocent bystanders being harmed.
For Police guns the carry storage is more important than for military purposes and that turns the holster fitting into the Police car as important as the ammo, while military needs to consider the weight of gun and ammo designing supply lines from basically the factory to a battleground in far distance with storage and transportation.
Ammunitioning is no regularly used term for Police, while seat belt is no major concern for military personnel.
Old does not mean bad. It well can mean technological perfection.
A 1911 is a very old design. It is reliable and known. Varieties come by using different materials from aluminium to polymeres. They all will have in common a long barrel ensuring precision, heavy impact ammo use capabilities and a flat design taking little space in storage.
A Glock is offering high magazine capability and simple handling.
Which gun used, depends on the mission and only on the mission.
As a gun manufacturer offering a duty gun you have to understand first your production capabilities based on which design you are able to produce as close to technical perfection as possible. That would be 0.1 percent failure during post-production pre-delivery quality control final checks which is even another stand point.
PS: That's why blunt corruption is so bad. The industrial military complex straight forward kills by corruption, but the very own guys.
04:30 all @ sleep
About at this time I did the last trick and got ready to skate downhill back into the Valley
Everything is silent. It is still nightime. On his Palm it is as dark as it always was here. I understand these lonesome, but not lonely moments just before all gets busy.
The difference is that he only watches is possessions and around to other possessions, but not up into a bright, on cam not visible sky, fuller of stars than Amsterdam South because of lesser light noise. Get one of these, because you like fine nice things, point it at any spot in the sky to understand how much more there is around you where you do not look at or just see nothing not looking closely enough.
Jim & Joe
So, girls. Please, write down a few keywords on this lesson about The Bitch Next Door. Understand, that you will be The Biaaatch and the bored wify is always on our side trying to cut a better deal with the divorce lawyer.
And than we talk about how to get those pics that get us the provision and commission.
.....tip...tip... Tiptiptiptiptiptiptiptip... Tip.... Tiiiip....
Is that so?
NATO is Canonboat Diplomacy made in USA?
I start wondering, if even the right wing nationalists found themselves stuck in a hole to deep for their own good having become the idiot cash cow for bad allies needed during the Cold War.
Stalinism shut down even small businesses and the car came in two colours. My enemies enemy is my friend and also moderate forces in the USA that was anyway becoming the world's powerhouse started collaborating with hardcore war criminals, drugged secret service staff and the greediest of the greedy businessmen.
Everybody understands that we need reforms globally. The gap between rich and poor is bad an neither Sowjet Communism nor Western Capitalism have a solution.
Both turn tyranny, but for the others. Party members have a privileged life and so rich in the credit business, but a good idea is worth shit everywhere no matter how globally important for mankind.
War was always the preferred solution to distract from system threats of a major scale.
We have still most areas of importance to mankind on fire. Iraq is the cradle of human society, Jerusalem the most important town in Religion, Afghanistan part of the oldest trade route known to man, the Sahel and Sahara connected Europe with Black Africa and Latin America faces a continuous drug war from drugs mainly trasapassing.
Our global system of human interaction fails us.
The USA is a trade nation that never bombed it's competition out of business. America as a nation might be bad in competing with Chinese mass production in most other markets, but the Americans are not that nation USA, and the American individuals made America as a nation big. Today the nation kills individualism by trade laws, travell barriers and communication restrictions.
Tight boarders and conflict are the principles of those enemies of the enemy that did not deserve another chance and there is a tiny chance that Trump coming into charge will leave NATO to solve an inner conflict leaving us alone in #TIE
If, than and all gone nuts
So. Imagine this weird shit:
An extremely aggressive human subrace tyrannises for thousands of years especially Europe.
Like the Children Crusade was actually Pygmens.
They never really stand a chance until they start with hard drugs and become scary.
Like the Native Americans were the bad guys and the Cowboys there the good guys.
On Amphetamine, Cockaine and Growth Hormones they all loose it completely and instead of jumping over bushes to attack travelling merchants or march with super large heads into canon fire they try to burn everything down build by other humans and rewrite history their way.
Their biggest Fuehrer in his last hold out then gets murdered by his propaganda bosses little autist daughter, because she wanted to go out playing.
She never came back and instead had a son....who build up at least the Eastern Secret Service and never was photographed, because which sain person would have thought.
Here and hold minute 06:00.
Why I do consider the Gemarns and latest history weird enough to give that hypotheses a try?
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